Park Ranger Garden Chair
Park Ranger Garden Chair
- Garden chair
- Dark Green
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty99,99 €
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- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Garden chair on wheels made of sturdy steel allows for gardening that is comfortbable, easy on back and knees
Wide, steerable rubber wheels make it possible to easily roll to and fro
Easy on the back posture during gardening
Product description
That is how gardening is done: With the Waldbeck Park Ranger Work Seat knees and back are spared when working in the garden.
The practical Waldbeck Park Ranger Garden Seat has a comfortable seat and a frame made of sturdy steel as well as wide rubber wheels. Thus cutting the hedge, picking berry bushes or painting the fence can be comfortably done while sitting. The work seat makes you quite automatically take a posture sparing your back while doing your work that you would either be carrying out crouching or stooped without the chair. For perfect working conditions it is possible to adjust the height of the seat. Moreover, it revolves by 360° and thus the handling is even more flexible. The chair can be easily pulled from A to B thanks to its shaft. The storage space below the seat is particularly pratical. Gardening tools, paints or uprooted weed find easily space here. You do not have to search for long, but have all the necessary tools immediately at the ready. As soon as you want to start with your work, let the hold snap in and you are secure and safe.
Gardening has never been more comfortable than with the Waldbeck Park Ranger Work Seat.
- Garden chair on wheels with height-adjustable seat
- Sturdy steel frame and wide, smooth rubber wheels guarantee stability
- Possible to easily roll to and fro
- Seat revolves by 360°
- Tripple lenght-adjustable axis
- Seated posture spares the back
- Adjustable grip to hold on to and to pull the device
- Grip clicks into place so that the chair remains firmly in its place when the activity is about to start
- Steerable front wheels
- Load up to 130 kg
- Spacious storage space for gardening tools below the seat, grill storage space at the back
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: approx. 44 x 97.5 x 86 cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: 17.5 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x garden chair (assembly kit)
- Manual in English (further languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Très pratique pour travaux assis. Évite de solliciter le dos
Very practical for seated work. Avoids straining the back
Bin mit Beinprothese unterwegs. Ich finde den Wagen zwar stabil, aber auch sehr schwer. Die Lenkung ist auch sehr schwer zu bedienen. Geht nur wenn man den Wagen zieht. Sitzend ist alles sehr schwerfällig
I'm traveling with a prosthetic leg. I find the car stable, but also very heavy. The steering is also very difficult to use. Only works if you pull the car. Everything is very cumbersome while sitting
Der Zusammenbau war schon etwas mehr als Aufwendig. Ablage unter dem Wagen passte nicht, musste umgearbeitet werden, Korb am Heck wird ganz anders befestigt, als in der Beschreibung angegeben, Räder konnten mit den gelieferten Unterlegscheiben nicht ausreichend befestigt werden-Räder haben geeiert
The assembly was a bit more than complicated. Shelf under the car did not fit, had to be reworked, rear basket attaches completely differently than stated in the description, wheels could not be attached properly with the washers supplied - wheels wobbled
Am Artikel gibt es nichts auszusetzen, ist jedoch für den Endnutzer nicht zu Händeln.
There is nothing wrong with the article, but the end user cannot handle it.
Funktioniert wie Herstteler beschrieben.
Works as described by the manufacturer.
achat siège de jardin pour plus d'aisance pour nettoyer mes plantations et fleurs-
purchase of garden seat for more ease in cleaning my plants and flowers-
Nach meinem Beinbruch kann ich noch nicht gut das Unkraut vom Boden entfernen und habe daher den Rollsitz besorgt. Der Aufbau hat einen erfahrenen Handwerker schon ein paar Mal zum Fluchen gebracht, aber es war machbar. Habe mich ganz schön erschrocken, wie groß der tatsächlich ist. Da ich auch 1,80m bin, wollte ich einen höhenverstellbaren Sitz und anständige Luftreifen. Der Sitz ist wie bei einem alten Trecker und mittelmäßig bequem nach 1,5 Std arbeiten. Im Sitzen zu fahren und dabei zu lenken ist auch eher schwierig. Ich konnte einen mittelgroßen grauen Kübel drauf stellen und gut ziehen. Junior liebt es, mit ihm durch den Garten gezogen zu werden. Fährt auch auf Rasen und Schotter recht gut. Im Angebot für 59€ ist das ok, mehr hätte ich aber auch nicht für ausgeben wollen. Für kleine Leute unter 1,70m eher mäßig geeignet, da er auch ganz runter gedreht schon recht hoch in der Sitzfläche ist.
