[Returns: -15%] AV2-CD850BT 4-Zone Stereo Amplifier

184,99 €
Original price: 216,99 €
(incl. VAT)
Product number: 53032758
AV2-CD850BT 4-Zone Stereo Amplifier
184,99 €
Original price: 216,99 €
(incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    195,99 €
    Original price: 216,99 €
  • 216,99 €
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Powerful sound: 4-zone stereo amplifier with 8 x 50 watts RMS output power

  • Media player: USB port for playing MP3 and WMA files

  • Elegant design: brushed aluminium front panel with dimmable display


  • On / off switch on the back of the device
  • Connections: 3 x stereo RCA AUX input, 1 x REC audio output, 1x USB port, 1x RF antenna input, 4 x 2 speaker terminals
  • Playable formats: MP3, WMA
  • Speaker impedance: 4 - 8 ohms
  • Separate volume controls for 4 zones
  • Bass control
  • Treble control
  • Dimmable display
  • Standby function
  • Power LED
  • Noiseless operation due to fanless cooling concept
  • Rubber feet
  • Black case with brushed aluminium front panel
  • Output power: 8 x 50 W RMS
  • Power supply remote control: 2 x AAA batteries (included)
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V ~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 53032758

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 43 x 12 x 25 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx. 3.6 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x stereo amplifier
  • 1 x remote control incl. batteries
  • 1 x wire antenna
  • English-language operating instructions (other languages: English)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
58 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Schnell geliefert

Delivered quickly


Funciona perfecto y muy contento con el.

It works perfectly and I am very happy with it.


El amplificador cumple con lo que anuncia. El servicio de entrega penoso.

The amplifier does what it says. The delivery service is awful.


Economico, ma fa il suo dovere

Cheap, but does its job


Prodotto esattamente come me lo aspettavo

Product exactly as I expected


Tutto ok

Everything OK


Prodotto valido è quello che cercavo

Valid product, it's what I was looking for


Facile da installare, abbastanza buono il rapporto qualità/prezzo, fa il suo lavoro

Easy to install, pretty good value for money, does the job


nada a apontar o meu cliente ficou contente

nothing to point out, my client was happy


Buona amplificazione del suono ma Reso per un fruscio di sottofondo e per il telecomando che non è infrarossi ma è impreciso nei comandi inquanto però funzionare da altre stanze come quelli degli allarmi a 433mhz.

Good sound amplification but Reso for a background hiss and for the remote control which is not infrared but is imprecise in the commands as it works from other rooms like those of the 433mhz alarms.


Mmmm… non pienamente soddisfatto… mi aspettavo parecchio di più, ma comunque per effetto dolby tv accettabile… ma ascoltare i Queen a tutto volume non è propio fattibile

Mmmm… not fully satisfied… I expected a lot more, but still acceptable for the Dolby TV effect… but listening to Queen at full volume is not really feasible





Seguramente el mejor amplificador relación calidad-precio. Insuperable.

Surely the best value for money amplifier. Unbeatable.


Wir haben den auna AV2-CD850BT Verstärker (silber) vor einem Monat gekauft und sind bisher positiv überrascht. Nachdem unser alter Verstärker seinen Geist aufgegeben hat, haben wir nach einem Ersatz mit Bluetooth-Schnittstelle gesucht. Da eine Freundin bereits gute Erfahrung mit einem ähnlichen auna-Gerät gemacht hatte, gab es wenig Zeit zum Überlegen, auch aufgrund mangelnder Alternativen bei Neugeräten in der unteren Preisklasse. Ich muss natürlich zugeben, dass wir keine allzu hohen Audio-Ansprüche haben (wer einen Golf fährt, und zufrieden ist, weiß wovon ich spreche/schreibe). Der Verstärker ist für den Preis wirklich ausgesprochen gut verarbeitet. Natürlich sieht man an mancher Stelle (Fernbedienung, Hart-Kunstoff-Kabelklemmen), dass bei der Produktion eingespart werden musste, damit so ein günstiger Verkaufs-Preis überhaupt realisierbar ist. Trotzdem überwiegt die Freude am großen Display, am schönen Front-Panel und am Sound (gut, da spielt auch die Qualität der angeschlossenen Stereo-Boxen eine nicht unerhebliche Rolle). Mal sehen, ob sich der auna auch in den nächsten Monaten und Jahren bezahlt macht. Wir sind bisher jedenfalls sehr zufrieden.

