[Returns: -15%] Sea Mule SL Kayak Trolley

[Returns: -15%] Sea Mule SL Kayak Trolley
- Kayak Trolley
- Silver
62,99 €
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
Top features
Silver kayak trolley with up to 60 kg payload
Lightweight frame made of sturdy anodized aluminium tube - foldable and constructed with detachable parts
Four soft, padded foam support surfaces
Product description
On to new waters! With the DURAMAXX Sea Mule kayak trolley will allow you to easily transport your kayaks and canoes.
The foldable aluminium construction can be loaded with up to 60 kg, while four soft padded foam pads protect the parked boat from damage. So that the boat trailer does not simply roll away, it features a foldable support for stability.
‘Space-saving storage in no time.’
The two rubber pneumatic tires can be dismantled within a few seconds without the use of tools, allowing you to easily transport the construction with detachable parts in the boot of your car or directly in the kayak. Thanks to the car valve, the wheels can be easily filled with air at a service station.
Please note that the securing straps shown in the manual are not supplied.
- Folding prop for stability
- Space-saving folding construction
- Construction with detachable parts (without tools)
- Easy to use
- Finish: anodized - ideal protection against corrosion from salt water, etc.
- Material: aluminium, foam, plastic, rubber
Dimensions and Technical Details
- 58 x 26 x 25.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Aluminium tube diameter: 2 cm (Ø)
- Last band width: 3 cm
- Tire diameter: 26 cm (Ø)
- Tire width: 8.5 cm
- Tire pressure: max. 2 bar
- Weight: about 3 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x device as mounting kit
- 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 4 - 6 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Io lo uso per portare la tavola del windsurf, e fa il suo lavoro egregiamente. Da migliorare le ruote che invece di essere gonfiabili sarebbe meglio fossero piene.
I use it to carry my windsurf board, and it does its job very well. The wheels could be improved, they would be better if they were solid instead of inflatable.
Spettacolare e precisi
Spectacular and precise
Sehr schnelle Lieferung Der Wagen schaut stabil aus und ich hoffe das er meinen Anforderungen standhält.
Very fast delivery. The cart looks sturdy and I hope it meets my requirements.
Veramente un buon prodotto ad un buon prezzo
Really a good product at a good price
Poco stabile ma con qualche modifica si risolve
Not very stable but with some modifications it can be solved
Funktioniert Erst leicht und schön kompakt zu verstauen. Nur beim nutzen sollte man ihn gut festschnallen, am besten mit 2 Gurten. Ansonsten gibt es bisher nichts auszusetzen.
Works First of all, it's light and easy to store compactly. You just need to strap it down properly when using it, ideally with two straps. Otherwise, there's nothing to complain about so far.
Leggero, compatto, fa il suo lavoro con il nostro kajak, ci sembra un buon prodotto.
Lightweight, compact, does the job with our kayak, seems like a good product to us.
Il carrellino l'ho usato per trasportare il SUP; Purtroppo nella confezione mancava una cinghia.
I used the trolley to transport the SUP; unfortunately the package was missing a strap.
Perfetto! Purtroppo però manca una spina per evitare che esca la ruota. Chiederò al fornitore... Al momento ho risolto con una vite.... Aggiornamento: al Fornitore, 5 stelle! Per la disponibilità e la cortesia. Non è stato possibile avere la spina mancante, ma si offerto di o sostituire l'oggetto o di darmi un contributo di 5€. Ho apprezzato e ho accettato quest'ultimo. Grazie!
Perfect! Unfortunately, however, a plug is missing to prevent the wheel from coming off. I will ask the supplier... At the moment I solved it with a screw.... Update: to the Supplier, 5 stars! For their availability and courtesy. It was not possible to have the missing plug, but they offered to either replace the item or give me a contribution of €5. I appreciated it and accepted the latter. Thank you!