After breaking my leg, I'm still not very good at clearing the weeds from the ground, so I got the wheelchair seat. The construction has already made a seasoned handyman swear a few times, but it was doable. I was quite shocked at how big it actually is. Being 1.80m too, I wanted a height adjustable seat and decent air tires. The seat is like an old tractor and moderately comfortable after 1.5 hours of work. Driving while sitting and steering is also rather difficult. I was able to put a medium sized gray bucket on it and pull well. Junior loves being pulled around the garden with him. Also drives quite well on grass and gravel. In the offer for 59 € that's ok, but I wouldn't have wanted to spend more for it. Rather moderately suitable for small people under 1.70 m, as it is already quite high in the seat even when turned all the way down.
Dieser fahr- und lenkbare Gartensitz ersetzt einen vor einigen Jahren gekauften Gartensitz, bei dem die Kunststoff-Sitzfläche gebrochen ist. Der neue Sitz wurde, wie bei Amazon üblich, schnell geliefert. Die Montage erwies sich (trotz mangelhafter Montageanleitung) als relativ unproblematisch, allerdings ist gutes Werkzeug (Schraubenschlüssel!) unabdingbar. Leider findet beim Hersteller wohl keine gute Endkontrolle statt: es fehlt eine für die Räder benötigte Unterlegscheibe, dafür ist ein Fixiersplint zu viel. Eine Schutzkappe an der Lenkstange war gebrochen. Die Lenkung ist etwas schwergängig, die luftgefüllten Reifen verströmen einen penetranten Geruch. Alles in allem sind das aber Kleinigkeiten.. Da es auf dem Sektor anscheinend kein bezahlbares, echtes Qualitätsprodukt zu geben scheint, wird dieser Sitz wohl seinen Zweck erfüllen. Fazit: Besser als nichts, besser als Rückenschmerzen.
This mobile and steerable garden seat replaces a garden seat bought a few years ago where the plastic seat surface broke. As usual with Amazon, the new seat was delivered quickly. The assembly turned out to be relatively unproblematic (despite the inadequate assembly instructions), but good tools (wrenches!) are essential. Unfortunately, the manufacturer probably does not carry out a good final inspection: a washer required for the wheels is missing, a cotter pin is too much for that. A protective cap on the handlebar was broken. The steering is a bit stiff, the air-filled tires give off a penetrating smell. All in all, these are small things.. Since there doesn't seem to be an affordable, genuine quality product in the sector, this seat will probably serve its purpose. Conclusion: Better than nothing, better than back pain.
Grundsätzlich ein recht stabiler Wagen, durchaus bequem und mit einer angenehmen Sitzhöhe (OK, Zeit Rente zu beantragen hihi), jetzt das aber: die Bohrungen sind z.T. ungenau. Eine Bohrung musste nachgefeilt werden. Der von manchen monierte Kunststoffkorb hat aber gepasst. Dennoch fehlten Unterlegscheiben bzw. es waren falsche dabei. Die Beschreibung ist eine Katastrophe, die Abbildungen so gut wie nicht erkennbar! Verschiedene Schrauben und keine Beschreibung welche wohin kommt.. Alles in allem etwas durchwachsen. Würde ich ihn wieder kaufen? Ja - aber nicht zu dem Preis, da hab ich echt mehr erwartet.
Basically a fairly stable car, quite comfortable and with a pleasant seat height (OK, time to apply for pension hihi), but now that: the holes are partly imprecise. A hole had to be filed. The plastic basket criticized by some did fit. Nevertheless, washers were missing or there were wrong ones. The description is a disaster, the illustrations are almost unrecognizable! Different screws and no description which goes where.. All in all a bit mixed. Would I buy it again? Yes - but not at the price, I really expected more.