We bought the auna AV2-CD850BT amplifier (silver) a month ago and have been pleasantly surprised so far. After our old amplifier gave up the ghost, we looked for a replacement with a Bluetooth interface. Since a friend had already had good experiences with a similar auna device, there was little time to think about it, also due to the lack of alternatives for new devices in the lower price range. Of course, I have to admit that we don't have very high audio standards (anyone who drives a Golf and is satisfied knows what I'm talking/writing about). The amp is really well made for the price. Of course you can see in some places (remote control, hard plastic cable clamps) that savings had to be made in production so that such a low sales price is even possible. Nevertheless, the joy of the large display, the beautiful front panel and the sound prevail (well, the quality of the connected stereo speakers also plays a not inconsiderable role here). Let's see whether the auna will pay off in the coming months and years. In any case, we are very satisfied so far.


Ha mejorar los materiales. Pero el producto en su precio es bueno.

The materials need to be improved, but the product is good for its price.


Sencillo , la calidad , la que pagas sin mas

Simple, the quality, what you pay for, nothing more.


Produk ist eigentlich ganze ok jedoch ist der Kundendienst Katastrophal. Warte seit 5 monaten mittlerweile auf ein ersatz Produkt da bei mir die Fernbedienung Defekt ist

The product is actually ok, but the customer service is catastrophic. I've been waiting for a replacement product for 5 months now because my remote control is defective


L amplificatore è bello e potente con un Buon suono... peccato che la porta USB non funziona .... anche il bluetooth non si connette... L ho tenuto anche se difettato xchè del resto è Perfetto

The amplifier is beautiful and powerful with a good sound... too bad that the USB port does not work.... even the bluetooth does not connect... I kept it even if it was defective because otherwise it is perfect


Hatte mir den schwarzen Verstärker bestellt. Leider kam ein silberner an. Der Silberne beim kauf, war sehr viel günstiger und schwächer in den Leistungsdaten. Deshalb hoffe ich, dass ich den Richtigen bekommen habe. Display von dem Gerät ist total zerkratzt. Ansonsten läuft das Gerät gut.

I ordered the black amp. Unfortunately, a silver one arrived. The silver when buying was much cheaper and weaker in the performance data. So I hope I got the right one. The display of the device is totally scratched. Otherwise the device works fine.


Was mus ich tun Den Verstärker zur Reparetur einzuschicken und an wen ?

What do I have to do? Send the amplifier in for repair and to whom?


Gestisce perfettamente diverse zone audio, anche posizionate in ambienti differenti. _Buona qualità del suono. Soddisfatto

It perfectly manages different audio zones, even positioned in different environments. _Good sound quality. Satisfied


Fernbedienung funktioniert nur in Zusammenarbeit mit der Wurfantenne, leider wird das nicht beschrieben. Wer sich sehr viel Bums wünscht, muss was anderes kaufen. Für die normalen Ohren ist das Gerät vollkommen o.k.

The remote control only works in conjunction with the wire antenna, unfortunately this is not described. If you want a lot of bang, you have to buy something else. For normal ears, the device is perfectly ok


El producto cumple lo que dice Calidad de sonido

The product does what it says Sound quality


Me gustó todo

I liked everything


Fernbedienung zu schwach Mann muss 2 meter vor dem Verstärker stehen bleiben geht Mann weiter weg keine Funktion. An sonsten Top.

Remote control too weak You have to stop 2 meters in front of the amplifier If you go further away, no function. On other top.


Fernbedienung funktioniert nicht Aber sonst super Gerät

Remote control does not work But otherwise great device


Pünktlich geliefert . Gerade angeschlossen an 5.1 Boxen, W-Lan Radio und den CD Player. Einfach und unkompliziert. Für den Hausgebrauch zu empfehlen. BT funktioniert auch auf Anhieb. Schickes Design an der Vorderfront. Fernbedienung benötige ich nicht. Warten wir mal ab nach ein/ zwei Wochen in Gebrauch .

Delivered on time. Just hooked up to 5.1 speakers, WiFi radio and the CD player. Easy and uncomplicated. Recommended for home use. BT also works right away. Chic design on the front. I don't need a remote control. Let's wait and see after a week or two of use.


Die Fernbedienung ist noch schlechter als bei dem Tuner. Man muß das Gerät fast berühren, damit sie Wirkung zeigt. Damit ist der Teil "Fern" aus der Fernbedienung zu streichen. Nur nutzbar als Erweiterung der stationären Tasten. Mich wundert, dass dieser Makel schon in vielen Rezensionen angesprochen wurde, ohne dass der Hersteller Abhilfe schafft. Ansonsten erfüllt das Gerät meine Erwartungen und arbeitet mit meinen 40 Jahre alten 4 OHM Heco Boxen einwandfrei mit für meine Ohren gutem Klang. Erfüllt meie Erwartungen- bis auf die Fernbedienung.

The remote control is even worse than the tuner. You almost have to touch the device for it to have an effect. This means that the "Fern" part of the remote control is to be deleted. Can only be used as an extension of the stationary keys. I am surprised that this flaw has already been addressed in many reviews without the manufacturer remedying the situation. Otherwise, the device meets my expectations and works perfectly with my 40-year-old 4 OHM Heco speakers with a good sound to my ears. Fulfilled my expectations - except for the remote control.


