[Returns: -15%] AMP-CD950 DG Power Amplifier

[Returns: -15%] AMP-CD950 DG Power Amplifier

184,99 € (incl. VAT)
Product number: 53035068
AMP-CD950 DG Power Amplifier
184,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    195,99 €
  • 216,99 €
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Powerful: Digital multi-channel power amplifier with 8 x 100 Watt RMS output power

  • Wireless & convenient: Bluetooth function for streaming from a smartphone or tablet

  • Simple & intuitive: large LED display with easy-to-understand controls and remote control


  • Connectors on the front panel: 1 x 3.5 mm jack MP3 input
  • Connectors on the rear panel: 1 x optical input (stereo), 1 x CD input (stereo), 1 x DVD input (stereo), 1 x AUX input (stereo), 4 x stereo output (L/R), 1 x recorder output (stereo)
  • Master volume: infinitely variable
  • Volume adjustable per zone
  • Bass, treble and balance adjustable
  • Output power: 8 x 100 Watt RMS (into 4 Ohm)
  • Impedance: 4 Ohm
  • Integrated digital signal processor
  • Power supply: 230 V~ | 50 Hz
Product number: 53035068

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 43 x 12 x 22 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx. 4.5 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x amplifier
  • 1 x remote control
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
83 Ratings

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Habe den Auna AMP-CD950 für schlankes Geld ergattert, da beim guten (alten) Sony STR-DB830 etwas kaputtgegangen war, und der Ton nur noch hohl rüberkam. Naja, nach 24 Jahren kann das mal passieren...Grundsätzlich ist mir guter Klang sehr wichtig, aber die Raumakustik in meinem Wohnzimmer ist eine absolute Katastrophe, und Absorber an den Wänden sind einfach nichts für mein Blickfeld. Aus diesem Grund, und weil der Geldbeutel momentan nicht allzu viel hergibt, wollte ich eine sparsame Lösung zur Überbrückung, ehe wieder mal ein namhafter Hersteller im Regal steht.KLANG:Auna mag zwar ziemlich polarisieren, doch bisher kann ich nicht meckern: Den von einigen als zu schwach bemängelten Bass kann ich nicht entdecken - im Gegenteil, dieser ist sogar recht kräftig, weswegen ich ihn etwas reduzieren musste. Das Manko ist vielmehr, dass der Bass im Vergleich zu höherpreisigen Marken etwas unrund und schwammig wirkt. Detailtreue und Differenziertheit sind also definitiv nicht die Stärken des Auna, aber in Relation zum Kaufpreis kann ich damit leben. Im übrigen bringt der teuerste Verstärker keinen großen Mehrwert, wenn die Raumakustik eine Katastrophe ist...Die DSP-EQs fand ich dagegen nicht berauschend, daher ließ ich diese Option links liegen und stellte Bass und Höhen nach eigenem Gusto ein.OPTIK:Der Hersteller bezeichnet sie als Retro, und ich würde es unterschreiben - die Optik des CD950 entspricht mit seiner Displayanzeige dem "Charme" älterer Semester, doch gleichzeitig wirken die Bedienelemente aufgeräumt und modern. Das einzige Problem mit der Beleuchtung ist die Helligkeit bzw. Grelligkeit! Trotz der optionalen Dimmungsmöglichkeit blenden die LEDs selbst bei niedrigster Stufe auf extremste Weise und erinnern an einen Jahrmarkt.Ich habe mir umgehend LED-Tönungsbögen besorgt, die eigens für solche Probleme angeboten werden. Darauf sind Punkte und Streifen in verschiedenen Größen enthalten, die sich wunderbar am Gerät anbringen lassen und die Leuchtkraft angenehm reduzieren.ANSCHLÜSSE:Mit 4 Zonen ist diese Idee wirklich üppig und großzügig umgesetzt. Jede Zone beinhaltet zwei Anschlüsse für links und rechts: Auf diese Weise lassen sich also bis zu 8 Lautsprecher anschließen und mehrere Räume beschallen. Daneben findet man auf der Rückseite des Verstärkers die BT(Bluetooth)-Antenne, mehrere Cinch-Anschlussmöglichkeiten sowie einen optischen Eingang.Die Aktivierung der BT-Verbindung ist ein Kinderspiel und kann sowohl über die Taste am Frontpanel, als auch bequem über die schlanke Fernbedienung erfolgen. Das Smartphone sowie andere Geräte erkennen den Auna sofort und die Verbindung ist stabil und überzeugt mit guter Klangqualität.FAZIT:Für einen kleinen Hersteller mit günstigem Produktarsenal schlägt sich der Auna nicht schlecht. Ja, man hört den klanglichen Unterschied zu Marken wie Yamaha, Marantz oder Sony, welche einfach den präziseren, knackigeren Bass besitzen und eine feinere Detailtreue liefern. Für Jazz- und Klassikfans sollte der Verstärker daher nicht die erste Wahl sein! Dennoch überzeugt der Verstärker für knappe 200 Euro mit einem brauchbaren Klang, der selbst bei höherer Lautstärke nicht zur Verzerrung neigt. Das sparsame und aufgeräumte Frontpanel verfügt über alle nötigen Knöpfe für Klangeinstellungen und Eingänge. Unzählige Optionen, die bei üppig ausgestatteten DTS-AV-Receivern zum Standard gehören, sucht man hier vergeblich, doch für einfache Stereo-Wiedergabe braucht es auch nicht mehr.