Die Bestellung kam schneller als erwartet und sehr gut verpackt. Jedes Teil war auch separat verpackt. Respekt. Alles zusammen srauben war nicht schwer,hat mir Spaß gemacht. Aber es gab da so Kleinigkeiten die Ärger gemacht haben wie: es fehlten Unterlegscheiben, manche Schrauben waren zu kurz... Die Lenkung habe ich auch verändert. Achse passte nicht ganz mit genau mit querlenker. Aber es hat mir Spaß gemacht einfach rumzuschrauben. Die fehlende Teile sind ja auch kein Problem wer eine Garage hatt, ligen immer irgendwo im Schrank oder Regal. Jetzt komfort. Sitz ist sehr bequem, dreht sich gut. Dank Lenkung kann man steuern in jede Richtung ohne aufzustehen. Benutze den Stuhl beim Kanten schneiden, Zaun streichen, Unkraut stechen und so weiter. Mann kann auch einfach sitzen. Preis- Leistung ist für dieses Produkt angemessen. Bin sehr zufrieden trotz schon erwähnten Kleinigkeiten. Von mir 5 Sterne. Empfehlenswert.
The order came faster than expected and very well packaged. Each part was also packaged separately. Respect. It wasn't difficult to rob everything together, I had fun. But there were little things that caused problems like: washers were missing, some screws were too short... I also changed the steering. Axle didn't quite fit exactly with the wishbone. But I had fun just screwing around. The missing parts are not a problem if you have a garage, they are always somewhere in the cupboard or shelf. Now comfort. Seat is very comfortable, turns well. Thanks to steering, you can steer in any direction without getting up. Use the chair to cut edges, paint fences, pull weeds and so on. You can also just sit. Value for money is reasonable for this product. I am very satisfied despite the small things already mentioned. 5 stars from me. Recommended.
C est un siege pour jardiner sans contrainte pour le dos et c est très amusant à offrire. Ça plait énormément génial.!!!
It's a seat for gardening without strain on the back and it's great fun to give as a gift. It's very popular, great.!!!
Verarbeitung ist schlecht . Teile passen nicht , Räder haben zu viel spiel auf den Achsen . Aus meiner Sicht als Maschinenbauer eine Katastrophe . Aber das Teil tut was es soll , und mit einigen Umbauten kann man damit leben . wenn man bedenkt das die Räder schon 40 - 50 Euro kosten ist auch der Preis noch akzeptabel .
Processing is bad. Parts don't fit, wheels have too much play on the axles. From my point of view as a machine builder, a catastrophe. But the part does what it's supposed to, and with a few modifications you can live with it. if you consider that the wheels already cost 40-50 euros, the price is still acceptable.
Dommage que les assemblements soient "bricolés", j'ai du ajuster les jeux avec des rondelles perso et changer les goupilles d'axes de roue qui étaient trop fines. Un peu trop haut pour désherber des pares-terres de fleurs, je vais devoir couper 5 cm et ressouder. Autrement c'est du costaud.
Too bad the assemblies are "tinkered", I had to adjust the clearances with personal washers and change the wheel axle pins which were too thin. A little too high to weed flower beds, I will have to cut 5 cm and re-weld. Otherwise it's tough.
Pros: The product is strong and comfortable to sit on. Especially good for cutting bush branches. Cons: even in the lowest position the seat is still too high for comfortable planting and weeding. The big problem is the plastic shelf which arrived cracked although two cardboard boxes were used for packing. It was disappointment. I decided that I will not need this shelf so much to undertake the whole cumbersome packing and return procedure because I can still use it for the main purpose. However it would have been nice to get all the pieces unbroken. I don't think the shelf was broken during the shipping because the packaging was intact. I believe the shelf was broken even before the product was posted.
Pros: The product is strong and comfortable to sit on. Especially good for cutting bush branches. Cons: even in the lowest position the seat is still too high for comfortable planting and weeding. The big problem is the plastic shelf which arrived cracked although two cardboard boxes were used for packing. It was disappointment. I decided that I will not need this shelf so much to undertake the whole cumbersome packing and return procedure because I can still use it for the main purpose. However it would have been nice to get all the pieces unbroken. I don't think the shelf was broken during the shipping because the packaging was intact. I believe the shelf was broken even before the product was posted.
