Bigbig Box Bicycle Trailers
- Bicycle trailers
- 58 cm
- 1.6 kg
Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty111,99 €
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Bicycle trailer with removable 40 liter foldable box
Stable, powder-coated steel tube frame
Easy transport of up to 40 kg of luggage
Product description
The Bigbig Box bicycle trailer from DURAMAXX is your faithful companion on all weighed down bike rides - be it to the shop, on the way from or to the garden, to your next picnic or even on a big bike tour. You will find so much baggage fits into place in the 40l foldable box, from a mineral water crate to a bag of soil up to a sleeping bag and tent. You can safely tow away up to 40kg in the stable steel tube frame. You no longer need to use pesky car trips for short transport distances. Instead, why not stay completely relaxed and take your bicycle with the DURAMAXX Bigbig Box Bicycle Trailer: To save yourself the stressful search for a parking space, reduce congestion and add to that fitness regime.
The trailer is attached to the bicycle frame under the saddle on a stable coupling system, which is included in the delivery and guarantees that the vehicle does not move on its own. If necessary, the Bigbig Box can also be used as a normal hand wagon. There are two practical handles on the high drawbar which, together with the rubber protectors, offer a pleasant pulling or pushing height. It will also not tip forward when parked as the pole ends in a fixed base.
For safety on the road, red and white reflectors provide front and rear visibility along with two golden spoke reflectors in each of the 16" wheels. The wheels can be filled with air in moments and detached as quickly using the quick release lever. Schrader valves allow you to restore pressure in the tires at any gas station, without having to bother with an air pump.
Available colors: gray
- Complete with fixed coupling system, fits all bikes with 26-28"
- Suitable for a drinks crate
- 16" pneumatic tires with sturdy stainless steel spoke rims
- Schrader valves for easy air pumping at any gas station
- Permanently installed stand for safety when disconnected
Dimensions and Technical Details
- 58 x 61 x 154 cm (WxHxD)
- Drawbar length: 76 cm
- Box inside: 32.5 x 26 x 49 cm (WxHxD)
- Trailer inside: 37.5 x 17 x 55.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: 8.8 kg
- Folding box weight: 1.6 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x Transport Box
- 1 x Frame
- 2 x wheels with 16" tires
- 1 x drawbar
- 1 x drawbar extender
- 4 x Reflector (2 x red, 2 x white)
- 4 x Reflector holder
- 2 x Axis
- 1 x Clutch-set (mounting bracket, clutch, clutch receiver)
- 1 x Screw Set
- English manual (other languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
No review available for this item.
muy util para los que no tenemos coche...y tenemos que ir al supermercado para hacer la compra o transportar objetos no voluminosos . En mi particular le hice un cajón de madera para ampliar la capacidad de carga. De momento estoy muy contento. Muy fácil de montar y se ve robusto y resistente.
Very useful for those of us who don't have a car...and we have to go to the supermarket to do the shopping or transport non-bulky objects. In my case, I made a wooden box to increase the load capacity. At the moment I am very happy. Very easy to assemble and it looks robust and resistant.
Une bonne petite charette bonne a tous faire. Je la tracte même avec mon VTTAE jusqu'à 50km/h ça passe !! (Chargé pack d'eau et légumes a bloque) Solidité sûrement discutable dans le temps.d'ou les 4* seulement.. Fera bien 4/5 ans en attendant !
A good little cart good for everything. I even pull it with my VTTAE up to 50km/h it works!! (Loaded with water pack and vegetables it blocked) Solidity surely questionable over time. Hence the 4* only.. Will do 4/5 years in the meantime!
DURAMAXX modello BIG BOX. PREMESSA: cercavo un carrellino di dimensioni (abbastanza) compatte e con attacco al tubo reggisella e non al mozzo della bici. Questo perchè, chi ne ha avuti diversi in passato, mi diceva che dopo un pò di tempo lo snodo al mozzo (che viene molto sollecitato dalle torsioni) tende ad avere problemi di affidabilità. Almeno, questa la sua esperienza con due carrelli diversi. In ogni caso, visto che la mia bici, deputata a fare da traino, ha un cambio nel mozzo NEXUS 3, avrei comunque avuto difficoltà ad agganciare la piastrina che resta fissa sul mozzo, presentando lì, all'attacco, una parte che non è liscia per come occorrerebbe che fosse. Avrei quindi dovuto prevedere modifiche (con un distanziale) che non avevo voglia di far fare artigianalmente, essendo oltre le mie capacità. Leggevo poi di buonissime opinioni sul BIG MIKE, cosa che mi ha rasserenato. IL PRODOTTO: Spedizione velocissima da parte del venditore. Il tutto arriva disassemblato ma il montaggio è, per chi ha conoscenze di base (diciamo livello tipo IKEA) e un minimo di attrezzatura (chiavi inglesi e cacciaviti, forse giusto una brugola o Torx che equivale), davvero semplice. L'unica manualità davvero richiesta è saper usare contemporaneamente due chiavi inglesi in modo combinato. Una che tiene un dado fisso e una che avvita la testa (per dare un'idea). Quindi alla portata di tutti, io direi. Occorre però prendersi un pò di tempo però, per fare le cose con calma. Ma appunto, la difficoltà è minima. Anzi, se avete un posto dove lavorare comodi sarà anche divertente e darà soddisfazione. A corredo ci sono le istruzioni (anche con immagini) in ING e TED ma se andate sul sito del venditore, trovate il file in PDF con anche quelle in Italiano. E' tutto però davvero piuttosto intuitivo e quindi -il tutto- si assembla facilmente. Tenete anche a portata una