Königsbrunn Solar Fountain
Königsbrunn Solar Fountain
- Solar fountain
- Black Slate
Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty118,99 € -
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty125,99 €
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Environmentally-friendly solar-powered fountain
Suitable for installation in gardens, on terraces, in gardens or in the conservatory
Powerful 2 W solar panel with 300cm² photovoltaic surface
Product description
The sun king moves into the green: the Blumfeldt Königsbrunn solar-powered fountain gives gardens, terraces, gardens and conservatories a majestic atmosphere, completely independently from the power grid.
Currents of water continually gush from the head of the Blumfeldt Königsbrunn garden fountain, running down the outer surface of the sphere to the hidden basin below where the water begins its journey anew. The result is a visually attractive fountain that invites you to meditative relaxation and offers a refreshing backdrop for lush greenery or sitting areas. Made entirely of polyresin, the design in polished basalt look brings an indestructible charm. In dark hours, a crown of LED lights illuminates the area to give it a royal atmosphere.
With a 300 cm² large solar panel, the Königsbrunn solar fountain is completely independent of grid-connected power supply. Using only the power of the sun, the fountain can pull up to 200 litres of gushing water per hour through the ball port, while at the same time charging the built-in battery. The supplied pump and light crown can hold up to eight hours of power. The LEDs switch on automatically in darkness. To secure the solar panel, a ground spike is included, which may be quickly and easily placed.
The generous cable lengths allow for high freedom in placement. The 5 m long cables for the pump and LED ring as well as the resilient plastic material allow the Blumfeldt Königsbrunn garden fountain to be placed in the centre of larger ponds - almost as if it were the throne of the Frog Prince.
Available versions: smooth base, curved base (item 10027997).
- On / off switch on the battery housing
- Connections (battery): 1 x solar panel, 1 x water pump, 1 x LED ring
- Fountain ball individually suitable as pond water feature
- Built-in water reservoir in the base
- Maximum height of the water fountain: 0.8 m
- Projection height of the water: about 0.4 m
- Freely-adjustable pump power / fountain height
- LED lights for wreath of night lighting
- Generous cable lengths for free positioning
- Easy to move
- Ground spike for the solar panel
- Material: polyresin
- Designed for fixed installation of the solar panels
- Power supply: 6V DC (via photovoltaic))
- Battery: 3.7V, 2ah
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions ball: 27 x 27 cm (W x D footprint); 21 cm Ø ball)
- Dimensions fountain: 35 x 62 x 36 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions pump: 4 x 3 x 5.7 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions solar panel: 20 x 1.8 x 15 cm (WxHxD)
- Length spike: 30 cm (14 cm soil - panel; 16 cm spear)
- Cable length solar panel: 2 m
- Cable length pump / LED rings: 5 mm
- Weight fountain: about 9.5 kg
- Weight solar panel: about 490 g (incl. cable)
What will be delivered?
- 1 x sprinkler ball
- 1 x base
- 1 x solar panel with battery
- 1 x water pump
- 1 x ground spike (3 parts: 1 x spear, 1 x extension, 1 x bracket)
- 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
RAS conforme
RAS as per
Livraison rapide et soignée. Du plus bel effet sur ma terrasse au milieu de mes pots de fleurs. Très satisfaite de mon achat.
Fast and careful delivery. Looks great on my terrace in the middle of my flower pots. Very satisfied with my purchase.
tres bien cela fonctionne tres bien content de mon achat.
very good it works very well happy with my purchase.
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Jolie forme, élégante et le bruit de l eau est relaxant. Le soir la lumière est très sympa.
The multimedia product could not be loaded. Nice shape, elegant and the sound of water is relaxing. In the evening the light is very nice.
Je suis très contente de mon achat, mis en plein soleil c'est parfait
I am very happy with my purchase, placed in full sunlight it is perfect
Facile à mettre en euvre Pour l, instant fonctionne bien malgré le peu soleil en ce mois de novembre a voir cette été
Easy to implement For the moment, it works well despite the little sun in this month of November, we'll see this summer
Super Qualität und Aussehen.
Super quality and looks.
Funktioniert prima. Mal sehen wie lange er hält und ob er die Winterkälte in der Garage überlebt
Works great. Let's see how long it lasts and if it survives the winter cold in the garage
Es ist halt Kunststoff und das sieht man auch deutlich. Meine Frau wollte das Teil unbedingt. Was mir absolut nicht gefällt ist die Funktionalität. Ich steige da nicht durch wann es angehen soll, wann nicht, ob es Zeitsteuerung gibt o.ä. - Selbst in der Zeit, wo 3 Wochen Dauersonne war und die Solarzelle von morgens bis abends angestrahlt wurde, lief der Brunnen nur temporär und zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten. Aber ich habe das Teil behalten, ich will auch nicht jeden Artikel zurückschicken...