Robust und so gut wie die Teueren Kajak passt drauf und er lässt sich Ruck Zuck auseinander nehmen und passt dann problemlos ins Kajak. Preis und Qualität für mich TOP
Robust and as good as the expensive kayaks. It fits on top and can be taken apart in no time and then fits easily into the kayak. Price and quality for me is TOP
Kajak passt drauf und er lässt sich Ruck Zuck auseinander nehmen und passt dann problemlos ins Kajak. Preis und Qualität für mich TOP
Kayak fits on it and it can be taken apart in no time and then fits into the kayak without any problems. Price and quality for me TOP
NON idoneo per canoe gonfiabili grandi tipo Itiwit Decathlon in quanto il carrellino non è largo. Adatto per canoe rigide con scafo stretto. Il prodotto di per sè è valido, robusto, leggero e dotato di ottime ruote con camera d'aria.
NOT suitable for large inflatable canoes such as Itiwit Decathlon as the trolley is not wide. Suitable for rigid canoes with a narrow hull. The product itself is valid, robust, lightweight and equipped with excellent wheels with inner tube.
Molto leggero e pratico da trasportare. Utilizzato per il trasporto del kayak. Alle volte mi si chiude, devo ancora trovare un buon metodo di fissaggio. Dalle istruzioni non ho capito bene il passaggio della cinghia. Per il produttore: sarebbe bello inserire un video di come va fissata la cinghia al carrello. Nel complesso è veramente molto utile, consiglio vivamente
Very light and easy to carry. Used to carry the kayak. Sometimes it closes, I still have to find a good method of fastening. From the instructions I did not understand well the passage of the strap. For the manufacturer: it would be nice to insert a video of how to fasten the strap to the trolley. Overall it is really very useful, I highly recommend it
Transport de paddle.
Transport de paddle.
Prodotto corrispondente alla descrizione, arrivato prima del previsto e ben confezionato. Sembra robusto ma non ho ancora avuto modo di provarlo.
Product corresponding to the description, arrived earlier than expected and well packaged. It seems sturdy but I have not had the chance to try it yet.
Prodotto del tutto in linea con la descrizione, ma purtroppo non è stato possibile adattarlo al mio modello di kayak e ho dovuto richiedere il reso. Il venditore è stato davvero disponibile, il reso è stato completamente gratuito e ho ricevuto il rimborso in pochissimi giorni.
Product completely in line with the description, but unfortunately it was not possible to adapt it to my kayak model and I had to request a return. The seller was really helpful, the return was completely free and I received the refund in just a few days.
Bel carrellino leggero con le ruote che si gonfiano ad aria (arrivano già gonfie) e si montano in un secondo. È compresa una cinghia per il trasporto. Lo uso regolarmente col mio kayak da casa alla spiaggia passando anche su strada bianca e sconnesso. Su spiaggia tende a chiudersi e sgusciare via, è un po' stretto ma legato benefa il suo lavoro. Mi fa portare il kayak in spiaggia comodamente. Sono soddisfatto.
Nice lightweight cart with air-inflated wheels (they arrive already inflated) and can be assembled in a second. A carrying strap is included. I use it regularly with my kayak from home to the beach, even on dirt and bumpy roads. On the beach it tends to close and slip away, it is a little tight but tied it does its job well. It allows me to carry the kayak to the beach comfortably. I am satisfied.
Très satisfait de cet achat
Very satisfied with this purchase
Togliendo il fatto che è arrivato un giorno prima del previsto... questo prodotto è veramente fatto bene. Le ruote sono dei carri armati. Consigliatissimo
Aside from the fact that it arrived a day earlier than expected... this product is really well made. The wheels are like tanks. Highly recommended
Ein wenig höher wäre toll gewesen. Außerdem hatten gern Halterungen für Zurrgurte vorhanden sein dürfen. Apropos, die Zurrgurte waren nicht wie in der Beschreibung dabei und ich habe extra welche bestellen müssen. Damit hatte ich aber auch schon gerechnet, nachdem ich andere Rezensionen gelesen hatte. Aber sonst okay.
A little higher would have been great. In addition, brackets for lashing straps should have been available. Speaking of which, the lashing straps were not included as in the description and I had to order some extra. I was expecting that after reading other reviews. But otherwise okay.
Después de estrenar el carro estoy muy contenta.Esta bien construido y con materiales de calidad y al mismo tiempo es muy ligero.Mi espalda lo agradecerá.Y además es muy bonito de color azul alejado del típico plateado o plástico negro.Justo lo que buscaba.Lo recomiendo.