Ich bin Begeistert von dem Teil. Klasse Verarbeitung (ich darf das Werkzeugmacher und Stahlformenbauer doch fachlich beurteilen). Wenn ich das Gerät als Arbeitssitz nicht verwende, habe ich mir, mit einer aufschraubbaren 60x40cm und 18mm starken Siebdruckplatte, einen praktischen Transportwagen gebaut. Einfach Sitz abschrauben, Platte darauf und fertig. Das wäre vielleicht noch ein Vorschlag für den Hersteller.
I'm excited about the part. Class workmanship (I can judge the toolmaker and steel mold maker professionally). When I'm not using the device as a work seat, I've built a practical transport trolley with a 60x40cm and 18mm thick screen printing plate that can be screwed on. Simply unscrew the seat, put the plate on it and you're done. That might be a suggestion for the manufacturer.
je l'utilise pour refaire un mur à la chaux c'est reposant pour les reins cela m'évitera des lombalgies je compte l'utiliser aussi pour ramasser les groseilles et faire le tour de l'arbuste en fait il me servira pour tous travaux à une hauteur d'un mètre confortable pour le dos mais pas pour les fesses il faut prévoir un fin coussin en mousse pour les travaux d"hiver le chariot roule et tourne assez bien on peut se déplacer assis
I use it to redo a lime wall, it's relaxing for the kidneys, it will save me from back pain, I also plan to use it to pick up currants and go around the shrub, in fact it will be useful for all work at a height of one meter, comfortable for the back but not for the buttocks, you need to provide a thin foam cushion for winter work, the cart rolls and turns quite well, you can move around sitting down
Der Artikel kam schnell und gut verpackt. Qualitativ macht das Produkt einen sehr (!) guten Eindruck. Leider wurde die Freude etwas getrübt. Bis auf Tablett und Körbchen kklappte der Einbau super gut. Toll finde ich, dass Schrauben, Muttern und Unterlegscheiben jeweils verbunden sind, so dass keine Verwechslungen passieren können. Großer Wermutstropfen: Das Tablett lässt dich nicht montieren, es passt nicht. Und die Haken zum Aufhängen des Körbchens fehlen. Laut Beschreibung sollen im Tablett Bohrungen sein damit Wasser ablaufen kann. Diese fehlen. Ich habe Tablett und Körbchen weggelassen, den Praxistest mache ich morgen. Schade, es hötte perfekt sein können.
The item came quickly and well packaged. In terms of quality, the product makes a very (!) good impression. Unfortunately, the joy was somewhat spoiled. With the exception of the tray and basket, the installation went very well. I think it's great that the screws, nuts and washers are all connected so that there can be no confusion. Big downside: the tray doesn't let you mount it, it doesn't fit. And the hooks for hanging the basket are missing. According to the description, there should be holes in the tray so that water can drain off. These are missing. I left out the tray and basket, I'll do the practical test tomorrow. Too bad, it could have been perfect.
Der „Rollwagen“ hat eine (sehr) gute Qualität, was man schon beim Zusammenbau merkt. Mit dem üblichen „Ikea-Werkzeug“ kommt man da nicht weit, aber ein vernünftig sortierter Werkzeugkasten enthält alles was man benötigt. Es gab negative Anmerkungen bzgl. Schwergängigkeit der Lenkung und zu kurzer Schrauben. Ersteren stimmt absolut nicht; man darf die Schrauben halt nicht zu fest anziehen bzw. muss sie wieder etwas lockern (was genau so aber auch in der Aufbauanleitung steht), dann lenkt sich das Teil prima. Zu kurze Schrauben hatte ich auch nicht, gebe aber zu, dass der Anbau der Plastikschale etwas schwieriger war als der Rest, da die Metallklammer nicht 100%ig passt. War aber o.k. Und ich konnte den Wagen problemlos zusammenbauen. Erstes Probesitzenbwar auch bequem!!
The "trolley" has a (very) good quality, which you can tell when assembling it. You won't get very far with the usual "Ikea tools", but a reasonably sorted tool box contains everything you need. There were negative comments regarding the steering being stiff and the screws being too short. The former is absolutely not true; you mustn't tighten the screws too much or you have to loosen them a bit again (which is exactly what the assembly instructions say), then the part steers perfectly. I didn't have any screws that were too short either, but I'll admit that fitting the plastic shell was a bit more difficult than the rest, as the metal bracket doesn't fit 100%. But it was ok and I was able to assemble the car without any problems. First test seat bwas also comfortable!!
