Huygens Professional Weather Station

Huygens Professional Weather Station
- Weather station
- White
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Best prospects: clear colour display with 6 measurements at a glance
Exact values: thanks to battery-operated outdoor station
Well connected: free Wunderground app to observe and provide all weather data
Product description
Don’t miss any more weather phenomena: with the Waldbeck Huygens professional weather station, you can keep track of all relevant measurements, warnings and forecasts thanks to a clear colour display.
At the Waldbeck Huygens professional weather station, up to 6 measurements can be displayed simultaneously: these include the values of temperature, air pressure, precipitation, wind, UV radiation and light. The values are measured by a battery-operated outdoor weather station, which is installed outdoors in the immediate vicinity of your home. Equipped with a wind vane, a wind speed sensor, a UV / light sensor, a thermometer or hygrometer, a barometer, a rain collector and a solar cell, the station sends all the live weather data to the stationary indoor reader and thus keeps you always up to date on all events. Thanks to a WiFi interface and the compatible Wunderground app (Weather Underground), you can always get the latest weather forecasts and weather alerts. If you are interested, you can even set up your own weather station and automatically make your local weather data available to all weather-interested people around the world. They become part of a global network that allows for more accurate forecasts so that you can better understand weather phenomena. In addition, the Waldbeck Huygens professional weather station still has a useful display of the calendar and the current moon phase, which adds a practical feature to the display of the coloured and high-contrast display.
Precise, multi-functional and networked worldwide: the Waldbeck Huygens professional weather station is the ideal companion for all who are interested in weather.
- Max. connection distance: 100 m
- Temperature measurement: -40 to + 60 ° C
- Outdoor station with LED light
- Large colour display
- WiFi connection
- App compatible
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Indoor reading device: approx. 18.7 x 11.9 x 2 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions outdoor station: approx. 40 x 20 x 41.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: approx. 0.8 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x indoor reading device
- 1 x outdoor station
- 1 x reading stand aid
- 1 x mounting kit
- 1 x power cable
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Solide Ausführung. Hoffe, dass der Kunststoff UV-stabiler ist als beim letzten Modell (anderer Hersteller) sich nicht so schnell zersetzt. Das weiß man erst in ein paar Jahren. Gut ist, dass der Messkopf sich überwiegend über die Solarzelle versorgt und hoffentlch ein Batteriewechsel selten ist. Die Feststation ist am Netz angeschlossen und benötigt auch keine Batterien.
Solid construction. I hope that the plastic is more UV-stable than the last model (from a different manufacturer) and doesn't decompose as quickly. We won't know for a few years. It's good that the measuring head is mainly powered by the solar cell and hopefully the battery will rarely need changing. The base station is connected to the mains and doesn't need any batteries.
Ha venido bien, cada pieza en su empaquetado de carton. Primera impresión: buena calidad. El montaje es rápido y facil. Luego conectarlo al sitio puede ser algo mas complicado, pero depende de cualquier situacion particular. En mi caso tenía primero comprarme un tubo inoxidable que luego tenía que fijar a la construcción de mi teraza en el atico. Señal bueno. Facil de activar el Wifi tambien. Conclusion: recomendable
It came in good condition, each piece in its cardboard packaging. First impression: good quality. Assembly is quick and easy. Then connecting it to the site can be a bit more complicated, but it depends on any particular situation. In my case I first had to buy a stainless steel tube that I then had to fix to the construction of my terrace in the attic. Good signal. Easy to activate the Wifi too. Conclusion: recommendable.
Aunque esta todo en ingles se entiende bastante bien
Although everything is in English, it is quite easy to understand.
Appassionato di meteo da sempre ho acquistato una seconda stazione meteo. Mi sono orientato su questo modello poichè dalle caratteristiche tecniche sembrava una buona stazione ed alla fine...così sembra. La sto testando e sembra vada davvero bene. Il segnale wifi non si perde assolutamente anche se posizionata a distanza e con ostacoli (muri). Non l'ho messa ancora online e quindi non so se la procedura sia semplice da fare o no. Il manuale risulta essere in tedesco ed in inglese ma sul web si riesce a scaricare anche quello in lingua italiana. Osservazione sullo schermo solare:molto piccolo!! Sarà da fare sicuramente un confronto con l'altra stazione meteo che ha il termoigrometro alloggiato in uno shermo Davis!, Spero vivamente che i dati siano coerenti. Forse un unica pecca secondo me è la trasmissione dati che avviene ogni 16 secondi e nel caso della velocità del vento si rischiano di perdere molte raffiche. In definitiva credo abbia un ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo.
Always passionate about weather, I bought a second weather station. I focused on this model because from the technical characteristics it seemed like a good station and in the end... so it seems. I'm testing it and it seems to work really well. The wifi signal is not lost at all even if positioned at a distance and with obstacles (walls). I haven't put it online yet and so I don't know if the procedure is simple to do or not. The manual is in German and English but on the web you can also download the one in Italian. Observation on the solar screen: very small!! A comparison will definitely have to be made with the other weather station that has the thermo-hygrometer housed in a Davis screen! I sincerely hope that the data is consistent. Perhaps the only flaw in my opinion is the data transmission that occurs every 16 seconds and in the case of wind speed you risk losing many gusts. Ultimately I think it has an excellent quality/price ratio.
Cette station météo wifi est très facile à paramétrer. La notice française se trouve sur le site d'Amazon. Elle se connecte aisément au moniteur (écran) fourni dans le package. la connexion à la box internet est un jeu d'enfant contrairement à ce que j'ai pu lire ici et là. Je possède une box internet double bande : 5 GHz et 2,4 GHz. L'information est importante car sur la notice de la station, il est spécifié que la connexion ne se fait que sur une box 2,4 GHz. Je n'ai rien eu à manipuler sur ma box qui est bi-bande. La connexion s'est faite dès que j'ai saisi mon code wifi. La publication des données des capteurs vers les services météorologiques spécialisés est plus ou moins aisée et dépendra du service que vous aurez choisi. - Ecowitt Weather est très facile à paramétrer - Weather Underground est moins facile à paramétrer car il y a plusieurs étapes non évidentes à passer. Mais une fois que c'est fait, l'analyse des données transmises à Weather Underground est complète grâce une à application tierce du nom de myPWS. J'en suis ravi ! Je recommande cette station qui est facile à mettre en œuvre. Évidemment il faut prévoir quelques accessoires de montage comme un mât et des colliers de serrage en fonction de l'endroit où l'on souhaite placer la station.
This wifi weather station is very easy to set up. The French instructions can be found on the Amazon website. It easily connects to the monitor (screen) provided in the package. Connecting to the internet box is child's play, contrary to what I have read here and there. I have a dual-band internet box: 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz. This information is important because the station instructions specify that the connection is only made on a 2.4 GHz box. I didn't have to do anything on my box, which is dual-band. The connection was made as soon as I entered my wifi code. Publishing the data from the sensors to specialized weather services is more or less easy and will depend on the service you have chosen. - Ecowitt Weather is very easy to set up - Weather Underground is less easy to set up because there are several non-obvious steps to go through. But once it's done, the analysis of the data transmitted to Weather Underground is complete thanks to a third-party application called myPWS. I am delighted! I recommend this station which is easy to implement. Obviously you need to provide some mounting accessories such as a mast and clamps depending on where you want to place the station.
Belle station météo, l'envoie des données sur internet fonctionne bien,les sondes à 30m captent bien, vraiment pas déçu.
Nice weather station, sending data to the internet works well, the 30m probes pick up well, really not disappointed.
Estación esterior igual a anteriores modelos pero la pantalla interior fenomenal, fácil de instalar aunque venga en inglés
Outdoor station same as previous models but the indoor screen is phenomenal, easy to install even though it comes in English
Lo tengo instalado en una terraza orientada al Norte y el anemómetro, como se puede ver en el video, es muy sensible. El mástil no va incluido en la compra del producto.
I have it installed on a north-facing terrace and the anemometer, as you can see in the video, is very sensitive. The mast is not included in the purchase of the product.
Je voulais installer une station météo pour pouvoir vérifier le temps à distance d'un site éloigné. La station est très bien faite, mode d'emploi en Allemand et Anglais seulement (faut s'y attendre de nos jours). Installation facile et récupération des données facile à configurer. Une étoile en moins par contre: Le seul b-mol, c'est qu'en interne elle donne des données an unité impériales... Il n'y a que 7 pays qui les utilisent pourtant! C.a.d. pour l'usage que j'en fais je vais devoir écrire un logiciel qui transforme la température de Fahrenheit en ⁰C, le pouce de Hg en hectopascal pour la pression, vitesse du vent en Miles/h à Km/h.
