Sprizzz Irrigation System

36,99 € (incl. VAT)
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  • Irrigation system
  • Black
Product number: 10029454
Sprizzz Irrigation System
36,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Uncomplicated garden irrigation system for fresh lawns and succulent plants

  • Perfect for cooling off on hot summer days: fine spray mist for cool freshness on the terrace or in the sitting area

  • 10 metres of hose for optimum irrigation through individual layout

Product description

Cool freshness in the garden! The DURAMAXX Sprizzz overhead irrigation system distributes cool water in a refreshing spray mist, easily ensuring fresh greenery in flowerbeds and on the lawn and providing pleasant coolness on the terrace or seating area.

Here comes the refreshment not just for thirsty flowers, shrubs and grass, but for everyone looking for cool and refreshment in the garden. The DURAMAXX Sprizzz irrigation system brings water to where it is needed in the garden, simply and conveniently. Ten metres of hose can be cut to meet your exact needs and according to your desired irrigation area. Up to 8 nozzles distribute refreshing water as a fine spray throughout the area, thus ensuring a comprehensive watering of lawns or flowerbeds. The fine overhead irrigation mist not only distributes water, but can also be used to efficiently distribute fertiliser or cool down summer temperatures on the terrace or in the pergola. With the DURAMAXX Sprizzz water misting system, your time outdoors is cool and refreshing. The included nail clamps and loop terminals serve to attach the hose system and keep it securely in place even at higher water pressure.

Revitalizing spray for plants, animals and humans: the DURAMAXX Sprizzz irrigation system ensures a lasting freshness in the garden.


  • Easy installation via nozzle couplings with plug nipples
  • Includes loop terminals and nail clamps for securing
  • Water droplets smaller than 70 micrometers (1 micrometer = 1/1000 mm)
  • Also suitable for uniform and surface-covering distribution of liquid fertiliser
  • Material spray nozzles: brass
  • Material hose: vinyl
  • Includes faucet adapter and plugs
Product number: 10029454

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Hose length: 10 m
  • Weight: about 0.5 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x hose (10 m)
  • 8 x hose coupling
  • 8 x spray nozzle
  • 1 x sealing plug
  • 8 x loop terminal
  • 8 x nail clamp
  • 1 x faucet adapter
  • Manual in English (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

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Customer reviews
5 Ratings

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Wir haben einen Gemüsegarten, der bei so heißem Wetter wie momentan 1 oder 2 mal am Tag bewässert werden muss. Das ist kein Problem wenn wir Zuhause sind, aber wenn wir mal wegfahren muss es meine Schwiegermutter allein machen. Da sie 80 ist und an Krücken geht ist das sehr aufwändig für sie. Wir haben also nach einer Lösung gesucht, das es für sie leichter macht und sind bei dem DURAMAXX Bewässerungssystem gelandet. Es kommt ein kleineres Paket an als ich erwartet habe. Innen findet man einen 10 Meter Schlauch, 1 Wasserhahn Adapter mit Anschluss für den Garten Wasserhahn, 1 Clickteil für den Adapter, 8 Düsenkupplungen, 8 Messing Düsen, 8 Schlaufenklammern, 8 Nagelschellen, 1 Verschluss-Stopfen und eine Anleitung. Diese ist in Englisch und Deutsch und sehr gut geschrieben. Schnell versteht man was man machen muss um sich sein System zusammen zu bauen. Am besten entscheidet man zuerst wo das System hin soll, denn man passt die Düsen dann ja genau darauf an. Die Messing Düsen werden in die Düsenkupplungen geschraubt. Man misst nun aus wie weit die erste Düse vom Wasserhahn sein soll. Dementsprechend schneidet man ein Stück Schlauch ab. Nun muss eine Düsenkupplung an den Schlauch gesteckt werden und an die andere Seite wieder Schlauch. Man kann die 10 Meter Schlauch ganz nach Bedarf abschneiden und die Düsenkupplungen dazwischen stecken. Das Adapter Stück wird nun an den Wasserhahn geschraubt und das Clickteil wird eingesteckt. Den Schlauch kann man auf 2 Arten anbringen. Entweder man klemmt ihn an ein Gitter, Stäbe oder ein Band mit den Schlaufenklammern oder man bringt ihn an einer Wand mit den Schellen an. Man kann ihn natürlich auch einfach in ein Beet legen und mit einer Art Hering im Boden befestigen. Man muss dann nur noch den Wasserhahn anmachen und die Bewässerung beginnt. Ganz vorne am Schlauch funktionierte das auch wirklich super und man hat einen feinen Nebel bekommen. Zwischendrin waren aber immer wieder welche die entweder nur tröpfelten oder gar nicht gingen. (Bei einem vollen 10 Meter Schlauch in Nutzung). Wenn man die Düsen raus schraubte war Wasser vorhanden, also scheint mit einigen Düsen etwas nicht zu stimmen. Das System an sich finde ich sehr gut. Das man erst etwas basteln muss um es nutzen zu können finde ich nicht schlimm, denn nur so hat man es passend für seine Pflanzen. Wir werden nun probieren die Düsen mal mit einer feinen Nadel frei zu bekommen und ich hoffe dann funktionieren alle Düsen.

