Primal Heat 65 Heated Bistro Table

Primal Heat 65 Heated Bistro Table

233,99 € (incl. VAT)
Included in this price is a contribution to recycling costs of 2.08 EUR
  • Bistro table, Infrared radiant heater
  • Silver
Product number: 10031874
Primal Heat 65 Heated Bistro Table
233,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    210,99 €
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • As pleasant as the sun: IR Comfort Heat warms you and your guests with healthy infrared rays, even on cool days

  • Fast heat: heating table with 1200 watt carbon infrared heating tube

  • Infrared sensors: 3 sensors with a range of approx. 60 cm for automatic activation of the heating when approaching

Product description

Want to enjoy coffee or mulled wine on the terrace during the cold season? No problem, because the blumfeldt Primal Heat 65 bistro table with infrared heating element provides cosy warmth with an elegant look.

The blumfeldt Primal Heat 65 is a heated bistro table with a robust safety glass top and atmospheric LED lighting that enriches every outdoor seating area with light and warmth. In the base of the 65 cm high terrace table, a 1200 watt carbon infrared heating element provides quick, pleasant warmth. Thanks to the IR ComfortHeat system, it is not the air that is heated, but the illuminated objects and people. In sensor mode, three infrared sensors ensure the smart operation of the heating element. If there are objects or people in a radius of around 60 cm, the radiant heater works at full power. If the detection area is empty, however, it switches to energy-saving, reduced operation. Thanks to protection class IP44, the table can be safely used outside.

The 50 cm diameter table top made of elegantly tinted, 8 mm thick safety glass creates plenty of space for drinks, coffee services or snacks. A switchable white LED lamp illuminates the table surface from below and ensures the best visibility even in the late evening. The table is given stability by a solid base weight, which has a stylish appearance thanks to a cover made of brushed stainless steel.

Enjoy the terrace even on cooler days: thanks to the integrated infrared heating element, with the blumfeldt Primal Heat 65 bistro table, you are always warm.

Available sizes: bistro table 65 cm, high table 95 cm (article 10031875)


  • For outdoor use
  • Power: 1200 watts
  • Effective area: up to 24 m²
  • Range: approx. 5 m
  • Degree of protection: IP44
  • Heating element: carbon
  • On / off switch on the stand
  • IR sensor reacts to objects or people within 60 cm
  • If the IR detection area is empty, the table switches to reduced heating mode
  • Lighting and heating function can be switched on and off individually
  • Safe stance due to floor weight with cover made of brushed stainless steel
  • Light colour: cool white
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V ~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 10031874

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 50 x 65 cm (ØxH)
  • Cable length: 180 cm
  • Weight: approx.15.1 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x bistro table (assembly kit)
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
44 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Chauffe bien Esthétique ok

Heats well Aesthetics ok


Terrassenheizer Sehr schnelle Lieferung, sehr gute Verpakkung, schneller Aufbau

Patio heater Very fast delivery, very good packaging, quick assembly


Heizleistung wie vermutet und gewünscht ausreichend bis 1,2 m Entfernung Nutze den Heizer unter einem Tisch im Kaltwintergarten, macht schön warme Knie. Ware kam super Verpackt und schnell.

Heating performance as expected and desired, sufficient up to a distance of 1.2 m. I use the heater under a table in the cold conservatory, it keeps my knees nice and warm. The product arrived quickly and well packaged.


Macht was es soll Strahlt genügend Wärme im Nahbereich aus und man hat keine kalten Beine.

Does what it's supposed to. Radiates enough heat in the immediate area and your legs don't get cold.


Qualitatv hochwertig. Sehr gute Verarbeitung. Qualität zu einem absolut angemessenen Preis. Wir genießen unsere Nachmittagskaffees an unserem Tisch-Heizstrahler auf der Terrasse. .

High quality. Very good workmanship. Quality at a very reasonable price. We enjoy our afternoon coffees at our table heater on the terrace. .