I wanted to install a weather station to be able to check the weather remotely from a remote site. The station is very well made, instructions in German and English only (to be expected these days). Easy installation and easy to configure data retrieval. One star less though: The only downside is that internally it gives data in imperial units... There are only 7 countries that use them though! So for the use I make of it I will have to write software that transforms the temperature from Fahrenheit to ⁰C, the inch of Hg to hectopascal for pressure, wind speed in Miles/h to Km/h.
Very complete weather station I have this weather station in use for a while now and it is still performing very well. The color screen is nice, only the part for wind force and direction is a bit too small.
Very complete weather station I have this weather station in use for a while now and it is still performing very well. The color screen is nice, only the part for wind force and direction is a bit too small.
Dopo più di un anno di utilizzo non rispondeva più l'igrometro esterno. Resa la stazione ed arrivata una nuova. Installato pure il collegamento della stazione al Web, utile per avere i dati da remoto. Stazione completa di tutti i dati meteo.
After more than a year of use the external hygrometer no longer responded. Returned the station and a new one arrived. Also installed the connection of the station to the Web, useful for having the data remotely. Station complete with all weather data.
Einfach Klasse Sehr leichte Installation funktioniert auf Anhieb Sehr zufrieden damit
Simply great Very easy installation works right away Very satisfied with it
cette station est très complète et fonctionne depuis 3 ans
This station is very complete and has been operating for 3 years
Hat soweit alles geklappt Produkt sicher verpackt (auch ohne zus. Amazon-Karton); war leicht aufzubauen; die Daten scheinen annähernd zu stimmen (seit drei Wochen in Betrieb). Ich vermisse die eigenständige Eingabemöglichkeit/Justierung des Luftdrucks. Displayfarben sind teilweise ablenkend und bei hellem Umfeld oder veränderter Betrachtersituation so gut wie nicht lesbar; einfaches LCD hätte es auch getan.
So far everything has worked out. Product was securely packaged (even without an additional Amazon box); was easy to set up; the data seems to be roughly correct (in use for three weeks). I miss the independent input/adjustment option for the air pressure. Display colors are sometimes distracting and almost impossible to read in bright surroundings or when the viewing situation changes; a simple LCD would have done the job just as well.
Leider ist es mit nicht gelungen, die Wetterstation ordnungsgemäß zu installieren. Auch auf Wunderground ist die waldbeck Wetterstation nicht zu finden. Hab mich deshalb dazu entschlossen, den Artikel zurückzusenden.
Unfortunately, I did not succeed in installing the weather station properly. The waldbeck weather station cannot be found on Wunderground either. So I decided to return the item.
Super value for money! Even the installation is easy. - If one doesnt follow the instruction in the manual, but uses the WS View instead of the suggested WS Tool app. The latter has been superseeded by WS View and doesnt work with the Waldbeck Weather station. Save your time
Super value for money! Even the installation is easy. - If one doesnt follow the instruction in the manual, but uses the WS View instead of the suggested WS Tool app. The latter has been superseeded by WS View and doesnt work with the Waldbeck Weather station. Save your time
Hat 15 Monate gut funktioniert. Jetzt ist der Aussentemperatursensor und der Luftfeuchtesensor ausgefallen! Schade!
Has worked fine for 15 months. Now the outside temperature sensor and the humidity sensor have failed! A pity!
No se pretende tener una estación super profesional, pero si tener unos datos fiables que además se puedan compartir a un precio asequible. Va muy bien y no hay que pagar el dineral de otra marca que además luego no merece lo que has pagado por ella. Estoy contento.
The aim is not to have a super professional station, but to have reliable data that can also be shared at an affordable price. It works very well and you don't have to pay a fortune for another brand that is not worth what you paid for it. I'm happy.
La stessa stazione che con altri marchi viene proposta a prezzi piu alti. Non intuitiva la configurazione per la trasmissione dati ai vari siti Wunderground, WS, MetOffice e ecowitt e neanche una riga di manuale. Viene consegnata con solo una parte del manualr (inglese e tedesco) relativa sl montaggio e nulla più. Fortunatamente altri marchi mettono il manuale completo in 4 lingue sul web (italiano compreso). È veramente una vergogna. Per il resto ottima ed economica
The same station that with other brands is offered at higher prices. The configuration for data transmission to the various Wunderground, WS, MetOffice and ecowitt sites is not intuitive and not even a line of manual. It is delivered with only a part of the manual (English and German) relating to assembly and nothing more. Fortunately other brands put the complete manual in 4 languages on the web (including Italian). It is truly a shame. For the rest excellent and cheap
Mi piace controllare l'intensità, la direzione e la forza del vento e delle raffiche...speravo anche di poterlo installare in testa d'albero della mia barca a vela, ma dà informazioni sulla direzione del vento con circa 15 secondi di ritardo...peccato, non si adatta. Per uso "domestico" è decisamente valido.
I like to check the intensity, direction and strength of the wind and gusts... I was also hoping to install it on the masthead of my sailboat, but it gives information on the wind direction with about 15 seconds of delay... too bad, it does not fit. For "domestic" use it is definitely valid.
Very good. Does what it should do.
Very good. Does what it should do.
P/L ungeschlagen. Kann mit diversen wetterdiensten benutzt werden wu app ist schlecht umgestzt, pro version hat von mir nicht gewolltes aboknebelmodell. 10-15€ für eine gute unabhängige app als Kaufversion einrechnen.dann top. Wlan Integration stellt mit etwas Basiswissen kein Problem dar. Windrichtungsanzeiger geht meiner Meinung nach zu schwer.
P/L undefeated. Can be used with various weather services Wu app is poorly implemented, each version has a subscription model that I did not want. Calculate 10-15€ for a good independent app as a purchase version. Then great. WLAN integration is not a problem with some basic knowledge. In my opinion, wind direction indicators are too difficult.
Batterien einlegen, WLan mit WS View App verbinden, läuft! Defekte WS (Windsensor hatte nach ca. 1 Jahr Aussetzer) wurde problemlos ersetzt.
Insert batteries, connect WiFi to WS View App, it works! Defective WS (wind sensor had misfires after about 1 year) was replaced without any problems.
Gute Verarbeitung. Etwas kompliziert zu installieren im Web. Aergerlich dass der Preis innerhalb von 6 Wochen um 15 Euro fuer das Gerät gefallen ist.
Good workmanship. A bit complicated to install on the web. Annoying that the price for the device fell by 15 euros within 6 weeks.
Macht Spass. Gute Verarbeitung. Etwas kompliziert zu installieren im Web. Aergerlich dass der Preis innerhalb von 6 Wochen um 15 Euro fuer das Gerät gefallen ist.
It's fun. Well made. A bit complicated to install on the web. It's annoying that the price of the device has dropped by 15 euros within 6 weeks.
Acquiestato per la casa in montagna, posizionato sul tetto. Consegnato il gg successivo in adeguato imballaggio, è di rapido e facile montaggio; il display a colori ha numeri ben visibili anche ad alcuni metri di distanza purchè si sia allineati allo schermo. Il montaggio a muro o con la sua base da tavolo sono ben congeniati. La ricezione dei dati a 2 piani di distanza è ottimale. Purtroppo nella confezione non sono fornite le istruzioni per la configurazione in rete wifi, tuttavia, con un pò di impegno e tempo sono riuscito a metterla online scaricando la app WS VIEW e WUNDERGROUND. Una volta configurato, la app funziona molto bene. Quindi, alla fine, 5 stelle perchè pur essendo un prodotto di bassa fascia di prezzo, funziona bene, perdonando la mancanza di istruzioni dettagliate per la messa online.
Purchased for the house in the mountains, positioned on the roof. Delivered the following day in adequate packaging, it is quick and easy to assemble; the color display has numbers clearly visible even from a few meters away as long as you are aligned with the screen. Wall mounting or with its table base are well designed. Data reception at 2 floors away is optimal. Unfortunately the package does not provide instructions for configuration in wifi network, however, with a little effort and time I managed to put it online by downloading the WS VIEW and WUNDERGROUND apps. Once configured, the app works very well. So, in the end, 5 stars because despite being a low-priced product, it works well, forgiving the lack of detailed instructions for putting it online.
La stazione meteo è ben confezionata, la struttura dei sensori sembra piuttosto leggera, il tempo dirà se è in grado di sopportare le condizioni meteo più gravose. Una volta programmato il display i dati disponibili sono numerosi ed esaustivi. La maggiore difficoltà è stata mettere online la stazione, comunque dopo un pò di ricerche su internet si trova la giusta documentazione , anche in italiano ed anche su facebook è possibile ricevere un buon aiuto. Molto utili i vari siti online nei quali vengono riportati tutti i grafici delle grandezze rilevate dalla stazione, ovviamente consultabili anche da remoto.