Reçu rapidement pour travailler dans les vignes. Un peu lourd mais on peut le chahuter sans problème du coup. Si le terrain n'est pas accidenté c'est le bonheur il roule trop bien. Par contre gros gros bémol pour ceux qui ne parle pas anglais ou Allemand car il n'y a pas la version française de la notice. Cela dit les schémas sont correct et l'on peut s'en accommoder!
Received quickly to work in the vineyards. A little heavy but you can shake it around without any problem. If the terrain is not uneven it's bliss, it rolls too well. On the other hand, a big downside for those who don't speak English or German because there is no French version of the instructions. That said, the diagrams are correct and you can get by with them!
Der Zusammenbau war ein bisschen knifflig. Die Anleitung hätte gern etwas ausführlicher und anschaulicher sein dürfen. Mir ist zum Beispiel zu spät aufgefallen, dass ich den Sitz hochdrehen kann. Das hätte den Zusammenbau vereinfacht. Ich habe große Hände und Finger, und der Zwischenraum ist echt eng, wenn man den Sitz nicht hochdreht. Insgesamt ist es ein ganz tolles Teil. Ich bin kein Leichtgewicht mit meinen 115 Kilo. Mich hält der Wagen gut aus. Ich habe ihn bereits auf der Terrasse getestet und finde ihn super. Die wichtigsten Gerätschaften kann ich direkt mitnehmen, z.B. kleine Gartengeräte, Samentüten und Blumenzwiebeln. Dafür ist genug Stauraum vorhanden. Die Sitzhöhe kann man so einstellen, wie man sie braucht. Dadurch ist der Wagen rückenschonend. Ich finde ihn super und kann es kaum erwarten, dass das Wetter wärmer wird, sodass ich endlich in den Garten kann.
The assembly was a bit tricky. The instructions could have been a bit more detailed and clear. For example, I realized too late that I can turn the seat up. That would have made assembly easier. I have big hands and fingers and the space between them is really tight unless you roll the seat up. Overall it's a really great piece. I'm not a lightweight with my 115 kilos. The car holds up well for me. I've already tested it on the terrace and think it's great. I can take the most important equipment with me, eg small garden tools, seed bags and flower bulbs. There is enough storage space for this. The seat height can be adjusted as you need it. As a result, the trolley is easy on the back. I think it's great and can't wait for the weather to get warmer so I can finally get out in the garden.
Tres robuste, pratique pour le jardinage, montage simple, produit de bonne qualité
Very sturdy, practical for gardening, easy assembly, good quality product
Tous les ans ,à la même période,je fais une sciatique quand je commence à nettoyer mon jardin,tailler les vivaces et rosiers....etc Là c'est fini ,ou tout au moins pas parce que je me serait mal baissée.Ce modèle est parfait,il ira pour moi au jardin ou pour mon mari pour certains bricolages.J'y vois même d'autres applications :brosser mes chiennes dehors à hauteur de malinoise sans m'assoir par terre avec remontée difficile( je suis un peu cassée...) voire le shampoing de ces dames l'été avec l'arrosoir d'eau chauffée au soleil. Montage simple à priori en prenant son temps,notice en anglais,certains schémas peu lisibles(montage directionnel des roues avant) Un souhait toutefois :une housse serait un vrai plus (proposée sur d’autres modèles)
Every year, at the same time, I get sciatica when I start cleaning my garden, pruning perennials and rose bushes, etc. Now it's over, or at least not because I bent down badly. This model is perfect, it will work for me in the garden or for my husband for some DIY jobs. I can even see other applications: brushing my dogs outside at the height of a Malinois without sitting on the ground with difficulty getting back up (I'm a bit broken...) or even shampooing these ladies in the summer with the watering can of water heated in the sun. Simple assembly a priori by taking your time, instructions in English, some diagrams not very readable (directional assembly of the front wheels) One wish however: a cover would be a real plus (offered on other models)
Corresponds aux attentes
Meets expectations
pour soulager l'arthrose de mes genoux, ce petit matériel et très efficace très heureux et merci
to relieve the osteoarthritis of my knees, this little equipment is very effective, very happy and thank you
Une notice en français aurai été utile. Prévoir de quoi gonfler les pneus. Utilisé 2 fois dans le jardin => trés pratique ! Avant je jardinais avec un petit banc en plastique que je devais déplacer tout le temps. Je fais 100 kg et le siège me supporte sans problème. Achat utile.