pompa, le ruote erano gonfie ma non di tanto. La qualità è ottima se rapportato al prezzo ma in termini assoluti è corretto definirla sufficiente (ma davvero sufficiente, non è una vera critica). Io ho volutamente optato per il carrello con i tubolari in grigio, con cerchi a raggi e cassetta grigia (richiudibile). Non amo i cerchi pieni in plastica ed esteticamente non erano armoniosi con la mia bicicletta che, pur essendo recente, è di aspetto vintage. Vedo bene invece il BIG MIKE su bici moderne. Ho rinunciato alla copertura (peccato davvero), alla vasca nera tutta in un sol pezzo ed all’appoggio estraibile (ma questo ce l’ha accennato e quindi cmq appoggia lo stesso, solo leggermente inclinato). Prerogative del BIG MIKE. Ma ho fatto una mera questione più estetica. Il prodotto è pressochè identico. DINAMICAMENTE: dunque, la cassetta è semplicemente alloggiata appoggiandola dentro alla struttura. Non s’incastra, è appunto solo appoggiata. E vi sono diversi millimetri di distanza con le sponde. Quindi…o la si tiene così (che va comunque benissimo ma a me queste sono cose che danno un po' di nervoso, a livello acustico) ma rumoreggia (da vuota, soprattutto) perché sobbalza impercettibilmente alla presenza di minime asperità o ci s’inventa qualcosa. Qualcuno ha messo dei tamponi…io vi dico che si potrebbe fascettarla (con fascette di plastica) un po' come i cestini delle bici…io comunque ho optato per farla trattenere da due cavi elastici (quelli della Decathlon, ottimi) messi a incrocio sopra e ancorati ai tubolari. Così ho abbattuto il rumoreggiare di un buon 90%. Amo le soluzioni immediate, semplici e per ora mi ritengo soddisfatto, in più i cavi tornano sempre comodi. Consigliabile a questo punto avere sempre con sé anche una rete elastica che potrà trattenere il contenuto, vista la mancanza della copertina superiore. Da pieno il carrello comunque rumoreggia già meno di suo. Da valutarsi forse un domani: l’acquisto di una vasca come quella del BIKE MIKE. Detto questo: una volta agganciato il carrello non lo si avverte nella sua presenza e si rischia di dimenticarselo (!).Penso che già in questa frase ci sia di per sé già tutto. Chiaramente occorre invece ricordarselo perché nei passaggi stretti e nelle curve pronunciate, rischierete di urtare le sporgenze e, penso, toccando forte un solo lato il rischio di ribaltarlo lateralmente, è elevato. Inoltre, negli attraversamenti ciclo-pedonali, quelli nei quali ci si trova ad essere trasversali rispetto ai veicoli che sopraggiungono, dovete calcolare di essere più lunghi e che appunto ci metterete più tempo per liberare la strada. Tenetelo sempre bene a mente, quando decidete di attraversare. Detto questo…sia vuoto che anche a pieno carico (testato con la spesa) il carrello si rivela essere dinamicamente perfetto. Chiaramente non penso vi verrà di effettuare chicanes repentine o cose così. Si guida “rotondi”, avendo ben presente di averlo dietro. Resta il fatto che la -biciclettata- resta godibilissima. Il peso si avverte in modo impercettibile e solo alla partenza. Appena presa un minimo di velocità non si avverte nulla. Chiaramente ero in pianura. Diverso potrebbe essere in caso di forte pendenza. Chiaramente anche non ho raggiunto velocità elevate. Quelle di una sana pedalata disimpegnata in città (ma su ciclabili lunghe). Tornando al mio giro-test serio della spesa: parcheggiata e legata la bici, l’ho sganciato (5 secondi netti o giù di lì) e l’ho usato “ a mano”, come carrello della spesa. Dentro avevo già le mie buste e, utilizzato il lettore personale dei codici a barre, ho messo tutto subito dentro e una volta pagato alla cassa automatica, l’ho semplicemente riagganciato alla bici e me ne sono tornato a casa. Semplicemente fantastico. Che altro dire…dunque…la parte più impegnativa (si fa per dire) del montaggio è la collocazione dell’aggancio al tubo reggisella. La parte che resterà fissa sulla bicicletta. Và giusto trovata la giusta altezza e regolato bene. Si và per tentativi. Occorre avere giusto un pelo di pazienza. Il sistema di snodo è invece geniale. Una sfera sulla quale si appoggia una semisfera che poi viene bloccata da un fermo. Ciò regala una maneggevolezza ed un sistema di snodo perfetti. Quale sarà l’unico momento in cui il carrello può essere di (piccolo) impiccio? Quando vi troverete a gestire un’eventuale retro. Ecco, lì si andrà un po' in palla perché andrà in direzione diversa da quella prevista. Cercate sempre di evitare di trovarvi in questa situazione o comunque calcolate di doverla gestire. Altro? Sì. Desiderando predisporre un’altra bici, ho acquistato un secondo aggancio da tenere fisso sull’altra. Ho acquistato un FISHER, sempre qui su Amazon. Universale. Compatibilità perfetta. Anzi, la qualità di realizzazione del Fischer, pur costando solo una decina abbondante di euro, è superiore in tutto. E ancora: sto valutando di acquistare giusto una bandierina fluo per renderlo più visibile di giorno e… già mi porto dietro due lucine rosse (quelle Decathlon) che aggancio al tubolare posteriore per l’uso serale/notturno (anche questo già fatto). Penso sia tutto…al momento in cui recensisco è effettivamente ancora nuovo e ho percorso giusto una trentina di chilometri. Mi riservo di vedere un po' come si rivelerà per affidabilità e resistenza all’usura. Al momento, come avrete già ben compreso, la soddisfazione è elevata e non posso che consigliarlo. Ah, aneddoto finale. La prima volta ci si sente un pò in imbarazzo. L'idea di girare in bici con dietro il carrello...a me dava questa sensazione. Ma passa in fretta. Dopo poco vi sentirete di fare una cosa normalissima. Stessa cosa per l'uso " a mano" nel Supermercato. Resterà invece lo stupore e la sorpresa per molti. Non mancherete di notarlo, pedalando.