Funciona tal y como describen, suena muy bien y con bastante potencia! Muy contento por la compra lo recomiendo

It works just as described, sounds great and has plenty of power! Very happy with the purchase, I recommend it.


Lo he montado en una consulta clínica con diferentes zonas, con 8 altavoces de techo de 16 omnios que ya estaban instalados y todo ferfecto!!!! La potencia de sonido es aceptable para la función que tiene que desempeñar teniendo en cuenta que los altavoces son de 16 omnios !!!

I have installed it in a clinical consultation with different areas, with 8 16-ohm ceiling speakers that were already installed and everything is perfect!!!! The sound power is acceptable for the function it has to perform, taking into account that the speakers are 16-ohm!!!


Wichtiger Hinweis: die "Wurfantenne" ist wirklich wichtig! Denn nur damit funktioniert auch die Fernbedienung!!! Ich habe anfangs fast verzweifelt, da ich die Fernbedienung nicht zum Laufen brachte. Leider ist der Umstand in der Beschreibung nicht als möglicher Fehler eingetragen und somit war es eher Zufall, dass jetzt alles funktioniert. Das Gerät hat genug Power für 4 getrennte Räume und man kann jeden Raum einzeln oder alle gemeinsam regeln ... für mich perfekt.

Important note: the "cable antenna" is really important! Because that's the only way the remote control works!!! I almost despaired at first as I couldn't get the remote to work. Unfortunately, the circumstance is not entered as a possible error in the description and it was therefore more of a coincidence that everything works now. The device has enough power for 4 separate rooms and you can control each room individually or all together... perfect for me.


Habe vor 2 Jahre eine super teure Anlage und Plattenspieler gekauft. Die Garantiezeit hat das Gerät gehalten. Nun brauchte ich neues Teil. Es mußte einen Anschluß für den Plattenspieler und Computer sowie USB haben. Die Suche im Internet war für mich (72) ziemlich anstrengenden, bis ich Eure Seite fand. Ich wolte eigentlich keine Heimkino aber mit Hilfe meines Enkelsohnes haben wir gemeistert. Die Anlage ist für meine Zwecke super geeignet und war auch preislich im Rahmen meiner Möglichkeiten. Ich bin rundum zufrieden, und hoffe doch das sie länger hält als die teure "Superanlage" mit neuestem Know How.

I bought a super expensive system and turntable 2 years ago. The device lasted the warranty period. Now I needed a new part. It had to have a connection for the record player and computer as well as USB. Searching the internet was pretty exhausting for me (72) until I found your site. I didn't really want a home cinema, but with the help of my grandson we managed. The system is very suitable for my purposes and was also priced within my possibilities. I'm completely satisfied, and I hope that it lasts longer than the expensive "super system" with the latest know-how.


Mit dem Gerät kann man 4 Lautsprecherpaare anschließen, die sind getrennt regelbar.

With the device you can connect 4 pairs of speakers, which are separately adjustable.


Buena calidad de sonido , muy buena potencia y lo mejor es q puedes escoger las zonas a escuchar los altavoces lo cual para locales hosteleria y bares con carias salas va espectacular como es mi caso!!!

Good sound quality, very good power and the best thing is that you can choose the areas to listen to the speakers, which is spectacular for hospitality venues and bars with several rooms, as is my case!!!


Das Gerät wird eingesetzt zur Beschallung eines Saales mit mehreren Lautsprechergruppen. Das macht das Gerät gut. Noch schöner wäre es, wenn das Gerät neben den auf jeden Fall ausreichenden Eingängen auch einen 'line out'-Ausgang hätte.

The device is used to provide sound in a hall with several loudspeaker groups. The device does that well. It would be even nicer if the device had a 'line out' output in addition to the inputs, which are in any case sufficient.


Sehr pünktliche Lieferung in guter Verpackung, Aufstellung und Anschluß problemlos vorgenommen, nach Kauf von Bananensteckern konnten auch die Lautsprecherkabel perfekt angeschlossen werden, die Anlage funktioniert einwandfrei, durch die Zonentrennung können verschiedene Räume bzw. Flächen beschallt werden. Der kauf ist empfehlenswert und würde ich jederzeit wieder vornehmen..

Very punctual delivery in good packaging, installation and connection made without any problems, after buying banana plugs, the loudspeaker cables could also be connected perfectly, the system works perfectly, the zone separation allows different rooms or areas to be filled with sound. The purchase is recommended and I would do it again at any time.


