AV2-CD509 HiFi CD Player
- HiFi CD player
- Black Metallic
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty142,99 €Original price: 157,99 € -
Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty134,99 €Original price: 157,99 €
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
MP3 compatible HiFi CD player
USB input for direct playback of MP3s from USB storage devices
Digital and analogue outputs (optical, coaxial, RCA line)
Product description
The Auna AV2-CD509 is a versatile HiFi system with an intelligent product design and refined quality. At the heart of the Auna AV2-CD509 is its CD player with CD-R, CD-RW and MP3 compatibility. The system also features a front USB port for integrating MP3 libraries from MP3 players and USB storage devices. The CD player proves itself perfect for linking to an amplifier with its coaxial and optical outputs as well as an RCA line output. The system features a notable elegant design with a subtle control panel and brushed stainless steel front.
- Connections: 1 x USB (front), 1 x Optical audio output, 1 x Coaxial audio output, 1 x Stereo RCA audio output
- Playable formats: CD, CD-R, CD-RW, MP3
- Rear on/off switch
- Easy operation via remote or built-in controls
- Repeat function
- A-B repeat
- Mute
- LCD display
- Power supply: 230V, 50Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- 42.5 x 8.5 x 22.5cm (W x H x D)
- Weight: 3kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x device
- 1 x remote control with button cell battery
- 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
perfetto arrivato in anticipo. Suono molto buono, unica pecca il display povero di informazioni, per il prezzo pagato ca bene così
perfect arrived early. Very good sound, only flaw is the poor information display, for the price paid it's fine like this
Ottimo funziona benissimo
Great works great
Der CD- Player in meinem hochwertigen HiFi Receiver hat nach fünf Jahren und dauerhaften Problemen nun endgültig aufgegeben. Da ich mir nicht sicher bin, wie es mit der Anlage weitergeht, habe ich mir den AUNA CD-Player kommen lassen. Immerhin funktioniert bei meinem teuren Schrott der Verstärker noch. Und siehe da: der kleine, preiswerte AUNA ersetzt den teuren CD- Player tadellos. Der Sound ist zu 100% identisch. Lediglich an der Ausstattung wurde gespart, aber das kümmert keinen, der nur Musik hören will.
The CD player in my high-quality HiFi receiver has finally given up after five years and constant problems. Since I'm not sure what will happen to the system, I ordered the AUNA CD player. At least the amplifier on my expensive junk still works. And lo and behold: the small, inexpensive AUNA replaces the expensive CD player perfectly. The sound is 100% identical. Only the features have been cut back, but that doesn't matter to anyone who just wants to listen to music.
Schnelle Lieferung. Gut verpackt. Sound ist in Ordnung. Würde ich wieder kaufen .
Fast delivery. Well packaged. Sound is OK. I would buy it again.
Buon prodotto. L'ho regalato e penso sia stato apprezzato.
Good product. I gave it as a gift and I think it was appreciated.
Lieferung perfekt und Zustand wie beschrieben, vielen Dank.
Delivery perfect and condition as described, thank you very much.
Arrivato integro in un pacco ben imbottito .Installato e acceso.Direi che fino a questo momento sono molto soddisfatto
Arrived intact in a well padded package. Installed and turned on. I would say that up to this point I am very satisfied
Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo, la conversione D/A è in linea con il costo di 90 euro non si può e non ci si deve aspettare di più, il suono è gradevole toni alti puliti e bassi ben pronunciati. Sicuramente l'uscita digitale è più performante.Nel complesso è molto gradevole, anche se il display non ti dice praticamente nulla.Lento all'avvio e leggermente rumorosa la meccanica del motore di rotazione.Il peso è in linea con lettori CD più costosi per cui dentro qualcosa ci deve essere, questa è un curiosità che dovrebbe essere soddisfatta dal produttore nella brochure.Aspetto qualche mese per dare un giudizio più approfondito.
Excellent value for money, the D/A conversion is in line with the cost of 90 euros, you can't and shouldn't expect more, the sound is pleasant, clean high tones and well-pronounced bass. The digital output is definitely more performing. Overall it is very pleasant, even if the display tells you practically nothing. Slow to start and slightly noisy the mechanics of the rotation motor. The weight is in line with more expensive CD players so there must be something inside, this is a curiosity that should be satisfied by the manufacturer in the brochure. I'll wait a few months to give a more in-depth opinion.
Da unser alter CD Player kaputt wurde, hab ich lange nach einem CD Player gesucht der eine Line Anbindung (Analog) hat . Funktionier und alle sind wieder Glücklich.
Since our old CD player broke, I spent a long time looking for a CD player with a line connection (analog). It works and everyone is happy again.
Als Teil unserer Musikanlage ist das Gerät beim Abspielen von CDs einfach perfekt.
As part of our music system, the device is simply perfect when playing CDs.
Hervorragender CD-Player für Nostalgiker, einfach und logisch zu bedienen und einwandfreier Klang.
Besonders gefällt mir, dass es bei electronic-star generalüberholte Geräte gibt denen man es kaum anmerkt und die einwandfrei funktionieren!
Excellent CD player for nostalgics, easy and logical to use and perfect sound. I particularly like the fact that electronic-star has refurbished devices that you hardly notice and that work perfectly!
Prodotto di qualità, rispetta tutte le caratteristiche, spedizione veloce e precisa.
Super consigliato
Quality product, respects all characteristics, fast and precise shipping. Super recommended
Prodotto di qualità, rispetta tutte le caratteristiche, spedizione veloce e precisa.
Super consigliato
Quality product, respects all characteristics, fast and precise shipping. Super recommended
Sorprende que no se incopore cable hi-fi (blanco-rojo) para conexión al amplificador. El equipo es justo
It is surprising that there is no hi-fi cable (white-red) for connection to the amplifier. The equipment is just right.
Va tutto bene. Il prodotto è in linea con le aspettative e in un giusto rapporto con il suo prezzoi
Everything is fine. The product is in line with expectations and in a fair relationship with its price.
prodotto in linea con quanto dichiarato
product in line with what was declared
Ottimo prodotto, arrivato con imballaggio accuratissimo. Frontale in alluminio, finiture molto curate. Potrebbe risultare di disturbo visivo il display di colore blu (un verde o un rosso sarebbero stati più ottimali) ma questo viene compensato dall'ottima resa sonora, rapportata ad un prezzo del tutto onesto. Peccato solo per il telecomando. Risulta veramente scomodo da usare, con tasti piccoli e disposti senza una logica. Un difetto che, comunque, si può perdonare in virtù del costo di acquisto contenutissimo.
Excellent product, arrived with very careful packaging. Aluminum front, very neat finishes. The blue display could be visually disturbing (a green or a red would have been more optimal) but this is compensated by the excellent sound output, in relation to a very honest price. The only shame is for the remote control. It is really uncomfortable to use, with small buttons and arranged without logic. A defect that, however, can be forgiven by virtue of the very low purchase cost.