It's just plastic and you can clearly see that. My wife really wanted the part. What I really don't like is the functionality. I can't figure out when it should start, when not, whether there is a timer, etc. - Even when there was 3 weeks of continuous sun and the solar cell was illuminated from morning to evening, the fountain only ran temporarily and at different times times. But I kept the part, I don't want to send every item back either...
Man sieht zwar von der Nähe, dass das Material recht günstig ist, aber es ist traumhaft im Gartenbau sitzen und es plätschern zu hören..
You can see from up close that the material is quite cheap, but it's a dream to sit in the garden and hear it splashing.
Merci beaucoup
Thank you so much
dieser Kugelbrunnen hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen, ich habe ihn verschenkt und damit eine grosse Freude bereitet. Er sieht toll aus und leuchtet abends. Das Solarpaneel hat ein langes Kabel sodass man es bequem in die Sonne stellen kann und der Brunnen im Schatten bleibt.
This ball fountain exceeded my expectations, I gave it away and it was a great pleasure. It looks great and lights up at night. The solar panel has a long cable so you can conveniently place it in the sun and keep the fountain in the shade.
funktioniert einwandfrei - beruhigendes Plätschern - Solarbetrieb funktioniert gut - Beleuchtung automatisch bei einsetzender Dunkelheit - Preis könnte etwas niedriger sei
works perfectly - soothing rippling sound - solar powered works well - lights up automatically when it gets dark - price could be a bit lower
Sehr schön , einfach toll
Very nice, just great
Sehr schöner Brunnen, läuft seit ein paar Wochen einwandfrei, Preis-Leistung stimmt, kann empfohlen werden!
Very nice fountain, has been running flawlessly for a few weeks, good value for money, can be recommended!
bgenau das was wir gesucht haben.... passt mit ein paar "Verschönerungen" perfekt zu unserem Stil auf unsere Terrasse... 100% Kaufempfehlung... Solarpanel bringt gute Leistung steht aber auch in direkter Sonneneinstrahlung, läuft bei uns den ganzen Tag bis spät am Abend und dann mit Beleuchtung... diese ist leider kaltweiß, aber das stört nicht wirklich.... im Winter werden wir ihn ins Haus holen und den Wellnesseffekt dann in diesem genießen. Preis-Leistung-Verhältnis stimmt.
bexactly what we were looking for.... fits perfectly with our style on our terrace with a few "embellishments"... 100% purchase recommendation... solar panel performs well but is also in direct sunlight, runs all day with us until late in the evening and then with lighting... this is unfortunately cold white, but that doesn't really bother us.... in winter we will bring it into the house and then enjoy the wellness effect in this. Value for money is right.
Schöne Optik, gute Qualität und das Plätschern hat ne angenehme Lautstärke. Super Easy im Aufbau
Nice look, good quality and the splashing has a pleasant volume. Super easy to set up
Garden center
Schöner Brunnen nur leider nicht viel wassergeräusch.
Nice fountain but unfortunately not much water noise.
Der Brunnen entspricht in keinster Weise der Angebotsbeschreibung. Nur bei strahlendem Sonnenschein und ständiger Neuausrichtung des Panels nutzbar, keine Ladefunktion oder Akku, das ist sehr enttäuschend
The fountain does not correspond in any way to the description of the offer. Only usable in bright sunshine and constantly repositioning the panel, no charging function or battery, which is very disappointing
La batteria ha un piccolo accumulo. La fontana si puó riattivare la sera per avere una bella atmosfera! In più non devo preoccuparmi della bolletta della luce! In questo periodo non è cosa da poco! Al momento sono molto soddisfatta, speriamo continui così!
The battery has a small storage. The fountain can be reactivated in the evening to have a nice atmosphere! Plus I don't have to worry about the electricity bill! In this period that is not a small thing! At the moment I am very satisfied, let's hope it continues like this!
Preis Leistungsverhältnis gut. Einfache Handhabung!
Good value for money. Easy to use!
Der Brunnen funktioniert tadellos, allerdings ist das Design schon sehr künstlich - es wirkt nicht so wertig wie erhofft.
The fountain works perfectly, but the design is very artificial - it doesn't look as valuable as hoped.
facile a installer la fontaine fonctionne bien...conforme a la description merci ...
easy to install the fountain works well...conforms to the description thank you...
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. ho abbellito questa fontana aggiungendo qualche sasso bianco... quando l'ho posizionata c'era nuvolo ma funziona lo stesso...ho riempito quasi tutto il vaso per evitare che facesse troppo rumore ma devo dire che non da per niente fastidio...aspetto il buio e vi aggiorno per vedere i led accesi
Unable to load media. I embellished this fountain by adding some white stones... when I positioned it there was cloud but it works anyway... I filled almost all the vase to avoid it making too much noise but I have to say that it doesn't bother me at all... I'll wait for the dark and I'll update you to see the LEDs turned on
Der Brunnen ist sehr schön und funktioniert tadellos wenn die Sonne scheint. Allerdings ist er sehr leicht, da er beim nächsten Sturm nicht wegfliegt, habe ich ihn mit Steinen beschwert.