After using the stroller for the first time, I am very happy. It is well built and made of quality materials, and at the same time it is very light. My back will thank me for it. It is also a very pretty blue color, far from the typical silver or black plastic. Just what I was looking for. I recommend it.
Il est cool pour transporter ma planche a voile les roulements roule très bien très bon produit je recommande
It's cool for transporting my windsurfing board, the bearings roll very well, very good product, I recommend
Es bastante ligero y soporta sin ningún esfuerzo un kayak y equipo necesario para pasar un día, unos 35kg. Es importante colocar bien el carrito para hacer el menos esfuerzo al cargar el kayak. Al ser desmontable a nosotros nos cabe en los tambuchos estancos. Le hemos añadido otra cincha por comodidad ya que con solo una nos daba la impresión de que no era suficiente, tal vez por nuestra inexperiencia. El olor que desprenden los neumáticos no es agradable, pero con un poco de uso desaparece.
It is quite light and can easily support a kayak and the necessary equipment for a day, about 35kg. It is important to position the trolley well to make the least effort when loading the kayak. As it is removable, it fits in the watertight hatches. We have added another strap for convenience, as we felt that just one was not enough, perhaps due to our inexperience. The smell that the tyres give off is not pleasant, but it disappears with a little use.
Habe den Bootswagen bei meiner diesjährigen Kajak Tour benutzt. Vorteile: klein, leicht, durch die abnehmbaren Räder gut verstaubar! Nachteile: Der Spanngurt hält nicht und bei jeder kleiner Bodenwelle verrutscht das Boot! Eine kleine Lasche rechts und links zum fixieren des Gurtes am Bootswagen wäre sehr von Vorteil!
Used the boat cart on my kayak tour this year. Advantages: small, light, easy to stow away thanks to the removable wheels! Disadvantages: The tension belt does not hold and the boat slips with every small bump! A small tab on the right and left to fix the strap on the boat trolley would be very beneficial!
piccolo leggero e maneggevole.
small, light and easy to handle.
Ottimo articolo, puntuale nella consegna e corredato da cinghia di fissaggio per il Kayak
Excellent item, punctual in delivery and supplied with fastening strap for the Kayak
Parfait et très pratique
Perfect and very practical
Alles war bestens immer wieder kann ich nur Empfehelen
Everything was great, I can only recommend it
Kanuwagen Alles war bestens immer wieder kann ich nur Empfehelen
Kanuwagen Everything was great, I can only recommend it
Durch die breiten Räder ist das Boot gut durch den Sand zu schieben. Durch die abnehmbaren Räder ist ein verstauen im Kajak möglich
The boat is easy to push through the sand thanks to the wide wheels. Thanks to the removable wheels, it can be stowed away in the kayak
Juste parfait... Et de plus solide ! Utilisé pour un gonflable.
Just perfect... And more solid! Used for an inflatable.
Prima Preis-Leistungsverhältnis, sehr gute und leichte Bauweise, komfortabel und sicher im Einsatz beim Kajaktransport u.a. auch durch große luftbereifte Räder, mitgelieferter Spanngurt komplettiert Wagen perfekt
Great value for money, very good and light construction, comfortable and safe to use when transporting a kayak, among other things thanks to the large pneumatic wheels, the tensioning strap that is included completes the trolley perfectly
Très pratique pour bouger le canoë seul. Il est conseillé d’avoir 2 sangles supplémentaires pour le fixer sur le chariot.
Very practical for moving the canoe alone. It is advisable to have 2 additional straps to fix it on the trolley.
Great little trolley/cart... makes carrying your boat too and from the water so much easier
Great little trolley/cart... makes carrying your boat too and from the water so much easier
Ein toller Wagen für unser 3er kajak genau das richtige. Die Kommunikation mit dem Verkäufer lief echt super! Wenn unser zweites Boot kommt kaufen wir gern wieder bei euch!
A great car for our 3 person kayak just right. Communication with the seller was really great! When our second boat comes, we will gladly buy from you again!
Klasse Service Ein toller Wagen für unser 3er kajak genau das richtige. Die Kommunikation mit dem Verkäufer lief echt super! Wenn unser zweites Boot kommt kaufen wir gern wieder bei euch!