Funciona muy bien, lo uso para una emisora de fm y de momento todo ok.
It works very well, I use it for an FM station and so far everything is ok.
Muito bom
Very good
Todo perfecto
Everything is perfect
Ottimo prodotto, ottima spedizione. Non mi aspettavo un lettore tanto generoso. Certo qualche pecca ci sta ma onestamente fa il suo lavoro nel migliore dei modi. Davvero soddisfatto.
Great product, great shipping. I didn't expect such a generous reader. Sure there are some flaws but honestly it does its job in the best way. Really satisfied.
Parece muy buen producto y de momento funciona muy bien.
It seems like a very good product and so far it works very well.
el fabricante CUMPLE
the manufacturer COMPLIES
In linea con il prezzo si dimostra un lettore di discreta qualità, comunque buono come riproduzione sonora
In line with the price it proves to be a player of reasonable quality, however good as far as sound reproduction is concerned.
Diseño, calidad y a un precio muy competitivo.
Design, quality and at a very competitive price.
Es un aparato simple,lee CD regrabables,tarda un poquito en reconocer los discos,saca un sonido bastante decente.No es la quinta maravilla pero tampoco cuesta como tal.De momento estoy contento
It's a simple device, it reads rewritable CDs, it takes a little while to recognize the discs, and it produces a fairly decent sound. It's not the fifth wonder, but it doesn't cost much either. For now I'm happy.
Il prodotto rispecchia un buon rapporto qualità/prezzo, si tratta di un hi-fi con funzionalità basic ma con una buona qualità del suono ed un’estetica soddisfacente. Al contrario di quanto ho letto in altre recensioni, il lettore funziona come da descrizione (incluso il telecomando). Andrebbe secondo me segnalato nella scheda di presentazione del prodotto che non viene fornito alcun tipo di connettore per collegare l’amplificatore.
The product reflects a good quality/price ratio, it is a hi-fi with basic functionality but with good sound quality and a satisfactory aesthetic. Contrary to what I have read in other reviews, the player works as described (including the remote control). In my opinion, it should be noted in the product presentation sheet that no type of connector is provided to connect the amplifier.
Lo que buscaba, aunque me sorprende este precio.
What I was looking for, although I am surprised by this price.
Chiaramente parliamo di un prodotto di fascia bassa, ma per il prezzo non credo si possa chiedere di più. Funziona bene, forse un po cheap, display blu basico un po' pacchiano, telecomando e funzioni basici. Ma funziona senza alcun problema. I convertitori D/A non sono certo di qualità HI-FI, ma io l'ho acquistato per usarne l'uscita digitale con un DAC esterno, quindi non fa differenza per me. Ho provato a passare dal digitale con DAC all'uscita analogica, e la differenza è evidente. In generale, rapporto qualità-prezzo azzeccato. Non aspettatevi un prodotto di fascia alta, sopratutto se usato in analogico: chiaramente non lo è.
We are obviously talking about a low-end product, but for the price I don't think you can ask for more. It works well, maybe a little cheap, basic blue display a little tacky, remote control and basic functions. But it works without any problem. The D/A converters are certainly not HI-FI quality, but I bought it to use the digital output with an external DAC, so it makes no difference to me. I tried switching from digital with DAC to analog output, and the difference is evident. Overall, good value for money. Don't expect a high-end product, especially if used in analog: it clearly isn't.
Corresponde à funcionalidade no entanto não suporta pen drives acima de 16Gb.
The functionality corresponds but does not support pen drives over 16Gb.
Prezzo conveniente, suono abbastanza limpido. Impiega un secondo in più a caricare il suono del CD. Manca però del timer tempo trascorso/rimasto dei brani. Funziona anche du cd riscrivibili.
Reasonable price, fairly clear sound. Takes a second longer to load CD sound. However, it lacks a timer for elapsed/remaining track time. Also works with rewritable CDs.
Lo tengo instalado con un plato audiotechnica lo y un ampli auna con altavoces torre auna tb...y el sonido es muy bueno.
I have it installed with an Audiotechnica LO turntable and an Auna amp with Auna TB tower speakers...and the sound is very good.
El producto es fiel a lo descrito llegó en tres días...funciona muy bien de momento lo recomiendo... seguiré comprando a este fabricante.
The product is true to what was described, it arrived in three days...it works very well for now, I recommend it...I will continue buying from this manufacturer.
Si tratta quasi di un lettore CD "puro", ha funzioni essenziali, niente orpelli o fronzoli, lo stesso telecomando ha tanti tasti non attivi per questo apparecchio: lascerebbe presupporre che si tratti di un lettore squisitamente hi-fi. All'ascolto dimostra molta silenziosità di funzionamento, una buona dinamica, una ottima spazialità ed una certa differenziazione dei piani sonori. Attenti, sul display c'è una pellicola adesiva un po' difficile da togliere. L'Auna non dà nessun ragguaglio su certe caratteristiche tecniche dei suoi prodotti, unica pecca. Costo interessante.....
It is almost a "pure" CD player, it has essential functions, no frills or frills, the remote control itself has many buttons that are not active for this device: it would lead one to assume that it is an exquisitely hi-fi player. When listening to it, it demonstrates very quiet operation, good dynamics, excellent spatiality and a certain differentiation of the sound levels. Be careful, on the display there is an adhesive film that is a bit difficult to remove. Auna does not provide any information on certain technical characteristics of its products, the only flaw. Interesting price.....
Funziona come deve. il telecomando non è tra i più facili alla lettura e disposizione dei tasti strana. il carrello porta CD è molto leggero quindi bisogna fare molta attenzione.
Works as it should. The remote is not the easiest to read and the button layout is weird. The CD cart is very light so you have to be very careful.
Il lettore cd che da molti anni era inserito nel mio impianto h fi si è guastato. Ho quindi deciso di sostituirlo. La scelta è caduta sul prodotto della AUNA che aveva una dimensione perfetta per l'inserimento nella scaffalatura ove ho gli altri componenti hi fi (giradischi vinile, sintonizzatore e amplificatore) ed un prezzo abbordabile.
The CD player that had been in my hi-fi system for many years broke down. I therefore decided to replace it. The choice fell on the AUNA product which had a perfect size to fit into the shelf where I have the other hi-fi components (vinyl turntable, tuner and amplifier) and an affordable price.
Molto spartano il modello ma efficiente, manca di funzionalità di programmazione dei brani e di un display maggiormente informativo. la cosa più strana è però la mancanza di un libretto di istruzioni in lingua italiana; supplisce la presenza di lingua inglese.Comunque è un buon prodottp per il rapporto qualità - prezzo.
Very spartan model but efficient, it lacks song programming functionality and a more informative display. The strangest thing is the lack of an instruction booklet in Italian; the presence of English makes up for it. However, it is a good product for the quality - price ratio.
