[Returns: -10%] Amalfi Sun Lounger 70 x 37 x 200 cm

[Returns: -10%] Amalfi Sun Lounger 70 x 37 x 200 cm
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
Top features
For sun worshippers: Garden lounger with adjustable backrest and sun visor
Comfortable resting: owing to foam padding and head cushion
5-stage: adjustable backrest for sitting upright or relaxed lying down
- all metal parts powder-coated: no rust or mould
- individually adjustable pillow through elastic band holder
- Foldable for space-saving storage
- pleasantly soft seat and backrest due to 2 cm thick padding
- Easy to move thanks to low weight
- Material thickness frame tubes: 1 mm
- Quick-drying foam padding
- Polyester mesh fabric covering
- max. load: 110 kg
- Available in different colours
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions of the upright backrest: approx. 70 x 130 x 180 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions lowered backrest: approx. 70 x 37 x 200 cm (WxHxD)
- Sun visor dimensions: approx. 62 x 46 cm (WxL)
- Dimensions when folded: approx. 70 x 25 x 85 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions pillow: approx. 36 x 5 x 15 cm (WxHxD)
- Seating area: approx. 70 x 140 cm (WxL)
- Leaning area: approx. 70 x 60 cm (WxL)
- Weight: approx. 8.7 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x sun lounger
- Multilingual user manual
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 4 - 6 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Gemütlich und stabil Diese Liege ist sehr gut verarbeitet und gemütlich. Durch die leichte Polsterung liegt man sehr bequem. Kein Wackeln, alles sehr stabil.
Comfortable and stable This lounger is very well made and comfortable. The light padding makes it very comfortable to lie on. No wobbling, everything is very stable.
Liege grau Sehr schöne Liege, etwas breiter als die meisten und auch die Polsterung fühlt sich gut an. Zur Haltbarkeit kann ich noch nichts sagen, da aufgrund der jetzigen Temperaturen noch nicht im Gebrauch.
Gray lounger Very nice lounger, a bit wider than most and the padding feels good too. I can't say anything about the durability yet as it hasn't been used yet due to the current temperatures.
Gute Qualität mit Mängeln beim Sonnenschutz Super bequeme Liege, allerdings hält die Sonnenschutzlende nicht, rutscht ständig.
Good quality with deficiencies in the sun protection. Super comfortable lounger, but the sun protection does not hold and constantly slips.
Stabiles Teil Ist gute Qualität.Macht stabilen Eintrug Wird verschenkt
Stable part Is good quality.Makes stable entry Will be given away
Très confortable, grand et large. Pliage facile, ne craint pas de rester dehors même avec la pluie.
Very comfortable, large and wide. Easy folding, not afraid to stay outside even with the rain.
Très costaud et robuste. Très belle finition. Toile bien tendue. La largeur est tres appréciable pour le confort. Seul petit truc à travailler : le pare-soleil a tendance à descendre tout seul et à ne pas tenir la position dans laquelle on le met, ceci même si on serre fort les vis de réglage. Mais c’est un produit de grande qualité et nous en sommes ravis.
Very sturdy and robust. Very nice finish. Well-stretched canvas. The width is very appreciable for comfort. Only small thing to work on: the sun visor tends to go down by itself and not hold the position in which you put it, even if you tighten the adjustment screws hard. But it is a high-quality product and we are delighted with it.
Agréablement surprise de la qualité de ce bain de soleil. Le lit est bien large, la toile de qualité. Un peu lourd pour la plage, je vais donc le garder pour ma terrasse.
Pleasantly surprised by the quality of this sun lounger. The bed is very wide, the canvas is of quality. A little heavy for the beach, so I will keep it for my terrace.
Son cómodas pero pesan mucho.
They are comfortable but they weigh a lot.
Très confortable pour la plage. Mais très lourd (penser à prendre un chariot si vous n’avez pas beaucoup de force ). J’ai enlevé une étoile car au bout de 2 utilisations la barre du dessous est déjà un peu rouillée dommage pour un article à ce prix.
Very comfortable for the beach. But very heavy (remember to take a trolley if you don't have much strength). I removed a star because after 2 uses the bottom bar is already a little rusty, too bad for an item at this price.
Ce produit a l'air de bonne qualité, à voir dans le temps. Toutefois, un bémol sur la manœuvre et la fixation du pare soleil. Le serrage par vis des bras du pare soleil est tout à fait inefficace. Dommage, d'où ma cotation de 4 étoiles. La livraison est arrivée dans les temps comme presque toujours.
This product seems to be of good quality, to be seen over time. However, a downside on the operation and fixing of the sun visor. The screw tightening of the sun visor arms is completely ineffective. Too bad, hence my rating of 4 stars. The delivery arrived on time as almost always.
Schöne Liegen Sehr zu empfehlen
Nice loungers Highly recommended
Il lettino è bello e maneggevole, unica pecca il parasole non regge
The cot is nice and easy to handle, the only flaw is that the sunshade doesn't hold up.