I got the Auna AMP-CD950 for a small sum of money because something had broken on the good (old) Sony STR-DB830 and the sound was just hollow. Well, after 24 years, that can happen... Good sound is generally very important to me, but the room acoustics in my living room are an absolute disaster and absorbers on the walls are just not for my eyes. For this reason, and because my wallet doesn't have much to offer at the moment, I wanted an economical solution to bridge the gap before another well-known manufacturer ends up on the shelf.SOUND:Auna may be quite polarizing, but so far I can't complain: I can't detect the bass that some people have criticized as being too weak - on the contrary, it is actually quite powerful, which is why I had to reduce it a bit. The disadvantage is that the bass seems a bit uneven and spongy compared to higher-priced brands. Attention to detail and differentiation are definitely not the Auna's strengths, but in relation to the purchase price I can live with that. Moreover, the most expensive amplifier does not add much value if the room acoustics are a disaster... I did not find the DSP EQs particularly impressive, so I ignored this option and adjusted the bass and treble to my own taste.OPTICS:The manufacturer describes it as retro, and I would agree - the appearance of the CD950 with its display corresponds to the "charm" of older models, but at the same time the controls appear tidy and modern. The only problem with the lighting is the brightness or glare! Despite the optional dimming option, the LEDs are extremely dazzling even at the lowest level and are reminiscent of a fair.I immediately got hold of LED tint sheets that are specially offered for such problems. They contain dots and stripes in various sizes that can be attached wonderfully to the device and reduce the brightness pleasantly.CONNECTIONS:With 4 zones, this idea is really lavishly and generously implemented. Each zone has two connections for left and right: In this way, up to 8 speakers can be connected and several rooms can be sounded. In addition, on the back of the amplifier you will find the BT (Bluetooth) antenna, several RCA connection options and an optical input. Activating the BT connection is child's play and can be done using the button on the front panel or conveniently using the slim remote control. The smartphone and other devices recognize the Auna immediately and the connection is stable and impresses with good sound quality. CONCLUSION: For a small manufacturer with an inexpensive product arsenal, the Auna does not do badly. Yes, you can hear the difference in sound compared to brands like Yamaha, Marantz or Sony, which simply have the more precise, crisper bass and deliver finer detail. The amplifier should therefore not be the first choice for jazz and classical fans! Nevertheless, the amplifier impresses for just under 200 euros with a usable sound that does not tend to distort even at higher volumes. The sparse and tidy front panel has all the necessary buttons for sound settings and inputs. You won't find the countless options that are standard on lavishly equipped DTS AV receivers, but you don't need anything more for simple stereo playback.


Bonne qualité, le son est excellent et les réglages permettent beaucoup de possibilités, le mode d’emploi est bien fait mais un peu court, par exemple j’ai découvert par hasard des fonctionnalités pré réglées qui fonctionnent comme un équaliseur avec plus ou moins de basse, d’aigue ou de profondeur...toujours bon à prendre...

Good quality, the sound is excellent and the settings allow a lot of possibilities, the instructions are well done but a little short, for example I discovered by chance pre-set features that work like an equalizer with more or less bass, treble or depth...always good to take...


Lo instalé con 4 bafles Infinity, 2 tweeter y 2 subwoofer. Suena muy bien y puedo compensar el volumen por parejas...la mejor compra que pude hacer!!!!

I installed it with 4 Infinity speakers, 2 tweeters and 2 subwoofers. It sounds great and I can compensate the volume in pairs... the best purchase I could have made!!!!


Funciona lindamente e tem um bom alcance sonoro.Claro que tudo se vai resumir aos speakers que se tiver, mas se for necessário um boost irá cumprir a sua parte.

It works beautifully and has a good sound range. Of course, it all comes down to the speakers you have, but if a boost is needed, it will do its job.


Lo mejor es que puedes enchufar ocho altavoces. No da mucha potencia, pero para escuchar en el salón está muy bien

The best thing is that you can plug in eight speakers. It doesn't give off much power, but it's fine for listening in the living room.


Funciona bien y fácil instalación

Works well and easy installation


Non si può confrontarlo con marchi piu prestigiosi, ma nel suo piccolo non ha nulla da temere, la sua forza e il rapporto tra qualità e prezzo. Collegato con lettore CD di una nota marca, non mi ha fatto rimpiangere un amplificatore in classe A+B a componenti discreti non più riparabile per mancanza ricambi, in oltre mi ha sorpreso come si sentiva bene collegando un lettore cassette stereo vecchio con solo uscita cuffie, certo non da paragone con il cd ma mi ha fatto ritornare indietro con gli anni a quando quel vecchio tape era il plus ultra della tecnologia ascoltando cassette che sui cd non si trovano essendo le nostre prime compilatio

It cannot be compared to more prestigious brands, but in its small way it has nothing to fear, its strength and the quality/price ratio. Connected to a CD player of a well-known brand, it did not make me regret a class A+B amplifier with discrete components that could no longer be repaired due to a lack of spare parts, in addition it surprised me how well it sounded when connecting an old stereo cassette player with only a headphone output, certainly not comparable to the CD but it took me back in time to when that old tape was the plus ultra of technology listening to cassettes that cannot be found on CDs since they were our first compilations.


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Collegato come amplificatore ausiliario all’uscita posteriore del sintoamplificatore home-cinema, al mixer per giradischi e Bluetooth al cellulare, collegato in uscita a diffusori Pioneer home cinema da 150w (zona 1), a diffusore di potenzia con woofer Ciare da 250w rms (zona 2), a diffusori 25w da esterno (zona3) ed a diffusori 5w da camera in filodiffusione (zona 4). La potenza dichiarata dal produttore sul libretto di istruzioni è 100w a canale su 4h, non corrisponde alle specifiche dichiarate su Amazon (80w a canale su 8 ohm) . Avendo io già utilizzato un finale da 80w a canale su 8ohm devo dire che messo al massimo (60step) spinge bene il diffusore di potenza da 500w ma la potenza di uscita dovrebbe corrispondere a circa 50w rms a canale usando altoparlanti a 8ohm (L - R ossia a 100w per zona, non a canale). Avendo un solo diffusore di potenza non ho potuto testare al massimo tutte le zone per vedere che succede ma questo già mi soddisfa. Suono abbastanza pulito. Il costo quindi è per me giusto (n.b. sul sito ufficiale del produttore è un po’ più alto). Pecche: Il libretto di istruzioni è ridotto all’essenziale e come lingue ha solo inglese e tedesco. La potenza dichiarata di 800w totali su 4ohm credo sia esagerata se dichiarata come RMS. La ricezione Bluetooth un po’ limitata ma probabilmente per la posizione in cui ho allocato l’amplificatore .