DURAMAXX BIG BOX model. PREMISE: I was looking for a trailer of (fairly) compact dimensions and with an attachment to the seat post tube and not to the hub of the bike. This is because, those who have had several in the past, told me that after a while the joint on the hub (which is very stressed by torsion) tends to have reliability problems. At least, this is their experience with two different trailers. In any case, since my bike, intended to act as a tow, has a NEXUS 3 hub gear, I would still have had difficulty attaching the plate that remains fixed on the hub, presenting there, at the attachment, a part that is not smooth as it should be. I would therefore have had to plan for modifications (with a spacer) that I did not want to have done by hand, being beyond my capabilities. I then read very good opinions on the BIG MIKE, which reassured me. THE PRODUCT: Very fast shipping from the seller. The whole thing arrives disassembled but assembly is, for those with basic knowledge (let's say IKEA level) and a minimum of equipment (wrenches and screwdrivers, maybe just an Allen or Torx which is equivalent), really simple. The only manual skill really required is knowing how to use two wrenches in a combined way at the same time. One that holds a fixed nut and one that screws the head (to give you an idea). So within everyone's reach, I would say. However, you need to take a bit of time, to do things calmly. But precisely, the difficulty is minimal. In fact, if you have a place where you can work comfortably, it will also be fun and satisfying. The instructions (also with images) in Eng and Ted are included but if you go to the seller's website, you will find the PDF file with those in Italian too. However, it is all really quite intuitive and therefore - the whole thing - is easily assembled. Also keep a pump handy, the wheels were inflated but not by much. The quality is excellent if compared to the price but in absolute terms it is correct to define it as sufficient (but really sufficient, it is not a real criticism). I deliberately opted for the trolley with grey tubulars, with spoked rims and grey cassette (foldable). I do not like solid plastic rims and aesthetically they were not harmonious with my bicycle which, despite being recent, has a vintage look. I see the BIG MIKE on modern bikes. I gave up on the cover (a real shame), the black tub all in one piece and the extractable support (but he mentioned this and therefore it still rests, just slightly inclined). Prerogatives of the BIG MIKE. But precisely... I made it a purely aesthetic question. The product is almost identical. DYNAMICALLY: therefore, the cassette is simply housed by resting it inside the structure. It does not fit, it is in fact only supported. And there are several millimetres of distance with the sides. So... either you keep it like this (which is fine but these are things that make me a little nervous, acoustically) but it makes noise (especially when empty) because it bounces imperceptibly at the presence of minimal bumps or you invent something. Someone put some buffers... I tell you that you could tie it (with plastic ties) a bit like bike baskets... in any case I opted to have it held by two elastic cables (the ones from Decathlon, excellent) placed crosswise on top and anchored to the tubes. This way I have reduced the noise by a good 90%. I love immediate, simple solutions and for now I am satisfied, plus the cables always come in handy. At this point it is advisable to always have an elastic net with you that can hold the contents, given the lack of a top cover. When full the cart already makes less noise than usual. To be evaluated perhaps in the future: the purchase of a tub like the one from BIKE MIKE. That said: once the trailer is hooked up you don't feel its presence and you risk forgetting it (!). I think that this sentence already says it all. Clearly, however, you need to remember it because in narrow passages and sharp curves, you risk hitting the ledges and, I think, by touching just one side hard the risk of it tipping over sideways is high. Furthermore, in cycle-pedestrian crossings, those in which you find yourself transverse to oncoming vehicles, you must calculate that you are longer and that it will take you longer to clear the road. Always keep this in mind when you decide to cross. That said... both empty and fully loaded (tested with groceries) the trailer proves to be dynamically perfect. Clearly, I don't think you'll find yourself doing sudden chicanes or anything like that. You drive "round", keeping in mind that you have it behind you. The fact remains that the -bike ride- remains very enjoyable. The weight is felt in an imperceptible way and only at the start. As soon as I picked up a minimum of speed you don't feel anything. Obviously I was on flat ground. It could be different if there was a steep slope. Obviously I didn't reach high speeds either. Those of a healthy, easy ride in the city (but on long cycle paths). Going back to my serious grocery shopping test-ride: I parked and tied up the bike, unhooked it (5 seconds flat or so) and used it "by hand", as a shopping cart. I already had my bags inside and, using the personal barcode reader, I put everything in straight away and once I paid at the automatic checkout, I simply re-hooked it to the bike and went home. Simply fantastic. What else can I say... so... the most challenging part (so to speak) of assembly is the positioning of the attachment to the seat post tube. The part that will remain fixed on the bike. You just have to find the right height and adjust it well. It's a trial and error process. You just need to have a little patience. The joint system is ingenious. A sphere on which a hemisphere rests which is then blocked by a stop. This gives perfect handling and a perfect joint system. What will be the only moment in which the trailer can be a (small) hindrance? When you find yourself having to manage a possible reverse. Well, there it will go a bit haywire because it will go in a different direction than expected. Always try to avoid finding yourself in this situation or at least calculate that you will have to manage it. Other? Yes. Wanting to prepare another bike, I bought a second attachment to keep fixed on the other. I bought a FISHER, always here on Amazon. Universal. Perfect compatibility. In fact, the manufacturing quality of the Fischer, even though it only costs a good ten euros, is superior in everything. And again: I'm considering buying just a fluorescent flag to make it more visible during the day and... I already have two red lights (the Decathlon ones) that I attach to the rear tube for evening/night use (this too already done). I think that's the time of reviewing it is actually still new and I have only ridden about thirty kilometers. I reserve the right to see how it will prove to be in terms of reliability and resistance to wear. At the moment, as you will have already understood, the satisfaction is high and I can only recommend it. Oh, final anecdote. The first time you feel a bit embarrassed. The idea of riding a bike with the trailer behind... gave me this feeling. But it passes quickly. After a while you will feel like you are doing something very normal. The same thing for "hand" use in the supermarket. However, the amazement and surprise will remain for many. You will not fail to notice it, pedaling.
pas mal le bac metallique est costaud et bien soudé une roue était voilée a la reception du colis, et le vendeur a remplacé la remporque complète
not bad the metal tray is sturdy and well welded a wheel was warped upon receipt of the package, and the seller replaced the entire trailer
Nicht zu breit & soOOo schön. Genau das was ich gesucht habe.