Che dire per 140 euro circa piloto le 4 zone audio dell'albergo ho eliminato 5 vecchi componenti Hi-fi liberando 1 armadio di cavi amplificatori ecc.. Installato da poco quindi per ora ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo..piloto amplificatore dentro all'armadio attraverso lo sportello.. Spettacolare...funzioni utili sul telecomando per bilanciare le 4 zone e poi con 1 solo volume master si aumenta il volume di tutte le zone.. Venditore super veloce tutto perfetto 10 stelle rapporto qualità prezzo ottimo grazie

What can I say for about 140 euros I drive the 4 audio zones of the hotel I eliminated 5 old Hi-fi components freeing up 1 closet of amplifier cables etc.. Recently installed so for now excellent value for money.. I drive the amplifier inside the closet through the door.. Spectacular... useful functions on the remote control to balance the 4 zones and then with just 1 master volume you increase the volume of all the zones.. Super fast seller everything perfect 10 stars excellent value for money thanks


Ho finalmente risolto il bilanciamento del volume nelle 4 stanze, con una buona qualità audio. Comodissimo l'ingresso Bluetooth ed il lettore USB. Il filo dell'antenna non è per la ricezione delle stazioni radiofoniche, come avevo creduto all'inizio, ma per aumentare la portata del telecomando, che funziona ovunque nel locale. Nella descrizione del prodotto c'è un errore di trascrizione, sono 8 uscite x50w e non 5x80 In pratica vengono controllate indipendentemente 4 zone stereo, con volume regolabile per ogni zona, oltre al volume master.

I finally solved the volume balance in the 4 rooms, with good audio quality. The Bluetooth input and the USB player are very convenient. The antenna wire is not for receiving radio stations, as I initially believed, but to increase the range of the remote control, which works anywhere in the room. In the product description there is a transcription error, there are 8 x50w outputs and not 5x80 In practice, 4 stereo zones are controlled independently, with adjustable volume for each zone, in addition to the master volume.


Magnifico producto. El que tenga 4 zonas independientes es genial.

Great product. The fact that it has 4 independent zones is great.


Ottimo prodotto .L'unica cosa non si sa come cercare le stazioni radio,chiederei al venditore se possibile avere spiegazioni via email perche col tasto imput non va sulla radio. Grazie

Great product. The only thing is not knowing how to search for radio stations, I would ask the seller if possible to have explanations via email because with the input button it does not go on the radio. Thanks


No remote control, it connects with Bluetooth devices (egg:dot echo or iPad) so these can be used as 'remote' controll A bit underpowered to drive my b&w's but as a basic multiroom amp it does it's job. Sound quality is good enough for general purposes. Sound levels can be set for each of the 4 pairs of speakers

No remote control, it connects with Bluetooth devices (egg:dot echo or iPad) so these can be used as 'remote' controll A bit underpowered to drive my b&w's but as a basic multiroom amp it does it's job. Sound quality is good enough for general purposes. Sound levels can be set for each of the 4 pairs of speakers


Il led infrarossi del telecomando è leggermente troppo interno e quindi non gli fa fare per bene il suo dovere se non assumendo posizioni assurde, sempre diverse, persino in base alle condizioni luce dell’ambiente. Insomma, un telecomando che è un flop tremendo. Wattaggio bassino ma suono niente male, con le sue 4 zone (non un uscita sub dedicata) resta comunque comodo per l’uso in stile home theater in ambienti piccolini. Non male ma per qualche decina di ehro in piú si puó acquistare di meglio. Edit, errata corrige sul telecomando, montando il cavo antenna in dotazione portando la punta del filo sul frontale dell’amplificatore la funzionalitá del telecomando mogliora sensibilmente, aggiungo quindi un’altra stella, non di piú perchè questo sistema non è degno neppure del xx secolo, figuriamoci nel xxi dopo l’invenzione del bluetooth 4.0

The infrared LED of the remote control is slightly too internal and therefore does not allow it to do its job properly unless it assumes absurd positions, always different, even based on the lighting conditions of the environment. In short, a remote control that is a terrible flop. Low wattage but not bad sound, with its 4 zones (not a dedicated sub output) it is still comfortable for home theater style use in small environments. Not bad but for a few dozen euros more you can buy better. Edit, errata corrige on the remote control, by mounting the antenna cable supplied by bringing the tip of the wire to the front of the amplifier the functionality of the remote control improves significantly, therefore I add another star, no more because this system is not even worthy of the twentieth century, let alone in the twenty-first after the invention of Bluetooth 4.0


Era lo esperado. Totalmente satisfecho con el producto. Se ciñe a lo descrito con exactitud por eso le doy la maxima puntuacion.

It was as expected. Totally satisfied with the product. It conforms exactly to what was described, which is why I give it the highest score.