Unable to load media content. Connected as an auxiliary amplifier to the rear output of the home-cinema receiver, to the turntable mixer and Bluetooth to the mobile phone, connected in output to 150w Pioneer home cinema speakers (zone 1), to a power speaker with 250w rms Ciare woofer (zone 2), to 25w outdoor speakers (zone 3) and to 5w wired room speakers (zone 4). The power declared by the manufacturer in the instruction booklet is 100w per channel on 4h, it does not correspond to the specifications declared on Amazon (80w per channel on 8 ohms). Having already used a 80w power amp per channel on 8ohm I have to say that set to maximum (60step) it pushes the 500w power speaker well but the output power should correspond to about 50w rms per channel using 8ohm speakers (L - R i.e. 100w per zone, not per channel). Having only one power speaker I could not test all the zones at maximum to see what happens but this already satisfies me. Quite clean sound. The cost is therefore fair for me (NB on the manufacturer's official website it is a little higher). Flaws: The instruction booklet is reduced to the essentials and as languages it only has English and German. The declared power of 800w total on 4ohm I think is exaggerated if declared as RMS. Bluetooth reception is a little limited but probably due to the position in which I have allocated the amplifier.


Lo utilizo como equipo de música para sonorizar un espacio grande con 8 altavoces. Tiene poco volumen però me funciona correctamente.

I use it as a stereo to sound a large space with 8 speakers. It has low volume but it works fine.


Buen sonido y muy bien poder distinto volumen en distintas estancias

Good sound and very good ability to control different volumes in different rooms


Un amplificatore ottimo per qualità prezzo, bello da vedere, una buona potenza da sentire, spedizione veloce, sono molto soddisfatto..

An excellent amplifier for the price/quality ratio, beautiful to look at, good power to hear, fast shipping, I am very satisfied..


calidad precio esta muy bien.

quality price is very good.


Bien lo de las 4 zonas. Buena potencia. Antes tenía otro parecido y me funcionaba con el volumen de la tele. Así te ahorrabas un mando. Este conectado por fibra no va.

Good thing about the 4 zones. Good power. I had another similar one before and it worked with the TV volume. So you save yourself a remote control. This one connected by fiber doesn't work.


arrivato difettoso (non funzionava uno dei 4 canali) ma sostituito celermente con un altro funzionante perfettamente. Buona qualità del suono potenza inferiore a quanto si immagina.

arrived defective (one of the 4 channels did not work) but quickly replaced with another one that worked perfectly. Good sound quality, lower power than you would imagine.


Lo he usado para un proyector como cine en casa , buen sonido

I've used it for a projector as a home theater, good sound


Buon sound e amplificazione ma fruscio compare se le casse di una zona sono a Ohm diversi di un altra, amplificazione scarsa del cavo Ottico confronto al Bluetooth che invece è ottimo, telecomando infrarossi, bel design

Good sound and amplification but hiss appears if the speakers in one area are at different Ohms than another, poor amplification of the optical cable compared to Bluetooth which is excellent, infrared remote control, nice design


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Ho acquistato questo amplificatore e devo dire che al momento sono soddisfatto.comdigliato

Unable to load media content. I purchased this amplifier and I must say that at the moment I am satisfied.comdigliato


Amplificatore ottimo lo uso per gestire tutto l’impianto del mio piccolo locale , funziona tutto perfettamente ,consiglio per chi ha più stanze soprattutto per la regolamentazione del volume di ogni singola stanza

Excellent amplifier, I use it to manage the entire system in my small room, everything works perfectly, I recommend it for those who have multiple rooms, especially for regulating the volume of each individual room.


Yo lo utilizo para oír música y para pequeñas fiestas en mi garage y de momento va genial

I use it to listen to music and for small parties in my garage and so far it's working great.


Me l'aspettavo un po' piu potente pero' va bene m'accontento ..

I expected it to be a little more powerful but it's okay, I'm happy with it...


Son plutot correct mais notice sommaire. Rien n'est précisé. Par exemple rien sur le DSP, il faut y aller "au pif". Une liste des modes disponibles eut été utile Pour le reste c'est conforme à mes attentes.

Its pretty good but the instructions are brief. Nothing is specified. For example, nothing about the DSP, you have to go "by guesswork". A list of available modes would have been useful. For the rest, it's in line with my expectations.


On cherchait un ampli pour écouter de la musique dans le salon pas trop cher et c’est parfait. La connexion Bluetooth se fait très facilement et le son est nickel Je recommande

We were looking for an amp to listen to music in the living room that wasn't too expensive and this is perfect. The Bluetooth connection is very easy and the sound is great. I recommend it.


Es lo que se anuncia. Me ha servido para montar un hilo musical en casa, con cuatro estaciones. Hay que tener en cuenta que como en todo hilo lo importante es el altavoz. A mi me parece correcto. Te despreocupas de la impedancia porque asume casi todas. De hecho yo tengo tres tipos de altavoces en las estancias (de momento), y no da problemas ninguna.

It is what is advertised. It has served me to set up a music channel at home, with four stations. You have to keep in mind that, as with any music channel, the important thing is the speaker. It seems correct to me. You don't have to worry about the impedance because it assumes almost all of them. In fact, I have three types of speakers in the rooms (at the moment), and none of them cause problems.


Tonqualität ist super für den Preis

Sound quality is great for the price


Un ampli perfecto

A perfect amp


Tout est dit dans le titre.

It's all in the title.


Gute Klangqualität, Anschlußmöglichkeiten in Anbetracht des günstigen Preises ausreichend, einfache Bedienung. Insbes. der Bluetooth-Eingang war für mich von Wichtigkeit.