Not too wide & soOOo beautiful. Exactly what I was looking for.
Wie sagt man so schön: Passt, wackelt und hat Luft. So ganz einfach war der Zusammenbau jedenfalls nicht. Die Anleitung hilft nicht viel weiter. Schließlich war alles montiert - der Griff das Wagens wackelt wie ein Kuhschwanz, hier musste ich mit ein paar Unterlegscheiben nachhelfen. Ansonsten tut es, was es soll, nämlich Einkäufe vom Supermarkt um die Ecke nach Hause transportieren. Aus meiner Sicht praktischer als ein Marktroller, weil so ein Korb besser ist als diese Art Tasche auf dem Marktroller. Druckempfindliches lässt sich mit dem Korb besser transportieren.
As the saying goes: Fits, wobbles and has air. Anyway, assembly wasn't that easy. The instructions don't help much. Finally everything was mounted - the handle of the car wobbles like a cow tail, here I had to help with a few washers. Otherwise, it does what it's supposed to do, namely transport groceries home from the supermarket around the corner. From my point of view more practical than a market scooter, because such a basket is better than this type of bag on the market scooter. Pressure-sensitive items can be transported better with the basket.
Achetée pour aller a la laverie et faire mes courses. Petite remorque géniale, légère et pratique. Quelques modifications apportées, comme la fixation du casier plastique sur l'armature, un cadenas a la place de la goupille de sécurité, et adaptation du support boule directement sur le porte bagage car pas assez de place sous la selle a cause des ressorts. En résumé exactement ce dont j'avais besoin, j'ai presque envie d'en acheter un second exemplaire a garder en réserve pour le cas ou, car si elle me lache je la regretterais. Très bon produit
Bought to go to the laundromat and do my shopping. Great little trailer, light and practical. A few modifications made, such as fixing the plastic locker on the frame, a padlock instead of the safety pin, and adapting the ball support directly to the luggage rack because there was not enough space under the saddle because of the springs. In short, exactly what I needed, I almost want to buy a second one to keep in reserve just in case, because if it lets me down I will regret it. Very good product
Nachdem ich bei Amazon Bewertungen für vergleichbare Anhänger unter 100€ gelesen habe, (wobei die meisten nicht gut waren) habe ich mich für diesen Anhänger entschieden. Der Anhänger ist relativ stabil. Die vorgefertigten Löcher sind meist auch passgenau (Etwas verrutscht war das Loch mit dem man die Deichsel zusammenbaut). Die Aufhängung der Räder ist ein klein wenig muss aber sehen, in wieweit sich das später negativ bemerkbar macht. Der Zusammenbau war recht einfach mit übersichtlicher Anleitung in etwa 1 Stunde zu bewerkstelligen. Im Großen und Ganzen bin ich sehr zufrieden mit diesem kleinen Anhänger
After reading reviews on Amazon for comparable trailers under 100€ (most of which were not good), I decided on this trailer. The trailer is relatively stable. The prefabricated holes are usually a perfect fit (the hole with which you assemble the drawbar was a bit slipped). The suspension of the wheels is a little wobbly......but you have to see to what extent this will have a negative impact later on. The assembly was quite easy to do with clear instructions in about 1 hour. Overall I'm very happy with this little trailer
Kleine Erleichterung beim Ausflug. Zusammenbauen ging auch gut. Nur die achsbolzen werde ich wohl noch ändern. Sonst ist das zu locker. Aber sonst ist es gut. Und Dämpfer unter die Box. Manchmal klappert es zu stark.
A little relief on the trip. Assembling went well too. I will probably only change the axle bolts. Otherwise it's too loose. But otherwise it's good. And dampers under the box. Sometimes it rattles too much.
We bought this to transport our elderly dog. Although probably not what the seller intended it's ideal and exactly what we wanted. It's sturdy but easy to push/pull and comfortable for the dog
We bought this to transport our elderly dog. Although probably not what the seller intended it's ideal and exactly what we wanted. It's sturdy but easy to push/pull and comfortable for the dog
der teil passt sehr gut
the part fits very well
Fácil de llevar, ligero, ajustado... solo una pega la caja debería venir con algunas cuerdas para que no vaya golpeando con el soporte. Por lo demás todo bien muy contento
Easy to carry, light, tight... just one drawback: the box should come with some strings so that it doesn't hit the stand. Otherwise everything is fine, very happy.
So, nun hab ichs getestet und schon einige schwere Einkäufe damit transportiert. Funktioniert super, sehr stabil und auch die Montage war bald erledigt. Musste mit einer Kleinigkeit mit dem Verkäufer Kontakt aufnehmen, aber der war auch vollkommen professionell und hilfsbereit! Super! Von mir Kaufempfehlungen.
So, now I've tested it and have already transported some heavy purchases with it. Works great, very stable and the assembly was soon done. Had to contact the seller with a small matter but he was also completely professional and helpful! Excellent! Buy recommendations from me.
Die Bestellung kam wie erwartet an und war gut verpackt. Der Zusammenbau hat gut funktioniert und kann auch von weniger Geübten vorgenommen werden. Allerdings ist der Anhänger - wie bereits in anderen Beurteilungen beschrieben - für große Fahrräder mit hohem Rahmen und 28'' Bereifung nicht hoch genug ausgelegt und kann daher nur bei einigen Umbauten verwendet werden. Dazu muss man in der Verbindungsstange zusätzliche Löcher bohren, um die Höhe so zu verändern, dass de r Anhänger über den Gepäckträger reicht. Das ist ärgerlich, da es mit einigen zusätzlichen Löchern in der Stange bereits vom Hersteller etwas flexibler geliefert werden könnte. Daher mein Abzug. Ansonsten müssen wir die Straßentauglichkeit erst noch prüfen, da wir bis dahin durch die zusätzlichen Arbeiten noch nicht vorgedrungen sind.