The weather station is well packaged, the structure of the sensors seems rather light, time will tell if it is able to withstand the most severe weather conditions. Once the display is programmed, the available data is numerous and exhaustive. The greatest difficulty was putting the station online, however after a bit of research on the internet you can find the right documentation, also in Italian and also on Facebook you can receive good help. The various online sites in which all the graphs of the quantities detected by the station are reported are very useful, obviously also consultable remotely.
Funzioni molto utili ma la struttura dello schermo non molto valida perché instabile.
Very useful functions but the screen structure is not very good because it is unstable.
Fácil de instalar. Un poco más complicado mandar datos a webs de previsiónmeteorológica, porque primero hay que darse de alta en la web, después instalar en el móbil una aplicación para poder enlazar wifi de casa con estación, para el envio automático de datos. He tenido que bajarme instrucciones completas en castellano de la casa Froggit (esta estación y la Huygens són clones).
Easy to install. A little more complicated to send data to weather forecasting websites, because you first have to register on the website, then install an application on your mobile phone to be able to link your home wifi with the station, for automatic data sending. I had to download complete instructions in Spanish from Froggit (this station and the Huygens are clones).
J'ai acheté cette station météo pour mon papa, pour noël. Ce qui n'est pas très appréciable par contre je tiens à le noter, la notice n'est pas en français. L'installation étant assez rigoureuse, ce serait préférable. Je pense quand même que des piles sont bien utiles, notamment s'il devait y avoir une coupure de courant, sinon la station perds les données. Facile de lecture. Pour ce qui est le l'application je ne suis pas convaincu, la connexion est assez compliquée et je ne la trouve pas d'une grande utilité. Je recommande tout de même.
I bought this weather station for my dad for Christmas. What is not very appreciable, however I want to note that the instructions are not in French. The installation is quite rigorous, it would be preferable. I still think that batteries are very useful, especially if there is a power cut, otherwise the station loses the data. Easy to read. As for the application, I am not convinced, the connection is quite complicated and I do not find it very useful. I still recommend it.
Comprada hace meses. Funciona correctamente y a través de la web permite información detallada a distancia. Cumple perfectamente su función. Fácil de montar e instalar
Bought months ago. It works correctly and allows detailed information to be provided remotely via the website. It does its job perfectly. Easy to assemble and install.
prodotto semplice e professionale
simple and professional product
è esattamente ciò che volevo, ora posso controllare il clima nella località dove ho la mia villa ed anche il circondario per farmi un'idea della situazione. Weathercloud è fantastico.
This is exactly what I wanted, now I can check the weather in my villa location and also the surrounding area to get an idea of the situation. Weathercloud is fantastic.
Lieferung OK, registrieren nur in Englisch- wer es kann kein Problem. Man benötigt eine ID um sich anzumelden - wie man diese bekommt??, darum nur 3 Sterne.
Delivery OK, register only in English - if you can, no problem. You need an ID to log in - how do you get it??, hence only 3 stars.
Mi sento di dare 5 stelle a questo prodotto. Arrivata in anticipo, perfettamente funzionante, molto intuitivo il montaggio, un po' meno il settaggio senza il manuale in Italiano. Quest'ultima è l'unica pecca insieme al fatto che non capisco come mai la rappresentazione del meteo (figure con nuvole, sole, pioggia) non seguono molto bene l'andamento.. Ovviamente una cosa irrisoria. Tutti gli altri sensori rispondono e corrispondono perfettamente. Abbastanza intuitivo anche l'inserimento in rete su Wueather Underground. È necessario però sapere un po' di inglese per orientarsi.
I feel like giving 5 stars to this product. Arrived early, perfectly working, very intuitive assembly, a little less the setting without the manual in Italian. This last one is the only flaw together with the fact that I don't understand why the representation of the weather (figures with clouds, sun, rain) do not follow the trend very well. Obviously a negligible thing. All the other sensors respond and correspond perfectly. The insertion into the network on Wueather Underground is also quite intuitive. However, it is necessary to know a little English to orient yourself.
Ottimo prodotto qualità prezzo perfetto equilibrio
Excellent product quality price perfect balance
Love this weather station but a pain in the to pair to My Wifi. I asked the seller for tech support but unfortunately I received a communication with apologies but no help. I followed the instructions precisely but it would not pair to wifi after searching for answers on the web I found none relating to this Weather station or app. I noticed this was identical to another by another brand and that led me to the solution I stumbled across in another forum. I have android 10 on my galaxy Note 10+ and found other users had the same issue with the WS VIEW APP it just would not connect. I eventually found a friend who had a Android 6.0.1 based phone installed the app on their phone and folloed instructions again and it Paired to Wifi immediately so there is obviously a incompatibility with some later versions. This meant it was weeks before I could set it up although once paired to Wifi using a different device all functionality on my Newer version of android worked. I hope this information will help other buyers as without a wifi connection you will be unable to link to online websites such as Wunderground.
Love this weather station but a pain in the to pair to My Wifi. I asked the seller for tech support but unfortunately I received a communication with apologies but no help. I followed the instructions precisely but it would not pair to wifi after searching for answers on the web I found none relating to this Weather station or app. I noticed this was identical to another by another brand and that led me to the solution I stumbled across in another forum. I have android 10 on my galaxy Note 10+ and found other users had the same issue with the WS VIEW APP it just would not connect. I eventually found a friend who had a Android 6.0.1 based phone installed the app on their phone and folloed instructions again and it Paired to Wifi immediately so there is obviously a incompatibility with some later versions. This meant it was weeks before I could set it up although once paired to Wifi using a different device all functionality on my Newer version of android worked. I hope this information will help other buyers as without a wifi connection you will be unable to link to online websites such as Wunderground.
Queda bien estéticamente, es fácil de instalar y conectar con internet ( yo utilicé la app VS View), debe estar conectado a la corriente eléctrica para conectarse a internet. Dado de alta en wunderground, weather cloud y ecowitt. Los datos son fiables. No le pongo un 5 porque el manual no viene en español y porque no tiene un mástil donde engancharlo.
It looks good aesthetically, it is easy to install and connect to the internet (I used the VS View app), it must be connected to the electrical current to connect to the internet. Registered in wunderground, weather cloud and ecowitt. The data is reliable. I do not give it a 5 because the manual is not in Spanish and because it does not have a mast to attach it to.
Producto fiable y con exactitud en los datos! Los materiales son de la calidad esperada para soportar las condiciones meteorologicas y a muy buen precio. Contento con la compra!
Reliable product with accurate data! The materials are of the expected quality to withstand the weather conditions and at a very good price. Happy with the purchase!
Bellissima e precisa. Per la messa in funzione tutto molto semplice. Un po di difficoltà per la messa in rete sui vari siti meteo. Bisogna masticare bene con il pc. Perfetta.
Beautiful and precise. For the start-up everything is very simple. A little difficulty for the networking on the various weather sites. You have to chew well with the PC. Perfect.
Stazione arrivata di Sabato e subito provata oggi con la prima giornata di maltempo. A fine evento la stazione riportava praticamente lo stesso accumulo di un pluviometro manuale. La pioggia viene conteggiata a scatti di 0.3mm/0.2mm in sequenza. La trasmissione dei dati del sensore esterno avviene ogni 16 secondi e le due batterie AA (consiglio l'utilizzo di pile al litio) entrano in funziona solo nel momento in cui il pannello solare non riesce più a generare tensione sufficiente al funzionamento. Consiglio di perdere tempo per essere sicuri di aver avvitato bene il pluviometro altrimenti si rischia di farlo volare via con una folata forte di vento. La configurazione è semplicissima, basta scaricare l'applicazione WS view, attivare il WiFi sulla base interna, essere collegati col cellulare alla stessa rete WiFi che si intende utilizzare anche per la stazione e procedere seguendo le istruzioni che compaiono a video. In un attimo si avrà la possibilità di registrarsi ai principali siti web specializzati e consultare ovunque nel mondo le condizioni meteo di casa propria in real time. Per me acquisto assolutamente valido, ci sarà da vedere quanto sarà efficace la schermatura del termoigrometro nelle giornate assolate.
Station arrived on Saturday and immediately tested today with the first day of bad weather. At the end of the event the station reported practically the same accumulation as a manual rain gauge. Rain is counted in increments of 0.3mm/0.2mm in sequence. The data transmission from the external sensor occurs every 16 seconds and the two AA batteries (I recommend using lithium batteries) only come into operation when the solar panel is no longer able to generate sufficient voltage for operation. I recommend taking the time to make sure you have screwed the rain gauge in properly otherwise you risk blowing it away with a strong gust of wind. The configuration is very simple, just download the WS view application, activate the WiFi on the internal base, be connected with your mobile phone to the same WiFi network that you also intend to use for the station and proceed by following the instructions that appear on the video. In an instant you will have the possibility of registering on the main specialized websites and consulting the weather conditions of your home in real time anywhere in the world. For me, an absolutely valid purchase, we will have to see how effective the thermo-hygrometer shielding will be on sunny days.