The fountain is very pretty and works perfectly when the sun is shining. However, it is very light, since it won't fly away in the next storm, I weighed it down with stones.
Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Ich bin begeistert von diesem schönen Brunnen! Der Aufbau ist kinderleicht und das Solarpanel liefert auch bei nicht ganz so schönem Wetter genug Strom. Mit ein paar Steinen noch etwas dekoriert ist dieser Brunnen eine absolute Bereicherung für unseren Balkon.
The media could not be loaded. I love this beautiful fountain! The construction is very easy and the solar panel supplies enough power even when the weather is not so nice. Decorated with a few stones, this fountain is an absolute asset to our balcony.
j' ai installer ma fontaine dans le jardin ,trés belle effet .je n' ai pas mise 5 étoiles car ne fonctionne pas quand il n y as pas de soleil ou meme trés peu.je conseille de la mettre plein sud pour un effet optimal
I installed my fountain in the garden, very beautiful effect. I did not give 5 stars because it does not work when there is no sun or even very little. I recommend placing it facing due south for an optimal effect
Der Brunnen sieht schön aus und die Springbrunnenfunktion ist ech gut, wenn er läuft. So nun zu der Kritik: 1. Akkuladung über Solarfunktion ist bei strahlendem Sonneschein in Ordnung, aber bei trübem Wetter schaltet der Springbrunne ständig aus / ein oder tut gar nicht. Das Ganze passt so nicht zusammen und ärgert. 2. Ein Ladegerät ist vom Hersteller nicht zu erhalten 3. Eine Spezifikation für das Ladegerät ist vom Hersteller ebenfalls nicht zu bekommen Lösung: Jetzt habe ich ein altes Ladegerät mit 6 V DC genommen und einen passenden Stecker angebracht. Das Netzteil steckt in einer schalbaren Steckdose. So kann ich bei Bedarf einschalten (aufladen) auch am Abend wenn man es romantisch möchte. Allerdings leuchten während des Ladevorgangs die LED's nicht. Netzteile mit wechselbaren Steckern findet man bei Amazon (5.5*2.5mm Stecker ist erforderlich). Wenn der Brunnen selbst nicht so schön wäre hätte ich wegen der mangelhaften Solar-Akku-Funktion weniger Sterne gegeben.
The fountain looks nice and the fountain function is really good when it's running. So now to the criticism: 1. Battery charging via the solar function is fine when the sun is shining brightly, but in cloudy weather the fountain constantly switches on/off or doesn't do it at all. The whole thing doesn't fit together and is annoying. 2. A charger is not available from the manufacturer 3. A specification for the charger is also not available from the manufacturer Solution: Now I took an old 6 V DC charger and attached a suitable plug. The power pack is plugged into a switchable socket. So I can switch on (recharge) if necessary, even in the evening if you want it romantic. However, the LEDs do not light up during the charging process. Power supplies with interchangeable plugs can be found on Amazon (5.5*2.5mm plug is required). If the fountain itself wasn't so beautiful, I would have given it fewer stars because of the lack of solar battery function.
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Bellissima esattamente come me l'aspettavo !!! Piace a tutti quelli che la vedono!
Unable to load media. Beautiful exactly as I expected!!! Everyone who sees it likes it!
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. J adore et fait son effet Le soir en prime la lumière s allume
The multimedia product could not be loaded. I love it and it works. In the evening, the light comes on as a bonus.