The order arrived as expected and was well packaged. The assembly worked well and can also be carried out by less experienced people. However, as already described in other reviews, the trailer is not designed high enough for large bicycles with a high frame and 28" tires and can therefore only be used for some conversions. This requires drilling additional holes in the connecting rod to adjust the height so that the trailer reaches over the luggage rack. This is annoying as with some extra holes in the bar it could have been supplied a bit more flexible already by the manufacturer. Hence my deduction. Otherwise, we still have to check the roadworthiness, as we have not yet progressed through the additional work.
Ein super Produkt. Das Preis- Leistungsverhältnis stimmt. Der Wagen kam zwar mit einigen Kratzern an aber allem in allem ein gutes Produkt
A great product. The price-performance ratio is right. The car arrived with a few scratches but overall a good product
Mit ein wenig Geschick, lässt sich der Wagen in 1,5-2 Stunden aufbauen, hängt ordentlich am Rad und ist schön verarbeitet. Um 75,- kauf ich ihn immer wieder gern. Ich sah aber, dass der Preis in die Höhe schoss. Schade.
With a little skill, the car can be set up in 1.5-2 hours, hangs neatly on the wheel and is beautifully finished. At 75,- I like to buy it again and again. But I saw that the price shot up. A pity.
Der Anhänger ließ sich komplett unproblematisch in ca. 30 Minuten zusammenbauen und an das Rad anhängen. Erste Probefahrten verliefen erfolgreich. Wird künftig meine Einkaufshilfe. An den Auflageflächen der Transportbox habe ich zur Geräuschdämpfung etwas Isolierband geklebt.
The trailer could be assembled and attached to the bike in about 30 minutes without any problems. The first test drives were successful. Will be my future shopping aid. I glued some insulating tape to the contact surfaces of the transport box to dampen the noise.
Der Aufbau war etwas schwierig (bzw. das anbringen der Kupplung am Fahrrad) sonst ist der Anhänger aber super! Wirkt stabil im Vergleich zu dem, den ich vorher bestellt hatte! Das fahrgefühl ist auch super!
The construction was a bit difficult (or attaching the hitch to the bike) but otherwise the trailer is great! Seems stable compared to the one I ordered before! The driving experience is great too!
Die Montage war durch den Plan gut beschrieben und einfach. Hier hat man beim Zusammenbau schon gemerkt, daß es ein stabiler Anhänger wird. Alles starke Schrauben mit selbstsichernden Muttern, die sich bei Vibration nicht lösen. Die Anhängevorrichtung am Fahrrad, ist durch den Kugelkopf einfach und praktisch gelöst. Der Anhänger läuft auch beladen, ganz ruhig hinter dem Fahrrad. Praktisch sind die Autoventile der Reifen, für das Aufpumpen an Tankstellen. Mit der Transportbox kann man den gesamten Einkauf einfach in die Küche tragen. Durch den Hochgriff läßt sich der Anhänger auch als Handwagen nutzen, wenn man mal etwas schweres transportieren muß, ebenso ist das verlängerte Rohr als Stütze sehr nützlich. Es ist alles sehr sinnvoll durchdacht und ein gutes Preis- Leistungsverhältnis.
The assembly was well described by the plan and easy. Here you have already noticed during assembly that it will be a stable trailer. All strong bolts with self-locking nuts that won't loosen with vibration. The towing device on the bike is easily and practically solved with the ball head. The trailer also runs loaded, very quietly behind the bike. The car valves on the tires are practical for inflating at gas stations. With the transport box you can simply carry the entire purchase into the kitchen. Thanks to the high handle, the trailer can also be used as a hand truck if you have to transport something heavy, and the extended tube is also very useful as a support. It's all very well thought out and good value for money.
I am extremely happy with my cargo truck. It seems exactly as advertised. So far I have used it to transport wood logs, and compost bags without any difficulty.
I am extremely happy with my cargo truck. It seems exactly as advertised. So far I have used it to transport wood logs, and compost bags without any difficulty.
Man sollte nicht zu viel erwarten, aber im Grunde habe ich genau solch ein Produkt gesucht. Der Wagen wirkt grundsätzlich stabil und die Reifen laufen rund. Leider war die Anbringung der Reifen etwas schwierig, da durch die mitgelieferten Unterlegscheiben die Räder beim Festziehen der Schraube blockiert werden. Mit Unterlegscheiben in einer Nummer kleiner (die ich hinzukaufen musste) war dann aber alles ok. Die Reifen lassen sich leicht aufpumpen und wirken zwar nicht besonders wertig aber ausreichend. Ein bisschen Kreativität verlangt der Aufbau einem schon ab. Wer ab und zu mal einen Getränkekasten hin und her fahren will, wird mit diesem Produkt wohl keine Probleme bekommen. Für die intensivere Nutzung müsste ich den Anhänger länger testen. Dennoch von mir eine Kaufempfehlung.
You shouldn't expect too much, but basically I was looking for exactly such a product. The car seems generally stable and the tires run smoothly. Unfortunately, attaching the tires was a little difficult, as the washers supplied block the wheels when the screw is tightened. With washers in one size smaller (which I had to buy), everything was ok. The tires are easy to inflate and don't look particularly valuable, but sufficient. The construction requires a bit of creativity. Anyone who wants to move a crate of drinks back and forth from time to time will probably have no problems with this product. For more intensive use I would have to test the trailer longer. Nevertheless, I recommend buying it.