Qualität Im Gegensatz zum ähnlichen Ikeateil sehr hochwertig Alles bestens
Quality In contrast to the similar Ikea part very high quality Everything is perfect
Son más grandes que las normales. Muy resistentes. Buenos acabados. Perfectas para jardín, para la playa no las recomiendo pesan bastante y ocupan mucho sitio.
They are larger than normal ones. Very sturdy. Good finishes. Perfect for the garden, but I don't recommend them for the beach, they are quite heavy and take up a lot of space.
Achat réalisé pour remplacer mes anciens en fin de vie , facile a plier , a installer .Coté confort j'ai ajouté des coussins . Solidité dans le temps a voir . Manque peut être une housse , le carton fera l'affaire pour l'hivernage .
Purchase made to replace my old ones at the end of their life, easy to fold, to install. In terms of comfort, I added cushions. Strength over time to be seen. Maybe a cover is missing, the cardboard will do the trick for wintering.
Sehr schöner Liegestuhl Sehr schöner Stuhl, sehr solide und bequem, dabei aber kein zu hohes Gewicht, gut zu tragen. Ich kann ihn nur empfehlen...
Very nice deck chair Very nice chair, very solid and comfortable, but not too heavy, easy to carry. I can only recommend it...
Pour nous rendre a la piscine, elles sont réellement super tand la qualité que le confort !!!
To get to the swimming pool, they are really great both in terms of quality and comfort!!!
Chaise très confortable et facile à ranger.
Very comfortable chair and easy to store.
Gartenliegen - bequem und extra groß Top Liegen, bequem, angenehmes Liegeempfinden, schöne Farbe, sicheres Gefühl hinsichtlich Tragbarkeit, Sauberkeit, leicht einklappbar und durch Schlaufe bequemes Tragen. 70 cm breit. Mir fehlt eine Tasche an der Seite zur Ablage. Und der wichtige Sonnenschutz ist trotz 4 Befestigungen leider nicht fest und kommt ganz langsam beim Liegen einen entgegen. Das ist der einzige Mangel. Für mich war es trotzdem eine gute Kaufentscheidung. Für beide Themen gibt es Lösungen. Muss man halt selber ran.
Garden loungers - comfortable and extra large. Top loungers, comfortable, pleasant to lie on, beautiful color, secure feeling in terms of portability, cleanliness, easy to fold up and comfortable to carry thanks to the loop. 70 cm wide. I'm missing a pocket on the side for storage. And the important sun protection is unfortunately not fixed despite 4 fastenings and comes towards you very slowly when lying down. That's the only problem. For me it was still a good purchase decision. There are solutions for both issues. You just have to do it yourself.
Top-Liege wunderbar bequeme Liege! auch leicht zu handeln
Top lounger wonderfully comfortable lounger! also easy to handle
Artikel ist größtenteils wie beschrieben. Liege ist schön breit und bequem, allerdings sinkt die Sonnenblende, wie von anderen Käufern ebenfalls schon kritisiert, öfters ab. Hier sollte man sich vom Hersteller aus nochmal Gedanken machen, um das Produkt zu verbessern.
The item is mostly as described. The lounger is nice and wide and comfortable, but the sun visor often falls off, as other buyers have also criticized. The manufacturer should think about this again in order to improve the product.
Muy resistente y muy buenos materiales. La recomiendo.
Very durable and very good materials. I recommend it.
Toller Liegestuhl Schöner breiter Liegestuhl, Optik und Verarbeitung Top. Kann jedem nur empfehlen, ein paar Euro mehr hinzulegen. Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit der Liege, daher Daumen hoch
Great lounger Nice wide lounger, top quality appearance and workmanship. I can only recommend everyone to spend a few euros more. We are very happy with the lounger, so thumbs up
Bellissima e comodissima. Molto soddisfatta. Solo il colore...piace anche ai moscerini.
Beautiful and very comfortable. Very satisfied. Only the color...even the midges like it.
Bien conçu, joli colori, confortable (je suis obèse).
Well designed, nice color, comfortable (I'm obese).
Muy buena hamaca. Es para dejarla quieta, pesa 8,7 kg. Plegada como en la foto mide 80 cm x 70 cm x 20 cm. Lo bueno de intentar llevarla a la playa, es que después del esfuerzo te puedes tumbar en ella. El textilene es de calidad, acolchado y lavable con manguera. Los tubos y los refuerzos se ven firmes. Hamaca para muchos años. Espero haber sido de ayuda. Un saludo.
Very good hammock. It is meant to be left still, it weighs 8.7 kg. Folded as in the photo it measures 80 cm x 70 cm x 20 cm. The good thing about trying to take it to the beach is that after the effort you can lie down in it. The textilene is of quality, padded and washable with a hose. The tubes and reinforcements look firm. Hammock for many years. I hope I have been helpful. Greetings.
Es bastante cara para ser una tumbona
It's quite expensive for a lounger.