Für meine Stereoanlage
For my stereo
Si tratta sicuramente di un prodotto economico e lo sapevo, ma mi attendevo qualcosa di più , il display ad esempio non evidenzia il numero della traccia , ma solo in tempo e le uscite audio ed in particolare video sono poche . La consegna è stata puntuale
It is certainly a cheap product and I knew it, but I expected something more, the display for example does not show the track number, but only in time and the audio and especially video outputs are few. The delivery was punctual
Ein für diesen Preis gutes Gerät mit guten Klangeigenschaften. Bedauerlicherweise lässt sich das Gerät an der Frontseite nicht vollständig abschalten sondern nur in den Standby-Modus versetzen. Der Hauptschalter befindet sich an der Rückseite des Geräts und ist unter Umständen nur schwer zu erreichen. Das ist aus Sicht des Energiesparens nicht mehr zeitgemäß
A good device for this price with good sound characteristics. Unfortunately, the device cannot be switched off completely on the front, but can only be put into standby mode. The main switch is located on the back of the device and can be difficult to reach. From the point of view of saving energy, this is no longer up-to-date
Prima spul
The first thing
Está bastante bien para el precio que tiene.
It's pretty good for the price.
Kein Vergleich zu einem alten 149 D-Mark CD Spieler, der war besser. Der hier ist gut um mal eine CD abzuspielen für Hintergrund Mucke. Mehr nicht Hifi ist nicht zu erwarten. Dad sollte man wissen
No comparison to an old 149 D-Mark CD player, it was better. This one's good to play a CD for background music. Nothing more hifi is to be expected. Dad should know
Ich habe den cd Spieler an den Verstärker von Auna angeschlossen mit einen Oldi Plattenspieler zusammen. So das ich wieder einen Hifi Turm habe. Alles funktioniert einwandfrei und das Herz ist Glücklich ;)
I connected the cd player to the Auna amplifier together with an oldi turntable. So that I have a hi-fi tower again. Everything works fine and the heart is happy ;)
Wie schon oft in den Bewertungen geschrieben handelt es sich hier um einen einfachen CD player,sonst nichts. Wenn man sich die Bilder dazu anschaut weiß man das. Ich persönlich wollte nichts anderes, also gekauft. Als Ersatz für meinen schwächelnden Kenwood. Ist zwar leider kein vollwertiger Ersatz,aber er spielt CD s ab, nicht mehr und nicht weniger... Ganz magere Ausstattung, aber was will man für diesen Preis schon erwarten. Er funktioniert,also behalten.
As often written in the reviews, this is a simple CD player, nothing else. If you look at the pictures you know that. I personally didn't want anything else, so I bought it. As a replacement for my weakening Kenwood. It's unfortunately not a full replacement, but it plays CDs, no more and no less... Very poor equipment, but what can you expect for this price. It works, so keep it.
Buon lettore CD, ben si adatta in un impianto stereo. Suono preciso e pulito.Purtroppo la descrizione ha una lacuna nel descrivere la preselezione di 40 canali; non esiste , non vi è radio o selezione di 40 canzoni probabilmente è un'altromodello. Bisogna mettere più attenzione nelle descrizioni possono essere falsate. A me serviva solo il lettore CD e va bene così.
Good CD player, fits well in a stereo system. Precise and clean sound. Unfortunately the description has a gap in describing the 40 channel preset; it does not exist, there is no radio or selection of 40 songs, it is probably another model. You need to pay more attention to the descriptions, they can be distorted. I only needed the CD player and that's fine.
suchte einen einfachen Player für CD's. das macht er hervorragend, Die Ausgänge hinten zum Verbinden mit Verstärker sind vielfältig, der USB Eingang ist nice. hat keine Spielereien, sondern spielt einfach CD's gut ab. Gutes Gerät mit den wichtigsten Funktionen eines CD Spielers incl. Möglichkeit auch einen USB Stick oder Festplatte anzuhängen.
was looking for a simple player for CD's. he does that excellently, the outputs on the back for connecting to the amplifier are diverse, the USB input is nice. has no gimmicks, just plays CD's well. Good device with the most important functions of a CD player, including the option of attaching a USB stick or hard drive.
Schlechte Fernbedienung und die Tastenfunktion bietet keine gute Alternative, weil das mag das Gerät nicht haben, wenn Du da mal eben 10 Titel weiter drücken möchtest.
Bad remote control and the button function does not offer a good alternative, because the device may not have that if you just want to press 10 tracks further.
Para mi gusto cumple con su función,se ve un aparato de calidad,lo tengo conectado con un amplificador Denon y cable optical audio y unos altavoces Bosé y el sonido es espectacular no se como la gente pone reseñas bajas ,la única pega es que la información de la pantalla LCD no es igual a la de la foto en realidad son de un color azul fuerte y grandes no como en la foto pero bueno lo que importa es la calidad de sonido
For my taste it fulfills its function, it looks like a quality device, I have it connected to a Denon amplifier and optical audio cable and some Bose speakers and the sound is spectacular, I don't know why people give low reviews, the only drawback is that the information on the LCD screen is not the same as in the photo, in reality they are a strong blue color and large, not like in the photo, but hey, what matters is the sound quality.
Super CD Player kann ich nur empfehlen
I highly recommend Super CD Player
No soy un sibarita del sonido, lo tengo conectado a unos buenos altavoces Infinity y el resultado es bastante aceptable, lo utilizo para escuchar música mientras corro en mi cinta o hago spinning. De momento, tras un mes de uso lo tengo en estricta observación, la pantalla ha fallado tres veces y por tanto el mando no respondía, se ha solucionado apagando y volviendo a encender. El USB falla habitualmente y por tanto es como si no lo tuviera. Probablemente pida un reemplazo a ver si con un segundo aparato tengo más suerte. Edito: solicité reemplazo y la nueva unidad funciona bien. El vendedor fue muy eficiente y el proceso resultó sencillo y rápido. Por cierto el enlace que me envió Amazon para valorar el servicio del vendedor no funciona, eso es poco profesional.
I'm not a sound connoisseur, I have it connected to some good Infinity speakers and the result is quite acceptable, I use it to listen to music while I run on my treadmill or do spinning. At the moment, after a month of use I have it under strict observation, the screen has failed three times and therefore the remote control did not respond, it was solved by turning it off and on again. The USB fails regularly and therefore it is as if I did not have it. I will probably ask for a replacement to see if with a second device I have better luck. Edit: I asked for a replacement and the new unit works well. The seller was very efficient and the process was simple and fast. By the way, the link that Amazon sent me to evaluate the seller's service does not work, that is unprofessional.
Opté por adquirir a la misma empresa un aparato de segunda mano (con garantía y solo algun pequeño fallo en el embalaje). Pregunté a la empresa por la medida,(informan que el largo es 53 cm y son 43 cm.). Me contestaron con rapidez. Buena compra si sigue funcionando como hasta ahora.