Versand und Verpackung war top! Mein Ziel war es, verschiedene Räume mit der selben Musik zu beschallen und das in verschiedener Lautstärke. Genau das kann ich nun. Raum 1 ist bei mir ein Fitnessraum und Raum 2 eine Terrasse, somit habe ich zwei von vier Zonen belegt. Ich habe extrem gute Lautsprecherboxen von Revox und Teufel. Der Sound ist extrem geil(sagt meine Tochter). Ich teste Anlagen, insbesondere Lautsprecher mit immer den selben zwei Liedern: Lied 1, Shine on you crazy diamond (Pink Floyd) und Lied 2: Ouverture 1812 (Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski). Wenn diese beiden Lieder meine Ohren und Hirn überzeugen, ist die Anlage gut. Die auna holt aus meinen Lautsprechern das Maximum raus. Mein Nachbar fragte mal ob ich Pink Floyd live im Garten hatte. (Er nahm es mit Humor, für mich war es ein Lob) Leider spricht die Fernbedienung nicht immer sofort an, obwohl nur 3 Meter Abstand sind (Punktabzug). Die Auna ist schlicht und einfach, unkompliziert, so wollte ich das. Bluetoothverbindung ist schnell und es merkt sich die Geräte. Plattenspieler (ich bin Fan davon) kein Problem. USB hätte ich mir gewünscht, das wenn schon MP3 Funktion, dass die Titel im Display angezeigt werden, dass tut sie leider nicht.

Shipping and packaging was great! My goal was to fill different rooms with the same music and at different volumes. That's exactly what I can do now. Room 1 is a fitness room and room 2 is a terrace, so I occupied two of four zones. I have extremely good speakers from Revox and Teufel. The sound is extremely cool (says my daughter). I test systems, especially loudspeakers, with always the same two songs: Song 1, Shine on you crazy diamond (Pink Floyd) and Song 2: Ouverture 1812 (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky). If these two songs convince my ears and brain, the system is good. The auna gets the maximum out of my speakers. My neighbor once asked if I had Pink Floyd live in the garden. (He took it with humor, for me it was praise) Unfortunately, the remote control does not always respond immediately, even though the distance is only 3 meters (point deduction). The Auna is plain and simple, uncomplicated, that's what I wanted. Bluetooth connection is fast and it remembers the devices. Turntable (I'm a fan of it) no problem. USB I would have wished for the MP3 function that shows the titles on the display, unfortunately it doesn't.


Está muy bien y ademas con bluetooth

It's very good and also with bluetooth


Comprato per un amico che possiede un ristorante,ed aveva bisogno di un amplificatore che potesse gestire la musica in tre differenti stanze ,oltre che un subwoofer. Al momento so' che è rimasto soddisfatto. La musica viene riprodotta tramite chiavetta usb , i brani musicali possono essere gestiti in avanti o indietro tramite i comandi dell'amplificatore. L'importante è che i brani musicali non siano raccolti in cartelle...perche l'amplificatore non le gestisce. Comunque un buon prodotto.

Bought for a friend who owns a restaurant, and needed an amplifier that could handle music in three different rooms, as well as a subwoofer. At the moment I know he was satisfied. The music is played via USB stick, the music tracks can be managed forward or backward via the amplifier controls. The important thing is that the music tracks are not collected in folders... because the amplifier does not manage them. Anyway, a good product.


Aunque no saca lo mejor de tus altavoces, es un aparato correcto. Ojalá hubiera más marcas donde elegir que hcieran lo mismo pero al menos éste cumple su función y da el pego en el salón. Sólo tiene una salida auxiliar, podría tener dos al menos. Pocas posibilidades de ecualización y son en conjunto, no por parejas de altavoces.

Although it doesn't get the best out of your speakers, it's a decent device. I wish there were more brands to choose from that do the same thing, but at least this one does its job and fits in the living room. It only has one auxiliary output, it could have at least two. There are few equalization options and they are in sets, not in pairs of speakers.