Emballage soigné, très bonne qualité de finition, on sent de suite que c'est solide et va durer dans le temps. En même temps il est cher mais c'est mieux que jeter au bout de 2 ans les précédents qui avaient craqué au niveau du tissu en coton. Ici le textilene employé est très Robuste. Bref que du bon, et pas trouvé mieux sur les sites chinois Mise à jour après utilisation : le pare soleil ne tient pas bien au risque de trop serrer la poignée et de casser le plastique autour du boulon. Mon conseil est d'ajouter une rondelle de métal ou caoutchouc pour augmenter l'adhérence
Careful packaging, very good quality of finish, we immediately feel that it is solid and will last over time. At the same time it is expensive but it is better than throwing away after 2 years the previous ones which had cracked at the level of the cotton fabric. Here the textilene used is very robust. In short, only good, and not found better on Chinese sites Update after use: the sun visor does not hold well at the risk of tightening the handle too much and breaking the plastic around the bolt. My advice is to add a metal or rubber washer to increase the grip
Campingliegen Die beiden Campingliegen nutzen wir für unser Wohnmobil. Sie sind stabil und nicht zu tief. Gefallen uns gut!
Camping loungers We use the two camping loungers for our motorhome. They are stable and not too deep. We like them!
Servizio ottimo e puntuale. Sono molto siddisfatto
Excellent and punctual service. I am very satisfied.
Bequemer Liegestuhl, wenn man vom Sonnenschutz absieht Liegestuhl wurde schnell geliefert, ist sehr bequem und stabil, für den Preis gute Qualität ! Nur der Sonnenschutz ist nicht wirklich nutzbar, weil dieser ständig langsam aber stetig runterrutscht!
Comfortable deck chair, apart from the sun shade. The deck chair was delivered quickly, is very comfortable and stable, good quality for the price! The sun shade is just not really usable because it keeps slowly but surely sliding down!
Tolle Sonnenliege! Ich muss leider einen Punkt abziehen, eigentlich müssten es vielleicht sogar 2 Punkte Abzug sein. Die Liege rastete in der Mitte - wie es in der Beschreibung sein soll- nicht ein. Ich hatte auch große Mühe die Füße am Kopf- und Fußteil einrasten zu lassen. Mit viel Mühe ging es, aber leider ging die Liege dann nicht mehr zusammenzuklappen ohne dass die Bügel fürs Einrasten sich total verbogen!!!! Nun fürchte ich, dass ich die Liege nie wieder Aufbauen kann!!! Somit war ich sehr begeistert von der Sonnenliege und muss daher meine Rezension nun ändern! Alles nachfolgende ist noch die 1. Rezension: Man liegt sehr gut darauf! Sie ist sehr bequem!! Man benötigt keine Auflage so bequem ist sie!! Und durch die Breite ist sie besonders bequem und für Menschen die Breite Schultern etc. haben, können noch beide Arme schön bequem neben den Körper ablegen. Sie ist leicht auf- und abzugeben und schön zusammenzuklappen und mit den Trageschlaufen auch bequem zu tragen. Das Sonnendach sorgt dafür, dass das Gesicht jederzeit im beschatten kann und kann auch gut mit zusammengeklappt werden! Die Liege ist sehr stabil und hält auch höhere Gewichte aus. Ich suchte extra eine Liege, die etwas höher ist, was gar nicht so einfach war. Diese Liege ist von der Höhe sehr gut, so dass man auch mit Knieproblemen sehr gut wieder aufstehen kann. Ich kann diese Liege sehr empfehlen!! Höchstes Rundum-Lob!!!
Great sun lounger! Unfortunately I have to deduct one point, actually it should be two points. The lounger did not lock in place in the middle - as it should in the description. I also had a lot of trouble getting the feet to lock into place at the head and foot sections. It worked with a lot of effort, but unfortunately the lounger could not be folded up without the locking brackets becoming completely bent!!!! Now I'm afraid that I will never be able to put the lounger up again!!! So I was very impressed with the sun lounger and have to change my review! Everything below is still the first review: It's very comfortable to lie on! It's very comfortable!! You don't need a cushion, it's that comfortable!! And the width makes it particularly comfortable and for people with broad shoulders etc. both arms can rest comfortably next to their body. It is easy to put up and take down and folds up nicely and is also comfortable to carry with the carrying straps. The sun canopy ensures that your face can be shaded at all times and can also be folded up easily! The lounger is very stable and can also bear higher weights. I was specifically looking for a lounger that was a bit higher, which wasn't easy. This lounger is a very good height, so that you can get up again very easily even if you have knee problems. I can highly recommend this lounger!! Highest praise all round!!!
Liege mit kleinen Mängeln Die Liege ist sehr bequem und auch stabil verarbeitet. Allerdings sind die Rändelmuttern für die Befestigung des Sonnenschutzes von minderwertiger Qualität. Bei dem Preis hätte man da schon vernünftige Muttern mitliefern können. Durch diese mangelhaften Muttern lässt sich der Sonnenschutz nicht richtig festklemmen und fällt nach einiger Zeit herunter. Wenn man gerade am einschlafen ist, kann einen das ganz schön erschrecken ... Ich habe diese Muttern durch vernünftige ersetzt und jetzt ist alles gut. Hinweis an den Hersteller - Man kann auch am falschen Ende bei der Herstellung sparen und so den Kunden verärgern. Ob die paar Cent Einsparung bei den Muttern das Wert ist, muss er selbst entscheiden.