Cool Für im Wintergarten ist diese perfekt. Sie wärmt schön um Beine um und im raumen wird auch noch etwas wärmer

Cool This is perfect for the winter garden. It warms your legs nicely and it gets a little warmer in the room too


blumfeldt Primal Heat - Standheiz Sehr hochwertiger Tisch heizt Leistung so wie erwartet absolut zu empfehlen

blumfeldt Primal Heat - Stand heater Very high quality table heats performance as expected absolutely recommendable


Funktion und Optik perfekt Der Tisch erfüllt sowohl optisch als auch von der Funktion alle meine Erwartungen und das Ganze zu einem vertretbaren Preis

Function and appearance perfect The table meets all my expectations both visually and functionally and all at a reasonable price


Der Tisch erfüllt sowohl optisch als auch von der Funktion alle meine Erwartungen und das Ganze zu einem vertretbaren Preis

The table meets all my expectations both visually and in terms of function and all at a reasonable price


Comme le temps se refroidit, il vous laisse de la place pour boire un café après avoir pris une douche le matin.

As the weather gets cooler, it leaves you room to drink coffee after taking a shower in the morning.


+ Toller Stehtisch . + Perfekte Höhe. + Heizleistung zufriedenstellend - Die Integrierte Lampe in der Tischmitte nicht Nötig . - Bewegungsmelder völlig Sinnlos . -Preislich etwas zu Teuer

+ Great bar table. + Perfect height. + Heat output satisfactory - The integrated lamp in the middle of the table is not necessary. - Motion detector completely pointless. -Price a bit too expensive


Produkt sehr zu empfehlen

Product highly recommended


ansprechender Artikel, kompetenter Produktanbieter Leider haben wichtige Teile zur Installation des als "gebraucht" gekauften Artikels gefehlt. Auch ohne die Schrauben und Unterlegscheiben war der Artikel ansprechend, jedoch nicht zu verwenden. Die Rücksendung wurde ohne Widersprüche und andere Komplikationen abgewickelt. Sofern dennoch ein Rechnungsbetrag anfällt werde ich diese Rezension wieder abändern. Ansonsten sehr guter Artikel von einem sehr guten Verkäufer MfG

Attractive article, competent product provider Unfortunately, important parts for installing the article that was purchased as "used" were missing. Even without the screws and washers, the article was attractive, but unusable. The return was handled without any objections or other complications. If an invoice amount is still incurred, I will change this review again. Otherwise, a very good article from a very good seller. Best regards


Leider haben wichtige Teile zur Installation des als "gebraucht" gekauften Artikels gefehlt. Auch ohne die Schrauben und Unterlegscheiben war der Artikel ansprechend, jedoch nicht zu verwenden. Die Rücksendung wurde ohne Widersprüche und andere Komplikationen abgewickelt. Sofern dennoch ein Rechnungsbetrag anfällt werde ich diese Rezension wieder abändern. Ansonsten sehr guter Artikel von einem sehr guten Verkäufer MfG

Unfortunately, important parts for installing the item purchased as "used" were missing. Even without the screws and washers, the item was attractive but unusable. The return was processed without contradictions and other complications. If there is an invoice amount, I will change this review again. Otherwise very good item from a very good seller MfG


Also ich von echt zu Frieden mit dem Gerät. Habe es bei mir auf der Veranda stehen. Und wenn mal draußen beim Rauchen ist oder einen Glühwein oder etwas anderes genießen will ist der Tisch wirklich top. Klar geht die Abstrahlungs Wärme keine 2 Meter weit aber wenn man sich so einen halben Meter weg sitzt erfüllt der Tisch seinen Zweck. Deshalb Kaufempfehlung

So I'm really happy with the device. I have it on my porch. And if you are outside smoking or want to enjoy a mulled wine or something else, the table is really great. Of course, the radiated heat does not go 2 meters far, but if you sit half a meter away, the table fulfills its purpose. Therefore purchase recommendation


Super Gerät Also ich von echt zu Frieden mit dem Gerät. Habe es bei mir auf der Veranda stehen. Und wenn mal draußen beim Rauchen ist oder einen Glühwein oder etwas anderes genießen will ist der Tisch wirklich top. Klar geht die Abstrahlungs Wärme keine 2 Meter weit aber wenn man sich so einen halben Meter weg sitzt erfüllt der Tisch seinen Zweck. Deshalb Kaufempfehlung

Great device I'm really happy with the device. I have it on my veranda. And if you're outside smoking or want to enjoy a mulled wine or something else, the table is really great. Of course the radiated heat doesn't go more than 2 meters, but if you sit half a meter away, the table serves its purpose. That's why I recommend buying it.


Sono davvero soddisfatta. Comodo e funzionale. Scalda sedendosi attorno come ad un normale tavolino. Non adatto per spazi grandi esterni.

I am really satisfied. Comfortable and functional. It warms up by sitting around it like a normal table. Not suitable for large outdoor spaces.