I decided to buy a second-hand device from the same company (with a guarantee and only a small fault in the packaging). I asked the company about the measurements (they say the length is 53 cm and it is 43 cm). They answered me quickly. A good purchase if it continues to work as it has until now.
El precio calidad
The price quality
Wie heißt so schön andere Anbieter,anderes Desein. Trotzdem alles zufrieden.
How is it called so beautifully other providers, other existence. Nevertheless all satisfied.
Volevo acquistare un lettore CD senza spendere troppi soldi visto che ascolto al 99% solo vinili ed ho scelto questo AUNA dal prezzo decisamente abordabile. Purtroppo l' apparecchio - anche se perfettamente imballato - è arrivato guasto: il CD partiva dal primo brano, ma non dall' inizio dello stesso bensì dopo un dieci secondi; evidentemente il gruppo ottico era danneggiato. Ho quindi deciso, anche se un po' a malincuore, di rivolgermi ad un lettore, certo, piu' caro, ma di assoluta qualità. Devo comunque fare i complimenti al servizio clienti: sono stato rimborsato rapidamente della cifra spesa ed ho trovato persone davvero gentili.
I wanted to buy a CD player without spending too much money since I listen to 99% of vinyl only and I chose this AUNA with a decidedly affordable price. Unfortunately the device - even if perfectly packaged - arrived broken: the CD started from the first track, but not from the beginning of the same but after ten seconds; evidently the optical group was damaged. I therefore decided, even if a little reluctantly, to turn to a player, certainly, more expensive, but of absolute quality. I must however compliment the customer service: I was quickly reimbursed the amount spent and I found really kind people.
cd ist gut zu bedienen?
cd is good to use?
Die Lieferung ging recht zügig. Ich habe einen CD Player für einen schmalen Taler, der aber doch Hochwertig aussieht. Ein Radio wie es in der Beschreibung steht ist nicht vorhanden. Die Fernbedienung riecht sehr streng nach Chemie. Viele Funktionen funktionieren nicht. Es scheint eine Universal Fernbedienung zu sein. Die Displayanzeige ist einfach gehalten, es zeigt nur Zahlen an. Wenn man keine 300€ für einen CD Player ausgeben möchte ist man hier richtig.
The delivery was pretty quick. I have a CD player for a small dollar, but it looks high quality. A radio as it is in the description is not available. The remote control smells very strongly of chemicals. Many functions do not work. It seems to be a universal remote control. The display is kept simple, it only shows numbers. If you don't want to spend 300€ for a CD player, you've come to the right place.
Der Player hat einen sauberen Klang. Aber es stand im Profil das ein tuner mit dabei sei Lüge. Da ich nen cd player in Silber gesucht habe passt das soweit.
The player has a clean sound. But it was written in the profile that a tuner was a lie. Since I was looking for a cd player in silver, it fits so far.
Die Lieferung war sauber und schnell , dass Gerät ist gut verarbeitet und erfüllt meine Qualitätsanforderungen !
The delivery was clean and fast, the device is well made and meets my quality requirements!
guter Ton. tolle Bedienung Optik sehr gut.
good tone. great operation optics very good.
CD - Musik :-)
CD - Music :-)
Leider ist die Auswahl an CD-Playern mittlerweile sehr übersichtlich geworden. Dieses Gerät befindet sich im unteren Preissegment und ist somit von den Funktionen eher übersichtlich gestaltet. Der Anschluss des CD-Player war unkompliziert, allerdings gehörten zum Lieferumfang keine Anschlusskabel. Die Klangqualität ist für den Preis in Ordnung. Die Bedienung am Gerät und mit der Fernbedienung ist ein wenig zeitverzögert oder setzt komplett aus. Mein Fazit: Das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ist akzeptabel.
Unfortunately, the selection of CD players has now become very clear. This device is in the lower price segment and is therefore rather clearly designed in terms of functions. The connection of the CD player was uncomplicated, but no connection cable was included in the scope of delivery. The sound quality is okay for the price. The operation on the device and with the remote control is a little delayed or stops completely. My conclusion: The price-performance ratio is acceptable.
Ein Radio Tuner war leider nicht dabei wie in der Deklaration stand
Unfortunately, a radio tuner was not included as stated in the declaration
Mein alter CD-Player war defekt, und ich bin happy, daß ich mit diesem neuen Gerät sofort klar kam. Es ist leicht zu handhaben,(auch für mich mit 82 Jahren!)
My old CD player was broken and I'm happy that I got on with this new device right away. It's easy to handle (even for me at 82!)
ergänzender Baustein f. unsere Heimkino-Anlage Hat die Erwartungen voll erfüllt!
supplementary module for our home cinema system Has fully met our expectations!
Aufgrund der Beschreibung habe ich vermutet, dass der integrierte Radioteil einfacher zu bedienen sei.
Based on the description, I assumed that the integrated radio part would be easier to use.
Hat jemand schon einmal versucht, die Source / Quelle zu wechseln z.B. von CD auf Radio? Beim Drücken der entsprechenden Taste auf der Fernbedienung passiert nichts, ist aber nicht so wichtig da das Gerät als reiner CD-Player dient. Mich persönlich würde nur die Radio-Empfangsqualität interessieren, oder ob ich etwas falsch mache. Bei MP3-CDs muss man technisch bedingt etwas mehr ladezeit in Kauf nehmen. Hatte jemand schon dieselbe Erfahrung? Grüße
Has anyone ever tried to change the source e.g. from CD to radio? Nothing happens when you press the corresponding button on the remote control, but this is not so important since the device serves as a pure CD player. Personally, I would only be interested in the radio reception quality or whether I'm doing something wrong. With MP3 CDs, you have to accept a little more loading time for technical reasons. Has anyone had the same experience? Greetings
Dieses Gerät is unkompliziert.einfch zu bediehnen,hat einen sehr guten Klang und nimmt alle DvDsorten an. efach Klasse.
This device is uncomplicated, easy to use, has a very good sound and accepts all types of DVDs. simply class.
Mi sono fidato delle recensioni positive e a quanto pare ho fatto bene. A dire il vero è arrivato senza il sintonizzatore ma meglio così perché a me non interessava, visto che l'ho comprato per supportare il mio vecchio lettore Rotel che non ne vuole più sapere di leggere i CD masterizzati da me, ma se a voi interessa fate attenzione. Il suono è molto buono, pieno e non "piallato", la connessione USB legge agevolmente le chiavette con musica Mp3, il telecomando fa il suo dovere (se leggete delle funzioni in più - che sul lettore non ci sono - è perché serve anche per comandare l’amplificatore AUNA) e esteticamente non sfigura con componenti Hi-Fi più blasonati, il tutto per 100 Euro! Consiglio di collegarlo a un buon amplificatore (il mio è sempre un Rotel) con cavi AV di qualità, altrimenti non credo che il lettore possa esprimere il suo meglio. Due appunti che però, visto il prezzo, non mi hanno fatto togliere una stella: 1. Il colore blu “fluo” rende il display poco leggibile. 2. Il piatto dove risiede il CD è sottile (tipo custodia “slim case”) e delicato, bisogna fare molta attenzione quando lo si utilizza.