Relación calidad precio esta estación meteorológica está muy bien. La precisión tanto de la Tº como del pluvio y la humedad cuadra perfectamente con el Observatori de l'Ebre que tenemos ubicado muy cerca. Además la puedes connectar a WS View, Wunderground o Weathercloud. Si tienes una estación u observatorio de referencia y no te cuadra, te ofrece la posibilidad de calibrarla. La pantalla ofrece todo tipo de información y está connectada por corriente. Muy buena compra. Recomendable.
This weather station is very good value for money. The accuracy of both the temperature and the rainfall and humidity is perfectly in line with the Observatori de l'Ebre, which is located very close to us. You can also connect it to WS View, Wunderground or Weathercloud. If you have a reference station or observatory and it doesn't work for you, it offers you the possibility of calibrating it. The screen offers all kinds of information and is connected by power. A very good purchase. Recommended.
Bonne station chinoise importée en Europe par la société berlinoise Electronic-star Team. La station est livrée avec un Quick guide en anglais et en allemand extrêmement sommaire. Pour un réglage à partir de la console, il n'y a rien dans la documentation fournie, la pression atmosphérique et la vitesse du vent doivent être impérativement calibrées. J'ai retrouvé le guide complet PDF en français chez Frogitt pour la station WH3000SE, c'est la même plateforme hardware. La connexion WIFI n'est pas trop compliquée mais le fait de diffuser sur internet (Underground Weather, Ecowitt,...) des informations totalement fausses n'est pas une bonne idée...
Good Chinese station imported to Europe by the Berlin company Electronic-star Team. The station comes with a very basic Quick guide in English and German. For adjustment from the console, there is nothing in the documentation provided, the atmospheric pressure and wind speed must be calibrated. I found the complete PDF guide in French at Frogitt for the WH3000SE station, it is the same hardware platform. The WIFI connection is not too complicated but broadcasting totally false information on the internet (Underground Weather, Ecowitt, ...) is not a good idea ...
einfach Super. Die WS ist einfach zu montieren und brauchbar genau. Die kleine Basisstation hat es in sich: die Daten lassen sich zu den wichtigsten Wetterdiensten UND zu einem eigenem Server (im WU Format) senden. Kurzes linux Script geschrieben und fertig war die direkte Einbindung in mein Smarthome (ioBroker). Läuft wunderbar..... Kann ich für Bastelfreudige weiterempfehlen. Die iOS App ist leider nicht so toll - die Einrichtung hat echt Nerven gekostet - aber braucht man ja nur 1 mal....
just great. The WS is easy to assemble and reasonably accurate. The small base station has it all: the data can be sent to the most important weather services AND to its own server (in WU format). A short linux script was written and the direct integration into my smart home (ioBroker) was done. Runs wonderfully..... I can recommend it for those who enjoy handicrafts. Unfortunately, the iOS app is not that great - setting it up was really nerve-wracking - but you only need it once....
Entrega rápida. Se instala y se conecta a la wifi con facilidad. El producto es lo que parece
Fast delivery. Installs and connects to wifi easily. The product is what it seems
Bien emballé, double cartonnage et forme genre boite à œufs, la page du mode d'emploi comporte un petit QR code qui permet de télécharger une notice fort bien faite en Français, qui permet le paramétrage via une tablette ou un téléphone portable. Le seul point délicat, mais signalé c'est que le Wifi ne doit pas être en mode double fréquence mais uniquement en mode 2,4 Ghz, j'ai donc du modifier rapidement ma configuration Freebox Delta qui agrégeait 1x2,4 Ghz et 2x5 Ghz. Donc dès enregistrée sous weather undergound, j'ai pu avoir accès aux données dans ma domotique Jeedom, ce qui était le but recherché. Je donne un très bonne note également au panneau vraiment lisible et clair.
Well packaged, double cardboard and egg box shape, the user manual page has a small QR code that allows you to download a very well-made manual in French, which allows configuration via a tablet or mobile phone. The only tricky point, but reported, is that the Wifi must not be in dual frequency mode but only in 2.4 Ghz mode, so I had to quickly modify my Freebox Delta configuration which aggregated 1x2.4 Ghz and 2x5 Ghz. So as soon as it was registered under weather underground, I was able to access the data in my Jeedom home automation, which was the desired goal. I also give a very good rating to the really readable and clear panel.
El producto funciona como debería. Lo tengo en el techo, libre de cualquier obstáculo. Comunica bien con el wifi y la instalación estuvo relativamente fácil. Sospecho que los datos de lluvia no son muy precisos, pero si es así, puede que sea por mi culpa, ya que el tubo que he usado para el montaje es de aluminio y de unos 2 metros, así que tal como está en este momento, hay un poco de movimiento con viento fuerte. No tuve problemas en conectar con Ecowitt, y de allí a un iPad remoto, pero todavía no consigo conectarme con Weather Underground. Ahhh...y mas vale que entiendas o inglés o alemán, porque las instrucciones no vienen en castellano.
The product works as it should. I have it on the roof, free of any obstacles. It communicates well with the wifi and the installation was relatively easy. I suspect that the rainfall data is not very accurate, but if so, it may be my fault, since the tube I used for mounting is aluminum and about 2 meters long, so as it stands at the moment, there is a bit of movement in strong winds. I had no problems connecting to Ecowitt, and from there to a remote iPad, but I still can't connect to Weather Underground. Ahhh... and you better understand either English or German, because the instructions don't come in Spanish.
Die Wetterstation funktioniert sehr gut. Auch das Abrufen der Daten per Handy-App über das Internet funktioniert sehr gut. Lediglich der Windsensor zeigte bei den Sturmböen im Februar viel zu niedrige Werte. Die App könnte mehr Statistiken übermitteln. Z.B. Regenmenge im Februar. Durchschnittstemperatur im Juni usw. Ansonsten bin ich zufrieden.
The weather station works very well. Retrieving the data via the Internet using a mobile phone app also works very well. Only the wind sensor showed much too low values for the storm gusts in February. The app could report more statistics. For example amount of rain in February. Average temperature in June etc. Otherwise I am satisfied.
very precise, works really well with Weather cloud love the ALL IN ONE unit no wires very responsive on Wifi GREAT
very precise, works really well with Weather cloud love the ALL IN ONE unit no wires very responsive on Wifi GREAT
Perfecto, todas las variables perfectas, el Wi-Fi se conecta al enchufar la fuente de alimentación, los datos se pueden colgar a internet
Perfect, all variables perfect, Wi-Fi connects when plugging in the power supply, data can be uploaded to the internet
L'installation n'ai pas simple, pas de documentation en français. Les mesures sont ajustables, mais la mise en oeuvre n'a pas l'air facile (pas encore fait) La connexion internet est relativement simple, avec une visu sur son téléphone c'est sympathique. La luminosité a 3 réglages (fort, moyen, sans) c'est pratique. Sur le site du constructeur pas d'info... Reste à voir si dans le temps les mesures resteront fiables
The installation is not simple, no documentation in French. The measurements are adjustable, but the implementation does not seem easy (not done yet) The internet connection is relatively simple, with a display on your phone it's nice. The brightness has 3 settings (high, medium, off) it's practical. On the manufacturer's website no info... It remains to be seen if the measurements will remain reliable over time
Fantastica questa! Montata sopra al tetto, terzo piano! Segnale giù al piano terra eccellente! Buona la gestione da web, buona l’applicazione sul cellulare!
This is awesome! Mounted on the roof, third floor! Signal down on the ground floor excellent! Good web management, good mobile app!
Ottima stazione completa
Great complete station
Molto buono
Very good
Bonne station météo complète au niveau des capteurs. Semble de qualité correcte - mais seulement 1 mois de recul pour juger de la durabilité (plastiques, étanchéité des composants...). La mesure du vent est peut être sous estimée, mais mon implantation n'est pas optimale.... J'ai aussi l'impression que beaucoup de ces stations se ressemblent énormément au niveau du design et conception - vendues sous des noms de marques différentes (?) à des prix variables. Le principal intérêt pour mon usage réside dans la connectivité Internet et l'intégration assez simple pour qui maitrise l'anglais et l'informatique à diverses applis tel Weather Underground ou d'autres services disponibles mais non testés (WeatherCloud, custom...). Je suis satisfait de mon achat pour le moment
Good weather station complete in terms of sensors. Seems to be of correct quality - but only 1 month of hindsight to judge the durability (plastics, waterproofing of components...). The wind measurement may be underestimated, but my installation is not optimal.... I also have the impression that many of these stations are very similar in terms of design and conception - sold under different brand names (?) at varying prices. The main interest for my use lies in the Internet connectivity and the fairly simple integration for those who master English and computers with various apps such as Weather Underground or other services available but not tested (WeatherCloud, custom...). I am satisfied with my purchase for the moment
Ich habe die Station jetzt einige Wochen im Einsatz und sie funktioniert wirklich gut. Die App ist inzwischen auch gut brauchbar. Die Station ersetzt bei mir eine WS2600, deren Aussensensor defekt war. Ich finde die Halley deutlich besser, da man durch Wifi gegenüber Kabel deutlich flexibler bei der Aufstellung. Ebenso ist der Sonnensensor besser plaziert und der Feuchtigkeitssensor zeigt deutlich realistischere Werte an. Ich verarbeite die Daten erst mit der Software FHEM (raspi), bevor ich sie an Wunderground weiterreiche. Das ist einfach zu konfigurieren, da man in App mit der Custom Konfiguration einen Rechner eigener Wahl eintragen kann.