Good sound quality, sufficient connection options in view of the low price, simple operation. esp. the Bluetooth input was important to me.


Ich brauchte einen Verstärker für meine Körperwandler. An sich war der Verstärker super nur für meine Zwecke nicht brauchbar.

I needed an amp for my body changers. In itself, the amplifier was great, just not usable for my purposes.


Es gefällt mir einfach alles an einem Produkt

I just like everything about a product


Bon produit

Good product


Fait très bien le job en utilisation quotidienne. Je m'en sers pour répartir le son entre le salon et la Cuisine ouverte. Il est couplé à un chromecast et cela fonctionne parfaitement sans décalage du son. Le son est très bien aussi bien pour la télé que pour la musique. J'y ai ajouter des enceinte intégrées au plafond Amazon et ne manque qu'un caisson de basse pour que cela soit parfait.

Does the job very well in daily use. I use it to distribute the sound between the living room and the open kitchen. It is coupled with a chromecast and it works perfectly without sound lag. The sound is very good for both TV and music. I added Amazon built-in ceiling speakers and all that's missing is a subwoofer to make it perfect.


Ich kann viele Bewertungen nicht nachvollziehen! Habe 4Stück .... 3 Wegeboxen und 2 Subwoofer angeschlossen und keine Störungen - super ausgewogener klarer Klang bei kleinem Preis bei den vielen Möglichkeiten! Opti...TV, Kombigerät (DVD - Video) ebenso externe SSD, alles super sauber... DANKE

I can not understand many reviews! Have 4 pieces .... 3 way boxes and 2 subwoofers connected and no interference - super balanced clear sound at a small price with the many possibilities! Opti...TV, combination device (DVD - video) as well as external SSD, everything super clean... THANK YOU





Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. È stata una sorpresa dal doppio imballo in poi, suono caldo, assenza di fruscio o rumori, ottima la connessione Bluetooth, poco meno di 50w per canale con la vera possibilità di pilotare fino a quattro coppie di diffusori. Lo consiglio vivamente

Unable to load media content. It was a surprise from the double packaging onwards, warm sound, no hiss or noise, excellent Bluetooth connection, just under 50w per channel with the real possibility of driving up to four pairs of speakers. I highly recommend it


Plattenspieler lässt sich nicht verbinden!

Turntable cannot be connected!


Leider hat die Basseinstellung nur 8+ Stufen was ich schade finde,denn den Bass sollte man schon spüren,wer stellt seinen Bass schon ins negative.auch sollte der Verstärker laut Anleitung USB haben,leider nicht vorhanden.Die bluetooth-Funktion klappt dagegen prima.Die Tonqualität ist klar keine Verzerrungen oder andere Störgeräusche.Der preis ist OK.

Unfortunately, the bass setting only has 8+ levels, which I think is a shame, because you should feel the bass, who puts his bass in the negative. According to the instructions, the amplifier should also have USB, unfortunately not available. The Bluetooth function, on the other hand, works great. The sound quality is clear, no distortion or other noise. The price is OK.


Top Gerät ohne Probleme angeschlossen BT funktioniert einwandfrei.

Top device connected without problems BT works perfectly.





Buon prodotto ad un prezzo eccellente unica piccola pecca manca l uscita per la cuffia, però c è il bluetooth

Good product at an excellent price, the only small flaw is the lack of headphone output, but there is Bluetooth.


Más equalizacion , pintura frontal color negro mate . Mas tomas de entradas aux de audio con conexión rca .

More equalization, matte black front paint. More aux audio input jacks with RCA connection.


Bereits nach wenigen Tagen kann ich mich den 4- und 5-Sternen-Bewertern anschließen, Einrichtung und Anschließen problemlos, eine Langzeit-Bewertung kann ich natürlich noch nicht abgeben, kann noch folgen. Auch das Bluetooth funktioniert ohne Aussetzer, einmal gekoppelt findet ihn mein Laptop ohne Probleme. Und wer sich über den fehlenden Kopfhörer-Anschluss beschwert, versucht es mal mit dem Rec-Out-Anschluss, geht bei mir ohne Probleme mit einem Cinch-Klinkenstecker-Adapter an meinem Philips-Funkkopfhörer. Deshalb auch 5 Sterne und sehr zu empfehlen.

After just a few days I can join the 4 and 5 star ratings, set up and connect without any problems, of course I can't give a long-term rating yet, can still follow. The Bluetooth also works without dropouts, once paired, my laptop finds it without any problems. And if you complain about the missing headphone connection, try the rec-out connection, which works without any problems with a cinch jack plug adapter on my Philips wireless headphones. Therefore 5 stars and highly recommended.


Ottimo! Lo abbiamo collegato e crea un effetto cinema a casa.

Great! We hooked it up and it creates a cinema effect at home.


Muy majo, funciona muy bien, no es muy potente si lo que buscas es esto busca otro, pero para separar ambientes en casas o tiendas donde hay que seleccionar diferentes volúmenes,va de lujo.

Very nice, it works very well, it is not very powerful if what you are looking for is this look for another one, but to separate environments in houses or stores where you have to select different volumes, it works great.


Se avete casse che vanno dai 50 ai 100 watt 8 ohm è perfetto io ho abbinato due casse technics da 55 w e due casse pioneer di cui una da 50 e l'altra da 100 poi ho abbinato un subwoofer doppia bobina da 1500 w 8 ohm colledandole alla zona r di due zone separate il risultato è spettacolare puoi regolare qualsiasi zona comodissimo il Bluetooth . Acquistate se avete bisogno di un 5.1 è la migliore soluzione perché comprarlo predisposto di quel genere ti costa una fortuna e maggior parte dei casi hai bisogno di un sub attivo quindi non perdete tempo questo amplificatore vale ogni centesimo .