Instructions in French would have been useful. Bring something to inflate the tires. Used twice in the garden => very practical! Before I gardened with a small plastic bench that I had to move all the time. I weigh 100 kg and the seat supports me without any problem. Useful purchase.
manque une notice en français a prévoir sa évitera de si énerver deçu
there is no notice in French to be expected, this will avoid getting upset, disappointed
Ho acquistato questo pratico sgabello da giardino con ruote per poter lavorare comodo mentre faccio giardinaggio in quanto stare piegati o alzarsi e abbassarsi in continuo crea continua sollecitazione alla schiena e mi ha provocato una fastidiosa lombalgia. Grazie a questo comodo carrello con ruote si lavora davvero in una posizione confortevole e da seduti si riesce a raccogliere verdure o piantare e coltivare. Il carrello arriva completamente smontato per motivi di ingombro ma montarlo è stato abbastanza semplice e immediato. Innanzitutto bisogna fissare le 4 ruote al telaio e poi si fissa il sedile ed il manubrio con i bulloni in dotazione. Grazie al manuale d'uso il montaggio è davvero semplice e si fa in mezzora di tempo massimo. Il carrello è dotato di comodi vani sia sotto al sedile che sul retro per riporre gli attrezzi o per mettere le verdure raccolte tipo pomodori, finocchi, insalate, fragole ecc. Coltivare con questo sgabello è davvero un divertimento in quanto si lavora in tutta comodità. Il sedile è regolabile in altezza semplicemente girandolo e si può lavorare in qualsiasi direzione perchè è ruotabile quindi si può posizionare verso destra, sinistra, avanti o dietro. Il telaio è davvero robusto ed è tutto in acciaio e la seduta è ergonomica e permette di lavorare assumendo la corretta postura senza bisogno di curvare la schiena grazie anche alla regolazione in altezza. Devo dire che grazie a questo sgabello ho detto addio al mal di schiena e non ho più bisogno di stare piegato per raccogliere o piantare e lavoro in una posizione comodissima. Prodotto davvero consigliato per chi è appassionato di giardinaggio o ha un orto!
I bought this practical garden stool with wheels to be able to work comfortably while I garden as being bent over or getting up and down continuously creates continuous stress on my back and caused me annoying back pain. Thanks to this comfortable trolley with wheels, you really work in a comfortable position and while sitting you can harvest vegetables or plant and cultivate. The trolley arrives completely disassembled for reasons of space but assembling it was quite simple and immediate. First you need to fix the 4 wheels to the frame and then fix the seat and the handlebar with the supplied bolts. Thanks to the user manual, assembly is really simple and can be done in half an hour maximum. The trolley is equipped with comfortable compartments both under the seat and on the back for storing tools or for storing harvested vegetables such as tomatoes, fennel, salads, strawberries, etc. Cultivating with this stool is really fun as you work in comfort. The seat is adjustable in height by simply turning it and you can work in any direction because it rotates so you can position it to the right, left, forward or backward. The frame is really sturdy and is all in steel and the seat is ergonomic and allows you to work assuming the correct posture without having to bend your back thanks also to the height adjustment. I have to say that thanks to this stool I said goodbye to back pain and I no longer need to bend over to harvest or plant and I work in a very comfortable position. Really recommended product for anyone who is passionate about gardening or has a vegetable garden!