I trusted the positive reviews and apparently I did well. To tell the truth, it arrived without the tuner but that's a good thing because I wasn't interested, since I bought it to support my old Rotel player that doesn't want to read CDs burned by me anymore, but if you're interested, be careful. The sound is very good, full and not "planed", the USB connection easily reads pen drives with MP3 music, the remote control does its job (if you read about the extra functions - which aren't on the player - it's because it's also used to control the AUNA amplifier) and aesthetically it doesn't look out of place with more famous Hi-Fi components, all for 100 Euros! I recommend connecting it to a good amplifier (mine is always a Rotel) with quality AV cables, otherwise I don't think the player can express its best. Two points that, however, given the price, didn't make me take away a star: 1. The "fluorescent" blue color makes the display difficult to read. 2. The platter where the CD sits is thin (like a “slim case”) and delicate, you need to be very careful when using it.
3 sterne gibts leider nur weil kein Radioantennenanschluss vorhanden ist, folglich auch kein Radioreceiver laut angaben
Unfortunately, there are only 3 stars because there is no radio antenna connection, and consequently no radio receiver according to the information
Sehr guter CD Player
Very good CD player
Ho scelto AUNA AV2-CD509 in sostituzione di un lettore CD da pensionare. La mia scelta è stata preceduta da un'attenta esplorazione dei prodotti disponibili su Amazon, di categoria più o meno affrontabile, anche includendo lettori di grande referenza e prezzo elevato. Ho scelto in base alle caratteristiche costruttive dichiarate e ai dati tecnici. Ero anche curioso di verificare come l'integrazione con Tuner e USB potesse essere compatibile con la qualità. Ho attentamente letto anche le recensioni. Il prodotto è arrivato in anticipo sulla data prevista (beh, mi ha fatto piacere) e devo aggiungere che apprezzo molto in Amazon la tendenza a essere preciso nella consegna. Consegna scrupolosamente riguardosa e cortese. Imballo originale, sigillato perfetto sotto ogni riguardo. Ho installato subito il lettore collegandolo all'ampli Yamaha cui era destinato (casse Indiana Line). Collegamenti facili, pannelli accesso intuitivi e ben costruiti. Estetica classica (vintage ma al tempo stesso moderna; display semplice, decisamente Europeo) di ottimo gusto (secondo me). I test musicali eseguiti (delle opportunità: CD, Tuner e USB) sono stati controllati sia da pannello che da remoto, al fine di collaudare comandi frontali e telecomando. Per il test CD ho utilizzato tanto CD di ultima generazione in DDD quanto ADD e AAD, sia mono che stereo, contenenti generi per grande orchestra, piccoli ensemble, solisti, voce. Varie marche. Generi classico, barocco, jazz, rap. La valutazione che segue preferisco riferirla ai CD (uso privilegiato, nel mio caso), in quanto i programmi radio sono molto influenzati dalle caratteristiche di trasmissione. La qualità sonora è in ogni ascolto eccellente. Il campionamento digitale restituisce tutta la gamma dinamica, con un equilibrio magico. All'ampi e ai V.tri gusti intervenire, se ne avete desiderio. Dai bassi profondi alla gamma alta (nel sinfonico e cameristico molto importante) la resa è piena e immediata. Nessuna esitazione o incertezza laser. Il lettore suona benissimo e, insaziabile curioso, conto di accoppiarlo presto ad altri impianti, molto molto esigenti, convinto che ne trarrò ulteriore soddisfazione. IL funzionamento dell'USB non ha problemi e la qualità dipende dai files nella registrazione. Ho letto in alcune recensioni che gli ascoltatori lamentavano un tempo di presa in carico dei CD un po' lento; è una caratteristica che confermo, ma che personalmente non ritengo rilevante (parliamo di secondi), anche perché lo scostamento rispetto a moltiissimi prodotti che conosco non mi sembra significativo. Il rapporto qualità prezzo è davvero invitante e non nego che sia stato tra le caratteristiche che mi hanno invogliato alla scoperta. Ritengo l'AUNA AV2-CD509, marca che sono dunque stato davvero lieto di scoprire, un brand da seguire e consiglio questo lettore a neofiti ed esperti, per godere di ascolti che ritengo potranno soddisfare anche orecchi esigenti. 5 stelle all around !
English: I chose AUNA AV2-CD509 to replace a CD player to retire. My choice was preceded by a careful exploration of the products available on Amazon, of a more or less affordable category, even including high-quality and high-priced players. I chose based on the declared construction characteristics and technical data. I was also curious to see how the integration with Tuner and USB could be compatible with the quality. I also carefully read the reviews. The product arrived ahead of schedule (well, I was pleased) and I must add that I really appreciate Amazon's tendency to be precise in delivery. Delivery was scrupulously considerate and courteous. Original packaging, sealed, perfect in every respect. I immediately installed the player by connecting it to the Yamaha amplifier for which it was intended (Indiana Line speakers). Easy connections, intuitive and well-built access panels. Classic aesthetics (vintage but at the same time modern; simple display, decidedly European) of excellent taste (in my opinion). The musical tests performed (of the options: CD, Tuner and USB) were controlled both from the panel and remotely, in order to test the front controls and remote control. For the CD test I used both the latest generation CDs in DDD as well as ADD and AAD, both mono and stereo, containing genres for large orchestra, small ensembles, soloists, voice. Various brands. Classical, baroque, jazz, rap genres. I prefer to refer the following evaluation to CDs (preferred use, in my case), as radio programs are very influenced by transmission characteristics. The sound quality is excellent in every listening. Digital sampling returns the entire dynamic range, with a magical balance. To the broad and your other tastes intervene, if you wish. From the deep bass to the high range (very important in symphonic and chamber music) the performance is full and immediate. No hesitation or laser uncertainty. The player sounds great and, insatiable curious, I plan to pair it soon with other systems, very very demanding, convinced that I will derive further satisfaction from it. USB operation is problem-free and quality depends on the files in the recording. I read in some reviews that listeners complained about a slightly slow CD loading time; it is a feature that I confirm, but that I personally do not consider relevant (we are talking about seconds), also because the deviation from many products that I know does not seem significant to me. The quality/price ratio is truly inviting and I do not deny that it was among the features that encouraged me to discover it. I consider the AUNA AV2-CD509, a brand that I was therefore really happy to discover, a brand to follow and I recommend this player to beginners and experts, to enjoy listening that I believe will satisfy even demanding ears. 5 stars all around!