Ich habe den Anhänger für meinen Mann zu Weihnachten gekauft. Ich suchte ein stabiles Gefährt, mit dem man kleiner Transporte , Einkäufe transportieren kann, oder auch mal Gartenabfälle entsorgen kann. Der Wagen war schnell und problemlos aufzubauen und war auch Ruck-Zuck am Fahrrad montiert. Er ist stabil, lässt sich effektiv und reichlich beladen. Beim Fahren kommt man nicht ins schlingern , auch wenn der Wagen voll beladen ist. Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist top . Bin sehr zufrieden und vor allem mein Mann !
I bought the pendant for my husband for Christmas. I was looking for a stable vehicle with which to transport small loads, purchases, or even dispose of garden waste. The car was quick and easy to set up and was also mounted on the bike in no time at all. It is stable, can be loaded effectively and plentifully. You don't sway when driving, even when the car is fully loaded. Value for money is great. I am very satisfied and especially my husband!
It did a great job at transporting my food shopping on a trip to the supermarket, Although I was a bit worried about the eggs laying on top of the groceries. Thankfully when i got home, None of the eggs were broken, And there were no signs of leakage from the rest of the shopping bags. The wagon rides effortlessly on road paths, And motors down cycling lanes. The cart itself is very sturdy, And can hold up to a 40kg load, Which makes it ideal for me to transport camping gear and other heavy items that are very awkward to move. A problem i usually have with bike trailers is that sometimes the wheels can make repeating squeaking noises on a trip which can distract me when i cycle, But the wheels are very quiet without being too bumpy or noisy on a ride. For me this is exactly what i need when touring with heavy equipment.
It did a great job at transporting my food shopping on a trip to the supermarket, Although I was a bit worried about the eggs laying on top of the groceries. Thankfully when i got home, None of the eggs were broken, And there were no signs of leakage from the rest of the shopping bags. The wagon rides effortlessly on road paths, And motors down cycling lanes. The cart itself is very sturdy, And can hold up to a 40kg load, Which makes it ideal for me to transport camping gear and other heavy items that are very awkward to move. A problem i usually have with bike trailers is that sometimes the wheels can make repeating squeaking noises on a trip which can distract me when i cycle, But the wheels are very quiet without being too bumpy or noisy on a ride. For me this is exactly what i need when touring with heavy equipment.
Es justo lo que muestran las fotos. Materiales resistentes y de calidad; incluso el enganche de bola, de fácil colocación y muy resistente. Lo único que yo mejoraría es la caja de plástico extraíble, que a diferencia de otros modelos, le falta la cubierta.
It is exactly what the photos show. Strong, quality materials; even the ball hitch, easy to install and very durable. The only thing I would improve is the removable plastic box, which unlike other models, lacks a cover.
Le chariot est conforme à la description, livré dans les délais et en plus il ya l'attache remorque dans le colis, pas la peine d'en reprendre une à part. Il fait bien 8 kg et ne pose pas de problème pour être tracté en VTT. Je mets mon chien de 9 kg dedans et sur route bitumé il n'y aucun problème. En tout terrain c'est beaucoup plus délicat avec les bosses car la barre du haut touche parfois ma roue de 29 et cela me freine. Il faut que je la perce et remonte au moins de 5 cm et cela évitera que le bas de cette même barre tape au sol sur une bosse. Cela dit j'ai fait plusieurs sortie en VTT avec et cela passe bien, en anticipant. Les roues n'ont pas de roulements, c'est très basique c'est peut être une chose à améliorer avec un diamètre un peu plus grand. Le cageot plastic est standard et amovible, de bonne contenance. Je suis très satisfait de mon achat.
The cart is as described, delivered on time and in addition there is the trailer hitch in the package, no need to take a separate one. It weighs 8 kg and is no problem to be towed by mountain bike. I put my 9 kg dog in it and on tarmac roads there is no problem. Off-road it is much more delicate with bumps because the top bar sometimes touches my 29 wheel and that slows me down. I have to drill it and raise it at least 5 cm and that will prevent the bottom of this same bar from hitting the ground on a bump. That said, I have done several mountain bike outings with it and it works well, by anticipating. The wheels do not have bearings, it is very basic, it is perhaps something to improve with a slightly larger diameter. The plastic crate is standard and removable, good capacity. I am very satisfied with my purchase.
Der Anhänger ist Top, aber für E-Bikes ist die Anbringvorrichtung nicht tauglich. Sonst ist es das Perfekte tranzport Vehikel für Einkäufe e.t.c., da der Korp entnehmbar ist.
The trailer is great, but the attachment device is not suitable for e-bikes. Otherwise it is the perfect tranzport vehicle for shopping etc, since the body is removable.
Wir hätten den Anhänger gerne in Verbindung mit unserem Elektorfahrrad gekoppelt. Eigentlich ein sinniges Szenario, mit dem wir in Borkum Badesachen transportieren wollten. Dafür war die Deichsel dann leider um einige cm zu kurz. Ebenso erging uns dann mit einem Mountainbike, dass wir alternativ gewählt haben. Schlussendlich musste meine Frau sich auf das Kinderfahrrrad setzen, um die Sachen zu transportieren, während unsere 13jährige nun Ebike fahren durfte. Ansonsten sind wir mit dem Anhänger aber zufrieden. Zurück in der Heimat bietet er nun viele Einsatzmöglichkeiten.
We would have liked to have coupled the trailer in connection with our electric bike. Actually a sensible scenario with which we wanted to transport bathing suits in Borkum. Unfortunately, the drawbar was a few cm too short for this. The same happened to us with a mountain bike that we chose an alternative. In the end, my wife had to get on the children's bike to transport the things, while our 13-year-old was now able to ride the e-bike. Otherwise we are satisfied with the trailer. Back at home, he now offers many possible uses.