I've been using the station for a few weeks now and it works really well. The app is now very usable. The station replaces a WS2600 for me whose outdoor sensor was defective. I think the Halley is much better, because wifi makes installation much more flexible than cable. The sun sensor is also placed better and the humidity sensor shows much more realistic values. I first process the data with the FHEM (raspi) software before I pass it on to Wunderground. This is easy to configure, as you can enter a computer of your choice in the app with the custom configuration.
Great product, but let down by the instruction manual, which requires a more professional translation. This would assist the English speaking user to more easily install the product, get it operational and linked to WS view Wunderground.
Great product, but let down by the instruction manual, which requires a more professional translation. This would assist the English speaking user to more easily install the product, get it operational and linked to WS view Wunderground.
La qualità (anche sentendo altri pareri) mi è sembrata ottima, a differenza di quella di altri prodotti analoghi e di marche più prestigiose. Il tempo potrà confermare, o meno, l'impressione iniziale. Ho acquistato questo prodotto per fare un regalo.
The quality (even hearing other opinions) seemed excellent to me, unlike that of other similar products and more prestigious brands. Time will confirm, or not, the initial impression. I bought this product to give as a gift.
J'ai pu connecter cette station sur Ecowitt et WeatherUnderground sans aucun problème. Je peux donc consulter facilement l'historique de ma météo sur le web et en faire profiter d'autres personnes. Je l'ai aussi connectée à ma domotique. (la pluviométrie contrôle l'arrosage automatique) Là il faut quand même un peu de programmation, mais c'est normal. l'affichage est agréable. L'ayant achetée en promotion, le rapport qualité prix est imbattable ! A noter: un petit panneau solaire pour prolonger la durée de vie de la pile. Je la recommande fortement.
I was able to connect this station to Ecowitt and WeatherUnderground without any problem. So I can easily consult my weather history on the web and share it with other people. I also connected it to my home automation. (rainfall controls automatic watering) There you still need a little programming, but that's normal. The display is nice. Having bought it on sale, the value for money is unbeatable! Note: a small solar panel to extend the battery life. I highly recommend it.
ein gutes Gerät Das Gerät benötigt 2 AA-Batterien, und der Bildschirm benötigt 3 kleine Batterien, um sich dessen bewusst zu sein. Auf den ersten Blick wirkte das Gerät im Aufbau etwas überwältigend. Wenn Sie jedoch die grundlegenden Anweisungen befolgen, ist es eigentlich einfach, mit der Verwendung zu beginnen. Wetterstation hat nach ca. 15 Minuten seine Arbeit aufgenommen, als es die Temperatur usw. gemessen hat. Welches Gerät zeigt: Temperatur innen und außen, Regen, Wind, Licht und Zeit. Ich denke, es hat mehr Funktionen, aber ich bin noch nicht dort angekommen. Das Gerät sieht gut und stabil aus und denkt auch, dass es sich um ein elektronisches Gerät handelt, das im Freien aufgestellt wird und manchmal regnen kann. Nicht schwer zu montieren. Ich halte den ganzen Tag im Haus auf dem Bildschirm, nur wenige Dinge aus dem Außenbereich von Wetterstation. Funktioniert soweit gut, TOP!
a good device The device requires 2 AA batteries, and the screen requires 3 small batteries to be aware of. At first glance the device seemed a bit overwhelming in setup. However, if you follow the basic instructions, it is actually easy to start using. Weather station started working after about 15 minutes when it measured temperature etc. Which device shows: temperature inside and outside, rain, wind, light and time. I think it has more functions but I haven't got there yet. The device looks good and sturdy, also thinks it is an electronic device that is placed outside and may rain sometimes. Not difficult to assemble. I keep on screen all day inside the house, few things from outside of weather station. Works well so far, TOP!
Das Gerät benötigt 2 AA-Batterien, und der Bildschirm benötigt 3 kleine Batterien, um sich dessen bewusst zu sein. Auf den ersten Blick wirkte das Gerät im Aufbau etwas überwältigend. Wenn Sie jedoch die grundlegenden Anweisungen befolgen, ist es eigentlich einfach, mit der Verwendung zu beginnen. Wetterstation hat nach ca. 15 Minuten seine Arbeit aufgenommen, als es die Temperatur usw. gemessen hat. Welches Gerät zeigt: Temperatur innen und außen, Regen, Wind, Licht und Zeit. Ich denke, es hat mehr Funktionen, aber ich bin noch nicht dort angekommen. Das Gerät sieht gut und stabil aus und denkt auch, dass es sich um ein elektronisches Gerät handelt, das im Freien aufgestellt wird und manchmal regnen kann. Nicht schwer zu montieren. Ich halte den ganzen Tag im Haus auf dem Bildschirm, nur wenige Dinge aus dem Außenbereich von Wetterstation. Funktioniert soweit gut, TOP!
The device requires 2 AA batteries and the screen requires 3 small batteries to be aware of. At first glance, the device seemed a bit overwhelming in construction. However, if you follow the basic instructions, it's actually easy to start using. Weather station started working after about 15 minutes when it measured the temperature etc. Which device shows: temperature inside and outside, rain, wind, light and time. I think it has more features but I haven't gotten there yet. The device looks good and stable and also thinks that it is an electronic device that is placed outdoors and can rain at times. Not difficult to assemble. I keep on screen all day indoors, few things from outside weather station. Works well so far, TOP!
App Flop, Rest Top Aber das Verhältnis, eigentlich Uhr zu Außen-Wetter-Station ist real total anders. Die Uhr hat zwar noch eine angenehme Größe um alles gut lesen zu können, auch wenn man mal etwas weiter weg steht. Nur kleiner dürfte sie nicht sein. Aber beim Auspacken, hahaha, die Außen-Wetter-Station ist riesige :-D Somit sollte man bedenken, je nachdem wo sie montieren möchte, dass sie nicht gerade unauffällig ist. Bei uns ist sie „unsichtbar“ hinter dem Haus montiert. Somit spielt es keine Rolle wie groß, welche Farbe usw. Der Zusammenbau, sofern man von Bauen sprechen kann, ist denkbar einfach. Mehr als aufstecken, einstecken, drehen und Batterien rein, ist es nicht. Fertig. Sind die Batterien eingesetzt und die Uhr am Netz und im WLan, wir mussten nur das Wlan verbinden, hat die Basisstation alles selber eingestellt und sich mit der Wetter-Station verbunden. (sie läuft zwar auch mit Batterien aber die sind eigentlich nur als Notbatterien gedacht) Der eigentliche Verbindungsvorgang der lauten Anleitung beschrieben wird, war bei uns nicht nötig. Ich kann dazu somit nicht viel sagen. Aber die App, naja … Wenn jemand einen Tipp für eine alternative App hat, ich bin für jeden Vorschlag dankbar. :-D Und das Registrieren für diese Online-Geschichte mag evtl. nicht jeder. Ist aber trotzdem sehr interessant. Was die Werte angeht, soweit man die vergleichen kann, stimmen sie in etwa mit den Daten überein, die man online findet. Allerdings habe ich mich nicht nur auf einen Wetterdienst verlassen, sondern habe drei verglichen. Das passt also weitgehend. Ich denke, wenn man es noch genauer möchte, wird man deutlich mehr ausgeben müssen Aber ich muss gestehen, diese war schon etwas über meinem eigentlichen Limit. Wenn jetzt noch die App stimmt wäre die Station mehr als Perfekt.
App flop, rest great But the relationship between clock and outdoor weather station is actually completely different. The clock is a good size so that you can read everything easily, even if you're standing a bit further away. It just shouldn't be any smaller. But when you unpack it, hahaha, the outdoor weather station is huge :-D So you should bear in mind that, depending on where you want to mount it, it's not exactly inconspicuous. In our case, it's mounted "invisibly" behind the house. So it doesn't matter how big, what color, etc. Assembly, if you can call it building, is extremely simple. It's nothing more than clipping it on, plugging it in, turning it and putting in the batteries. Done. Once the batteries are in and the clock is connected to the mains and WiFi - we only had to connect the WiFi - the base station set everything up itself and connected to the weather station. (It also runs on batteries but they're really only intended as emergency batteries). The actual connection process as described in the instructions wasn't necessary for us. I can't say much about that. But the app, well... If anyone has a tip for an alternative app, I'm grateful for any suggestions. :-D And registering for this online thing might not be something everyone likes. But it's still very interesting. As far as the values go, as far as you can compare them, they more or less match the data you find online. However, I didn't just rely on one weather service, I compared three. So that's pretty much right. I think if you want it to be more precise, you'll have to spend a lot more. But I have to admit, this one was a bit over my actual limit. Now if the app was right, the station would be more than perfect.