If you have speakers ranging from 50 to 100 watts 8 ohms it is perfect I combined two 55 w technics speakers and two pioneer speakers, one 50 and the other 100 then I combined a 1500 w 8 ohm dual coil subwoofer connecting them to the r zone of two separate zones the result is spectacular you can adjust any zone Bluetooth is very convenient. Buy it if you need a 5.1 it is the best solution because buying it set up for that kind of thing costs you a fortune and most of the time you need an active sub so don't waste your time this amplifier is worth every penny.


Lieferung war sehr schnell, das Gerät erfüllt die Erwartungen (die natürlich nicht allzu hoch angesetzt wurden) zur Gänze. Ich verwende den amp für die Hausbeschallung - die 4 Zonen Lassen sich getrennt schalten und regeln, Die Leistung des Verstärkers reicht zwar nicht für Pegelexzesse (was aber auch nicht geplant war) für Hintergrundmusik in 4 Bereichen ist die Verstärkerleistung aber vollkommen ausreichend. Die runde Abdeckung des Displays ist etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig. Fazit - das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist vollkommen OK.

Delivery was very fast, the device fully meets the expectations (which of course were not set too high). I use the amp for house sound reinforcement - the 4 zones can be switched and controlled separately, the power of the amplifier is not sufficient for level excesses (which was not planned either), but the amplifier power is completely sufficient for background music in 4 areas. The round cover of the display takes some getting used to. Conclusion - the price-performance ratio is completely OK.


Ottimo in tutto, nei collegamenti, nell'audio e nel bluetooth. Consiglio vivamente con qualunque cassa è favoloso

Excellent in everything, connections, audio and bluetooth. I highly recommend with any speaker it's fabulous


Funziona, nelle recensioni avevo letto un problema di ronzio di fondo, ma chi ha questo problema ha semplicemente collegato male i cavi oppure ha un problema tra la cablatura e le casse. Difatti ho collegato male un filo e tutto l'impiato era disturbato. Sistemandolo, ho un sistema pulito, suono impeccabile. Lo usiamo con 3 casse della Indiana Line Tesi Q (incassate a muro) e funzionano egregiamente. L'uso è prevalentemente tramite bluetooth, è comodissimo. Altro non serve. Molto contento dell'acquisto. Consigliato!

It works, in the reviews I had read about a background hum problem, but those who have this problem have simply connected the cables badly or have a problem between the wiring and the speakers. In fact I connected a wire badly and the whole system was disturbed. After fixing it, I have a clean system, impeccable sound. We use it with 3 Indiana Line Tesi Q speakers (recessed in the wall) and they work very well. The use is mainly via Bluetooth, it is very convenient. Nothing else is needed. Very happy with the purchase. Recommended!


Ich bin absolut begeistert. Ich habe einen Verstärker gesucht, bei dem ich die Boxenpaare einzeln ansteuern kann. Bei diesem Verstärker funktioniert das einwandfrei und der Klang ist für mich auch sehr gut. Von meiner Seite aus auf jeden Fall eine klare Kaufempfehlung.

I'm absolutely thrilled. I was looking for an amplifier where I can control the pairs of boxes individually. With this amp it works perfectly and the sound is also very good for me. Definitely a clear buy recommendation from my side.


Buen producto a mejor precio. No le des más vueltas.

Good product at a better price. Don't think twice.