Lounger with minor defects The lounger is very comfortable and also sturdily made. However, the knurled nuts for attaching the sun shade are of poor quality. For that price, they could have included decent nuts. These poor quality nuts mean that the sun shade cannot be clamped properly and falls off after a while. If you are just falling asleep, that can be quite frightening... I replaced these nuts with decent ones and now everything is fine. Note to the manufacturer - You can also cut corners in production and annoy the customer. They have to decide for themselves whether the few cents saved on the nuts are worth it.
Bon, ne rouille pas après un été. Par contre il est un peu petit en largeur.
Well, it doesn't rust after one summer. On the other hand, it is a little small in width.
Ces transats n'ont rien à voir avec les transats ordinaires. Ils sont larges et longs et semblent robustes. Bien vérifier les dimensions de votre terrasse et anticiper leur rangement en hiver car même pliés ils sont grands. Ils peuvent être utilisés à plat pour une sieste improvisée. Nous sommes ravis de notre achat.
These deckchairs are nothing like ordinary deckchairs. They are wide and long and seem sturdy. Check the dimensions of your terrace carefully and plan to store them in winter because even folded they are large. They can be used flat for an impromptu nap. We are delighted with our purchase.
Mi è piaciuto la comodità e la robustezza. Finalmente ho trovato quello che cercavo. Tutti gli anni dovevo ricomprarlo. Non vedo l'ora che gli amici li vedano.
I liked the comfort and the sturdiness. I finally found what I was looking for. I had to buy it again every year. I can't wait for my friends to see them.
Comodo, estetico purtroppo va maneggiato con cura, le cerniere per aprirlo e chiuderlo sono fragili.
Comfortable, aesthetically pleasing, unfortunately it must be handled with care, the hinges to open and close it are fragile.
Son muy cómodas y aparentemente muy robustas. Muy buena calidad. Se pliegan cómodamente para poder guardarlas, y el toldo es fácilmente regulable y resulta muy cómodo.
They are very comfortable and apparently very robust. Very good quality. They fold easily for storage, and the canopy is easily adjustable and very comfortable.
Man macht nichts falsch.... Das Sonnendach ist klein und ein wenig wackelig. Man kann aber bequem liegen. Durch das geringe Gewicht lässt sich die Liege gut transportieren. Die Witterungsbeständigkeit kann ich noch nicht beurteilen, muss sich im Laufe der Zeit bestätigen. Lieferung kam sehr schnell.
You can't go wrong... The sunroof is small and a little wobbly. But you can lie comfortably on it. The lounger is easy to transport because of its low weight. I can't yet judge how weatherproof it is, but that will have to be confirmed over time. Delivery was very quick.
Ottimo prodotto che rispetta in pieno la descrizione fornita. Comodo, pratico da richiudere, dimensioni ottime, ben rifinito e robusto. Pratico per la possibilità di rimuovere il parasole per il viso e per la presenza del cuscino anch'esso removibile. E' un articolo che sicuramente consiglierei. Tempi di spedizione rispettati.
Excellent product that fully respects the description provided. Comfortable, easy to fold, excellent size, well finished and sturdy. Practical for the possibility of removing the face sunshade and for the presence of the cushion which is also removable. It is an item that I would definitely recommend. Shipping times respected.
A voir à l'usage..... c'est pour cela que je n'ai accordé que 4 étoiles pour la solidité et 5 pour le confort.De prime abord ce transat paraît être une réussite dans ce domaine;c'est mon 3 éme mais celui là est un haut de gamme;malgré cet hiver rigoureux je me suis empressée de l'essayer sur ma terrasse dés sa réception soit ce 14 janvier et aucune déception !!Il est généreux en taille et bravo,!! on y est à l'aise;il est confortable,se manipule aisément;il est transportable; J'ai du passer par Amazon ((dont j'apprécie réellemnt le sérieux dans les livraisons))pour le re-commander, car je l'avais commander directement sur le site vendeur et OH!! catastrophe,après 10 jours d'attente !! il ne m'est jamais parvenu et reparti chez l'expéditeur,sans doute la livraison fut très mal gérée...Merci à Amazon pour sa gestion des livraisons toujours au TOP !!
To be seen in use..... that's why I only gave 4 stars for solidity and 5 for comfort. At first glance this deckchair seems to be a success in this area; it's my 3rd but this one is a top of the range; despite this harsh winter I rushed to try it on my terrace as soon as I received it, this January 14th and no disappointment!! It is generous in size and bravo,!! we are comfortable there; it is comfortable, easy to handle; it is transportable; I had to go through Amazon ((whose seriousness in deliveries I really appreciate)) to re-order it, because I had ordered it directly from the seller's site and OH!! disaster, after 10 days of waiting!! it never reached me and went back to the sender, no doubt the delivery was very poorly managed... Thanks to Amazon for its delivery management always at the TOP!!