Es wurde schon alles technische in den vorherigen Rezensionen gesagt. Ich möchte ergänzen, dass der Anhänger auch ein tolles Spielzeug ist. ,-) Die großen radeln, die kleinen sitzen im Anhänger - oder umgekehrt. Ohne Helm und ohne Gurt - so wie bei uns früher. Das ist Freiheit auf zwei Räder haben mir meine kids erklärt, nachdem ich Ihnen sagte dass sie das nicht machen dürfen. Da gibts kein Gegenargument! Kaufe mir den Anhänger sicher wieder, nachdem ihm die Kinder zu Schrott gefahren haben!
Everything technical has already been said in the previous reviews. I would like to add that the trailer is also a great toy. ,-) The big ones cycle, the little ones sit in the trailer - or vice versa. Without a helmet and without a belt - just like we used to. That's freedom on two wheels, my kids explained to me after I told them they weren't allowed to do it. There's no counter-argument! Will definitely buy me the trailer again after the kids crashed it!
In diesem Umfang ist komplett alles dabei. Der Anhänger, die Faltbox sowie die Anhängerkupplung fürs Fahrrad. Damit die Montage schneller geht, hilft eine bebilderte Anleitung, Der Duramaxx Bigbig Box Fahrradhänger kam in einem nicht allzu großen Karton sehr gut verpackt an. Es muss alles montiert werden. Aber mit dem richtigen Werkzeug (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) und ein bisschen Geschick dauert es ca. 30 min. Danach war bei uns der Anhänger zusammengebaut. Nun musste nur noch Luft aufgepumpt werden. Wir nutzen dazu ein Autoventil-Adapter und eine ganz normale Luftpumpe. Den Adapter gibt es schon für kleines Geld in jedem Fahrradgeschäft zu kaufen. Die Anhängerkupplung brauchten wir nicht am Fahrrad montieren, weil schon eine vorhanden ist. Bei den Kids in unserer Umgebung ist ein Anhänger schon fast ein Muss. Wer keinen hat, leiht sich einen. Es passen alle gängigen Anhängerkupplungen fürs Fahrrad. Unser alter Anhänger ist in die Jahre gekommen und die Faltbox schon so sehr kaputt. Leider haben wir genau diese nie nachzukaufen bekommen. Der Anhänger ist sehr gut verarbeitet und mit seinen Katzenaugen auch im Dunkeln noch gut sichtbar. Was wir aber nicht so gut finden, das die Katzenaugen soweit abstehen. Die werden sicher als erstes kaputt gehen. Der Griff ist hart gummiert, beim alten war er weich gepolstert und reißt nun natürlich ein. Und ganz wichtig, der Anhänger ist robust und wetterfest. Ein kleiner Tipp: Zum Handwagen sollte man sich noch Spanngurte besorgen, damit auch nichts runterfällt. Denn ich weiß, wie voll man diese Handwagen/Fahrradanhänger bepacken kann. Da passt mehr rein als man denkt. Kinder sind da besonders erfinderisch. Man kann den Anhänger auch prima zum Einkaufen benutzen. Durch die herausnehmbare Box kann man den Einkauf gleich in die Küche tragen, und die Faltbox zusammengeklappt platzsparend abstellen. Der Duramaxx Bigbig Box Fahrradhänger ist nicht gerade preiswert, aber günstiger gibt’s ihn auch nirgends woanders. Er ist sein Geld wert und wir, besser gesagt unser Sohn, möchte ihn nicht mehr missen. Das beste Transportmittel, wenn man mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs ist. Wir sprechen aus langjähriger Erfahrung.
In this scope, everything is included. The trailer, the folding box and the trailer hitch for the bike. Illustrated instructions help to make assembly faster. The Duramaxx Bigbig Box bicycle trailer arrived very well packaged in a not too large box. Everything has to be assembled. But with the right tools (not included) and a bit of skill, it takes about 30 minutes. After that, we assembled the trailer. Now only air had to be pumped up. We use a car valve adapter and a normal air pump. You can buy the adapter for little money in any bike shop. We didn't need to mount the trailer hitch on the bike because one is already there. A trailer is almost a must for the kids around us. If you don't have one, borrow one. It fits all standard towbars for bicycles. Our old trailer is showing its age and the folding box is already so badly broken. Unfortunately, we never got to buy exactly these. The pendant is very well made and with its cat eyes it is still clearly visible in the dark. But what we don't like is that the cat's eyes stick out so much. They'll probably break first. The handle is hard rubberized, the old one was softly padded and now naturally tears. And most importantly, the trailer is robust and weatherproof. A little tip: you should get tension belts for the handcart so that nothing falls down. Because I know how full you can pack these handcarts/bicycle trailers. There's more that fits in than you think. Children are particularly inventive. You can also use the trailer for shopping. Thanks to the removable box, you can carry your shopping straight into the kitchen and store the folding box when folded up to save space. The Duramaxx Bigbig Box bike trailer isn't exactly cheap, but you won't find it cheaper anywhere else. It's worth the money and we, or rather our son, wouldn't want to be without it. The best means of transport when traveling by bike. We speak from years of experience.
Article de qualité, simple à assembler. Toutes vis et écrous fournis, quelques rondelles supplémentaires auraient été bienvenues. Attention de ne pas trop serrer les écrous de roues pour ne pas contraindre les roulements. A noter la notice succincte en en Allemand et en Anglais seulement. Un embout en caoutchouc aurait aussi été intéressant pour protéger le bout de la béquille. Pour ma part j'ait réutilisé une des protections du cadre en plastique noir. Avec 3 tours de chaterton pour que la pièce s'emmanche un peu en force et ne tombe pas toute seule. Le système d'attelage est astucieux. Le panier pliable est bien réalisé. !. Les poignées pour le mode "brouette sont épaisses et confortables.Je suis satisfait de cet achat.