Très bonne qualité rien à redire appli

Very good quality, nothing to complain about, app


Il primo multiroom che abbiamo sperimentato, per decenni sono le due coppie di casse A e B gestite da ampli tradizionali, molto poco regolabili. Ecco, questo e' un'altra cosa. Qui abbiamo 4 zone, 8 canali, amplificati separatamente in classe D. Controllabili e regolabili singolarmente, in particolare volume, bass e treble. Il balance, anche se indicato in descrizione, non lo trovo ne' nei comandi ne' nelle istruzioni, e questo e' male soprattutto per il tipo di uso che se ne deve fare ovvero ottimizzare l'ascolto in varie posizioni e zone. Bass e treble invece non li ho mai usati in vita mia, figurarsi regolarli per zona. A parte questo si, questa e' la soluzione migliore per fare un multiroom per bene, robusto, cablato e funzionale. Strano che sia l'unico ampli multicanale simmetrico di questo tipo, almeno che sia facile da trovare su Amazon. Certo, dovete cablare un po', certo sarebbe meglio mandare in giro i cavi di segnale invece che quelli di potenza ma poi servirebbero diffusori attivi o altri ampli. Insomma, puo' esservi utile se rispondete si a qualcuna di queste domande: -Avete vecchi diffusori a cui avete voluto tanto bene e non volete mandare in pensione dopo aver comprato quelli nuovi? Ne volete comprare altri usati? Volete sentirne la diversa personalita' a confronto degli altri, a seconda dell'umore, premendo un tasto? -Avete piu' stanze o piu' punti di ascolto nella stanza che richiedono diversi posizionamenti delle casse (es. zona pranzo, zona salotto, cucina)? -Odiate le cuffie e volete mettere vicino al divano dei piccoli diffusori con pochi bassi che bucano i muri, da usare in notturna per non far sentire il punch ai vicini che dormono? -Stereo vi va bene, surround e cose simili non vi interessano? Quanto alla classe D, sulla qualita' ci sono opinioni contrastanti. Magari qualcuno potrebbe pensare che i chip di amplificazione digitale producono un segnale giusto come la matematica e il resto sono suggestioni e fattori soggettivi. Sicuramente i classe D sono efficienti dal punto di vista elettrico, e questo conta parecchio soprattutto se tenete la musica per ore in piu' stanze. Certo quando lo si manovra ha i lag e i glitch tipici del digitale, brevi ma percepibili. Non e' scattante nel reagire ai comandi. Pero' dopo che lo hai regolato non te ne accorgi piu', e vale per molti dispositivi. Poi con l'ingresso toslink ho due problemini ancora non risolti: 1) Si sentono periodicamente dei click, molto fastidiosi ma solo su certe fonti e certe app. Con uno Smart TV Oled 65' di LG la app di AmazonPrime con certi contenuti clicca, con la App di Youtube molto meno. Quindi non so se e' colpa dell'ampli, del TV, della app o della codifica dello stream. Probabilmente il convertitore da ottico ha problemi con certe codifiche. 2) Il volume dell'ingresso ottico e' regolabile dal TV ma poco. Anche azzerando totalmente il volume del TV l'audio resta ed e' ancora molto piu' alto delle altre sorgenti. Questo e' un problema se passi all'ingresso ottico senza ricordarti di abbassare, perche' butti giu' la casa. E anche se ti ricordi e' uno sbattimento. Per i suddetti motivi sto meditando di lasciar perdere l'ingresso ottico, o trovare qualche dispositivo che mi permetta di convertirlo e attenuarlo a monte dell'ampli. Quanto al DSP... beh, giocando con gli effetti le differenze si sentono parecchio .Ma dopo un po' l'ho disattivato e stop. Non sento ronzii e altri disturbi, speriamo che duri. Quando lo mettete in standby si ricorda i settaggi, meno male. Quindi rissumendo: Pro: - Funzionalmente e' fantastico, ed e' la mia soluzione preferita per il multiroom - Tutti gli ampli dovrebbero avere piu' zone, magari ce ne fossero anche piu' raffinati di questo che e' un po' cinese ma e' lasciato solo in questa nicchia di mercato - Peraltro la classe D offre grossi vantaggi energetici e di spazio, fare tante zone in classe A/B probabilmente e' oneroso, ingombrante e riscaldante - Al contrario di altri amplificatori alternativi in classe D questo ha il formato giusto per un setup tradizionale ed esteticamente fa una figura passabile. I led sono dimmerabili, nonostante questo soprattutto il led dello standby e' sempre troppo grosso e luminoso. Contro: - Click udibili su ingresso ottico con certe fonti (forse concorso di colpa). - I comandi laggano un po' rispetto un ampli analogico - Il telecomando e' piccolino con tantissimi tasti, ci vuole il microscopio per leggerlo. Va comprato un telecomando universale programmabile su cui configurare le principali combinazioni, risparmiare tempo e mitigare la proliferazione dei telecomandi. Cose che mancano: - Non trovo il balance regolabile per zona che invece serve come l'aria. Se un punto di ascolto in una zona e' piu' vicino a un diffusore che all'altro con il balance potrei regolarlo in modo fine, invece niente. Eppure la morte sua sarebbe l'ascolto da piu' zone! Pronto a correggere la recensione se lo trovo. - Servirebbe poter regolare il volume anche per fonte (es. il volume toslink e' troppo alto) e non solo per zona in uscita. Se sei digitale, sfruttalo invece di mettermi gli effettacci dsp maranza. - Non legge direttamente schede SD e storage USB, sarebbe stato bello usarlo anche come player, altri ampli a basso costo lo fanno

The first multiroom we experimented with, for decades, were the two pairs of speakers A and B managed by traditional amplifiers, very little adjustable. Well, this is something else. Here we have 4 zones, 8 channels, amplified separately in class D. Individually controllable and adjustable, in particular volume, bass and treble. The balance, even if indicated in the description, I do not find it in the controls or in the instructions, and this is bad especially for the type of use that is to be made of it, that is to optimize listening in various positions and zones. On the other hand, I have never used bass and treble in my life, let alone adjust them per zone. Apart from that, yes, this is the best solution for making a good multiroom, robust, wired and functional. Strange that it is the only symmetrical multichannel amplifier of this type, at least that it is easy to find on Amazon. Of course, you have to wire a bit, of course it would be better to send signal cables around instead of power cables but then you would need active speakers or other amplifiers. In short, it can be useful if you answer yes to some of these questions: -Do you have old speakers that you loved so much and don't want to retire after buying new ones? Do you want to buy other used ones? Do you want to hear their different personalities compared to others, depending on your mood, by pressing a button? -Do you have multiple rooms or multiple listening points in the room that require different speaker placements (e.g. dining area, living room, kitchen)? -Do you hate headphones and want to put small speakers with little bass that pierce the walls near the sofa, to use at night so that your sleeping neighbors don't hear the punch? -Is stereo okay, surround and similar things don't interest you? As for class D, there are conflicting opinions on the quality. Maybe someone might think that digital amplification chips produce a signal that's just like mathematics and the rest are suggestions and subjective factors. Class D are certainly efficient from an electrical point of view, and this counts a lot especially if you keep music playing for hours in multiple rooms. Of course when you operate it it has the lags and glitches typical of digital, brief but perceptible. It is not quick in reacting to commands. However, once you have adjusted it you no longer notice it, and this is true for many devices. Then with the toslink input I have two small problems that are still unresolved: 1) You can periodically hear clicks, very annoying but only on certain sources and certain apps. With a 65' LG OLED Smart TV the Amazon Prime app clicks with certain content, with the YouTube App much less. So I don't know if it's the fault of the amp, the TV, the app or the encoding of the stream. Probably the optical converter has problems with certain encodings. 2) The volume of the optical input can be adjusted from the TV but not much. Even by completely turning the volume down on the TV the audio remains and is still much louder than other sources. This is a problem if you switch to the optical input without remembering to lower it, because you'll bring the house down. And even if you remember it's a hassle. For the above reasons I'm thinking of dropping the optical input, or finding some device that allows me to convert it and attenuate it before the amp. As for the DSP... well, playing with the effects the differences are quite noticeable. But after a while I deactivated it and that's it. I don't hear any hum or other disturbances, let's hope it lasts. When you put it in standby it remembers the settings, thank goodness. So to summarize: Pros: - Functionally it's fantastic, and it's my favorite solution for multiroom - All amps should have more zones, if only there were some more refined than this one that is a bit Chinese but is left only in this market niche - Furthermore, class D offers big advantages in energy and space, making many zones in class A/B is probably expensive, bulky and heating - Unlike other alternative class D amplifiers this one has the right format for a traditional setup and aesthetically it makes a passable figure. The LEDs are dimmable, despite this especially the standby LED is always too big and bright. Cons: - Audible clicks on optical input with certain sources (perhaps contributory negligence). - The controls lag a bit compared to an analog amp - The remote control is small with so many buttons, you need a microscope to read it. You need to buy a universal programmable remote control on which you can configure the main combinations, save time and mitigate the proliferation of remote controls. Things that are missing: - I can't find the adjustable balance per zone which instead is useful like air. If a listening point in a zone is closer to a speaker than the other with the balance I could fine-tune it, but nothing. And yet its death would be listening from multiple zones! Ready to correct the review if I find it. - It would be useful to be able to adjust the volume also per source (e.g. the toslink volume is too high) and not just per output zone. If you are digital, use it instead of putting the awful dsp maranza effects on me. - It does not read SD cards and USB storage directly, it would have been nice to use it as a player too, other low cost amps do that