Mir stellt sich oft die Frage wie dieses Gerät die Note 1,6 bekommen hat., Bei mir würde es die Note 3,5 geben. Stromkabel wie beim Kühlschrank. Netzschalter ungünstig hinten platziert. Bedienknöpfe sind unbeleuchtet. Display zeigt nur Radio und CD an .USB aber nicht. Kann nur FAT 16 oder 32 auslesen .Kein Netzwerk vorhanden. Fernbedienung ist wie Kinderspielzeug. Tasten zu klein. Klang ist mittelmäßig. Bei der Optik sollte man nicht zu oft hin sehen, sonst bekommt man Magenschmerzen. Gespart wurde überall. Preis zu hoh.
I often ask myself how this device got the grade 1.6. I would get the grade 3.5. Power cable like the fridge. Power switch inconveniently placed at the back. Control buttons are not illuminated. Display only shows radio and CD. USB but not. Can only read FAT 16 or 32. No network available. Remote control is like children's toys. buttons too small. Sound is mediocre. You shouldn't look at the optics too often, otherwise you'll get a stomach ache. Savings were made everywhere. price too high.
...nix zu meckern. In dieser Preislage hatte ich bisher nix besseres - bei unserem Gerät konnte ich auch nach einer Stunde Betrieb keine übermäßig erhitzte Stelle feststellen, erwärmt ja (das wird mein alter Sony-CD-Player aber auch) - aber nicht übertrieben heiß (Bezug auf eine vorherige Rezension, in der über gefährliche Hitzeentwicklung berichtet wurde -> da auch Kinder das Gerät benutzen, musste ich das sofort "prüfen"). Alle Funktionen ohne Probleme. 5-Sterne bei der Tonqualität: natürlich kommt dieses preisgünstige Gerät beim Sound nicht an unseren anderweitig verwendeten YAMAHA-HiFi-Baustein ran - aber der kostet auch das vierfache. Für den Preis: TOP.
...nothing to complain about. I haven't had anything better in this price range - I couldn't find any excessively hot spots on our device even after an hour of operation, warms up yes (but my old Sony CD player gets that too) - but not overly hot (referring to a previous one Review in which dangerous heat development was reported -> since children also use the device, I had to "check" it immediately"). All functions without problems. 5 stars for the sound quality: of course this inexpensive device doesn't come close to our otherwise used YAMAHA hi-fi module in terms of sound - but it also costs four times as much. For the price: TOP.
Der CD-Spieler macht was er soll. Man hört nichts vom Gerät selbst, wenn er läuft. Leider vermisse ich etwas Brillianz, aber in Anbetracht des Preises, kann man kein High-End-Gerät erwarten
The CD player does what it is supposed to do. You don't hear anything from the device itself when it's running. Unfortunately, I miss some brilliance, but considering the price, you can't expect a high-end device
Ich hatte mir vor geraumer Zeit einen Verstärker von Auna gekauft. Preis/Leistung einfach klasse. Mir fehlte noch ein CD-Player, da habe ich mir den CD-Player von Auna gekauft. Total zufrieden.
I recently bought an Auna amp. Value for money just great. I still needed a CD player, so I bought the Auna CD player. Totally satisfied.
PRO: Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo, consegna celere inferiore al previsto. Prodotto del tutto conforme a quanto dichiarato. Non ottiene il massimo punteggio per alcune mancanze: display semplicato che non consente la previsualizzazione del numero dei brani, partenza automatica del primo brano. Manca la visualizzazione della stazione radio ma si vede solo la frequenza. Questi aspetti non inficiano la qualità complessiva specie in rapporto al prezzo di molto inferiore ad analoghi apparecchi che invece offrono queste caratteristiche che comunque non sono decisive. Ottimo per aggiornare con MP3, Radio, e lettutra di CD anche riscrivibili impiante stereo un pò datati ma ancora validi negli altri componenti.
PROS: Excellent value for money, fast delivery less than expected. Product fully compliant with what was declared. It does not get the maximum score for some shortcomings: simplified display that does not allow the preview of the number of songs, automatic start of the first song. The radio station display is missing but only the frequency is visible. These aspects do not affect the overall quality especially in relation to the price much lower than similar devices that instead offer these features that however are not decisive. Excellent for updating with MP3, Radio, and reading of CDs even rewritable stereo systems a little dated but still valid in the other components.
Ich neige ja manchmal zu Geiz. Zum Beispiel erscheint es mir absurd, für ein Gerät mehrere hundert Euro auszugeben, das nichts anderes tut als CDs auszulesen und das Signal weiterzugeben. Das kann jedes CD-Rom Laufwerk und jeder Discman. Also lande ich bei diesem hübschen Gerät, das genau das kann. Aber auch nicht viel mehr. Das Einlesen von gewöhnlichen CDs dauert eine halbe Ewigkeit (wird da im Hintergrund Windows hochgefahren?) und lässt sich auch nicht durch Stop oder Open abbrechen. Ein Großteil der Funktionen lässt sich nur über die Fernbedienung steuern, die Tasten am Gehäuse sind ziemlich rudimentär. USB Sticks und Mp3 CDs kann das Gerät einlesen, auch wenn das bei USB Sticks nicht immer ganz einfach ist. Aber Songtitel im Display? Ordnernavigation? Denkste. Da konnte die erste Generation von Mp3 Playern teilweise mehr. Also kurz und gut: Das Gerät erfüllt seinen Zweck und wird bei mir bis auf weiteres in Betrieb bleiben, aber die Schwächen sind nervig und ärgerlich, auch weil sie keiner objektiven Notwendigkeit bei einem "billigen" (und das heißt hier immer noch mehr als hundert Euro) Gerät gehorchen, sondern mit einfachen und nach heutigem Stand vermutlich billigen Mitteln zu vermeiden gewesen wären.
I tend to be stingy sometimes. For example, it seems absurd to me to spend several hundred euros on a device that does nothing other than read CDs and pass on the signal. Every CD-ROM drive and every Discman can do this. So I end up with this pretty device that can do just that. But not much more. Reading ordinary CDs takes half an eternity (is Windows booted up in the background?) and cannot be canceled with Stop or Open. Most of the functions can only be controlled via the remote control, the buttons on the case are pretty rudimentary. The device can read USB sticks and Mp3 CDs, even if this is not always easy with USB sticks. But song titles on the display? folder navigation? think. The first generation of Mp3 players could sometimes do more. So in a nutshell: The device fulfills its purpose and will remain in operation with me for the time being, but the weaknesses are annoying and annoying, also because they are not objectively necessary with a "cheap" (and that still means more than a hundred Euro) device obey, but could have been avoided with simple and presumably cheap means according to today's standards.