comment dire, ce siège aux allures de mini tracteur de jardin est parfait pour effectuer les travaux nécessitant de longs moments statiques. on est surpris au déballage par la taille du matériel et surtout par sa qualité. En effet les roues gonflables semblent très solides et grâce à leur grandes tailles il sera facile de le déplacer sur les terrains les plus difficiles. D'ailleurs à l'avant il y a une poignée qui permet de le tracter facilement. Concernant le siège il est de grande taille et bien qu'en métal il reste très confortable. le réglage de la hauteur de siège s'effectue facilement en faisant tourner ce dernier sur son axe. Certain dirons que c'est réservé aux personnes âgées. moi je dis que si lorsque vous avez pas mal de rosier à tailler c'est bien utile d'avoir ce type de siège roulant car cela vous évite de vous casser le dos et pas besoin de déplacer la chaise, la il suffit de pousser avec les jambe pour vous déplacer. Concernant le montage, la notice en anglais et en allemand aide bien. il vous faudra une demi heure pour le monter entièrement! Dernier point, j'y ai trouvé un usage rigolo, je fais faire des tours de jardin à mes enfants en les tractant autour de la maison et il faut bien avouer que cela les amuses beaucoup. Mignon et utile, ce petit traceur à tout pour plaire d'autant que son petit panier à l'arrière permet de transporter mini bèche et autre sécateur je le recommande si vous en avez l'usage! willy
how to say, this seat that looks like a mini garden tractor is perfect for carrying out work requiring long static moments. we are surprised when unpacking by the size of the equipment and especially by its quality. Indeed the inflatable wheels seem very solid and thanks to their large size it will be easy to move it on the most difficult terrains. Moreover, at the front there is a handle which makes it easy to tow. Regarding the seat it is large and although metal it remains very comfortable. the seat height is easily adjusted by rotating the seat on its axis. Some would say it's for the elderly. I say that if when you have a lot of roses to prune it's very useful to have this type of rolling seat because it saves you from breaking your back and you don't need to move the chair, you just have to push with it legs to move. Regarding the assembly, the instructions in English and German help a lot. it will take you half an hour to fully assemble it! Last point, I found a fun use for it, I take my children around the garden by towing them around the house and it must be admitted that it amuses them a lot. Cute and useful, this little plotter has everything to please especially as its small basket at the back allows you to carry a mini spade and other secateurs I recommend it if you have the use of it! willy
Siège pratique pour le jardin. Il faut surtout souligner sa bonne conception, avec ses 4 vraies roues gonflable type brouette, il permet de se déplacer sans difficultés dans le jardin. L'ensemble est robuste et facile à monter. La position est confortable, c'est surtout pratique si vous avez beaucoup de chose au même endroit. Un peu superflu sinon. Le compartiment pour transporter les outils est très pratique, cela permet d'avoir tout sous la main, sans risque de les éparpiller. Un autre compartiment, non troué cette fois est disponible directement sous le siège. Je le trouve pratique également, selon ce que vous faites dans le jardin il peut être utile.
Practical seat for the garden. We must especially emphasize its good design, with its 4 real wheelbarrow-type inflatable wheels, it allows you to move around the garden without difficulty. The set is robust and easy to assemble. The position is comfortable, it's especially practical if you have a lot of things in the same place. A little redundant otherwise. The compartment for transporting the tools is very practical, it allows you to have everything at hand, without the risk of scattering them. Another compartment, this time without holes, is available directly under the seat. I find it practical too, depending on what you are doing in the garden it can be useful.
Siège pratique pour le jardin. Il faut surtout souligner sa bonne conception, avec ses 4 vraies roues gonflable type brouette, il permet de se déplacer sans difficultés dans le jardin. L'ensemble est robuste et facile à monter. La position est confortable, c'est surtout pratique si vous avez beaucoup de chose au même endroit. Un peu superflu sinon. Le compartiment pour transporter les outils est très pratique, cela permet d'avoir tout sous la main, sans risque de les éparpiller. Un autre compartiment, non troué cette fois est disponible directement sous le siège. Je le trouve pratique également, selon ce que vous faites dans le jardin il peut être utile.
Practical seat for the garden. We must especially emphasize its good design, with its 4 real wheelbarrow-type inflatable wheels, it allows you to move around the garden without difficulty. The set is robust and easy to assemble. The position is comfortable, it's especially practical if you have a lot of things in the same place. A little redundant otherwise. The compartment for transporting the tools is very practical, it allows you to have everything at hand, without the risk of scattering them. Another compartment, this time without holes, is available directly under the seat. I find it practical too, depending on what you are doing in the garden it can be useful.