Mi aspettavo più potenza visto i watt dichiarati

I expected more power given the declared watts


discreto ottima qualità prezzo qualità del suono eccellente no controllo da remoto solo bluetooth per ingresso audio da cell

discreet excellent quality price excellent sound quality no remote control only bluetooth for audio input from cell phone


Ottimo facile e intuitivo.. Ogni tanto un fruscio ma nel complesso una meraviglia

Excellent easy and intuitive.. Every now and then a rustle but overall a marvel


Tenía 4 zonas en casa y con este ampli que tiene salida para las 4 zonas está mejor. Antes tenía un ampli con una salida y luego unos interruptores para crear las 4 zonas. Ahora es todo en uno y además mejor controlado, ya que deja ajustar el volumen por zonas o en general. Muy agusto con la compra

I had 4 zones at home and with this amp that has outputs for all 4 zones it is better. Before I had an amp with one output and then some switches to create the 4 zones. Now it is all in one and also better controlled, since it lets you adjust the volume by zones or in general. Very happy with the purchase


Prinzipiell ist das Gerät wie für mich gemacht. 4 verschiedenste Lautsprecherpaare hängen an diesem Verstärker. Immer sind verschiedene Lautstärken verlangt. Das klappt nach einer kleinen Eingewöhnungszeit recht gut. Da kommen wir auch gleich zum ersten Kritikpunkt: Die Bedienungsanleitung. Die verdient eigentlich diese Bezeichnung nicht. Ja, der 2. folgt sofort: Die Leistung! Die angegebenen Werte sind von mir nicht überprüft worden, klingen aber meineserachtens übertrieben. Aber was soll's, meine Nachbarn danken es mir schon heute. Insgesamt ist es ein praktisches Alltagsgerät. Hätte das Gerät eine Bluetooth Fernbedienung, gäbe es von mir volle 5 Sterne.

In principle, the device is made for me. 4 different pairs of loudspeakers are attached to this amplifier. Different volumes are always required. This works quite well after a little getting used to. That brings us to the first point of criticism: the operating instructions. It doesn't really deserve that name. Yes, the 2nd follows immediately: the performance! The values given have not been checked by me, but I think they sound exaggerated. But who cares, my neighbors thank me already today. Overall, it's a practical everyday device. If the device had a Bluetooth remote control, I would give it a full 5 stars.


Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Produkt.Es gibt viele Einstellmöglichkeiten.Genügend Anschlüsse sind vorhanden.Es gibt auch einen Anschluß für die Bass Box.Preis ist auch Ok.

I am very satisfied with the product. There are many setting options. There are enough connections. There is also a connection for the bass box. The price is also ok.


Der verstärker hat ganz schön Bass super das teil

The amp has a really nice bass, that part


Kann mich nicht mehr über Bluetooth mit dem Handy verbinden... Jmd einen Lösungsvorschlag??

I can no longer connect to my cell phone via Bluetooth... Anyone have a solution?


Ho collegato 2 casse a 3 vie da 75 watt 8 Ohm, altre 4 casse a 3 vie da 100 watt 6 Ohm e mi resta un canale (lato destro e sinistro) libero e va molto bene e sopratutto niente ronzii.

I connected 2 3-way speakers of 75 watts 8 Ohm, another 4 3-way speakers of 100 watts 6 Ohm and I have one channel left (left and right side) free and it works very well and above all no hum.


Dem Verstärker fehlt es ein bisschen an der Klangtiefe, ein HDMI Anschluss wäre schöne, für den Preis aber ok. Ich nutze ihn meistens, um Songs vom Smartphone zu hören. Der Empfang ist hierbei gut.

The amplifier lacks a bit of sound depth, an HDMI connection would be nice, but ok for the price. I mostly use it to listen to songs on my smartphone. The reception here is good.


funzt alles wunderbar

everything works wonderfully


Aunque el que compré yo era reacondicionado, está en perfecto estado y funciona bien. Le he conectado un desco por conexión óptica y cuatro altavoces de ambiente en cuatro zonas distintas. Puedo controlar el volumen de cada zona de forma independiente desde el asistente de google. Lo peor es el tamaño. Es gigantesco y con muchos leds que molestan un poco cuando se apagan todas las luces para ver una película. He tenido que poner delante un florero para amortiguar las luces, comprobando que funciona igual el asistente.

Although the one I bought was reconditioned, it is in perfect condition and works well. I have connected a decoder via optical connection and four ambient speakers in four different zones. I can control the volume of each zone independently from the Google Assistant. The worst thing is the size. It is gigantic and has many LEDs that are a bit annoying when all the lights are turned off to watch a movie. I have had to put a vase in front of it to dim the lights, checking that the assistant works just the same.