Great service A great cart for our 3-person kayak, just the right thing. Communication with the seller was really great! When our second boat arrives we'll be happy to buy from you again!
Cartellino usato per il trasporto di un kayak da 3 metri, per andare a pescare. Comodo e pratico, permette di non sfiancarsi spostando il kayak dalla macchina fino all’acqua. Comodo il fissaggio con le cinghie, che vanno ben tese per evitare che la canoa si sfili o ruoti su se stessa. Solido, robusto e pratico.
Tag used for transporting a 3 meter kayak, to go fishing. Convenient and practical, it allows you not to get tired moving the kayak from the car to the water. Convenient fastening with straps, which must be well taut to prevent the canoe from slipping or rotating on itself. Solid, sturdy and practical.
C'est parfait, très pratique et idéal pour mise à l'eau ou sortie de l'eau... Quel plaisir de ne pas porter....
It's perfect, very practical and ideal for getting in or out of the water... What a pleasure not to wear....
C'est un chariot qui convient à ce que je recherchais puisque je dois faire 300m à pied pour profiter de belles virées sur une rivière. Un petit bémol : ça concerne le maintien du canoë sur le chariot sur lequel il n'est pas prévu de boucles pour passer la sangle
This is a trolley that suits what I was looking for since I have to walk 300m to enjoy beautiful trips on a river. A small downside: it concerns the maintenance of the canoe on the trolley on which there are no loops to pass the strap
Carrellino comodo, non proprio leggerissimo, la canoa va legata molto bene altrimenti salta giù al primo ostacolo, le ruote di gomma puzzano molto di gomma, ma sono robuste e ampie
Comfortable trailer, not exactly light, the canoe must be tied very well otherwise it will fall off at the first obstacle, the rubber wheels smell a lot of rubber, but they are sturdy and wide
Kdo de noel
Who de noel
Utilisé à la mer cet été, aucun problème.
Used at sea this summer, no problems.
utilisé pour déplacer mon flatform Flex, impeccable.
used to move my Flex flatform, impeccable.
È davvero ben fatto. Corredato di una cinghia per legare il kayak. Avevo dubbi sul funzionamento perché alcune recensioni di questi carrelli dicevano che con le canoe gonfiabili non si potevano usare, invece va benissimo. Dal campeggio al lago c erano circa 100 metri di distanza e una discesa con due curve strette, ma è molto manovrabile e da solo non ho avuto problemi a portarlo. Anche nella sabbia si riesce a tirare senza problemi.
It is really well made. It comes with a strap to tie the kayak. I had doubts about its functioning because some reviews of these carts said that they could not be used with inflatable canoes, but it works fine. From the campsite to the lake there were about 100 meters of distance and a descent with two sharp curves, but it is very maneuverable and I had no problems carrying it alone. Even in the sand you can pull it without problems.
Ideal para mis necesidades y muy buena calidad y rapidez en la entrega
Ideal for my needs and very good quality and fast delivery
Super chariot et visserie en inox , de bonne qualité
Super trolley and stainless steel screws, good quality
Livraison conforme (délai + produit). Facile à monter. Ne prend pas beaucoup de place.
Delivery compliant (deadline + product). Easy to assemble. Doesn't take up much space.
Rápido para uso le falta unas evillas para enganchar la cincha para sujetar el kayak
Quick to use, it lacks some buckles to attach the strap to hold the kayak
leggerezza e finitura. E' un po' piccolo per il Galaxy supernova che è largo sui 90 tuttavia regge bene il peso notevole oltre 40kg con seggiolino e pedali. Bisogna cinghiarlo bene con più tiranti per evitare che si sposti soprattutto su terreni sconnessi. Le ruote sono un po' pesanti quando poi lo devi imbarcare sarebbero opzionabili ruote più leggere. Tutto sommato il giudizio è positivo anche se forse con il mio kayak era meglio una maggiore larghezza tra le ruote. E' una prima impressione va valutato meglio sul terreno.
lightness and finish. It is a bit small for the Galaxy supernova which is about 90 wide, however it holds the considerable weight of over 40kg with seat and pedals. It needs to be well secured with multiple tie rods to prevent it from moving especially on uneven terrain. The wheels are a bit heavy when you then have to embark it, lighter wheels would be an option. All in all the judgment is positive even if perhaps with my kayak a greater width between the wheels would have been better. It is a first impression that should be better evaluated on the ground.