We have a vegetable garden that needs to be watered 1 or 2 times a day when the weather is as hot as it is now. It's not a problem when we're at home, but when we go away my mother-in-law has to do it herself. Since she is 80 and uses crutches, it is very time-consuming for her. So we looked for a solution that would make it easier for them and ended up with the DURAMAXX irrigation system. A smaller package arrived than I expected. Inside you will find a 10 meter hose, 1 tap adapter with connection for the garden tap, 1 click part for the adapter, 8 nozzle couplings, 8 brass nozzles, 8 loop clips, 8 nail clips, 1 sealing plug and instructions. This is in English and German and very well written. You quickly understand what you have to do to build your system together. It is best to first decide where the system should go, because then you adjust the nozzles exactly to it. The brass nozzles are screwed into the nozzle couplings. You now measure how far the first nozzle should be from the tap. Accordingly, a piece of hose is cut off. Now a nozzle coupling must be attached to the hose and hose to the other side again. You can cut the 10 meter hose as needed and put the nozzle couplings in between. The adapter piece is now screwed to the tap and the click part is inserted. The hose can be attached in 2 ways. Either you clamp it to a trellis, rods or a band with the loop clamps or you attach it to a wall with the clamps. Of course, you can also simply place it in a bed and attach it to the ground with a kind of peg. All you have to do then is turn on the tap and watering begins. It worked really well at the front of the hose and you got a fine mist. In between there were always some who either just dribbled or didn't go at all. (In use with a full 10 meter hose). When you unscrewed the jets, there was water, so there seems to be something wrong with some of the jets. I think the system itself is very good. I don't think it's a bad thing that you first have to tinker something in order to be able to use it, because that's the only way you have it suitable for your plants. We will now try to get the nozzles free with a fine needle and I hope that all the nozzles will work.


Ogni anno si ripresenta il mio incubo: uscire la sera per bagnare i fiori e le piante del mio giardino immolandomi spontaneamente alle zanzare. Ho due alternative: cospargermi ogni volta di repellente per zanzare (e quando fa caldo aumenta ancora di più il senso di appicicaticcio) o pensare a qualcuno - o in questo caso - qualcosa che se ne occupi al posto mio. Quest'anno ho provato la soluzione di Duramaxx e devo dire che sta andando a gonfie vele. Vi viene consegnata una scatola di robusto cartone bianco che contiene diversi accessori per costruire il vostro sistema di irrigazione, tra cui: un tubo flessibile della lunghezza di 10 mt 8 raccordi per il tubo flessibile 8 micro irrigatori 1 tappo di chiusura tubo 8 anelli a morsetto 8 collarini 1 adattatore per rubinetto Le istruzioni sono in tedesco e in inglese, ma ci sono delle chiarissime figure che aiutano a capire come muoversi. Inoltre, direi, che è anche abbastanza intuitivo. Ho provato a fotografare l'effetto che fa nel mio piccolo giardino per farvi vedere lo spruzzo. Va da sé che ognuno poi può posizionarlo come meglio crede, tenendo il cavo a terra interrato oppure ancorato al muro o alle piante con gli appositi gancetti forniti. Comunque montarlo risulta davvero semplice. L'unica cosa che mi preme è dire che serve prima aver studiato per bene il posizionamento degli irrigatori ed evitare di tagliare il tubo a caso. Il tubo nero è robusto e credo che, se anche lasciato sotto il sole tutta l'estate non si tagli (al caso vi avviserò). L'effetto che produce è davvero di una bella nuvola d'acqua nebulizzata. L'adattatore per rubinetto si adatta perfettamente ad una fontanella standard o ad un rubinetto standard. Ho calcolato che lasciando l'acqua aperta a getto continuo in mezz'ora le mie aiuole risultano ben bagnate. In pratica, con solo due orette di montaggio e con una spesa adeguata, ho risolto il mio problema e sono talmente soddisfatta che vorrei prendere ancora un kit per ampliare la superficie da nebulizzare.