Quality item, easy to assemble. All screws and nuts provided, a few extra washers would have been welcome. Be careful not to overtighten the wheel nuts so as not to stress the bearings. Note the brief instructions in German and English only. A rubber tip would also have been interesting to protect the end of the stand. For my part, I reused one of the black plastic frame protectors. With 3 turns of chatterton so that the part fits a little forcefully and does not fall off by itself. The hitch system is clever. The foldable basket is well made. !. The handles for the "wheelbarrow" mode are thick and comfortable. I am satisfied with this purchase.
Compre el remolque para llevar a mi perrita y va muy bien. Tiene las ruedas grandes y absorbe bien los saltos, es ágil y se sujeta bien con la bola. Le hecho en falta que se pueda plegar o dividir el mango, porque cuando no lo usas, se quitan muy bien las ruedas y nomocupa espacio, pero el mango sobresale y molesta. El material bueno aunque la caja es bastanta fea, parece de las verduras!!
I bought the trailer to carry my dog and it works very well. It has large wheels and absorbs jumps well, it is agile and holds well with the ball. I miss the possibility of folding or dividing the handle, because when you don't use it, the wheels are easily removed and don't take up space, but the handle sticks out and gets in the way. The material is good although the box is quite ugly, it looks like a vegetable box!!
IMPRESSIONI Nella confezione tutti gli accessori ed i componenti necessari per il montaggio. Munirsi tuttavia di cacciavite a croce e pinze o set di chiavi inglesi. Il manuale è in tedesco e in inglese con molte illustrazioni che permettono di orientarsi nel montaggio, peraltro abbastanza semplice. CARATTERISTICHE Da quando mi sono trasferito in una cittadina, andando ad abitare in centro nell'isola pedonale, uso molto di più la bicicletta, anche per andare al mercato o al supermercato. Questo accessorio, che si aggancia e si sgancia dalla bici in un attimo tramite un solido aggancio a molla, mi è piaciuto subito: mi permette di andare comodamente a fare la spesa, caricare tutto sul carrellino senza dover indossare un pesante zaino sulle spalle, come facevo prima. La cassa di plastica pieghevole, che fa da baule e si incastra perfettamente nella parte tubolare del carrello, ha le dimensioni giuste né troppo grande, né troppo piccola. Accoglie bene una cassa da dodici bottiglie di vetro, essendo circa cm 50 x 30 e lasciando ancora una decina di centimetri di spazio libero. Il montaggio è stato abbastanza facile ed ho impiegato circa mezz'ora. La struttura tubolare in acciaio è leggera e molto robusta al tempo stesso. Molto comodo poter sganciare il carrello in un attimo, senza dover svitare nulla, ed usare così la bici da sola. Quando è sganciato un piede anteriore impedisce al carrello di rovesciarsi. Una comoda maniglia permette anche di condurre il carrello a piedi. Infatti dato che ho il box auto a due portoni di distanza da casa mia, lo uso anche per spostare cose pesanti da un parte all'altra conducendolo a mano. Le gomme hanno un bel copertone dall'aria molto resistente. E' dotato anche di catarifrangenti anteriori e posteriori come prescritto dalla legge e quindi è perfettamente a norma. CONCLUSIONI Prodotto molto ben costruito, solido e funzionale. Prezzo adeguato ai materiali di prima qualità.
IMPRESSIONS In the package all the accessories and components necessary for assembly. However, use a cross screwdriver and pliers or a set of spanners. The manual is in German and English with many illustrations that allow you to orient yourself in the assembly, which is quite simple. FEATURES Since I moved to a small town, going to live in the center on the pedestrian area, I use the bicycle much more, even to go to the market or supermarket. I immediately liked this accessory, which attaches and detaches from the bike in an instant via a solid spring coupling: it allows me to go shopping comfortably, load everything onto the trolley without having to wear a heavy backpack on my shoulders, like i did before. The foldable plastic case, which acts as a trunk and fits perfectly into the tubular part of the trolley, has the right dimensions, neither too big nor too small. It fits well a case of twelve glass bottles, being about 50 x 30 cm and still leaving about ten centimeters of free space. The assembly was quite easy and took about half an hour. The tubular steel structure is light and very robust at the same time. Very convenient to be able to release the trolley in an instant, without having to unscrew anything, and thus use the bike alone. When unhooked, a front foot prevents the trolley from tipping over. A comfortable handle also allows you to drive the trolley on foot. In fact, since I have the garage two doors away from my house, I also use it to move heavy things from one side to the other by hand. The tires have a nice tire with a very resistant air. It is also equipped with front and rear reflectors as required by law and is therefore perfectly compliant with the law. CONCLUSIONS Very well built, solid and functional product. Reasonable price for top quality materials.
è un prodotto di buona qualità ho dato quattro stelle e non cinque perché il carrello ha un difetto che andrebbe migliorato e cioè la troppa rigidità. per il trasporto di cose pesanti va bene ma non devono esserci troppe buche perché si rischia di compromettere la spesa più delicata. del resto ha uno sgancio molto pratico come in un normale carrello da trasporto e la capacità di carico è ottima per il trasporto in bici. Purtroppo l'ho acquistato oltre il periodo estivo perché sarebbe stato utilissimo per l'intenso traffico da noi in paese ma per una grande città è il massimo. Spero che l'azienda prenda seriamente il problema della troppa rigidità anche aumentandone il prezzo sarebbe un ottimo investimento.
it is a good quality product I gave it four stars and not five because the cart has a defect that should be improved and that is too much rigidity. for the transport of heavy things it is fine but there must not be too many holes because you risk compromising the most delicate expense. moreover it has a very practical release like in a normal transport cart and the load capacity is excellent for transporting by bike. Unfortunately I bought it beyond the summer period because it would have been very useful for the heavy traffic in our country but for a big city it is the best. I hope that the company takes the problem of too much rigidity seriously even by increasing the price it would be an excellent investment.
La compra perfecta, todo rápido y correcto, solo que el artículo es más pequeño de lo que me esperaba, gracias, un saludo.
The purchase was perfect, everything was fast and correct, except that the item is smaller than I expected. Thank you, best regards.