Aber das Verhältnis, eigentlich Uhr zu Außen-Wetter-Station ist real total anders. Die Uhr hat zwar noch eine angenehme Größe um alles gut lesen zu können, auch wenn man mal etwas weiter weg steht. Nur kleiner dürfte sie nicht sein. Aber beim Auspacken, hahaha, die Außen-Wetter-Station ist riesige :-D Somit sollte man bedenken, je nachdem wo sie montieren möchte, dass sie nicht gerade unauffällig ist. Bei uns ist sie „unsichtbar“ hinter dem Haus montiert. Somit spielt es keine Rolle wie groß, welche Farbe usw. Der Zusammenbau, sofern man von Bauen sprechen kann, ist denkbar einfach. Mehr als aufstecken, einstecken, drehen und Batterien rein, ist es nicht. Fertig. Sind die Batterien eingesetzt und die Uhr am Netz und im WLan, wir mussten nur das Wlan verbinden, hat die Basisstation alles selber eingestellt und sich mit der Wetter-Station verbunden. (sie läuft zwar auch mit Batterien aber die sind eigentlich nur als Notbatterien gedacht) Der eigentliche Verbindungsvorgang der lauten Anleitung beschrieben wird, war bei uns nicht nötig. Ich kann dazu somit nicht viel sagen. Aber die App, naja … Wenn jemand einen Tipp für eine alternative App hat, ich bin für jeden Vorschlag dankbar. :-D Und das Registrieren für diese Online-Geschichte mag evtl. nicht jeder. Ist aber trotzdem sehr interessant. Was die Werte angeht, soweit man die vergleichen kann, stimmen sie in etwa mit den Daten überein, die man online findet. Allerdings habe ich mich nicht nur auf einen Wetterdienst verlassen, sondern habe drei verglichen. Das passt also weitgehend. Ich denke, wenn man es noch genauer möchte, wird man deutlich mehr ausgeben müssen Aber ich muss gestehen, diese war schon etwas über meinem eigentlichen Limit. Wenn jetzt noch die App stimmt wäre die Station mehr als Perfekt.
But the relationship between the actual clock and the outdoor weather station is totally different in reality. The watch is still a comfortable size to be able to read everything well, even if you are a little further away. It just shouldn't be smaller. But when you unpack it, hahaha, the outdoor weather station is huge :-D So, depending on where you want to mount it, you should consider that it is not exactly inconspicuous. With us it is "invisibly" mounted behind the house. So it doesn't matter how big, what color, etc. The assembly, if you can speak of building, is very easy. It's not more than plugging it in, turning it and inserting the batteries. Complete. Once the batteries are inserted and the clock is on the network and in the WiFi, we only had to connect the WiFi, the base station set everything itself and connected to the weather station. (It also runs on batteries, but they are actually only intended as emergency batteries) The actual connection process described in the loud instructions was not necessary for us. So I can't say much about that. But the app, well... If anyone has a tip for an alternative app, I'm grateful for every suggestion. :-D And not everyone may like registering for this online story. But it's still very interesting. As for the values, as far as one can compare them, they roughly agree with the data that can be found online. However, I didn't just rely on one weather service, I compared three. So that's largely correct. I think if you want to be even more precise, you will have to spend a lot more. But I have to admit that this was a bit over my actual limit. If the app is right now, the station would be more than perfect.
Diese Profi-Wetterstation deckt alle wesentlichen Werte über das Wetter ab. Per Funk werden diese Werte an das Farbdisplay geschickt und übersichtlich dargestellt und durch die aktuelle Mondphase ergänzt. Die Empfangsstation kann neben Netzteil auch mit Batterien betrieben werden. Auftretene Wetterphänomene können so genau mitverfolgt werden, während man drinnen im Warmen sitzt oder die Web-App nutzt von unterwegs aus. Das beigefügte Montageset, schafft gute Möglichkeiten es Zuhause zu montieren, sofern ein Stange zur Verfügung steht. Spannend ist auch seine Wetterdaten anderen Menschen in einem weltweiten Netzwerk zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir sind sehr zufreiden und sind nun besser vorbereitet bevor wir das Haus verlassen :)
This professional weather station covers all essential values about the weather. These values are sent wirelessly to the color display and are clearly displayed and supplemented by the current moon phase. In addition to the power supply, the receiving station can also be operated with batteries. Occurring weather phenomena can be followed closely while sitting indoors in the warmth or using the web app on the go. The included assembly set creates good opportunities to assemble it at home if a pole is available. It is also exciting to make your weather data available to other people in a worldwide network. We are very satisfied and are now better prepared before we leave the house :)
Exakte Wetterdaten für Zuhause Diese Profi-Wetterstation deckt alle wesentlichen Werte über das Wetter ab. Per Funk werden diese Werte an das Farbdisplay geschickt und übersichtlich dargestellt und durch die aktuelle Mondphase ergänzt. Die Empfangsstation kann neben Netzteil auch mit Batterien betrieben werden. Auftretene Wetterphänomene können so genau mitverfolgt werden, während man drinnen im Warmen sitzt oder die Web-App nutzt von unterwegs aus. Das beigefügte Montageset, schafft gute Möglichkeiten es Zuhause zu montieren, sofern ein Stange zur Verfügung steht. Spannend ist auch seine Wetterdaten anderen Menschen in einem weltweiten Netzwerk zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir sind sehr zufreiden und sind nun besser vorbereitet bevor wir das Haus verlassen :)
Exact weather data for your home This professional weather station covers all the essential weather data. These values are sent wirelessly to the color display and are clearly displayed, supplemented by the current moon phase. The receiving station can be operated with batteries as well as a power supply. Weather phenomena can be followed precisely while you are sitting indoors in the warmth or using the web app while you are on the go. The included mounting kit makes it easy to mount it at home, provided you have a pole available. It is also exciting to make your weather data available to other people in a worldwide network. We are very satisfied and are now better prepared before we leave the house :)
Mein digitaler Wetterfrosch Nichts war in diesem Sommer mit mehr Fehlern behaftet, als der Wetterbericht meiner Wetter App. Also hab ich mich für meinen eigenen Wetterbericht entschieden und die Waldbeck Huygens - 6-in-1 Profi-Wetterstation gekauft. Anlieferung und Abwicklung waren tadellos. Da ich mich bereits vorher belesen hatte, welches Material zur Aufstellung ich benötige, war eine entsprechende Metallstange (DM=60mm) bereits bei Anlieferung, in meinem Garten von mir montiert worden. Das Indoor Panel steht in Sichtweise zu der Wetterstation im Schlafzimmer. Der Zusammenbau war Kinderleicht. Die Wetterstation besteht aus mehreren Teilen. Der Windfahne, dem Geschwindigkeitssensor, dem Lichtsensor, dem Hygromesser, dem Regenmesser, der Wasserwaage und der Solarzelle.Diese Teile befinden sich alle an der Wetterstation die auf eine Metallstange im Außenbereich montiert werden muss, was auch problemlos machbar war. Montagematerial (außer die Stange) liegt bei. Die Station wird zur Stromversorgung mit 2 AA Batterien bestückt, die laut Hersteller mindestens 1 Jahr halten sollen. Lediglich die Einbindung in mein WLAN hat mittels APP unter Android Probleme bereitet. Mit der IOS APP auf meinen IPAD ging es auf Anhieb und problemlos. Es stehen verschiedenen Wetterdienste zu Auswahl zu denen man die Daten übertragen kann. Ich habe mich für entschieden. Das Anlegen des kostenlosen Accounts war schnell erledigt und funktionierte tadellos. Jetzt sehe ich jeden morgen wenn ich wach werde die genauen Wetter infos wie Außentemperatur, Luftdruck, evtl. Niederschlagsmenge und mehr. Ich finde die Station klasse!