Bin sehr zufrieden mit der unterschiedlichen Lautstärkeregelung für alle 4 Kanäle (bei Auna wird das 4 Zonen genannt). Das macht - mit verschiedenen Boxenpaaren - variable Pseudo-Quattro-Klänge im Raum möglich, denn erst durch die separate Lautstärkeregelung jedes Kanals passen meine verschiedenen Boxenpaare richtig zusammen. Also ohne dass jeweils das eine oder andere Paar zu laut oder leise klingt. Sogar weniger effiziente (aber sehr klar klingende) 4-Wege-Boxen können jetzt mit 2-Wege-Boxen (welche höheren Wirkungsgrad haben infolge des geringeren Weichen-Verlustes) gleichzeitig eingesetzt werden, ich hab jetzt die unterschiedlichsten schönen Klangbilder. Sehr gut ist auch, dass der Verstärker für 4, 6 und 8 Ohm Lautsprecherboxen gleichermaßen gut geeignet ist ohne (im Hausgebrauch) warm zu werden. Mit diesem 4-Kanal-Verstärker kann man jedenfalls noch besser den gewünschten Klang genießen, der zur jeweiligen Stimmung passt. Denn Quattro klingt einfach besser als nur Stereo, besonders gut natürlich von CD mittels Equalizer, auch wenn es nur Pseudo-Quattro ist. Richtig gut ist das Teil vor allem weil man durch die 4 regelbaren Kanäle die verschiedensten Boxenpaare nicht nur kombinieren sondern auch direkt vergleichen kann bis man "die richtigen" Boxen zusammengestellt hat. Dieser Auna Verstärker hier verändert übrigens nicht den warmen Klang meines Onkyo Players sowie des Onkyo Equalizers. (Im Gegensatz zu meinem JVC Verstäker, der vom warmen Klang nix übrig lässt aber mit messerscharfer Klarheit punktet) Auch meine diversen Boxen klingen nicht anders als an meinem älteren Onkyo Verstärker, zumindest kann ich keinen klanglichen Unterschied feststellen. Der Unterschied zu meinen anderen Verstärkern besteht hauptsächlich in der separaten Lautstärkeregelung jedes Kanals und in der doppelten Anzahl der Kanäle. Allerdings benutze ich meine Anlage ausschließlich im Wohnzimmer und kann nicht sagen ob der Verstärker für eine Party in großen Räumen geeignet ist 13.5.19, Nachtrag: Finde das Gerät immer noch Klasse. Hab heute meine alten Vintage 2-Wege Sharp-Boxen auf Lautstärke Stufe 5 laufen und die (neuen) "großen Pyramiden von Auna" auf Stufe 10, die Main-lautstärke im mittleren Bereich. Heute höre ich alte Schlager der 60er bis 80er Jahre, also ich streame mit Handy und Bluetooth Internetradio. Die Höhen am Verstärker sind auf minus 4, die Bässe auch minus 4 eingestellt. Da kommen die Mitten besser rüber, denn über Bluetooth geht kein Equalizer dazwischen, weil der Verstärker selber das BT empfängt. Schöne klare Höhen, warmer Klang und super weiche differenzierte Bässe von den Pyramiden (die unter die Haut gehn), was für ein herrlicher Klang für audiophil veranlagte Genießer! (Audiophile bitte nicht mit Pädophilen verwechseln, danke :)

I am very satisfied with the different volume control for all 4 channels (at Auna this is called 4 zones). This makes variable pseudo-Quattro sounds in the room possible - with different pairs of speakers, because only through the separate volume control of each channel my different pairs of boxes fit together properly. So without one or the other pair sounding too loud or too quiet. Even less efficient (but very clear-sounding) 4-way boxes can now be used simultaneously with 2-way boxes (which have higher efficiency due to the lower crossover loss), I now have a wide variety of beautiful sound patterns. It is also very good that the amplifier is equally suitable for 4, 6 and 8 ohm loudspeaker boxes without getting warm (in domestic use). In any case, with this 4-channel amplifier you can enjoy the desired sound that suits the mood even better. Quattro simply sounds better than just stereo, of course especially good from a CD using an equalizer, even if it's just pseudo-Quattro. The part is really good because you can not only combine the different pairs of boxes with the 4 adjustable channels, but also compare them directly until you have put together the "right" boxes. By the way, this Auna amplifier here does not change the warm sound of my Onkyo player or the Onkyo equalizer. (In contrast to my JVC amplifier, which leaves nothing of the warm sound but scores with razor-sharp clarity) My various boxes also sound no different than on my older Onkyo amplifier, at least I can't tell any difference in sound. The difference to my other amplifiers is mainly the separate volume control of each channel and the double number of channels. However, I only use my system in the living room and cannot say whether the amplifier is suitable for a party in large rooms 13.5.19, addendum: I still think the device is great. Today I ran my old vintage 2-way Sharp boxes at volume level 5 and the (new) "great pyramids of Auna" at level 10, the main volume in the middle range. Today I listen to old hits from the 60s to 80s, so I stream internet radio with my cell phone and Bluetooth. The treble on the amplifier is set to minus 4, the bass also to minus 4. The mids come across better because there is no equalizer via Bluetooth because the amplifier itself receives the BT. Beautiful, clear highs, warm sound and super soft, differentiated bass from the pyramids (that get under your skin), what a wonderful sound for audiophile connoisseurs! (Please don't confuse audiophiles with pedophiles, thanks :)