Ya teníamos otra hamaca del mismo modelo y marca, por eso hemos repetido. Esta trae una novedad respecto a la vieja, en lo que se refiere al toldo de la cabeza. Ya no hace falta andar soltando y apretando las tuercas para mover el parasol. Es mucho más cómodo de esta manera. Encantados de nuevo con el producto, sin unas hamacas de primera clase. Nosotros no las usamos para transportar, las tenemos siempre en el jardín, así que no puedo hablar de manejabilidad. Recomiendo al 100% su compra.
We already had another hammock of the same model and brand, so we have used it again. This one has a new feature compared to the old one, in terms of the headrest. It is no longer necessary to loosen and tighten the nuts to move the parasol. It is much more comfortable this way. We are delighted with the product again, without being first class hammocks. We do not use them for transport, we always have them in the garden, so I cannot speak about their handling. I 100% recommend buying them.
Super Produkt, aber bei Regen abdecken! Die Sonnenliege ist an sich echt super. Es liegt sich sehr gut darauf, sie ist gut verarbeitet und das Sonnendach bleibt auch dort, wo es sein soll. Das einzige Manko ist, dass sich die Liege bei Regen total voll saugt, das Wasser läuft sogar bis ins Gestell, was auf Dauer bestimmt auch nicht so förderlich für die Lebensdauer ist. Wenn sie einmal nass ist, braucht sie mindestens 2 sonnige Tage zum trocknen. Das Problem habe ich aber mit so einem Regen- und Sonnenschutz aus dem Baumarkt behoben. Ansonsten klare Kaufempfehlung von meiner Seite.
Great product, but cover it when it rains! The sun lounger itself is really great. It's very comfortable to lie on, it's well made and the sunroof stays where it should be. The only drawback is that the lounger gets soaked when it rains, the water even runs into the frame, which is definitely not good for its longevity in the long run. Once it's wet, it needs at least 2 sunny days to dry. But I solved the problem with a rain and sun cover from the hardware store. Otherwise, I would definitely recommend buying it.
Molto comodo ma pesante da portare
Very comfortable but heavy to carry
Pues la usado poco, pero tiene buen aspecto
Well I've used it very little, but it looks good.
Perfetto come lettino molto comodo ma molto scarso il tettuccio le viti non tengono assolutamente... è un problema che avevo già letto in alcune recensioni...
Perfect as a very comfortable bed but the canopy is very poor, the screws do not hold at all... it is a problem that I had already read in some reviews...
Es un buen producto pero eso sí es algo caro
It is a good product but it is a bit expensive.
Ottimo in qualità, comodissimo. ho dato quattro perché è un pò scomodo da portare in spiaggia. Le maniglie di stoffa sono troppo piccole rispetto alla grandezza del lettino. Ripeto è comodissimo.Comunque soddisfattissimo
Excellent quality, very comfortable. I gave it a four because it is a bit uncomfortable to carry to the beach. The fabric handles are too small compared to the size of the lounger. I repeat, it is very comfortable. In any case, very satisfied.
Buen producto y buena calidad
Good product and good quality
Muy cómoda y parece robusta
Very comfortable and seems robust
Perfecta para la terraza, entrega ràpida
Perfect for the terrace, fast delivery
Una tumbona para jardín, ya que por su peso será difícil de llevar a la playa, es mas ancha que las normales algo que se agradece así como las terminaciones de buena calidad.
A garden lounger, as it will be difficult to carry to the beach due to its weight. It is wider than normal ones, which is appreciated, as well as the good quality finishes.
Esta tumbona es muy cómoda y merece la pena por el precio que tiene. Si fuese un poco más barata le pondría 5 estrellas.
This lounger is very comfortable and worth the price. If it was a little cheaper I would give it 5 stars.
Me ha gustado mucho la tumbona,diseño,color,calidad, tal y como se refleja en la foto. Muy contenta. Lo que no me gusto demasiado ,el retraso que hubo,supongo problemas de transporte, para recibirla,pero todo solucionado. La recomiendo.
I really liked the lounger, design, colour, quality, just as it is shown in the photo. Very happy. What I didn't like too much was the delay, I suppose transport problems, to receive it, but everything was solved. I recommend it.
Es muy cómoda, estable, practica y se recoge plegada
It is very comfortable, stable, practical and can be folded up.
Todo muy bien
All very well
Es una hamaca extraordinaria. La compré para bajar a la piscina. Son super cómodas. Tanto por su colchón incluido en el tejido, anchura y un largo de 2,00 m, poco habitual en otras hamacas. Es muy robusta pero a su vez ligera en el transporte. El pedido llegó con poco tiempo. La recomiendo 100%.
It is an extraordinary hammock. I bought it to go down to the pool. They are super comfortable. Both for its mattress included in the fabric, width and length of 2.00 m, unusual in other hammocks. It is very robust but at the same time light in transport. The order arrived in a short time. I recommend it 100%.
Sdraio molto comodo e confortevole grazie alla leggera imbottitura ed al cuscino poggiatesta. Non leggerissimo, quindi non è fatto per chi se lo vuole portare in spiaggia, ma forse è sintomo che è fatto di materiale robusto e resistente! Esteticamente molto elegante, per cui anche se non lo si chiude per riporlo ma lo si lascia fuori in giardino, fa la sua figura! Colore come in foto! Lo ricomprerei sicuramente!