My digital weatherman Nothing was more error-prone this summer than the weather report on my weather app. So I decided to get my own weather report and bought the Waldbeck Huygens - 6-in-1 professional weather station. Delivery and processing were flawless. As I had already read up on what material I would need to set it up, I had already mounted a suitable metal rod (DM = 60mm) in my garden upon delivery. The indoor panel is in view of the weather station in the bedroom. Assembly was child's play. The weather station consists of several parts. The wind vane, the speed sensor, the light sensor, the hygrometer, the rain gauge, the spirit level and the solar cell. These parts are all on the weather station, which has to be mounted on a metal rod outside, which was also easy to do. Mounting materials (except the rod) are included. The station is powered by 2 AA batteries, which according to the manufacturer should last for at least 1 year. Only the integration into my WiFi caused problems using the Android app. With the IOS app on my iPad it worked straight away and without any problems. There are various weather services to choose from to which you can transfer the data. I chose Setting up the free account was quick and worked perfectly. Now every morning when I wake up I see the exact weather information such as outside temperature, air pressure, possible rainfall and more. I think the station is great!
Es gibt wieder etwas Neues in unserem Haus, die Waldbeck Huygens - 6-in-1 Profi-Wetterstation. Nicht ganz billig aber eine professionelle Wetterstation. Die Anlage besteht aus mehreren Teilen, die u.a. einer batteriebetriebenen Outdoor-Wetterstation und das stationäre Indoor-Ablesegerät. Alle Werte Temperatur, Luftdruck, Niederschlag, Wind, UV-Strahlung und Licht werden auf die Basisstation gesendet und können dort auf dem farbigen Display abgelesen werden. Da wir ja nun direkt am Wald wohnen und auf Auto oder Transporter angewiesen sind, ist so eine Wetterstation nicht schlecht, gerade im Winter wenn ich früh um 5 Uhr schon auf der Straße sein muss. Schnee, Glatteis, Temperatur, ich hab im letzten Winter schon einiges erlebt. Die Wetterstation lässt sich via WLAN mit z.B. mit Weather Underground und Weather Cloud verbinden, man muss dort jedoch registrieren und eine App aufs Handy laden, kann dann aber seine aktuellen Wetterdaten via Handy abrufen. Noch ist unsere Wetterstation nicht vollständig aufgebaut aber mein Mann ist jetzt schon begeistert von all den Möglichkeiten die diese Station bietet.
There is something new in our house again, the Waldbeck Huygens - 6-in-1 professional weather station. Not cheap but a professional weather station. The system consists of several parts, including a battery-powered outdoor weather station and the stationary indoor reading device. All values for temperature, air pressure, precipitation, wind, UV radiation and light are sent to the base station and can be read there on the colored display. Since we now live right next to the forest and are dependent on a car or van, such a weather station is not bad, especially in winter when I have to be on the road at 5 a.m. Snow, black ice, temperature, I experienced a lot last winter. The weather station can be connected via WLAN with, for example, Weather Underground and Weather Cloud, but you have to register there and load an app onto your cell phone, but you can then call up the current weather data via cell phone. Our weather station has not yet been fully set up, but my husband is already enthusiastic about all the possibilities this station offers.
Nichts war in diesem Sommer mit mehr Fehlern behaftet, als der Wetterbericht meiner Wetter App. Also hab ich mich für meinen eigenen Wetterbericht entschieden und die Waldbeck Huygens - 6-in-1 Profi-Wetterstation gekauft. Anlieferung und Abwicklung waren tadellos. Da ich mich bereits vorher belesen hatte, welches Material zur Aufstellung ich benötige, war eine entsprechende Metallstange (DM=60mm) bereits bei Anlieferung, in meinem Garten von mir montiert worden. Das Indoor Panel steht in Sichtweise zu der Wetterstation im Schlafzimmer. Der Zusammenbau war Kinderleicht. Die Wetterstation besteht aus mehreren Teilen. Der Windfahne, dem Geschwindigkeitssensor, dem Lichtsensor, dem Hygromesser, dem Regenmesser, der Wasserwaage und der Solarzelle.Diese Teile befinden sich alle an der Wetterstation die auf eine Metallstange im Außenbereich montiert werden muss, was auch problemlos machbar war. Montagematerial (außer die Stange) liegt bei. Die Station wird zur Stromversorgung mit 2 AA Batterien bestückt, die laut Hersteller mindestens 1 Jahr halten sollen. Lediglich die Einbindung in mein WLAN hat mittels APP unter Android Probleme bereitet. Mit der IOS APP auf meinen IPAD ging es auf Anhieb und problemlos. Es stehen verschiedenen Wetterdienste zu Auswahl zu denen man die Daten übertragen kann. Ich habe mich für entschieden. Das Anlegen des kostenlosen Accounts war schnell erledigt und funktionierte tadellos. Jetzt sehe ich jeden morgen wenn ich wach werde die genauen Wetter infos wie Außentemperatur, Luftdruck, evtl. Niederschlagsmenge und mehr. Ich finde die Station klasse!
Nothing was more buggy this summer than the weather report from my weather app. So I decided to do my own weather report and bought the Waldbeck Huygens - 6-in-1 professional weather station. Delivery and handling were impeccable. Since I had already read up on what material I needed for the installation, I had installed a corresponding metal rod (DM=60mm) in my garden upon delivery. The indoor panel faces the weather station in the bedroom. The assembly was child's play. The weather station consists of several parts. The wind vane, the speed sensor, the light sensor, the hygro meter, the rain gauge, the spirit level and the solar cell. These parts are all on the weather station, which has to be mounted on a metal pole outside, which was easily achievable. Mounting material (apart from the rod) is included. The station is equipped with 2 AA batteries for power supply, which according to the manufacturer should last at least 1 year. Only the integration into my WLAN caused problems using an APP under Android. With the IOS APP on my IPAD it went straight away and without any problems. There are various weather services to choose from to which the data can be transferred. I chose The creation of the free account was done quickly and worked perfectly. Now every morning when I wake up I see the exact weather information such as outside temperature, air pressure, any amount of precipitation and more. I think the station is great!
wir werden Wetterfrosch Es gibt wieder etwas Neues in unserem Haus, die Waldbeck Huygens - 6-in-1 Profi-Wetterstation. Nicht ganz billig aber eine professionelle Wetterstation. Die Anlage besteht aus mehreren Teilen, die u.a. einer batteriebetriebenen Outdoor-Wetterstation und das stationäre Indoor-Ablesegerät. Alle Werte Temperatur, Luftdruck, Niederschlag, Wind, UV-Strahlung und Licht werden auf die Basisstation gesendet und können dort auf dem farbigen Display abgelesen werden. Da wir ja nun direkt am Wald wohnen und auf Auto oder Transporter angewiesen sind, ist so eine Wetterstation nicht schlecht, gerade im Winter wenn ich früh um 5 Uhr schon auf der Straße sein muss. Schnee, Glatteis, Temperatur, ich hab im letzten Winter schon einiges erlebt. Die Wetterstation lässt sich via WLAN mit z.B. mit Weather Underground und Weather Cloud verbinden, man muss dort jedoch registrieren und eine App aufs Handy laden, kann dann aber seine aktuellen Wetterdaten via Handy abrufen. Noch ist unsere Wetterstation nicht vollständig aufgebaut aber mein Mann ist jetzt schon begeistert von all den Möglichkeiten die diese Station bietet.
we are becoming weather forecasters There is something new in our house again, the Waldbeck Huygens - 6-in-1 professional weather station. Not exactly cheap but a professional weather station. The system consists of several parts, including a battery-operated outdoor weather station and the stationary indoor reading device. All values temperature, air pressure, precipitation, wind, UV radiation and light are sent to the base station and can be read there on the color display. Since we now live right by the forest and are dependent on a car or van, a weather station like this is not a bad thing, especially in winter when I have to be on the road at 5 a.m. Snow, black ice, temperature, I experienced a lot last winter. The weather station can be connected via WLAN to Weather Underground and Weather Cloud, for example, but you have to register there and download an app onto your cell phone, but you can then call up your current weather data via your cell phone. Our weather station is not yet fully set up but my husband is already excited about all the possibilities this station offers.
La he instalado hace 1 mes y estoy muy contento con ella. Es muy fácil de instalar (salvando las dificultades de acceder al tejado de mi vivienda), las mediciones son muy fiables, incluida la lluvia que he tenido la oportunidad de comprobar. Tuve algún problema para sincronizar la APP, pero más por mi falta destreza que por su propia complicación. Finalmente la he conectado a Wheather Underground y a PWS Monitor y va de maravilla. Por poner un pero: las instrucciones vienen únicamente en alemán e inglés y, aunque me manejo, siempre es de agradecer que vengan en castellano. También me resultó un poco lioso calibrar la presión relativa, pero al final lo pude conseguir. En resumen: totalmente recomendable
I installed it 1 month ago and I am very happy with it. It is very easy to install (except for the difficulties of accessing the roof of my house), the measurements are very reliable, including the rainfall that I have had the opportunity to check. I had some problems synchronizing the APP, but more due to my lack of skill than due to its own complexity. Finally I have connected it to Wheather Underground and PWS Monitor and it works wonderfully. To put a but: the instructions come only in German and English and, although I am comfortable, it is always appreciated that they come in Spanish. It was also a bit confusing to calibrate the relative pressure, but in the end I was able to do it. In short: totally recommendable.