Ich habe dieses Gerät als MP3- und CD-Player gekauft und bin im großen und ganzen zufrieden. Der Klang ist erstaunlich gut, vor allem für den Preis. Die Funktionen sind ausreichend. Was mich am meisten stört, ist die Zeit, die vergeht, vom Einschalten bis man Musik hört. Das sind geschätzt etwa 15-20 Sekunden! Außerdem liest der Player immer zuerst die CD, und erst wenn die läuft oder keine CD gefunden wird, kann auf USB umgeschaltet werden. Dabei vergehen nochmal einige Sekunden. Die Fernbedienung hat zahlreiche Knöpfe, die bei diesem Gerät offensichtlich keine Funktion haben. Aber wenn man weiß, welche Knöpfe man braucht, ist das ok. Außerdem wirkt die Fernbedienung recht billig. Fazit: Für den Preis in Ordnung, ein paar Mängel mit denen man sich eben arrangieren muss, wenn man nicht einiges mehr an Geld ausgeben möchte.
I bought this device as an MP3 and CD player and I am generally satisfied. The sound is surprisingly good, especially for the price. The functions are sufficient. What bothers me the most is the time it takes from turning it on to listening to music. That's an estimated 15-20 seconds! In addition, the player always reads the CD first, and only when it is running or no CD is found can it be switched to USB. A few more seconds pass. The remote control has numerous buttons that obviously have no function on this device. But if you know which buttons you need, that's ok. In addition, the remote control looks quite cheap. Conclusion: OK for the price, a few shortcomings that you just have to come to terms with if you don't want to spend a lot more money.
4 stelle per l'ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Ho il lettore da una 15 di giorni e funziona perfettamente, apprezzo molto la doppia funzione di spegnimento: pulsante interruttore sul retro e azione stand by sul frontale. Le istruzione in tedesco e inglese sono al limite del nulla ma il tutto è assolutamente intuitivo. Il suono che si ascolta è più che buono, la gestione è lenta nei passaggi da una fonte all'altra, ma una volta in azione si comporta benissimo. Fondamentalmente ho acquistato questo lettore per la presa USB. Sembra incredibile ma sul mercato devi spendere cifre importanti (quasi tre volte quelle di questo lettore) per avere la possibilità di usare in play un dispositivo USB. Cosa non va o meglio non soddisfa e rende la macchina limitata? La gestione degli mp3. Non so voi ma io utilizzo molto dischi o "chiavette" con file mp3, accuratamente divisi in cartelle ecc., ebbene questo lettore non gestisce le cartelle così se vuoi passare da una all'altra non puoi, unica soluzione lasciata dalla casa è quella numerica. Su un cd quante canzoni ci stanno 180/200 vi immaginate gestire il tutto senza un indice? Esorto la casa AUNA a inserire, per il futuro almeno la gestione delle cartelle per i supporti mp3. E sarebbe il caso di fare la medesima cosa per tutti i cd originali perché ad oggi, con questo lettore sul display non compare alcuna informazione e nel mondo di oggi non avere le giuste informazioni è quasi un peccato! Dette queste cose lo ritengo comunque un buon prodotto e ve lo consiglio.
4 stars for the excellent value for money. I've had the player for a fortnight and it works perfectly, I really appreciate the double shutdown function: switch button on the back and stand by action on the front. The instructions in German and English are bordering on nothing but everything is absolutely intuitive. The sound you hear is more than good, the management is slow in switching from one source to another, but once in action it behaves very well. Basically I bought this player for the USB socket. It seems incredible but on the market you have to spend significant amounts (almost three times that of this player) to have the ability to use a USB device in play. What doesn't work or rather doesn't satisfy and makes the machine limited? The management of mp3s. I don't know about you but I use a lot of disks or "sticks" with mp3 files, carefully divided into folders etc., well this player doesn't manage the folders so if you want to switch from one to another you can't, the only solution left by the company is the numeric one. How many songs can fit on a CD? 180/200. Can you imagine managing everything without an index? I urge AUNA to include, in the future, at least folder management for mp3 media. And it would be a good idea to do the same thing for all original CDs because today, with this player, no information appears on the display and in today's world, not having the right information is almost a sin! Having said this, I still consider it a good product and I recommend it.
CD speler start wat traag op. Helaas alleen weergave van nummer, dus geen trackoverzicht of titelweergave. CD speler heeft een Radio aan boord. lekker compact. Het CD laatje is wat fragiel maar dat hebben de meeste apparaten tegenwoordig. Al met al een goede keuze.
CD player starts a bit slow. Unfortunately only track display, so no track overview or title display. CD player has a Radio on board. nice and compact. The CD tray is a bit fragile, but most devices have that nowadays. All in all a good choice.
il mio vecchio ""Mash Technics"" dopo 30 anni di onorato servizio è andato in pensione...non più riparabile, per caso ho trovato il sito di ES ed ho visto i prodotti Auna, ordinato (con qualche diffidenza), spedizione impeccabile, buon prodotto e buon ascolto dei CD. in questo istante ho ordinato l'amplificatore mod. 508...per quello che si spende il rapporto qualità/prezzo è fantastico. Ferruccio
my old ""Mash Technics"" retired after 30 years of honorable service ... no longer repairable, by chance I found the ES site and saw the Auna products, ordered (with some mistrust), flawless shipping , good product and good CD listening. at this instant I ordered the amplifier mod. 508 ... for what you spend the quality / price ratio is fantastic. Ferruccio
Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Consigliatissimo per un impianto entry level di qualità. La linea semplice ed essenziale gli permette di non sfigurare anche vicino ad elementi hi fi più blasonati.
Excellent value for money. Highly recommended for a quality entry level system. The simple and essential line allows it not to disfigure even close to more famous hi-fi elements.
Frontale realizzato con cura, e di impatto estetico notevole in qualsiasi contesto. Audio di ottima qualità. Funzionamento con chiavetta usb ottimo e molto veloce.
Front made with care, and of remarkable aesthetic impact in any context. Excellent quality audio. Works with usb stick excellent and very fast.
Costruzione solida e ben curata, bel display e generale impressione di qualita'. Non solo riproduce i CD, ma anche i file audio da chiavetta USB e (scelta assai singolare) Radio FM. In pratica, un player musicale completo che consente anche di ascoltare la radio. La qualita' audio di questo apparecchio e' ottima, sia con i CD che con USB e radio. Chi ha comprato il lettore in abbinamento all'amplificatore Auna 65 Tube si ritrova con due radio, in quanto anche l'amplificatore ce l'ha, cosi' come puo' disporre di due lettori di chiavetta USB.
Solid and well-maintained construction, nice display and general impression of quality. It not only plays CDs, but also audio files from USB sticks and (very strange choice) FM Radio. In practice, a complete music player that also allows you to listen to the radio. The audio quality of this device is excellent, both with CDs and with USB and radio. Those who bought the player in combination with the Auna 65 Tube amplifier end up with two radios, as the amplifier also has it, as well as having two USB stick readers.
Es perfecto para el amplificador AUNA que pedi en el mismo pedido. La radio tiene mas potencia que la que tenia antes y encima tiene CD yUSB en el mismo modulo.
It is perfect for the AUNA amplifier that I ordered in the same order. The radio has more power than the one it had before and on top of that it has CD and USB in the same module.