8 x 100 W für 4 Bereiche. Super

8 x 100W for 4 areas. Excellent


Einfach zu bedienen. Übersichtliche Anschlüsse. Genau das Richtige.

Easy to handle. Clear connections. Just right.


Super Teil man kann vier Lautsprecher Pärchen anklemmen unterschiedlich regeln die einen laut die anderen leise alles super bedienbar mit der Fernbedienung einfach Top

Super part, you can connect four pairs of speakers, regulate them differently, one loud, the other quiet, everything is super easy to use with the remote control


Bin zufrieden

Am satisfied


Super zufrieden damit.

Super happy with it.


The expectation I has was not met.

The expectation I has was not met.


Buena relación calidad precio, buenas prestaciones . El mando a distancia lo veo demasiado pequeño , las teclas muy juntas y poco visible el texto .

Good value for money, good features. I find the remote control too small, the keys too close together and the text not very visible.


Ich bin sehr zufrieden.

I'm very satisfied.


Bei dem Verstärker hat mir einfach die Power z.b. Bass gefehlt . Anderen reicht es vielleicht , mir nicht . Hab ihn wieder zurückgeschickt .

With the amplifier I simply lacked the power, e.g. bass. Maybe it's enough for others, not for me. I sent him back.


Einfach super

Just great


Wirklich genial. Wir steuern über den Receiver vier verschiedene Räume und können für jeden Raum die Lautstärke individuell einstellen. genau das wonach ich gesucht habe. Klang und Bedienung super. Ich würde es immer wieder kaufen!

Really awesome. We control four different rooms via the receiver and can adjust the volume individually for each room. exactly what i was looking for. Sound and operation great. I would buy it again!


Ist sehr einfach anzuschließen, Klang ist auch gut.

It's very easy to connect and the sound is good too.


Sehr zufrieden

Very satisfied


schnelle Lieferung hört sich gut an selbst im Bad und Balkon

fast delivery sounds good even in the bathroom and balcony


Mein Mann ist begeistert.

My husband is delighted.


Übererfüllt meine Erwartungen als HIFI Freak. Leistung vielleicht nicht ganz die 100W RMS pro Kanal, aber unterschiedliche Lautstärkeneinstellung der einzelnen Zonen dank DSP und auch Effekte einstellbar. Absolut empfehlenswert. Mangel: die blaue LEDs sind auch mit der DIM Funktion doch sehr hell. Bei Tageslicht jedoch perfekt. Gute Verarbeitung und spitzen Klang. Sehr empfehlenswert!

Exceeds my expectations as a HIFI freak. Performance maybe not quite the 100W RMS per channel, but different volume settings for the individual zones thanks to DSP and effects can also be set. Highly Recommended. Shortcoming: the blue LEDs are very bright even with the DIM function. But perfect in daylight. Good workmanship and great sound. Highly recommended!


Bin sehr zufrieden

I am very pleased


Es sencillo de poner en marcha, con no muchas opciones (aunque si admite múltiples conexiones de aparatos). No obstante, la luz delos LED es excesiva y molesta, por lo que he tenido que taparlos para amortiguarlos.

It's easy to set up, with not many options (although it does support multiple device connections). However, the light from the LEDs is excessive and annoying, so I had to cover them to soften the light.


Este amplificador Digital con Multicanal y 4 Salidas estéreo es perfecto para cubrir perfectamente varias zonas dentro de una casa incluyendo no solo una habitación si no varias (siempre que puedas tirar cableado de una sala a otra) Las 8 salidas tienen una potencia de 100 W. El sistema, además, permite configurar zonas separadas para así configurar mejor los ambientes. Tiene un mando a distancia con 33 botones que permiten hacer prácticamente todo (si no todo) lo que permite el panel del propio amplificador. El amplificador solo trae eso el propio amplificador, el mando y las pilas para el mando. Los materiales del amplificador son de muy buena calidad. Tiene conector usb para reproducir directamente desde ese dispositivo soportante mp3, wma y wav. Si tenéis usb por encima de 32 GB no os lo va a leer, lo máximo que admite es ese tamaño.

This Digital Amplifier with Multichannel and 4 Stereo Outputs is perfect to perfectly cover several areas within a house including not only one room but several (as long as you can run wiring from one room to another). The 8 outputs have a power of 100 W. The system also allows you to configure separate zones to better configure the environments. It has a remote control with 33 buttons that allow you to do practically everything (if not everything) that the panel of the amplifier itself allows. The amplifier only comes with the amplifier itself, the remote control and the batteries for the remote control. The materials of the amplifier are of very good quality. It has a USB connector to play directly from that device supporting MP3, WMA and WAV. If you have USB over 32 GB it will not read it, the maximum it supports is that size.


L'ho preso per poter collegare un giradischi che mi era stato regalato e devo dire che montaggio ed utilizzo sono stati semplicissimi. In più ho potuto collegare gli altri apparati che avevo, come il lettore cd. Ha un design semplice con display LED e telecomando, ingresso ottico, interfaccia Bluetooth, ingressi CD, DVD, MP3 e AUX. Per ciò che riguarda la potenza, dispone di quattro zone stereo separate con 100 Watt di potenza di uscita RMS cadauna. La cosa che ho trovato molto comoda, ma premetto che non ho esperienza di amplificatori, è stata la possibilità di collegare le casse all'amplificatore tramite un sistema a viti e non con scomodi spinotti da dovere ogni volta predisporre.

I bought it to connect a turntable that was given to me as a gift and I have to say that assembly and use were very simple. In addition, I was able to connect the other devices I had, such as the CD player. It has a simple design with LED display and remote control, optical input, Bluetooth interface, CD, DVD, MP3 and AUX inputs. As for power, it has four separate stereo zones with 100 Watts of RMS output power each. The thing that I found very convenient, but I must say that I have no experience with amplifiers, was the possibility of connecting the speakers to the amplifier via a screw system and not with uncomfortable plugs that you have to prepare each time.