Beim ersten Gerät wurde die Fernbedienung nicht erkannt (geräteseitiger Fehler). Reklamation problemlos. Blöd war, dass das zweite Gerät dann 10 Euro mehr kostete (Preis bei Amazon ist innerhalb von 5 Tagen gestiegen). Das Gerät hat wie beschrieben 4 Zonen in die jeweils 2 Passivlautsprecher eingesteckt werden. Diese Zonen können jeweils auf 10-100% der Main-Lautstärke zugeordnet werden. Heutzutage werden Systeme wie Teufel-Raumfeld oder Sonos oder Bose genutzt, also Aktiv-Lautsprecher mit eigenem Rechner die dann auch verschiedene Musik pro Raum generieren können. Wenn man aber schon festverbaute Passiv-Lautsprecher im Haus hat, dann ist das hier eine Super Lösung und preislich absolut in Ordnung. Ich habe eine Teufel-Raumfeld Connector über einen der 3 AUX-Eingänge angeschlossen und kann so Internet-Radio hören. Mit im Gerät ist ein USB-Eingang über den problemlos MP3 eines USB-Sticks abgespielt werden, sowie das Bluetooth über das sofort Musik vom Handy abgespielt wird. Das einzige was ich noch nicht getestet habe ist der Radio-Eingang. Es wird immer in allen Zonen das gleiche gespielt aber das war klar und macht bei uns auch Sinn.

The remote control was not recognized for the first device (device-side error). Complaint without any problems. What was stupid was that the second device then cost 10 euros more (price at Amazon increased within 5 days). As described, the device has 4 zones, in each of which 2 passive loudspeakers are plugged. These zones can each be mapped to 10-100% of the main volume. Nowadays, systems like Teufel-Raumfeld or Sonos or Bose are used, i.e. active loudspeakers with their own computer, which can then also generate different music for each room. But if you already have permanently installed passive loudspeakers in the house, then this is a great solution and the price is absolutely fine. I have connected a Teufel Raumfeld Connector via one of the 3 AUX inputs and can listen to internet radio. The device also has a USB input that can be used to easily play MP3s from a USB stick, as well as Bluetooth that can be used to play music from the mobile phone immediately. The only thing I haven't tested yet is the radio input. The same game is always played in all zones, but that was clear and makes sense for us.


Premesso che la recensione precedente secondo me si riferiva ad un altro prodotto (a un tuner suppongo), l'amplificatore in realtà è molto valido soprattutto perche permette permette di regolare quattro zone differenziate e possono essere regolati anche i medi. Potenza di uscita: 8 x 50 W RMS e bluetooth presente. Indispendabile se si utilizza un tuner.

Given that the previous review in my opinion referred to another product (a tuner I suppose), the amplifier is actually very good especially because it allows you to adjust four different zones and the mids can also be adjusted. Output power: 8 x 50 W RMS and Bluetooth present. Indispensable if you use a tuner.


Es un amplificador bastante aceptable, teniendo en cuenta que su uso está limitado a un local o un uso semi-particular, no es para ponerlo en un concierto en la plaza de tu pueblo, tiene muchas conexiones que lo hace más versátil y adaptable. La marca Auna suele rendir bien para el precio que tiene.

It is a very acceptable amplifier, taking into account that its use is limited to a local or semi-private use, it is not for putting it in a concert in the square of your town, it has many connections that make it more versatile and adaptable. The Auna brand usually performs well for its price.


Preso, senza troppe aspettative, per controllare le casse della filodiffusione in più zone della casa si è rivelato un ottimo prodotto; non evolutissimo ma fa il suo con una qualità accettabile; la connettivita Bluetooth (inizialmente da me sottovalutata) si è rivelata essenziale per la connessione a Google-home mini

Bought, without too many expectations, to control the speakers of the wired radio in several areas of the house, it turned out to be an excellent product; not very advanced but it does its job with an acceptable quality; the Bluetooth connectivity (initially underestimated by me) turned out to be essential for the connection to Google-home mini


Muy bueno

Very good


Intuitivo da utilizzare, in tutte le sue opzioni, dal BT alla porta USB. Comunque non é dotato di radio, pertanto va collegato ad un eventuale dispositivo esterno. L'unica seccatura che ho riscontrato nell inserire una chiavetta USB per la musica é che non vi é la possibilità di navigare fra eventuali cartelle con files musicali, pertanto la musica deve essere tutta li nella root principale della penna USB, in quanto se trova cartelle non riesce ad accedervi.

Intuitive to use, in all its options, from BT to the USB port. However, it does not have a radio, so it must be connected to an external device. The only annoyance I found in inserting a USB stick for music is that there is no possibility of navigating through any folders with music files, so the music must be all there in the main root of the USB stick, because if it finds folders it cannot access them.


Lo primero es decir que tenia una minicadena con mas años que yo obsoleta y soy un gran apasionado de las películas en casa. Me he montado un cine genial jeejejej, de momento le tengo instalado 6 altavoces en 3 lineas diferentes y me falta pillar otros 2. El amplificador se nota pero con creces que da la potencia de 8 x 50w que si hacemos la cuenta es mucha mucha para el salón jejejeje. Las fiestas y los villancicos los tenemos este año asegurados para todo el bloque de mi comunidad. Lo mejor de todo para mi es que ademas de cine lo estoy utilizando por bluetooth directamente y no pierde nada de calidad, si no quiero andar con el bluetooth lo puedo hacer por usb, pero eso ya va a gusto del consumidor.