Parfait très joli rendu
Perfect, very nice rendering
Bien comme expliqué dans la description
Good as explained in the description
Wir haben nach einem Brunnen gesucht der zum einen Solar betrieben ist, mit Akku ist damit er nach Sonnenuntergang weiter läuft aber auch nicht zu Laut mit dem Wasser ist wie im Vergleich Brunnen mit Kaskaden-Fall. Dieses Teil ist unglaublich. Nach anfänglichen Startschwierigkeiten (selbst verschuldet) läuft der Brunnen nun genau wie er soll. Tags läuft er und lädt sich, Abends läuft er weiter und schaltet noch die Beleuchtung ein. Kleiner Tip: auf der Rückseite des Solar Panels ist ein "On/Off" Softknopf. Wir dachten das ist nur ein Aufkleber mit einer Beschreibung daneben aber nein, das ist tatsächlich ein Ein/Aus Schalter ..Bedienungsanleitung ist dabei aber wer liest sowas schon. Damit war der WOW Effekt zumindest für uns größer...(naja). Super Brunnen, läuft seit 10 Tagen ohne jegliche Probleme. Brunnen einmal aufgebaut und den Ein Schalter gedrückt läuft er kontinuierlich sofern Sonne /Akkuladung vorhanden. Am nächsten Tag springt er von alleine an und beginnt von vorne. (Fernbedienung ist keine dabei)
We were looking for a fountain that is solar powered, with a battery so that it continues to run after sunset but is also not too noisy with the water compared to the fountain with a cascade case. This part is amazing. After initial starting difficulties (self-inflicted), the fountain is now running exactly as it should. During the day it runs and charges itself, in the evening it continues to run and still switches on the lights. A little tip: there is an "On/Off" soft button on the back of the solar panel. We thought it was just a sticker with a description next to it but no, it's actually an on/off switch..Instruction manual is included but who reads that anyway. So the WOW effect was bigger, at least for us...(well). Super fountain, has been running for 10 days without any problems. Once the fountain is set up and the on switch is pressed, it runs continuously as long as the sun/battery charge is available. The next day it starts on its own and starts all over again. (remote control is not included)
Un ottimo prodotto ben funzionante. Bello alla vista ed elegante. Soddisfatto
A great product that works well. Beautiful to look at and elegant. Satisfied
Après une semaine de prise en main,cette fontaine correspond totalement à ce que nous recherchions elle est très zen ,le seul inconvénient le fil qui passe par l extérieur du vase pour rejoindre le panneau solaire.Il devrait être moins visible.
After a week of using it, this fountain totally corresponds to what we were looking for, it is very zen, the only drawback is the wire that passes through the outside of the vase to reach the solar panel. It should be less visible.
Le led ne fonctionne déjà plus le soir après 1 mois d’utilisation.
The LED no longer works in the evening after 1 month of use.
Bella Fontana, molto di effetto. Facile da montare ( ci vogliono 10 min) e subito funzionante, tranne i led che si accendono quando cala il sole. Unica pecca , la pressione dell'acqua che non copre totalmente la palla e lascia quindi delle parti asciutte. Inoltre credo costi un poco troppo se si considera il materiale con cui è fatta. Comunque consigliata. Spedizione Amaxon puntuale e imballo molto ben fatto. Aggiornamento: Dopo neanche un anno e soltanto un estate di uso, non continuo, non si accende più. Ho.inviato mail al venditore, poiché ancora in garanzia. Il venditore ha risposto velocemente e mi ha inviato un nuovo pannello solare, poiché l'originale è risultato guasto. Il pezzo di ricambio è arrivato in meno di una settimana. Ottima assistenza.
Beautiful fountain, very effective. Easy to assemble (it takes 10 minutes) and immediately functional, except for the LEDs that turn on when the sun goes down. The only flaw is the water pressure that does not completely cover the ball and therefore leaves some dry parts. I also think it costs a little too much if you consider the material it is made of. However recommended. On-time Amaxon shipping and very well done packaging. Update: After less than a year and only one summer of use, not continuous, it no longer turns on. I sent an email to the seller, since it is still under warranty. The seller responded quickly and sent me a new solar panel, since the original was faulty. The spare part arrived in less than a week. Excellent assistance.
du style et tout en solaire ravie de mon achat seul petit hic la notice n est pas en francais mais bon on se debrouille quand meme
stylish and all in solar delighted with my purchase only small problem the instructions are not in French but hey we manage anyway
Fontaine à énergie solaire donc hyper pratique. Beau rendu dans le jardin. Le jet aurait pu être un peu plus haut.
Solar powered fountain, so very practical. Looks great in the garden. The jet could have been a little higher.
Se mari parfaitement à mon jardin zen et moderne. Fonctionne très bien et très jolie le soir avec son éclairage.
Fits perfectly with my Zen and modern garden. Works very well and looks very pretty in the evening with its lighting.
Ho acquistato questa fontana per metterla sul patio nel mio giardino..la ho cercata ad energia solare e sono molto soddisfatto.Lo scrosciare dell'acqua è molto rilassante e la luce che emana è soft e gradevole..in stile zen. Tutti i miei ospiti si complimentano.
I bought this fountain to put it on the patio in my garden.. I looked for a solar powered one and I am very satisfied. The splashing of the water is very relaxing and the light it emits is soft and pleasant.. in a zen style. All my guests compliment it.
Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Der Brunnen wurde schneller geliefert als erwartet und kam gut verpackt bei mir an. Der Aufbau war in wenigen Minuten erledigt und er sprudelte sofort los. Ich hatte zunächst die Sorge, dass die Farbe nicht zu meinen braunen Tri- und Bicolor- Rattanmöbeln passen könnte, aber der kleine Brunnen fügt sich perfekt ein. Nach einiger Zeit hatte ich das Gefühl, das Plätschern sei doch etwas laut. Also habe ich noch etwas Wasser eingefüllt und damit das Problemchen behoben. Nun bin ich auf den späten Abend gespannt und auf das Leuchten des LED-Kranzes. Jetz ist es sicher, auch der LED-Kranz funktioniert. Am ersten Abend wegen der zu geringen Ladezeit nur kurz, am zweiten Abend schon länger, obwohl der halbe Tag stark bewölkt war. Das Urlaubsfeeling auf dem heimischen Balkon ist perfekt! Von mir gibt es eine klare Kaufempfehlung! PS: Da die Sonne meinen Balkon erst am Nachmittag erreicht und die Akkus des Panels nicht sehr viel Energie speichern können, habe ich mir ein Ladegerät bestellt, um auch bei trübem Wetter und noch bis in die Nacht hinein das Plätschern des Brunnens und die Beleuchtung genießen zu können. Das funktioniert hervorragend. Allerdings ist zu beachten, dass die LED nicht leuchten, wenn das Ladegerät angeschlossen ist. Sie leuchten normalerweise ja auch erst, wenn keine Ladung durch die Sonnenenergie erfolgt, also im Akku-Betrieb. Der Akku muss also früh genug geladen werden, damit die Energie später der Illumination zugutekommt. Nach drei Wochen und intensivster Sonnenbestrahlung war aus dem Sprudeln ein mickriges Rinnen geworden. Also habe ich Pumpe und Brunnen gereinigt und das frische Wasser mit einem Zusatz versehen, der das Verkalken und Veralgen verhindern soll. Bei der Wiederinbetrienahme sprudelte der Brunnen stärker als im neuen Zustand. Jetzt, nach ca. 14 Tagen, ist das Wasser noch klar. Update vom 27.10.2018 Anfang September stellte der LED-Ring sein Leuchten ein. Ein Austausch des Ringes war nicht möglich und der Brunnen in der glatten Form nicht mehr lieferbar. Leider gibt es speziell für diesen LED-Ring nirgends Ersatz, außer einem Multicolor-Ring. Multicolor ist allerdings nicht so mein Ding. Dann erfuhr ich, dass der glatte Brunnen ab Anfang Oktober wieder im Programm ist. In Absprache mit dem Service-Mitarbeiter beantragte ich einen Austausch des kompletten Gerätes. Eine Woche nach dem Zurücksenden des Brunnens mit dem defekten LED-Ring wurde bereits Ersatz geliefert. Nun läuft alles wieder perfekt und ich werde den Brunnen bis zum nächsten Frühjahr wohl im Innenbereichen verwenden. Ich hoffe, dass ich nun lange Zeit Freude damit haben werde. Bezüglich der Schadensregulierung hatte ich ein paar E-Mails mit dem Service ausgetauscht, der stets sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit reagierte. 24.02.2019 Seit Mitte Oktober sorgt der Brunnen nun in meinem Wohnzimmer mit Hilfe des Ladegerätes für eine noch gemütlichere Stimmung und der LED-Ring funktioniert einwandfrei. Ich freue mich darauf, ihn in Kürze wieder auf meinem Balkon betreiben zu können. 22.04.2020 Der Brunnen inklusive Beleuchtung hat nun den 2. Winter im Innenbereich bei fast täglicher Nutzung unbeschadet überstanden und steht seit Kurzem wieder auf dem Balkon. Er arbeitet weiter unermüdlich vom frühen Vormittag bis zum späten Abend. Nach der ersten Skepsis durch das anfängliche Problem mit dem LED-Ring kann ich dieses attraktive Accessoire mit gutem Gewissen weiterempfehlen. 12.02.2022 Nach 4 Jahren Dauerbetrieb, außer nachts, ist nun ein Lämpchen des LED-Rings ausgefallen. Ich hoffe zwar, dass die anderen noch eine Weile leuchten, werde aber mal checken, ob es mittlerweile irgendwo einen adäquaten Ersatz gibt. 15.06.2022 Nun ist es passiert: es tröpfelt trotz Reinigung der Pumpe nur noch ein Rinnsal. Ich habe nun die Schlauchenden gekürzt, was keine Besserung gebracht hat. Vielleicht hilft ein neuer Schlauch. Wir werden sehen! … Nein, der neue Schlauch hilft nicht! Das Problem liegt wohl doch beim Akku. Also muss ein neuer Brunnen her, da es ja leider keinen passenden Ersatz-Akku gibt und ich auf eine fizzelige Bastelei keine Lust habe. Nach 4 Jahren Dauernetrien ist das für mich ok. Allerdings wäre es wünschenswert, wenn es passende Ersatzteile für das Solarpanel, den Akku oder dem LED-Ring gäbe. 18.06.2022 Der Neue ist da. Zunächst habe ich einfach das neue Panel angeschlossen, da ich davon ausging, dass der Akku schwächest. Das hat leider nichts gebracht. Neuer Versuch: altes Panel, neue Pumpe. Das war es! Der alte Brunnen sprudelt wie neu! Für das Ersatzteil Pumpe habe ich nun ganz schön viel Geld ausgegeben. Allerdings habe ich nun auch noch einen neuen Leichtring, ein Solarpanel und einen Brunnen bei Bedarf zum Austausch zur Verfügung. Irgendwann rechnet es sich. Da ich nicht so schnell aufgebe, habe ich die alte Pumpe nun in Essigessenz eingelegt. Vielleicht bewirkt eine längere Entkalkung doch noch etwas.