pratique et de bonne qualité
practical and good quality
Chariot compact permettant, une fois les roues démontées, de ne pas prendre trop de place sur le kayak. Les roues sont livrées dégonflées et équipées de valve Schrader, du type pneu de voiture. Il est possible d'utiliser une pompe à vélo à la condition d'avoir un adaptateur. La courroie livrée est suffisamment longue pour un kayak de mer assez large (78 cm). Malheureusement, ce chariot n'est pas très adapté pour les kayaks de mer du type Frenzy, Scrambler ou Caper, c'est à dire des kayaks dont le fond est loin d'être plat. Néanmoins, l'utilisation de ce chariot est encore possible sur ce type de kayak à condition de l'installer bien au centre de l'embarcation et en serrant bien la courroie.
Compact trolley allowing, once the wheels are removed, not to take up too much space on the kayak. The wheels are delivered deflated and equipped with Schrader valve, of the car tire type. It is possible to use a bicycle pump provided you have an adapter. The strap supplied is long enough for a fairly wide sea kayak (78 cm). Unfortunately, this trolley is not very suitable for sea kayaks of the Frenzy, Scrambler or Caper type, i.e. kayaks whose bottom is far from flat. However, the use of this trolley is still possible on this type of kayak provided that it is installed well in the center of the boat and the strap is tightened well.
J'ai acheté ce chariot pour transporter 2 paddles depuis ma voiture vers la mer. Très simple à utiliser et peu encombrant.
I bought this cart to transport 2 paddles from my car to the sea. Very easy to use and space-saving.
Dopo aver considerato diversi altri prodotti concorrenti su Amazon, la mia scelta è caduta su questo prodotto un po' per non spendere troppo e un po' per aver qualcosa di leggero e facilmente trasportabile quando non è in uso. Scelta decisamente azzeccata. Certo le gomme puzzano un po' all'inizio, ma una volta gonfiate e lasciate una giornata all'aperto, lo sgradevole odore è sparito. Facilissimo il montaggio, a prova di inesperto, ma semmai non ce la facesse ugualmente, le istruzioni lo aiutano, anche nell'uso
After considering several other competing products on Amazon, my choice fell on this product partly to avoid spending too much and partly to have something light and easily transportable when not in use. Definitely a good choice. Sure, the tires smell a bit at first, but once inflated and left outside for a day, the unpleasant smell disappeared. Very easy to assemble, even for the novice, but if you still can't do it, the instructions help, even in use
Ich habe bereits den 2. Duramaxx Sea Mule • Kajakwagen gekauft, weil ich mit dem 1. voll zufrieden war. Wir haben 2 Kajaks und können jetzt beide gleichzeitig transportieren ....Leider fehlt laut Lieferumfang bei beiden Bestellungen jeweils der 2. Spanngurt. Deswegen die Abwertung auf 4 Sterne.
I have already bought the 2nd Duramaxx Sea Mule • kayak trolley because I was completely satisfied with the 1st. We have 2 kayaks and can now transport both at the same time... Unfortunately, according to the scope of delivery, the 2nd strap is missing for both orders. Hence the devaluation to 4 stars.
Encantado, duplico el pedido lo devolví el que se había duplicado y con el otro encantado super cómodo super fácil de desmontar y montar.... perfecto
Delighted, I duplicated the order, I returned the one that had been duplicated and with the other one I am delighted, super comfortable, super easy to disassemble and assemble.... perfect
I've been using this trolly for a few weeks now and I have to say I love it. I thought it was a little expensive when I purchased it but it is worth every penny. It's very well made and folds down nicely to fit into the kayak when not in use.
I've been using this trolly for a few weeks now and I have to say I love it. I thought it was a little expensive when I purchased it but it is worth every penny. It's very well made and folds down nicely to fit into the kayak when not in use.