Very comfortable and cozy deckchair thanks to the light padding and the headrest cushion. Not very light, so it is not made for those who want to take it to the beach, but perhaps this is a sign that it is made of sturdy and resistant material! Aesthetically very elegant, so even if you do not close it to store it but leave it outside in the garden, it makes its figure! Color as in the photo! I would definitely buy it again!
Produit conforme à mon attente, petit bémol il y a un pied un peu tordu . Mais déçue de la livraison car le transporteur ne prévient lorsqu’il livre en avance et dépose les paquets dans un point relais..lourds et encombrants..un dès paquet à reçu un choc, cela expliquerai le déséquilibre sur l’un des transats.. pour solidité à voir dans le temps. Attention aux doigts lors de l’ouverture, fermeture du transat. C’est pour ces raisons que j’enlève une étoile.. malgré tout je recommande le produit qui est bien équipé: pare-soleil, appui tête, rembourrage, anses pour le transport, légers, facilement déplaçable, jolis à voir, modernes et surtout d’une grande taille, vos pieds ne dépareront pas même si vous êtes de grande taille .. apparemment supporte les « poids lourds »
Product meets my expectations, small downside there is a foot a little twisted. But disappointed with the delivery because the carrier does not warn when he delivers in advance and drops the packages in a relay point.. heavy and bulky.. one of the packages received a shock, this would explain the imbalance on one of the deckchairs.. for solidity to see over time. Be careful with your fingers when opening and closing the deckchair. It is for these reasons that I remove a star.. despite everything I recommend the product which is well equipped: sun visor, headrest, padding, handles for transport, light, easily movable, pretty to see, modern and above all a large size, your feet will not look out of place even if you are tall.. apparently supports "heavy weights"
Cosa dire,appena arrivato l'ho aperto e mi sono sdraiato,una comodità esagerata.l'avevo già visto l'estate scorsa sulla riva del lago e mi dava l'impressione di un lettino robusto e comodo,non mi sbagliavo affatto,ho atteso parecchi giorni prima di comprarlo per vedere se il prezzo si sarebbe abbassato come succede spesso nei prodotti amazon,l'ho comprato a 79,99 euro risparmiando 50 euro. SE VOLETE UN LETTINO ROBUSTO E COMODO QUESTO PRODOTTO FA X VOI.
What can I say, as soon as it arrived I opened it and lay down, an exaggerated comfort. I had already seen it last summer on the lake shore and it gave me the impression of a sturdy and comfortable bed, I was not wrong at all, I waited several days before buying it to see if the price would go down as often happens with Amazon products, I bought it for 79.99 euros saving 50 euros. IF YOU WANT A STURDY AND COMFORTABLE COT THIS PRODUCT IS FOR YOU.
grande satisfaction pour ce transat de bonne qualité : - la couleur verte est flashy et agréable dans le paysage - longueur totale effectivement plus importante que les transats standards, appréciable pour les personnes de grande taille, mes pieds ne dépassent pas - le réglage est enfantin (il vaut mieux des crans classiques qu'une roulette moins visible mais pas du tout pratique pour les changements d'inclinaison comme j'avais auparavant) - belle toile solide et rembourrée Je recommande pour balcon ou jardin, pas pour la plage car même plié c'est assez volumineux et lourd. Un petit bémol sur le pare-soleil qui semble moins costaud que le transat et qui tend à glisser si on ne serre pas suffisamment les mollettes en plastique, mais je ne tenais pas à avoir cet accessoire, donc c'est insignifiant. Par contre je rassure les non-bricoleurs : il n'y a aucun montage ou vissage à prévoir, il suffit de déplier la chaise à la sortie de son carton.
great satisfaction for this good quality deckchair: - the green color is flashy and pleasant in the landscape - total length actually longer than standard deckchairs, appreciable for tall people, my feet do not stick out - the adjustment is child's play (it is better to have classic notches than a less visible wheel but not at all practical for changes in inclination as I had before) - beautiful solid and padded canvas I recommend for balcony or garden, not for the beach because even folded it is quite bulky and heavy. A small downside on the sunshade which seems less sturdy than the deckchair and which tends to slip if you do not tighten the plastic knobs enough, but I did not want to have this accessory, so it is insignificant. On the other hand, I reassure non-DIYers: there is no assembly or screwing to be planned, you just have to unfold the chair when it comes out of its box.
si: la comoda dimensione no: mi preoccupa il meccanismo di apertura, non è verniciato e temo possa arruginirsi presto rendendo inutilizzabile il lettino! anche la manopola per il regolaggio dell’inclinazione del tettuccio parasole: è molto difficile il bloccaggio nella posizione desidersta, ci vuole molta forza e non resta ben fermo! peccsto.
yes: the comfortable size no: I am worried about the opening mechanism, it is not painted and I fear it could rust soon making the cot unusable! also the knob for adjusting the inclination of the sun canopy: it is very difficult to lock in the desired position, it takes a lot of strength and it does not stay firmly in place! too bad.