The media could not be loaded. The fountain was delivered faster than expected and arrived well packaged. The assembly was completed in a few minutes and it started bubbling up immediately. I was initially concerned that the color might not match my tri and bicolor brown rattan furniture, but the little fountain blends in perfectly. After a while I had the feeling that the splashing was a bit loud. So I added some water and that fixed the problem. Now I'm looking forward to the late evening and the glow of the LED ring. Now it's safe, the LED ring also works. Only for a short time on the first evening due to the short charging time, on the second evening it was longer, although half the day was heavily overcast. The holiday feeling on the balcony at home is perfect! From me there is a clear purchase recommendation! PS: Since the sun does not reach my balcony until the afternoon and the panel batteries cannot store very much energy, I ordered a charger so that I can enjoy the splashing of the fountain and the lighting even in cloudy weather and well into the night to be able to This works great. However, it should be noted that the LEDs do not light up when the charger is connected. They normally only light up when there is no charge from solar energy, i.e. in battery mode. The battery must therefore be charged early enough so that the energy can later be used for the illumination. After three weeks and intense sun exposure, the bubbling had turned into a measly trickle. So I cleaned the pump and fountain and added an additive to the fresh water to prevent calcification and algae. When it was put back into operation, the fountain bubbled up more than when it was new. Now, after about 14 days, the water is still clear. Update from 10/27/2018 At the beginning of September, the LED ring stopped glowing. It was not possible to exchange the ring and the smooth form of the fountain was no longer available. Unfortunately, there is no replacement anywhere for this LED ring, except for a multicolor ring. However, multicolor is not really my thing. Then I found out that the smooth fountain will be back in the program from the beginning of October. In consultation with the service employee, I applied for a replacement of the entire device. A week after sending the fountain back with the defective LED ring, a replacement was already delivered. Now everything is running perfectly again and I will probably use the fountain indoors until next spring. I hope that I will be able to enjoy it for a long time now. Regarding claims settlement, I had exchanged a few emails with service, who always responded in a very friendly and helpful manner. 02/24/2019 Since mid-October, the fountain has been creating an even more cozy atmosphere in my living room with the help of the charger and the LED ring works perfectly. I look forward to being able to run it again on my balcony shortly. 04/22/2020 The fountain including lighting has now survived the 2nd winter indoors unscathed with almost daily use and has recently been back on the balcony. He continues to work tirelessly from early morning to late evening. After the initial skepticism caused by the initial problem with the LED ring, I can recommend this attractive accessory with a clear conscience. 02/12/2022 After 4 years of continuous operation, except at night, a small lamp of the LED ring has now failed. I hope that the others will continue to shine for a while, but I'll check to see if there's an adequate replacement somewhere in the meantime. 06/15/2022 Now it has happened: despite cleaning the pump, only a trickle is dripping. I have now shortened the hose ends, which brought no improvement. Maybe a new hose will help. We will see! ... No, the new hose doesn't help! The problem is probably with the battery. So a new fountain is needed, because unfortunately there is no suitable replacement battery and I don't feel like fiddly tinkering. After 4 years of permanent netting, that's ok for me. However, it would be desirable if there were suitable spare parts for the solar panel, the battery or the LED ring. 06/18/2022 The new one is here. First I simply connected the new panel, as I assumed that the battery was weakest. Unfortunately that didn't work. Try again: old panel, new pump. That was it! The old fountain is bubbling like new! I spent quite a lot of money on the spare pump. However, I now also have a new light ring, a solar panel and a fountain available for replacement if necessary. At some point it will pay off. Since I don't give up that easily, I put the old pump in vinegar essence. Maybe a longer decalcification will do something after all.
Super fontaine, très discrète. La fontaine n est pas très puissante le jet et faible mais dans l ensemble bon produit.
Great fountain, very discreet. The fountain is not very powerful, the jet is weak but overall a good product.