Bon produit qui convient parfaitement à son usage ! Facilement démontable pour le coffre d'une voiture, mais le plastique des roues dégage une odeur forte !!! Donc à fermer dans un sac pour éviter de Réprendre celle-ci dans toute la voiture ou maison .,
Good product that is perfectly suited to its use! Easily removable for the trunk of a car, but the plastic of the wheels gives off a strong smell!!! So close it in a bag to avoid taking it all over the car or house.,
Ein Wagen für's Boot war schon lange mal fällig. Was für ein Hickhack ist das immer, das Teil irgendwie auf einer Schubkasse zum Wasser zu befördern. Egal wie viel man schnürt, es hält ja doch nicht... Dieser Kajakwagen ist da ne ganz andere Nummer, viel einfacher zu bedienen, leicht zu verstauen und da hält das Boot auch drauf. Damit kann man sein Boot sogar alleine transportieren. Beim Auspacken fallen zwei Sachen auf. Zum sind stehen in der Anleitung Spanngurte erwähnt, die allerdings nicht mitgeliefert werden. Das steht auch groß in der Produktbeschreibung. Macht aber nichts, denn jeder Spanngurt für Autogepäckträger oder sogar ein einfacher Koffergurt sind geeignet, um das Boot am Wagen zu befestigen. Eine andere Sache ist aber nicht zu übersehen oder besser gesagt zu "überriechen". Die Räder haben nämlich einen unfassbar intensiven, chemischen Geruch. Sie in der Wohnung zu lagern ist schlicht nicht möglich. Zum Glück haben wir dafür ein Gartenhäuschen, da stört das nicht. Nach 10 Tagen war der Geruch übrigens immer noch da und ich bin gespannt, ob er jemand komplett verfliegt. Rein technisch gibt es aber nichts zu bemängeln. Das Aluminiumgestänge ist prima gearbeitet und lässt sich mit einem Handgriff aufklappen. Die Räder werden mit zwei Splinten befestigt, was ganz einfach und schnell zu machen ist und dann bombenfest hält. Das geniale an diesem System ist, dass der Wagen klein und handlich verstaut werden kann, wenn er nicht benötigt wird. Die Splinte können bei abgenommenen Rädern wieder am Gestänge befestigt werden, so dass sie nicht verloren gehen. Ein Knüller sind natürlich auch die Räder. Sie sind aus Gummi und mit Luft gefüllt. Damit sind sie deutlich hochwertiger als bei vielen anderen Wagen, die mit Vollgummirädern arbeiten. Und leichter sind sie dadurch natürlich auch. Ausprobiert haben wir den Wagen mit zwei verschiedenen Booten. Das alte Faltboot aus der DDR hat sich nicht ganz so gut befestigen lassen, weil es nach unten ein bisschen spitzer ist. Bis zum Fluss sind wir trotzdem gekommen :) Perfekt geklappt hat es mit einem dieser Boote, die komplett aus Kunststoff sind. Solche, wie man sie im Verleih bekommt. In der Anwendung und von der Technik her ist der Wagen also wirklich super, nur der penetrante Geruch hat mich einen Stern abziehen lassen. (Hinweis: Ich habe das Produkt als kostenfreies Rezensionsexemplar erhalten, es aber so rezensiert, als hätte ich es gekauft, um einem potenziellen Kunden einen möglichst fairen und hilfreichen Eindruck zu vermitteln.)
A car for the boat was long overdue. What a snag it is always to somehow get the part to the water on a drawer. It doesn't matter how much you lace up, it doesn't hold up... This kayak trolley is a completely different thing, much easier to use, easy to stow away and the boat also holds on to it. So you can even transport your boat alone. When unpacking, two things stand out. Tension belts are mentioned in the instructions, but these are not included. This is also in the product description. But it doesn't matter, because any lashing strap for car luggage racks or even a simple luggage strap is suitable for attaching the boat to the car. Another thing is not to be overlooked or rather "oversmelled". The wheels have an incredibly intense, chemical smell. It is simply not possible to store them in the apartment. Luckily we have a garden shed for this, so it doesn't bother us. By the way, after 10 days the smell was still there and I'm curious if it will go away completely for someone. From a purely technical point of view, however, there is nothing to complain about. The aluminum rods are well made and can be opened with a flick of the wrist. The wheels are attached with two cotter pins, which is easy and quick to do and then holds tight. The ingenious thing about this system is that the trolley can be stowed away small and handy when not in use. The cotter pins can be reattached to the linkage with the wheels removed so they don't get lost. Of course, the wheels are also a hit. They are made of rubber and filled with air. This makes them significantly higher quality than many other trolleys that work with solid rubber wheels. And of course they are lighter as a result. We tried the car with two different boats. The old folding boat from the GDR was not quite as easy to attach because it is a bit more pointed at the bottom. We still managed to get to the river :) One of these boats, which are made entirely of plastic, worked perfectly. The kind you get for hire. In terms of use and technology, the car is really great, only the penetrating smell made me deduct a star. (Note: I received the product as a free review copy, but reviewed it as if I had bought it to give a potential customer the fairest and most helpful impression possible.)