The first thing to say is that I had a mini-system that was older than me and was obsolete, and I'm a big fan of watching movies at home. I've set up a great cinema, hahaha, at the moment I have installed 6 speakers in 3 different lines and I need to get another 2. The amplifier is noticeable, but it's more than enough, as it gives the power of 8 x 50w, which if we do the math is a lot for the living room, hahaha. This year we're guaranteed parties and Christmas carols for the whole block of my community. The best thing for me is that, in addition to the cinema, I'm using it directly via Bluetooth and it doesn't lose any quality. If I don't want to mess around with Bluetooth, I can do it via USB, but that depends on the consumer's taste.


Ho acquistato l'articolo per pilotare alcune casse ed un sub nel mio giardino. devo dire la verità ero seccato per il fatto che l'ampli aveva 50 watt a canale a non 80 come nella descrizione. Li ho contattati per restituirlo e loro educatamente si sono resi disponibili per ritirarlo. Poi l ho provato comunque e devo dire che i 50 watt abbinati ad un sub sono sufficienti per le mie necessità, certo non sono una discoteca ma pilotano 4 skytec da esterno da 200 egregiamente. L'audio è pulito i bassi ed gli alti si regolano indipendentemente non per zona per input...le zono hanno i volumi separati insomma un bell oggetto. Pro Zone con controllo volumi separati Loudness on off Alti e bassi modulabili separatamente per tipo input Uscita RCa dove poter collegare un sub iretto senza controllo volume Telecomando con antenna radio che funziona non ad infrarossi ma con segnale radio eccellente, io piloto l'apparecchio che è in casa. Porta usb che legge mp3 e wav. Contro Un uscita per subwoofer diretta controllata come una zona sarebbe stata un bella idea Bluetooth con antenna esterna come il telcomando sarebbe stato un ulteriore plus di rigurdo viste le mie necessità di usarlo dall'esterno, o almeno una porta antenna esterna per bluetooth.

I bought the item to drive some speakers and a sub in my garden. I have to tell the truth I was annoyed by the fact that the amp had 50 watts per channel and not 80 as in the description. I contacted them to return it and they politely made themselves available to collect it. Then I tried it anyway and I have to say that the 50 watts combined with a sub are sufficient for my needs, of course they are not a disco but they drive 4 outdoor skytec 200 very well. The audio is clean the bass and the treble are adjusted independently not by zone by input ... the zones have separate volumes in short a beautiful object. Pro Zone with separate volume controls Loudness on off Treble and bass modulated separately by type of input RCA output where you can connect a direct sub without volume control Remote control with radio antenna that does not work with infrared but with an excellent radio signal, I drive the device that is in the house. USB port that reads mp3 and wav. Cons A direct subwoofer output controlled as a zone would have been a nice idea. Bluetooth with an external antenna like the remote control would have been an additional plus given my need to use it from outside, or at least an external antenna port for Bluetooth.


Inutile dire che è il prezzo l'elemento che, prima di tutti, richiama l'attenzione su questo prodotto. In realtà poi, andando a leggere la scheda tecnica, si capisce che c'è anche tanta sostanza. L'amplificatore in questione infatti riesce a gestire ben 4 zone controllabili indipendentemente fra di loro, ogni zona può essere dotata di 2 casse: vuol dire riuscire a creare un ottimo impianto hi-fi in casa propria, dotandosi di un massimo di 8 casse passive, con una spesa davvero ridotta. Buona la potenza erogata, il suono è pulito e privo di interferenze di sorta. Abbastanza completo anche il manuale di istruzioni che riesce a dare un'idea chiara e precisa del funzionamento e delle procedure di installazione anche a chi, come me, non è proprio tanto ferrata sull'argomento. Ultimo aspetto da non sottovalutare, l’amplificatore è gradevole anche dal punto di vista estetico e risulta abbastanza discreto e quindi adattabile ad ogni tipo di arredamento.

It goes without saying that the price is the element that, first of all, draws attention to this product. In reality, then, going to read the technical sheet, you understand that there is also a lot of substance. The amplifier in question is in fact able to manage 4 independently controllable zones, each zone can be equipped with 2 speakers: this means being able to create an excellent hi-fi system in your home, equipping yourself with a maximum of 8 passive speakers, with a very low cost. The power delivered is good, the sound is clean and free from interference of any kind. The instruction manual is also quite complete and manages to give a clear and precise idea of the operation and installation procedures even to those, like me, who are not very knowledgeable on the subject. Last aspect not to be underestimated, the amplifier is also pleasant from an aesthetic point of view and is quite discreet and therefore adaptable to any type of furniture.