La fontana arriva ben imballata e a prova d'urto che durante il trasporto ne possa compromettere l'integrita' in un doppio scatolo in cartone grezzo e perfettamente alloggiata in una base di polistirolo piuttosto spesso.Tutto misura all'incirca 73x47x45 cm ed il peso è di circa 11kg.Quindi uno scatolo facile da trasportare. All'interno dello scatolo troviamo tutti i vari pezzi che compongono la fontana,da assemblare tra loro in modo piuttosto,facile,veloce ed intuitivo. Nel dettaglio troviamo: -La base della fontana che per la sua forma ricorda i vasi da fiori verticali,misura 62,5cm di altezza,20,5x22cm alla base e 34,5x35,5cm sulla parte superiore. Internamente è vuota e divisa in 2 parti di cui quella superiore è la vaschetta in cui andra' l'acqua che serve per il funzionamento della fontana. -La parte superiore da sistemare sulla base che presenta una sfera di circa 23 cm di diametro e 30 di altezza sul quale è possibile vedere in cima il foro di uscita dell'acqua e attorno ad esso 4 luci led.All'interno della sfera,anch'essa vuota,troviamo il tubo in gomma dell'acqua e un filo per l'alimentazione. Confezionato in un ulteriore scatolo in cartone troviamo il pannello solare dalle dimensioni di 20x15x3cm,da sistemare nel terreno grazie all'apposito paletto in dotazione che misura 30cm,o ancora appeso a muro per evitare che possa rovinarsi in caso di sistemazione in luogo ad esempio soggetto spesso ad irrigazione. Troviamo ancora la pompa per azionare il movimento di ricircolo dell'acqua e un manualetto di istruzioni in cui non è pero' presente la lingua italiana,ma che grazie alla dettagliata seguenza di immagini diventa comunque comprensibile. Una volta tolto tutto dallo scatolo,cio' che si evince è la buona qualita' dei singoli materiali utilizzati per la produzione della fontana.Resistenti e robuste in ogni singola parte,compresa la struttura esterna in poliresina che rende ideale la fontana a resistere alle intemperie. Uno piccolo particolare è che essendo non molto pesante,fortissime folate di vento possono rovesciarla,pertanto consiglio di metterla in un luogo poco ventilato o di ancorarla al terreno magari interrandola per alcuni cm. Per quanto riguarda il montaggio,come gia' accennato è facile ,veloce e molto intuitivo e non richiede minimamente la consultazione del manualetto in dotazione.Basta infatti collegare il tubo dell'acqua al motore e collegare successivamente al pannello solare tramite le opportune porte presenti sul retro di quest'ultimo.Allo stesso modo bisogna collegare il filo di alimentazione dei led che come detto prima è presente all'interno della sfera. Non ci rimane altro da fare che sistemare il motore di ricircolo dell'acqua nell'apposita vaschetta,sistemare i fili che vanno al pannello solare e posizionare quest'ultimo in maniera tale da ricevere la luce e garantire cosi' il funzionamento ottimale della fontana. La fontana è adesso pronta per funzionare ma bisogna prima inserire l'acqua semplicemente versandola alla base della sfera che aperta per qualche millimetro nel laterale che garantisce il ricircolo. Io ne ho versata subito circa 3 litri. Non dobbiamo far altro che attivare la fontana semplicemente tenendo premuto per alcuni secondi il tasto touch on/off presente sul retro del pannello solare.Immediatamente la fontana iniziera' a zampillare. Tale attivita' continuera' ininterrottamente per quasi tutta la giornata(approssimativamente le ore di funzionamento sono 8 ma tutto dipende dalla quantita' di sole che il pannello è in grado di catturare e trasformare in energia),Inoltre,al calare della sera,quando le luci verranno meno,oltre allo zampillio della fontana,avremo l'accensione delle 4 lucine led che rendono veramente bella e rilassante la fontana anche grazie al piacevole rumore di acqua che scorre. Ad indicare che la fontana è in modalita' on è una luce lampeggiante presente sul retro del pannello solare e che è completamente spenta quando la fontana è in modalita' off. Uniche piccole
The fountain arrives well packed and shockproof which could compromise its integrity during transport in a double raw cardboard box and perfectly housed in a rather thick polystyrene base. All measures approximately 73x47x45 cm and the weight is of about 11kg. So a box that is easy to transport. Inside the box we find all the various pieces that make up the fountain, to be assembled together in a rather easy, fast and intuitive way. In detail we find: -The base of the fountain which, due to its shape, recalls vertical flower pots, measures 62.5cm in height, 20.5x22cm at the base and 34.5x35.5cm on the top. Internally it is empty and divided into 2 parts, of which the upper one is the basin where the water needed for the functioning of the fountain will go. -The upper part to be placed on the base which has a sphere of about 23 cm in diameter and 30 in height on which it is possible to see the water outlet hole at the top and around it 4 led lights. Inside the sphere, also empty, we find the water rubber hose and a power cord. Packaged in an additional cardboard box we find the solar panel with dimensions of 20x15x3cm, to be placed in the ground thanks to the special stake supplied which measures 30cm, or still hung on the wall to prevent it from being damaged in case of placement in a place such as a subject often with irrigation. We still find the pump to operate the water recirculation movement and an instruction manual in which, however, the Italian language is not present, but which, thanks to the detailed sequence of images, still becomes understandable. Once everything has been removed from the box, what emerges is the good quality of the individual materials used for the