Perfekt für den Boottransport und sehr gut zu verstauen. Ein Wagen für's Boot war schon lange mal fällig. Was für ein Hickhack ist das immer, das Teil irgendwie auf einer Schubkasse zum Wasser zu befördern. Egal wie viel man schnürt, es hält ja doch nicht... Dieser Kajakwagen ist da ne ganz andere Nummer, viel einfacher zu bedienen, leicht zu verstauen und da hält das Boot auch drauf. Damit kann man sein Boot sogar alleine transportieren. Beim Auspacken fallen zwei Sachen auf. Zum sind stehen in der Anleitung Spanngurte erwähnt, die allerdings nicht mitgeliefert werden. Das steht auch groß in der Produktbeschreibung. Macht aber nichts, denn jeder Spanngurt für Autogepäckträger oder sogar ein einfacher Koffergurt sind geeignet, um das Boot am Wagen zu befestigen. Eine andere Sache ist aber nicht zu übersehen oder besser gesagt zu "überriechen". Die Räder haben nämlich einen unfassbar intensiven, chemischen Geruch. Sie in der Wohnung zu lagern ist schlicht nicht möglich. Zum Glück haben wir dafür ein Gartenhäuschen, da stört das nicht. Nach 10 Tagen war der Geruch übrigens immer noch da und ich bin gespannt, ob er jemand komplett verfliegt. Rein technisch gibt es aber nichts zu bemängeln. Das Aluminiumgestänge ist prima gearbeitet und lässt sich mit einem Handgriff aufklappen. Die Räder werden mit zwei Splinten befestigt, was ganz einfach und schnell zu machen ist und dann bombenfest hält. Das geniale an diesem System ist, dass der Wagen klein und handlich verstaut werden kann, wenn er nicht benötigt wird. Die Splinte können bei abgenommenen Rädern wieder am Gestänge befestigt werden, so dass sie nicht verloren gehen. Ein Knüller sind natürlich auch die Räder. Sie sind aus Gummi und mit Luft gefüllt. Damit sind sie deutlich hochwertiger als bei vielen anderen Wagen, die mit Vollgummirädern arbeiten. Und leichter sind sie dadurch natürlich auch. Ausprobiert haben wir den Wagen mit zwei verschiedenen Booten. Das alte Faltboot aus der DDR hat sich nicht ganz so gut befestigen lassen, weil es nach unten ein bisschen spitzer ist. Bis zum Fluss sind wir trotzdem gekommen :) Perfekt geklappt hat es mit einem dieser Boote, die komplett aus Kunststoff sind. Solche, wie man sie im Verleih bekommt. In der Anwendung und von der Technik her ist der Wagen also wirklich super, nur der penetrante Geruch hat mich einen Stern abziehen lassen. (Hinweis: Ich habe das Produkt als kostenfreies Rezensionsexemplar erhalten, es aber so rezensiert, als hätte ich es gekauft, um einem potenziellen Kunden einen möglichst fairen und hilfreichen Eindruck zu vermitteln.)