Every year my nightmare comes back: going out in the evening to water the flowers and plants in my garden by spontaneously sacrificing myself to the mosquitoes. I have two alternatives: sprinkle myself with mosquito repellent every time (and when it's hot the feeling of stickiness increases even more) or think of someone - or in this case - something to take care of it for me. I tried Duramaxx's solution this year and I have to say it is going great. You will receive a sturdy white cardboard box which contains various accessories for building your irrigation system, including: a flexible hose 10 m long 8 hose connectors 8 micro sprinklers 1 hose closure cap 8 clamp rings 8 collars 1 tap adapter The instructions are in German and English, but there are very clear figures that help you understand how to get around. Also, I'd say, it's also quite intuitive. I tried to photograph the effect it has in my small garden to show you the spray. It goes without saying that everyone can then position it as they see fit, keeping the cable in the ground or anchored to the wall or to the plants with the special hooks provided. However, putting it together is really simple. The only thing I care about is to say that you need to have studied the positioning of the sprinklers first and avoid cutting the pipe at random. The black tube is sturdy and I believe that, even if left in the sun all summer long, it won't cut (I'll let you know). The effect it produces is really a beautiful cloud of nebulised water. The faucet adapter fits perfectly on a standard drinking fountain or standard faucet. I have calculated that by leaving the water running continuously in half an hour my flowerbeds are well wet. Basically, with only two hours of assembly and with an adequate expense, I solved my problem and I'm so satisfied that I would like to buy another kit to expand the surface to be sprayed.


Un prodotto davvero utile per gli amanti del giardinaggio, grazie ad esso irrigare il proprio giardinetto sarà davvero semplice e veloce. La confezione a suo interno contiene tutto il necessario per utilizzare il prodotto, tra cui: 1 x tubo flessibile (10 m) 8 x raccordi per tubo flessibile 8 x micro irrigatori 1 x tappo di fine linea 8 x anelli a morsetto 8 x collarini per cavi 1 x adattatore per rubinetto Peccato per il manuale utente non in italiano, ma il montaggio è molto semplice ed intuitivo. Il cavo essendo 10 metri riesce a coprire gran parte del vostro giardino, anche con giardini di medie dimensioni, nel caso potrete sempre acquistarne 2. I materiali sembrano essere di buona qualità, duraturi e resistenti . Il tubo può essere sia agganciato al muro, cosa al quanto sconsigliata perché solitamente si staccano oppure può essere tranquillamente interrato. Ho regalato il prodotto a mio padre in quanto ha un piccolo orto, in questo modio può irrigare le proprie piante senza alcun tipo di sforzo. Il prezzo è nella norma.

A really useful product for gardening lovers, thanks to it watering your garden will be really simple and fast. The pack contains everything you need to use the product including: 1 x hose (10m) 8 x hose fittings 8 x micro sprinklers 1 x end cap 8 x clamp rings 8 x hose collars cables 1 x tap adapter Too bad for the user manual not in Italian, but the assembly is very simple and intuitive. The cable being 10 meters can cover a large part of your garden, even with medium-sized gardens, if you can always buy 2. The materials appear to be of good quality, long-lasting and resistant. The pipe can either be hooked to the wall, which is not recommended because they usually detach, or it can be easily buried. I gave the product to my father as he has a small vegetable garden, in this way he can irrigate his plants without any kind of effort. The price is normal.


Se amate la natura, avete un giardino o anche solo una piccola aiuola sapete già che fatica si fa per irrigare tutti i fiori, arbusti e quant’altro, è spesso scomodo trasportare secchi pieni d’acqua, si sporca in giro e si perde del prezioso tempo. Questo prodotto una volta montato risolve tutti questi problemi con semplicità ed eleganza! CONFEZIONE Un po’ anonima ma non ci si deve fare ingannare da questo all’interno è strapieno di accessori, oltre ad un tubo di 10 metri pronto a far scorrere la nostra acqua! Dentro troviamo quindi 1 x tubo flessibile (10 m) 8 x raccordi per tubo flessibile 8 x micro irrigatori 1 x tappo di fine linea 8 x anelli a morsetto 8 x collarini per cavi 1 x adattatore per rubinetto Manuale di istruzioni in tedesco e inglese COSTRUZIONE il Kit, e non esiste modo più corretto per poterlo definire, appare subito come robusto e completo, molto duraturo visto che è pensato per vivere in ambienti esterni con frequenti sbalzi di temperatura ed agenti atmosferici, sotto questo punto di vista davvero nessun tipo di problema, promosso a pieni voti. COME VA Farvi vedere montato il KIT è un po’ complicato per varie ragioni che potete immaginare, il tubo va interrato per un lavoro perfetto e gli spruzzi sulla terra sono praticamente quasi invisibili, ma parlando di usabilità vi dico la mia in maniera testuale: 10 metri sono si tanti, ma se avete il rubinetto lontano non bastano proprio e dovete allungare il KIT, kit che vedo adatto per una aiuola di medie dimensioni che grazie agli 8 spruzzi risulta innaffiata senza alcun problema di sorta. Per il resto il montaggio è semplice, basta seguire le intuitive istruzioni o andare anche ad occhio: Vi consiglio di interrare il tubo e non usare i gancetti con chiodo a muro che si staccano molto presto anche solo con la pressione dell’acqua e di verificare eventuali perdite prima di coprire con terra il tutto. Un kit quindi per chi necessita di irrigazione semplice, economica e veloce senza star dietro a troppe robe e con una semplicità disarmante!