Es steht bei uns auf der Terrasse. Da es unter heizt kann man auch Abends noch draußen sitzen. Da man ja schöne warme Beine bekommt.

It's on our terrace. Since it heats up you can also sit outside in the evening. Because you get nice warm legs.


Spedito mart.17/08 , arrivato ven.20/08 , e doveva arrivare tra il 26-28 agosto...direi spedizione veloce !!! Il prodotto è come da descrizione,l’ho solo provato 2min x vedere se funzionava. E vediamo per quanto riguarda il risparmio energetico...che dovresti tenerlo acceso e dopo tot tempo va al minimo, e quando ci si avvicina dovrebbe riattivarsi al massimo…Vedremo tra qualche mese col freddo come sarà in garage e in terrazza. Peccato non lo forniscono con la copertura impermeabile..

Shipped Tue 17/08, arrived Fri 20/08, and should have arrived between August 26-28... I'd say fast shipping!!! The product is as described, I only tried it for 2 minutes to see if it worked. And let's see about energy saving... that you should keep it on and after a certain amount of time it goes to minimum, and when you get close it should reactivate to maximum... We'll see in a few months with the cold how it will be in the garage and on the terrace. Too bad they don't supply it with the waterproof cover..


Eine sehr gute Anschaffung! Angeschafft für einen Geburtstag, der dank Lockdown nur als "schnelle Gratulation in der Garage " stattfand. Weiter genutzt während des Umbaus, Wärme plus Tisch.... super!

A very good purchase! Bought for a birthday that, thanks to lockdown, only took place as a "quick congratulations in the garage". Continued use during the renovation, heat plus table... great!


Ganz toller Tisch für außen,Freunde haben geschaut.

Really great table for outside, friends have looked.


Der Blumfeldt Primal Heater verlängert die Nutzung des Balkons an schönen Sommerabenden Meine Frau und ich haben den 65er Blumfeldt Primal Heater auf unserem Balkon an mehreren Sommernächten, mit den verschiedenen Heizstufen, ausprobiert und waren begeistert. Man kann sich bequem um den beleuchteten runden Glastisch setzen und abendliche Drinks genießen und plaudern. Wir haben das Gerät unseren Freunden und Bekannten zur Nutzung empfohlen.

The Blumfeldt Primal Heater extends the use of the balcony on beautiful summer evenings. My wife and I tried out the 65 Blumfeldt Primal Heater on our balcony on several summer nights, with the various heating settings, and were delighted. You can sit comfortably around the illuminated round glass table and enjoy evening drinks and chat. We have recommended the device to our friends and acquaintances for use.


Meine Frau und ich haben den 65er Blumfeldt Primal Heater auf unserem Balkon an mehreren Sommernächten, mit den verschiedenen Heizstufen, ausprobiert und waren begeistert. Man kann sich bequem um den beleuchteten runden Glastisch setzen und abendliche Drinks genießen und plaudern. Wir haben das Gerät unseren Freunden und Bekannten zur Nutzung empfohlen.

My wife and I tried out the 65 Blumfeldt Primal Heater on our balcony on several summer nights, with the different heating levels, and were thrilled. One can sit comfortably around the lighted round glass table and enjoy evening drinks and chat. We have recommended the device to our friends and acquaintances for use.


Chauffage salle de bains

Bathroom heating


Guter Service Qualität gut Heizleistung gut schnelle Lieferung sehr gut verpackt Service gut und schnell

Good service, good quality, good heating performance, fast delivery, very well packaged, good and fast service


Qualität gut Heizleistung gut schnelle Lieferung sehr gut verpackt Service gut und schnell

Quality good Heat output good fast delivery very well packaged Service good and fast


Alles o.k!

Everything OK!


Cumple su función, en el espacio que tenían para el

It fulfills its function, in the space they had for it.


Klasse Heizstrahler. Ideal um bei kalten Temperaturen auf der Terrasse Rauchen zu können. Die eingebaute Lampe ist auch Top. Klare Kaufempfehlung.

Radiant heater class. Ideal for smoking on the terrace in cold temperatures. The built-in lamp is also great. Clear purchase recommendation.


Dieser Stehtisch ist sehr sehr schön wir sind sehr zufrieden und empfehlen diesen Tisch sehr sehr gerne weiter. Vielen lieben Dank.

This standing table is very beautiful, we are very satisfied and are very happy to recommend this table to others. Thanks so much.