Perfect for transporting boats and very easy to store. A trolley for the boat has been overdue for a long time. What a hassle it is to somehow get the thing to the water on a trolley. No matter how much you tie it down, it doesn't hold... This kayak trolley is a completely different story, much easier to use, easy to store and the boat stays on it. You can even transport your boat on your own with it. When unpacking, two things stand out. Firstly, the instructions mention tensioning straps, but these are not included. This is also stated in large letters in the product description. But that doesn't matter, because any tensioning strap for a car luggage rack or even a simple suitcase strap is suitable for securing the boat to the trolley. But there is another thing that cannot be overlooked, or rather "oversmelled". The wheels have an incredibly intense, chemical smell. Storing them in the apartment is simply not possible. Luckily we have a garden shed for that, so it doesn't matter. After 10 days, the smell was still there and I'm curious to see if it disappears completely. From a purely technical point of view, there is nothing to complain about. The aluminum frame is well made and can be opened up in one easy move. The wheels are attached with two split pins, which is very easy and quick to do and then holds rock solid. The ingenious thing about this system is that the cart can be stowed away small and handy when it is not needed. The split pins can be reattached to the frame when the wheels are removed so that they don't get lost. The wheels are also a real hit. They are made of rubber and filled with air. This makes them much higher quality than many other carts that use solid rubber wheels. And of course they are lighter as a result. We tried out the cart with two different boats. The old folding boat from the GDR was not quite as easy to attach because it is a bit more pointed at the bottom. We still made it to the river :) It worked perfectly with one of those boats that are made entirely of plastic. The kind you can rent. The boat is really great in terms of use and technology, but the penetrating smell made me take a star off. (Note: I received the product as a free review copy, but I reviewed it as if I had bought it in order to give a potential customer the fairest and most helpful impression possible.)
In estate si svolgono molte attività a contatto con la natura, spesso in acqua, quindi diventa molto utile avere il carrello kajak trolley Sea Mule SL Duramaxx. Un carrello poco ingombrante, richiudibile e che si smonta in pochi minuti, in grado di sostenere e accompagnare kajak, canoe e altri mezzi acquatici dal peso massimo di 60 Kg. Il carrello kajak trolley Sea Mule SL Duramaxx è molto leggero e resistente grazie al telaio in tubolare di alluminio anodizzato, con ben quattro punti di appoggio imbottiti e morbidi in grado di mantenere fermo il kajak o la canoa ammortizzandone eventuali scossoni dovuti ai dislivelli della pavimentazione, grazie anche alle morbide ruote. Il cavalletto a perno consente stabilità una volta raggiunta la posizione di alloggiamento a terra del kajak, che non subirà danneggiamenti o deformazioni alla struttura esterna grazie ai manicotti imbottiti e morbidi. Le ruote, in gomma, sono facilmente removibili e inseribili senza utilizzare attrezzi di nessun genere, inoltre la camera d’aria dotata di valvola permette di gonfiarle facilmente all’occorrenza. Una volta rimossi gli pneumatici, il carrello si richiude e occupa pochissimo spazio, trovo sia davvero pratico e geniale. Noi passiamo molto tempo al mare, e questo carrello torna utile per trasportare il gommone che usiamo per i bambini (con all’interno i vari giochi da spiaggia) senza fare sforzi eccessivi: basta posizionare il carrello al centro sotto base del mezzo acquatico, e si spinge in modo delicato. Per sicurezza è preferibile assicurare il tutto con delle cinghie, che non sono incluse nella confezione.
In summer there are many activities in contact with nature, often in the water, so it becomes very useful to have the Sea Mule SL Duramaxx trolley kayak. A space-saving trolley, which can be closed and disassembled in a few minutes, capable of supporting and accompanying kayaks, canoes and other water vehicles with a maximum weight of 60 kg. The Sea Mule SL Duramaxx trolley kayak trolley is very light and resistant thanks to the in anodized aluminum tubing, with four soft padded support points able to keep the kayak or canoe still, cushioning any jolts due to the unevenness of the flooring, thanks also to the soft wheels. The pivot stand allows stability once the kayak has been placed on the ground, which will not be damaged or deformed to the external structure thanks to the soft padded sleeves. The rubber wheels are easily removable and insertable without using tools of any kind, furthermore the inner tube equipped with a valve allows them to be easily inflated if necessary. Once the tires have been removed, the trolley closes and takes up very little space, I find it really practical and ingenious. We spend a lot of time at the beach, and this trolley is useful for transporting the dinghy we use for the children (with the various beach toys inside) without making excessive efforts: just place the trolley in the center under the base of the aquatic vehicle, and it pushes gently. For safety, it is preferable to secure everything with straps, which are not included in the package.