Ok il prodotto ma l'imballaggio non ha garantito che i lettini arrivassero puliti. Uno in particolare è sporco in due o tre punti. Li ho già provati e sono comodi e sembrano robusti, il parasole ha morsetti di regolazione di plastica, speriamo siano durevoli.
Ok the product but the packaging did not guarantee that the beds arrived clean. One in particular is dirty in two or three places. I have already tried them and they are comfortable and seem sturdy, the sunshade has plastic adjustment clamps, let's hope they are durable.
Tumbonas de muy buena calidad,super còmodas y robustas,las he visto que cuestan el doble y no se les aprecia la calidad que tienen estas.
Very good quality sun loungers, super comfortable and robust, I have seen others that cost twice as much and you cannot appreciate the quality that these have.
La calidad del producto es buena y es confortable. La parte superior que te hace de sombrilla es un poco irregular, por lo menos la que me ha llegado a mí, está un pelín deformada. El resto estupendo.
The quality of the product is good and it is comfortable. The upper part that acts as an umbrella is a little irregular, at least the one I received is a little deformed. The rest is great.
Je suis satisfaite de mon achat , car il est encore plus beau en réel que sur la photo ! En revanche je suis pas satisfaite pour la livraison ! Ma livraison étais prévu pour (entre le 01et 06 juin) hors mon colis à été livré aujourd'hui le 31 mai , je n'est pas étais prévenue par sms ce qu'ils font d'habitude ! De plus il a étais livré et laissé en bas de chez moi au RDC et moi je suis au 1er étage ! Et ne m'a pas téléphoné non plus comme il le fond aussi ! Alors comme vous le constater mon colis a passé toute l'après-midi en bas de chez moi jusqu'à 21hrs que je rentre du boulo ! Heureusement que les voisins sont honnêtes car je ne l'aurai pas retrouvé en rentrant ! Voilà pourquoi je n'est mis que 4 étoiles à cause de la livraison incorrect !!!
I am satisfied with my purchase, because it is even more beautiful in real life than in the photo! On the other hand, I am not satisfied with the delivery! My delivery was scheduled for (between June 1 and 6) except my package was delivered today May 31, I was not notified by text message which they usually do! In addition it was delivered and left downstairs at my house on the ground floor and I am on the 1st floor! And he did not call me either as he does too! So as you can see my package spent all afternoon downstairs at my house until 9pm when I got home from work! Fortunately the neighbors are honest because I would not have found it when I got home! That is why I only gave it 4 stars because of the incorrect delivery!!!
Molto robusto e confortevole, l'imbottitura e' molto apprezzata, materiali buonii. Pesante da trasportare nonostante le maniglie in stoffa presenti e piuttosto ingombrante se da trasportare in auto. Per il resto svolge la sua funzione in modo eccellente! Venditore serissimo, ho avuto un problema causa un mio errore di indirizzo e mi è' stato nuovamente rispedito senza aggiungere altre spese poiché proveniva dalla Germania! Lo consiglio a chiunque e in particolar modo a persone robuste, tiene bene il peso e i cm di larghezza / lunghezza in più fanno la differenza sul comfort!
Very sturdy and comfortable, the padding is much appreciated, good materials. Heavy to carry despite the fabric handles and rather bulky if transported in the car. For the rest it does its job excellently! Very serious seller, I had a problem due to an address error on my part and it was sent back to me without adding any other costs since it came from Germany! I recommend it to anyone and especially to robust people, it holds the weight well and the extra cm of width / length make the difference in comfort!
Arrivato prima del previsto, complimenti e grazie visto che arriva dalla Germania. Imballaggio super sicuro (doppia scatola) degno dello stile tedesco in marketing. Un vero letto come stabilità, dimensioni e confort. Tutti gli appoggi schienali dovuti. Regolazioni con fissaggio sicuro. Altezza giusta (non si rischia di affondare nella sabbia malgrado il carico aggiunto). Non si può regolare da stesi, ma se si mette la sicurezza prima di tutto, penso valga lo sforzo. Poi, un po' di esercizio sulla spiaggia non fa male... Materiali super validi sia nei tubi, sia nel tessuto (ad occhio ma, da quello che mi intendo non ho alcun dubbio). Molto curato nei dettagli, inclusi gli antiscivoli. Non vedo l'ora di metterlo alla prova! Il peso è un po' più elevato rispetto ad altri prodotti dello stesso tipo (con le maniglie per il trasporto lo sforzo non è cosi considerevole), ma la differenza di qualità è indiscutibile!!!!!!!!!. Bello anche il colore, un grigio canna di fucile presentato in una sfumatura più tenue. Straconsigliato!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Terrazzo, giardino, spiaggia. Un unica grande pecca: fate attenzione, gli intenditori potrebbero farvelo fuori...