Es precioso, muy bonito y resistente

It is beautiful, very nice and resistant.


Dieser Heiztisch war die beste Investition für den heurigen Winter! Die Höhe passt, er heizt sehr gut rundherum (360°), ist gut verarbeitet, schaut echt gut aus ... kann ich wirklich empfehlen, habe auch schon 2 Freundinnen davon überzeugt! Wirklich sein Geld wert!!

This heating table was the best investment for this winter! The height is right, it heats very well all around (360°), is well made, looks really good ... I can really recommend it, I've already convinced 2 friends of it! Really worth the money!!


Sieht nicht nur chic aus, sondern hält auch warm. Überlege noch einen Tisch zu holen .

Not only does it look chic, it also keeps you warm. Consider getting another table.


Der Stehtisch sieht super aus, die Heizleistung ist perfekt. Der Zusammenbau war sehr einfach.

The bar table looks great, the heat output is perfect. The assembly was very easy.


Schnelle Lieferung, Produkt macht sertigen Eindruck. Gute Heizleistung, die kalten Tage können kommen!

Fast delivery, product makes a good impression. Good heating performance, the cold days can come!


Aufbau ging ratzfatz und beim Ausprobieren am Abend war es in der Abenddämmerung mit dem zuschaltbaren Licht schon ein Blickfang und wirkt sehr hochwertig. Leider ist die Heizleistung nur ausreichend. Man kann nur die Beine bissel anwärmen wenn man recht nah davor sitzt. Ich hab mir von der Heizleistung einfach noch was mehr versprochen.

Set up was a breeze and when trying it out in the evening, the switchable light was an eye-catcher and made a very high-quality impression. Unfortunately, the heating output is only sufficient. You can only warm up your legs a bit if you sit quite close to it. I simply promised myself something more from the heat output.


Top Vermäufer, der einem bei Problemen sofort hilft und sehr freundlich ist. Wäre ist immer in Top Qualität und auf jedem Fall zu empfehlen ! Haben schon den 2. Bistrotisch bestellt und werden sicher noch weitere bestellen. Die Bistrotische bieten eine tolle Möglichkeit um angenehme Wärme zu verbreiten. Zudem sehen sie sehr schön und hochwertig aus. Für den Preis einfach unschlagbar !

Top manager who helps you immediately with problems and is very friendly. Would is always in top quality and definitely recommended! Have already ordered the 2nd bistro table and will definitely order more. The bistro tables offer a great opportunity to spread pleasant warmth. They also look very nice and of high quality. Simply unbeatable for the price!


Gutes Gerät - könnte ruhig mehr Abstrahlungshitze haben

Good device - could have more radiated heat


Bonsoir, très belle table ,très solide et bien emballé, chauffage entre les jambes toujours agréable et led sur le dessus pratique,j adore pour prendre le café à deux c est parfait.

Good evening, very nice table, very solid and well packaged, heating between the legs always pleasant and LED on the top practical, I love it for having coffee for two, it's perfect.


Ideal para usar en invierno en tu patio y no pasar frió. Da un calor espectacular y el led integrado permite usarla a modo de mesita si no hay mucha luz. Me ha sorprendido la gran calidad de los materiales y del diseño en general...pesa una barbaridad y el cristal es super bueno así como los botones y sus protectores herméticos para poder ser usados en exteriores (que es para lo que esta diseñada la estufa por cierto). Es muy fácil de montar (aunque como digo pesa muchísimo) y mas sencilla aun de utilizar. Un lujo de estufa.

Ideal for use in winter on your patio so you don't get cold. It gives off spectacular heat and the integrated LED allows you to use it as a table if there isn't much light. I was surprised by the great quality of the materials and the design in general... it weighs a ton and the glass is super good as well as the buttons and their hermetic protectors so they can be used outdoors (which is what the heater is designed for by the way). It is very easy to assemble (although as I said it weighs a lot) and even easier to use. A luxury heater.