Prodotto dall' eccezionale rapporto qualità/prezzo, ideale anche per i più esigenti.La compra-vendita sul sito è veloce, sicura ed estremamente affidabile.
Product with an exceptional quality/price ratio, ideal even for the most demanding customers. The purchase and sale on the site is fast, safe and extremely reliable.
Cette platine est certes sans fioritures, mais elle va à l'essentielle : une très bonne restitution sonore. Même traitement pour le mp3 (bel effort !). La connectique de sortie analogique + numérique est un plus, ainsi que le tuner fm intégré. En revanche, la télécommande manque d’ergonomie. La disposition des touches a été mal pensée et il n'est pas toujours facile de s'y retrouver. Autre (petit) bémol, un léger bruit d'entrainement mécanique du cd. Je lui donne 4/5. Très bon rapport qualité prix.
This turntable is certainly without frills, but it goes to the essential: a very good sound reproduction. Same treatment for mp3 (nice effort!). The analog + digital output connection is a plus, as well as the integrated FM tuner. On the other hand, the remote control lacks ergonomics. The layout of the keys has been poorly thought out and it is not always easy to navigate. Another (small) downside, a slight mechanical drive noise from the cd. I give it 4/5. Very good value for money.
za tak nízku cenu veľmi prijateľná kvalita... - mechaniku je jemne počuť pri zníženej hlasitosti, prehrávač však nevibruje. - diaľkové ovládanie je dosť nelogické (rovnaké ako u zosilňovačov tejto značky) no dá sa naň zvyknúť. - jednoduchý displej plne postačuje na bežné CD, aj na ladenie FM tuneru (vynikajúci bonus mať priamo zabudované rádio). - škoda že v balení chýba prepojovací stereo RCA cinch kábel na spojenie so zosilňovačom, ale za danú cenu som úplne spokojný - už skoro mesiac plní svoj účel a kvalita prehrávania vôbec nie je zlá :)
for such a low price, very acceptable quality... - the mechanics can be gently heard at reduced volume, but the player does not vibrate. - the remote control is rather illogical (the same as with amplifiers of this brand), but you can get used to it. - the simple display is fully sufficient for regular CDs and for tuning the FM tuner (an excellent bonus to have a directly built-in radio). - it's a pity that the package lacks a connecting stereo RCA cinch cable for connecting to the amplifier, but for the given price I'm completely satisfied - it's been serving its purpose for almost a month and the playback quality is not bad at all :)
voila un très bon produits qui conjugue lecteur cd mp3 usb radio est pour un prix mini j ait acheter se produits avec l ampli de même marque auna pour etre sur de mon achat est aucun regret le système fonctionne très bien même mieux car sur l ampli je peut brancher une source record platine k7 ou autre + une platine phono donc super mais pour la platine cd mp3 elle fonctionne très bien depuis que je lais je nait aucun souci tout mais cd passe la radio fonctionne très bien usb pas encore essayer mais vue le système aucun soucie ses vraiment un très bon produit
here is a very good product that combines cd player mp3 usb radio is for a mini price I bought these products with the amp of the same brand auna to be sure of my purchase is no regret the system works very well even better because on the amp I can connect a k7 turntable or other record source + a phono turntable so great but for the mp3 cd turntable it works very well since I leave I have no worries everything but cd passes the radio works very well usb not try yet but given the system no worries its really a very good product
Il rapporto qualità prezzo di questo Auna è eccellente! Riproduce benissimo sia da CD che da chiavette USB. Per questo prezzo la qualità del prodotto è incredibile, massiccio e con un buon design!
The value for money of this Auna is excellent! Plays great from both CDs and USB sticks. For this price the quality of the product is amazing, massive and with a good design!
Después de mucho buscar hemos dado con el aparato que deseábamos. Buena relación calidad/precio y una opción excelente.
After much searching we have found the device we wanted. Good value for money and an excellent choice.
Ich war Überrascht wo das Gerät an meinen Alten Verstärker der marke Nesco Am 100 angeschlossen habe der Klang des CD Players und des USB Anschluss ist sehr Gut! einziges Manko ist, das die Fernbedienung mein Fernseher ansteuert.Die Schublade ist ein bisschen träge beim herausfahren.Das Gerät ist sehr robust gebaut Der Preis und die Qualität des CD Players ist sehr gut!
I was surprised when I connected the device to my old Nesco Am 100 amplifier, the sound of the CD player and the USB connection is very good! The only drawback is that the remote control controls my television. The drawer is a bit sluggish when it is pulled out. The device is built very robustly. The price and the quality of the CD player is very good!
Ich hab mir mal diesen Hifi-CD-Player geleistet. Das Gerät kam überaus pünktlich bei mir an. Hab dann auch gleich mal angefangen den Hifi-Player in mein System zu integrieren. Angesichts verschiedener Kritikpunkte, die ich in diversen Rezensionen gelesen habe, war ich ziemlich gespannt.So jetzt aber zu den Fakten: Auf den ersten Blick machte die Auna AV2 einen recht soliden Eindruck. Die Optik ist recht schlicht gehalten, was ich aber durchaus mag. Angeschlossen an mein Lautsprecher-System ging es dann an die Feinabstimmung. Das Einstellen der Sender funktionierte reibungslos mit einem Knopfdruck. Soundcheck: Der Klang ist gut. Das kann aber auch an meinen 100W Aktivboxen liegen. Dass die CD-Lade wie befürchtet etwas wackelig daher kommt, kann ich nicht bestätigen. Und auch dass die Fernbedienung andere Elektrogeräte, wie Fernseher, etc. ansteuert war bei mir nicht der Fall.Über den USB-Anschluss kann man problemlos seine eigenen MP3’s abspielen. Einzig das etwas klein bemessene Display würde ich in dem Fall kritisieren. Aber: Nobody is perfect. Dennoch für diesen Preis ein gutes Gerät.
I bought this hi-fi CD player once. The device got to me on time. I then immediately started to integrate the hi-fi player into my system. In view of various criticisms that I read in various reviews, I was quite curious. But now to the facts: At first glance, the Auna AV2 made a pretty solid impression. The optics are kept quite simple, which I really like. Connected to my loudspeaker system, the fine tuning began. Setting the stations worked smoothly with a push of a button. Soundcheck: The sound is good. But that can also be due to my 100W active speakers. I can't confirm that the CD tray is a bit wobbly, as I feared. And the fact that the remote control controls other electrical devices, such as televisions, etc. was not the case with me. You can easily play your own MP3s via the USB connection. The only thing I would criticize is the somewhat small display. But: Nobody is perfect. Still a good device for this price.
Guten cd-player und tuner.Fragile cd-lade.Roland (Belgie)
Good cd player and tuner.Fragile cd lade.Roland (Belgium)
livraison impecable, article marche bienma note est 10 sur 10
impeccable delivery, item works well my rating is 10 out of 10