Pongo 4 estrellas porque no lleva poste para sujetarlo, por lo demás muy contento con la compra
I give it 4 stars because it doesn't have a post to hold it, otherwise I'm very happy with the purchase
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. La stazione sembra precisa ho avuto qualche problema con l'app dopo qualche aggiornamento funziona bene
Unable to load media. Station seems accurate I had some problem with app after some update it works fine
Einziger Kritikpunkt: es wäre besser wenn Windrad und -pfeil unter dem Gehäuse hängen würde, so passiert es dass Schnee das Drehen dieser Sensoren verhindert. Ein Tipp für die Montage: ich habe eine alte Alu-Stange einer (Leifheit) Wäschespinne gehabt, der Durchmesser passt perfekt für den Waldbeck Halley Profi-Wetterstation 6-in-1!
The only point of criticism: it would be better if the wind wheel and arrow were hanging under the housing, so it happens that snow prevents these sensors from turning. A tip for assembly: I had an old aluminum pole from a (Leifheit) rotary clothes dryer, the diameter fits perfectly for the Waldbeck Halley professional weather station 6-in-1!
En 15 minutos la tenía lista y conectada a Weathercloud y a WeatherUnderground. La presión relativa la calibré usando el QNH del aeropuerto más cercano a mi domicilio, en micaso el de Sabadell.
In 15 minutes I had it ready and connected to Weathercloud and WeatherUnderground. I calibrated the relative pressure using the QNH of the airport closest to my home, in my case Sabadell.
Non mi piacciono i tre sensori "monoblocco" per il resto per adesso ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo! Pubblicata su due siti wunderground e wearher cloud! Mi piace di più wunderground! Grafici al top! E aggiornamento ogni 16 secondi
I don't like the three "monoblock" sensors for the rest for now excellent value for money! Published on two sites wunderground and wearher cloud! I like wunderground more! Top graphics! And update every 16 seconds
Der Preis für die Wetterstation (ich habe die Version ohne das externe Display gekauft) ist unschlagbar. Der Aufbau gelingt dank der mehrsprachigen Anleitung sehr leicht, man muss sich dann nur bei einigen Diensten anmelden - und schon kann man von überall darauf zugreifen. Oder auch mit den Nachbarn teilen. Morgens den Schirm oder nicht? Mal eben über die App abrufen, ob es regnet. Doch den Pullover oder Hemd? Mal eben über die App die Temperatur und Prognose abrufen. Perfekt. Hinzu kommt dann auch noch die Windwarnung. Befestigt habe ich die Station übrigens an einer Metallstange im Garten.
The price for the weather station (I bought the version without the external display) is unbeatable. The structure is very easy thanks to the multilingual instructions, you only have to register with a few services - and you can access them from anywhere. Or share with the neighbors. The umbrella in the morning or not? Just use the app to find out whether it's raining. But the sweater or shirt? Just call up the temperature and forecast via the app. Perfect. Then there is the wind warning. Incidentally, I attached the station to a metal pole in the garden.
Para un motero es importante saber que tiempo va hacer antes de salir de casa y decidí comprar una estación meteorológica para tener la predicción del tiempo de primera mano. Realmente no esperaba que fuese tan profesional, tiene de todo, hasta medición de agua caída, dirección del viento, km/h del viento, luz solar... creo que mide todo lo que se puede medir. Viene con una pantalla lcd en cual identificas perfectamente todo lo que mide la estación, pero lo mejor es la app del móvil, que te proporciona datos meteorólogos allí donde estés y esos datos los puedes compartir con otras personas que usen el mismo programa de código libre , me pareció una función genial.
For a biker it is important to know what the weather is going to be like before leaving home and I decided to buy a weather station to have a first hand weather forecast. I really didn't expect it to be so professional, it has everything, even rainfall measurements, wind direction, km/h of wind, sunlight... I think it measures everything that can be measured. It comes with an LCD screen where you can perfectly identify everything that the station measures, but the best thing is the mobile app, which provides you with meteorological data wherever you are and you can share that data with other people who use the same open source program, I thought it was a great feature.
Comprata come regalo di natale per un familiare appassionato di questo genere di cose, dotata di un pannellino solare alla sommità si collega col wi-fi al suo monitor a colori ove indica tutte le misurazioni dal vento,direzione e velocità, umidità precipitazioni e previsioni. veramente un gadget carino da piazzare sul tetto di casa, leggerissimo in quanto costruito interamente in plastica si può fissare a un palo tramite le apposite staffe a U in dotazione, è molto intuitiva e viene consigliata anche un'app ove possiamo controllare i parametri e le misurazioni del giorno anche a distanza, completa di tutto arriva in una scatola un pò abbondante ma molto ben protetta.
Bought as a Christmas present for a family member who is passionate about this kind of thing, equipped with a small solar panel at the top, it connects via wi-fi to its color monitor where it indicates all the measurements from the wind, direction and speed, humidity, rainfall and forecasts. It is truly a nice gadget to place on the roof of the house, very light as it is built entirely of plastic, it can be fixed to a pole using the special U-brackets supplied, it is very intuitive and an app is also recommended where we can check the parameters and measurements of the day even remotely, complete with everything, it arrives in a somewhat large but very well protected box.
vino en un embalaje muy seguro anti golpes viene con los anclajes para colocarlo en una barra viene parcial mente desarmado pero se puede armar sin nesecidad del manual viene un manual muy bien explicado en varios idiomas y un panel de control el panel es algo mas complicado al principo por la cantidad de funciones pero uno se ace con el muy rapido tiene un monton de funciones como control de humedad , velocidad del viento , lluvia etc viene con un calendario lunar para hacer distintos controles y poder crusarlos instalacion facil controles facil no al principio y muy fiable
It came in a very safe, shockproof packaging. It comes with the anchors to place it on a bar. It comes partially disassembled but can be assembled without the need for the manual. It comes with a very well explained manual in several languages and a control panel. The panel is a bit more complicated at first due to the number of functions, but you get the hang of it very quickly. It has a lot of functions such as humidity control, wind speed, rain, etc. It comes with a lunar calendar to make different controls and be able to cross-check them. Easy installation, easy controls, not at first and very reliable.
La pantalla muestra información de los sensores exteriores junto con la temperatura y la humedad interior. El display es del tamaño de una cuartilla(medio folio), tiene bastante toda la informacion siempre visible y tiene varios niveles de iluminacion. Los sensores exteriores (anemometro y veleta) se montan facilmente con un par de tornillos y toda la estructura tiene un agarre en la parte inferior para sujetarlo a un palo/soporte. Me pareció más pequeño y manejable que en las fotos. Hay dos aplicaciones para el movil, WeatherUnderground y WSView donde se vuelcan los datos de la estacion meteorologica por WIFI(fué facil de conectar). Ambas estan suficientemente bien para ver las condiciones actuales y de los últimos días, pero quizá me gustaría que los datos pasados fueran un poco más accesibles. Espero que con el tiempo lo vayan mejorando.
The screen displays information from the outside sensors along with the temperature and humidity inside. The display is the size of a sheet of paper, has a lot of the information always visible and has several levels of illumination. The outside sensors (anemometer and wind vane) are easily mounted with a couple of screws and the whole structure has a grip at the bottom to attach it to a pole/support. I found it smaller and more manageable than in the photos. There are two applications for the mobile phone, WeatherUnderground and WSView, where the data from the weather station is uploaded via WIFI (it was easy to connect). Both are good enough to see the current conditions and those of the last few days, but I would perhaps like the past data to be a little more accessible. I hope that over time they will improve it.
Esta estación meteorológica es una maravilla. De fácil instalación, yo la he colocado en el balcón de mi piso con los anclajes que vienen incluidos aunque también se podría poner en tejados con un anclaje de antena. Viene con veleta, anemómetro, pluviómetro y un sensor para la luz, presión atmosférica y temperatura. El control es un poco complicado de entender al principio porque parece de avión jeje pero toqueteando ya lo entiendo. Tiene registros diarios, semanales y mensuales, puedes ver desde dentro hasta la dirección del viento y también te dice la temperatura y humedad de dentro. Y muchas más funciones. El envío y embalaje perfecto.
This weather station is amazing. Easy to install, I have placed it on the balcony of my flat with the anchors that are included although it could also be placed on roofs with an antenna anchor. It comes with a weather vane, anemometer, rain gauge and a sensor for light, atmospheric pressure and temperature. The control is a bit complicated to understand at first because it looks like an airplane hehe but after playing around I understand it. It has daily, weekly and monthly records, you can see from inside to the direction of the wind and it also tells you the temperature and humidity inside. And many more functions. The shipping and packaging are perfect.