production of the fountain. Resistant and robust in every single part, including the external polyresin structure which makes the fountain ideal for resisting bad weather . A small detail is that since it is not very heavy, very strong gusts of wind can overturn it, therefore I recommend placing it in a poorly ventilated place or anchoring it to the ground, perhaps burying it for a few cm. As far as assembly is concerned, as already mentioned, it is easy, fast and very intuitive and does not require the consultation of the supplied manual in the slightest. In fact, it is enough to connect the water pipe to the engine and then connect it to the solar panel through the appropriate ports on the back of the latter. In the same way it is necessary to connect the power supply wire of the LEDs which, as mentioned before, is present inside the sphere. There is nothing left to do but place the water recirculation motor in the appropriate tray, arrange the wires that go to the solar panel and position the latter in such a way as to receive the light and thus guarantee the optimal functioning of the fountain. The fountain is now ready to operate but you must first insert the water by simply pouring it at the base of the sphere which is open for a few millimeters in the side which guarantees recirculation. I immediately poured about 3 liters. All we have to do is activate the fountain by simply holding down the on/off touch button on the back of the solar panel for a few seconds. The fountain will immediately begin to gush. This activity will continue uninterrupted for almost the whole day (approximately the hours of operation are 8 but it all depends on the amount of sun that the panel is able to capture and transform into energy), moreover, at nightfall, when the lights will fail, in addition to the gush of the fountain, we will have the switching on of the 4 led lights that make the fountain truly beautiful and relaxing thanks to the pleasant sound of flowing water. To indicate that the fountain is in on mode is a flashing light on the back of the solar panel and that it is completely off when the fountain is in off mode. Only small
Vraiment très satisfait, la fontaine correspond tout à fait à la photos de la page de vente.. Elle fait environ 90 cm de Haut et elle est assez légère à la sortie du carton. Une fois remplie d'eau, elle est beaucoup plus lourde donc une fois posé, elle ne risque pas de tombé à cause d'un coup de vent^^. Elle semble solide et de bonne qualité, elle devrait bien vieillir avec les conditions météo extérieures.. Je trouve pratique qu'elle soit alimenté par un panneau solaire, ce qui fait qu'elle peut être positionnée ou l'on souhaite sans avoir besoin de se poser la question de la sources électrique. Un vrai argument de choix. Les câble pour relier les leds ou la pompe à eau sont de bonnes longueurs, on peut facilement déporter le module solaire ou l'on souhaite. Le boitier de contrôle se trouve sur l'arrière du panneau, c'est a cet endroit que l'on vient relier les câbles pour la fontaine. Chaque câble à sa propre connectique, ce qui fait qu'on ne peut pas se tromper lors du branchement. Le tout à sa propre batterie et donc autonomie. Les led s'allume automatiquement a la tombé du jour. Un petit passage de câble est prévu au niveau du haut de la fontaine. Il y a en tout 3 éléments : - Le corps de la fontaine - La plaque avec boule du dessus - Un panneau solaire (en 3 parties : les pieds a assembler et le panneau). Avec on à une notice en Anglais ou Allemand expliquant sa mise en place. Les explications sont assez claire en anglais (il est peut être possible de demander une traduction directement au vendeur) Avec des schémas, il est expliqué comment assembler l'ensemble et également comment nettoyer le filtre de la pompe quand c'est nécessaire . Le tout est fonctionnel en moins d'une demi heure (entre l'ouverture de la boite et la mise en fonction) L'ensemble est jolie et correspond tout à fait à ce que nous recherchions. Très satisfait.
Really very satisfied, the fountain corresponds exactly to the photos on the sales page. It is about 90 cm high and it is quite light when it comes out of the box. Once filled with water, it is much heavier so once placed, there is no risk of it falling due to a gust of wind^^. It seems solid and of good quality, it should age well with the outside weather conditions. I find it practical that it is powered by a solar panel, which means that it can be positioned where you want without the need for to ask the question of the electrical sources. A real argument of choice. The cables to connect the LEDs or the water pump are of good length, you can easily deport the solar module where you want. The control box is located on the back of the panel, it is here that we connect the cables for the fountain. Each cable has its own connection, so you can't go wrong when connecting. All with its own battery and therefore autonomy. The LEDs turn on automatically at dusk. A small cable passage is provided at the top of the fountain. There are 3 elements in all: - The body of the fountain - The plate with the top ball - A solar panel (in 3 parts: the feet to be assembled and the panel). With a notice in English or German explaining its installation. The explanations are quite clear in English (it may be possible to request a translation directly from the seller) With diagrams, it is explained how to assemble the assembly and also how to clean the pump filter when necessary. Everything is functional in less than half an hour (between opening the box and putting it into operation). The set is pretty and corresponds exactly to what we were looking for. Very satisfied.