If you love nature, have a garden or even just a small flower bed, you already know how hard it is to irrigate all the flowers, shrubs and so on, it is often inconvenient to carry buckets full of water, it gets dirty around and precious time. Once assembled, this product solves all these problems with simplicity and elegance! PACKAGING A little anonymous but one must not be fooled by this inside it is full of accessories, as well as a 10-meter hose ready to let our water flow! Inside we therefore find 1 x hose (10 m) 8 x hose connectors 8 x micro sprinklers 1 x end cap 8 x clamp rings 8 x cable collars 1 x tap adapter Instruction manual in German and English CONSTRUCTION the Kit, and there is no more correct way to define it, immediately appears as robust and complete, very durable since it is designed to live in outdoor environments with frequent changes in temperature and atmospheric agents, from this point of view really no problem , passed with full marks. HOW IT WORKS Showing you the KIT assembled is a bit complicated for various reasons that you can imagine, the pipe must be buried for a perfect job and the splashes on the ground are practically almost invisible, but speaking of usability, I'll tell you mine verbatim: 10 meters are many, but if you have the tap far away they are not enough and you have to extend the KIT, a kit that I see is suitable for a medium-sized flower bed which, thanks to the 8 sprays, is watered without any problem whatsoever. For the rest, the assembly is simple, just follow the intuitive instructions or even go by eye: I advise you to bury the pipe and not use the hooks with wall nails which detach very quickly even with just the pressure of the water and to check any leaks before covering everything with earth. A kit therefore for those who need simple, cheap and fast irrigation without keeping up with too many things and with disarming simplicity!