Tengo un gran espacio al exterior y en verano está bien, pero en invierno los desayunos y tomar té resulta un poco frío. Tenía que encontrar una solución por lo que me puse en marcha y empece a poner soluciones, miré la variedad de soluciones y encontré este calefactor mesa que pensé que solucionaría mi fría mañana de café. No me lo pensé, y la verdad es que no entiendo como pude pasar antes de comprarlo el frío ya que todo fue instalarlo y disfrutar de unas veladas apacibles. El sensor de movimiento es muy ingenioso, ya que se mantiene un mínimo constante pero su resistencia se activa al detectar que me siento junto a ella, es una pasada y un gran ahorro de luz en estos momentos tan difíciles. Trae una pequeña pero potente luz central con la que puedo ver e iluminar lo contenido, práctico, diseño moderno y de gran calidad, no podría estar más feliz. Un gran acierto

I have a large outdoor space and in summer it is fine, but in winter breakfast and tea time are a bit cold. I had to find a solution so I got going and started to find solutions, I looked at the variety of solutions and found this table heater that I thought would solve my cold morning coffee. I didn't think twice, and the truth is that I don't understand how I was able to get through the cold before buying it since all I had to do was install it and enjoy some peaceful evenings. The motion sensor is very clever, as it maintains a constant minimum but its resistance is activated when it detects that I am sitting next to it, it is amazing and a great saving of light in these difficult times. It has a small but powerful central light with which I can see and illuminate the contents, practical, modern design and high quality, I couldn't be happier. A great success


Questo tavolino è veramente ottimo. E' facile da montare e funziona immediatamente. L'ho acquistato per poterlo mettere in giardino durante i giorni invernali ed è stato uno degli acquisti piu azzardati che abbia fatto nell'ultimo periodo. E' piaciuto molto anche ai parenti che sono venuto a trovarmi durante le fese natalizie. Insomma, se si possiede un giardino oppure un gran balcone dove sedersi, questo tavolino è veramente utile.

This table is really great. It is easy to assemble and works immediately. I bought it to be able to put it in the garden during the winter days and it was one of the most risky purchases I have made in the last period. It also liked a lot the relatives who came to visit me during the Christmas holidays. In short, if you have a garden or a large balcony to sit on, this table is really useful.


La stagione invernale, con la sua rigidità, comportava l'inutilizzo della mia piccola veranda ovviamente non provvista di riscaldamento ed ho quindi pensato di risolvere il problema con l'acquisto di questo tavolino provvisto di elementi riscaldanti a raggi infrarossi. Le dimensione del tavolo, alto 68 cm e con un diametro del paiano in vetro fumé, ne consentono la collocazione anche in spazi ridotti. Particolarmente utile la presenza di tre sensori che attivano la funzione riscaldante allorquando una persona si avvicina al tavolo e la riducono al minimo quando ci si allontana da esso, con conseguente risparmio energetico. La lampada led, posta sotto al piano del tavolo, è azionabile indipendentemente dall'uso della funzione riscaldante e quando la si accende si gode di una piacevole ed efficace illuminazione notturna. Certo avrei potuto risolvere il problema dell' inutilizzo della veranda anche con un classico termoconvettore, ma non avrei avuto la sicurezza dell'impermeabilità agli agenti atmosferici di cui è invece dotato questo tavolo, né della superficie di appoggio fornita dal tavolo. Ottimo l'imballo e facile il montaggio. Sono contento dell'acquisto ed ora posso sorbire un caffè e fumare una sigaretta in veranda anche d'inverno.

The winter season, with its harshness, meant that my small veranda was not used, which obviously was not equipped with heating, so I thought of solving the problem by purchasing this table equipped with infrared heating elements. The size of the table, 68 cm high and with a diameter of the smoked glass top, allows it to be placed even in small spaces. Particularly useful is the presence of three sensors that activate the heating function when a person approaches the table and reduce it to a minimum when one moves away from it, with consequent energy savings. The LED lamp, located under the table top, can be operated independently of the use of the heating function and when you turn it on you enjoy pleasant and effective night-time lighting. Of course, I could have solved the problem of the veranda not being used with a classic convector heater, but I would not have had the security of the waterproofing to atmospheric agents that this table is equipped with, nor of the support surface provided by the table. Excellent packaging and easy assembly. I'm happy with the purchase and now I can sip a coffee and smoke a cigarette on the porch even in winter.


J’ai commandé cette table pour utiliser dans ma véranda .Elle est idéale pour finir les petites soirées fraîches entre amis grâce à sa lumière au centre du plateau en verre et sa colonne de chauffage intégrée qui diffuse une chaleur douce et agréable. Je ne regrette pas du tout mon achat et je suis satisfaite de son design autant que de ses performances

I ordered this table to use in my veranda. It is ideal for finishing off cool evenings with friends thanks to its light in the center of the glass top and its integrated heating column which diffuses a soft and pleasant heat. I do not regret my purchase at all and I am satisfied with its design as well as its performance