Arrived earlier than expected, congratulations and thanks since it comes from Germany. Super safe packaging (double box) worthy of the German style in marketing. A real bed in terms of stability, size and comfort. All the necessary backrest supports. Adjustments with secure fixing. Just the right height (you don't risk sinking into the sand despite the added load). You can't adjust it while lying down, but if you put safety first, I think it's worth the effort. Then, a little exercise on the beach doesn't hurt... Super good materials both in the tubes and in the fabric (by eye but, from what I know, I have no doubts). Very well cared for in the details, including the anti-slip ones. I can't wait to put it to the test! The weight is a little higher than other products of the same type (with the carrying handles the effort is not so considerable), but the difference in quality is indisputable!!!!!!!!!. The color is also beautiful, a gunmetal gray presented in a more subtle shade. Highly recommended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Terrace, garden, beach. One big flaw: be careful, the connoisseurs might kill you...
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Iniziamo dalle cose positive: - Non bisogna montare nulla, basta aprirla, fissare il cuscino ed il parasole - La struttura molto robusta è completamente in alluminio e regge tranquillamente i mie 90Kg - La terza gamba centrale genera un ottima stabilità senza farsi minimamente sentire. - Possibilità di regolare 5 inclinazioni dello schienale oltre ovviamente la possibilità di distenderlo completamente. - Il tessuto traforato non è fastidioso e sopratutto è imbottito! - Le pastiche utilizzate non si sono ancora scolorite! L'unico aspetto negativo che, come già indicato da altri utenti, sarebbe meglio migliorare è il fissaggio del parasole che, con questo fissaggio ad incastri dentellati permette di tenerlo fermo anche quando c'è molto vento o viene appoggiato qualche indumento sopra ma allo stesso tempo risulta scomodo da regolare quando uno è sdraiato. Vi allego qualche foto ed un video così vi potete rendere conto della qualità. Se avete dubbi chiedete pure. Personalmente mi sento di consigliarlo senza problemi!
Unable to load media. Let's start with the positive things: - You don't have to assemble anything, just open it, attach the cushion and the parasol - The very sturdy structure is completely made of aluminum and easily supports my 90Kg - The third central leg generates excellent stability without making itself felt at all. - Possibility of adjusting 5 inclinations of the backrest in addition of course to the possibility of stretching it completely. - The perforated fabric is not annoying and above all it is padded! - The pads used have not yet faded! The only negative aspect that, as already indicated by other users, would be better improved is the fixing of the parasol which, with this fixing with serrated interlocking joints allows you to keep it still even when it is very windy or some clothing is placed on top but at the same time it is uncomfortable to adjust when one is lying down. I attach some photos and a video so you can see the quality. If you have any doubts, just ask. Personally, I would recommend it without problems!
Fai il pieno di sole! . Il giardino rappresenta per la maggior parte delle persone un vero e proprio paradiso in cui rifugiarsi per allontanarsi dalla quotidianità. Non c'è niente di meglio, infatti, che in una bella giornata rilassarsi e prendere il sole sugli appositi lettini Lettino prendisole da giardino, ideale per il relax e per prendere il sole in libertà e comodità. Design elegante e sinuoso. Amalfi Noble è il lettino prendisole per eccellenza, perchè unisce la semplicità di un normale lettino alla ricercatezza per il massimo comfort possibile, con un parasole antiabbagliante La saldatura degli angoli e la struttura garantiscono stabilità e duratura nel tempo senza dover rinunciare alla comodità dei piedi richiudibili in una semplice mossa. Il telo è particolarmente trattamento per evitare lo scolorimento con la continua esposizione al sole. I lettini sono la soluzione ideale per vivere appieno il proprio angolo verde: come esterni da giardino sono quelli più pratici e comodi IL Lettino Amalfi Noble è l'ideale per prendere il sole nel migliore dei modi. Tra le caratteristiche, funzioni, più apprezzate, ad esempio, di questo Lettino, il fatto che è comodo, anche da trasportare, si richiude con facilità, occupa poco spazio,' al contatto da sdraiati, non fa sudare la pelle. ottimo rapporto qualità / prezzo. Modello pieghevole pratico e veloce da riporre via al momento opportuno Prodotto resistente promosso a pieni voti!!!
Get your fill of sun! . For most people, the garden is a true paradise in which to take refuge to get away from everyday life. There is nothing better, in fact, than on a beautiful day relaxing and sunbathing on the appropriate loungers. Garden sun lounger, ideal for relaxing and sunbathing in freedom and comfort. Elegant and sinuous design. Amalfi Noble is the sun lounger par excellence, because it combines the simplicity of a normal lounger with the refinement for the greatest possible comfort, with an anti-glare sunshade. The welding of the corners and the structure guarantee stability and durability over time without having to give up the comfort of the feet that can be folded in a simple move. The fabric is particularly treated to avoid discoloration with continuous exposure to the sun. The loungers are the ideal solution to fully enjoy your green corner: as outdoor garden furniture they are the most practical and comfortable. The Amalfi Noble lounger is ideal for sunbathing in the best possible way. Among the most appreciated features and functions, for example, of this cot, the fact that it is comfortable, even to carry, it folds easily, it takes up little space, when lying down, it does not make the skin sweat. excellent quality / price ratio. Folding model, practical and quick to put away at the right time. Resistant product promoted with full marks!!!