Da wir einen großen Nutzgarten haben mit Gemüse und Salat, haben wir uns schon immer mit dem Gedanken getragen, eine Art Bewässerungssystem zu nutzen. Mit dem DURAMAXX-Bewässerungssystem sind wir der Lösung unseres Problems etwas näher gekommen. Allerdings muss ich sagen, dass ich mir da Ganze schon etwas unkomplizierter vorgestellt hatte. Der erste Eindruck Nach Öffnen der Verpackung kommen diverse Teile zum Vorschein – alles in allem sind es fast 30 Einzelteile, die zwar gruppenzugehörig verpackt sind, aber es ist trotzdem ein ganz schöner Batzen! Lieferumfang • 1 Schlauch, 10 mtr. • 1 Wasserhahnadapter mit Klickanschluss • 8 Düsenkupplungen (mit jeweils zwei Steckverbindungen zum Schlauch) • 8 Messing-Sprühdüsen • 8 Schlaufenklemmen • 8 Nagelschellen • 1 Verschluss-Stopfen • Bedienungsanleitung (DE/EN) Vorarbeiten Um in den Genuss des Vorzuges dieses Bewässerungssystems zu kommen, bedarf es einiger Vorbereitungen, die allerdings schon etwas umständlich sind. Zunächst muss man sich Gedanken machen, wie genau man dieses System anwenden möchte. Der Schlauch muss zunächst passgenau zugeschnitten werden. Hier hat man natürlich die Wahl, diesen Schlauch ganz individuell den Gartengegebenheiten anzupassen. Wir haben uns entschieden, den Schlauch in 8 gleich große Teile zu schneiden. So erhalten wir einen Bewässerungsabschnitt von 8 x 1,25 Metern. Und nun beginnt die eigentliche Arbeit, die ein wenig Geduld erfordert. Um die Schlauchabschnitte mit den jeweiligen Adaptern zu verbinden, ist es einfacher, die Schlauchabschnitte in heißes Wasser zu legen. Das macht das Vinylmaterial geschmeidig und weich. So lassen sich die Adapter ganz einfach einfügen, ohne großen Kraftaufwand. Hat man die Adapter mit dem Schlauch verbunden, schraubt man jetzt die Sprühdüsen ein. Ist diese Arbeit erledigt, kann man nun mit dem abschließenden Teil beginnen. Hierzu wird nun der beigefügte Adapter für den Wasserhahn auf den Schlauch gesteckt. Dieser Adapter ist passend für fast alle normalen Wasserhähne mit Gewinde. Hat man den Schlauch an die Wasserzufuhr gesteckt, kann auch schon mit der Bewässerung begonnen werden. Das Ergebnis Hat man seine „Bastelarbeiten“ abgeschlossen kann man den Schlauch entweder am Gartenbeet entlang laufen lassen, oder mit den mitgelieferten Schlaufenklemmen und den Schellen z.B. oberhalb von Gewächshäusern o.ä. angebracht werden. So werden die bepflanzten Flächen von oben mit Wasser benetzt. Was z.B. für Gurken, Bohnen usw. gut ist. Entscheidet man sich dafür das Bewässerungssystem auf dem Boden entlanglaufen zulassen, so erreicht man mit dem feinen Nebel, der aus den Sprühdüsen kommt eine Bewässerungsfläche von ca. 20 m², da man den Schlauch in Wellenform auslegen kann. Fazit Das Bewässerungssystem von DURAMAXX hat seine klaren Vorteile – allerdings auch den dicken Nachteil, dass man hier einiges an Zeit aufwenden muss, um erst mal in den Genuss dieser Vorteile zu kommen. Außerdem ist diese – zum Teil - sehr kniffelige Arbeit nichts für ältere Menschen, deren Hände nicht mehr so gut greifen können, da die Teile doch recht klein sind (daher auch meine Bewertung mit 4 von 5 Sternen!). Wen dies aber nicht abschreckt, der hat mit dem Bewässerungssystem ein schönes und effizientes Teil erworben. Offenlegung Dieses Produkt wurde mir als kostenloses bzw. preisreduziertes Testprodukt zur Verfügung gestellt. Meine Rezension basiert auf meiner unabhängigen und objektiven Meinung sowie meinen Erfahrungen, die ich mit diesem Produkt gemacht habe.

Since we have a large kitchen garden with vegetables and lettuce, we have always thought about using some kind of irrigation system. With the DURAMAXX irrigation system, we have come a little closer to solving our problem. However, I have to say that I had imagined the whole thing to be a little less complicated. The first impression After opening the packaging, various parts appear - all in all there are almost 30 individual parts, which are packed according to groups, but it's still quite a chunk! Scope of delivery • 1 hose, 10 mtr. • 1 tap adapter with click connection • 8 nozzle couplings (each with two plug-in connections to the hose) • 8 brass spray nozzles • 8 loop clamps • 8 nail clamps • 1 sealing plug • Operating instructions (DE/EN) Preliminary work In order to enjoy the benefits of this irrigation system , it requires some preparations, which are a bit cumbersome. First you have to think about how exactly you want to use this system. The hose must first be cut to fit. Here, of course, you have the choice of individually adapting this hose to the garden conditions. We decided to cut the tubing into 8 equal parts. This gives us an irrigation section of 8 x 1.25 meters. And now the real work begins, which requires a little patience. To connect the hose sections to the respective adapters, it is easier to put the hose sections in hot water. This makes the vinyl material supple and soft. In this way, the adapters can be easily inserted without great effort. Once you have connected the adapter to the hose, you now screw in the spray nozzles. Once this work is done, you can now start with the final part. For this purpose, the attached adapter for the water tap is now plugged onto the hose. This adapter is suitable for almost all normal taps with a thread. Once you have connected the hose to the water supply, you can start watering. The result Once you have finished your "handicraft work" you can either let the hose run along the garden bed or attach it with the supplied loop clamps and clamps, for example above greenhouses or similar. In this way, the planted areas are wetted with water from above. Which is good for eg cucumbers, beans etc. If you decide to let the irrigation system run along the ground, you can achieve an irrigation area of approx. 20 m² with the fine mist that comes from the spray nozzles, as you can lay out the hose in a wave shape. Conclusion The irrigation system from DURAMAXX has its clear advantages - but also the big disadvantage that you have to spend a lot of time here in order to be able to enjoy these advantages. In addition, this - sometimes - very tricky work is not for older people whose hands can no longer grip so well, since the parts are quite small (hence my rating of 4 out of 5 stars!). But if this does not deter you, you have acquired a beautiful and efficient part with the irrigation system. Disclosure This product was provided to me as a free or discounted trial product. My review is based on my independent and objective opinion and experience with this product.