Convex mirror

Convex mirror
- mirror
- Black
Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty30,99 € -
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty35,99 €
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Universally applicable: the high-quality convex mirror is suitable for unclear street corners, for the courtyard entrance, for your garage, shops or for your workshop
Particularly weather-resistant: owing to strong acrylic glass, the convex parabolic mirror is weatherproof against frost, heat, strong wind and direct sunlight
Absolutely unbreakable: the robust mirror surface with a curvature of 130° remains stable even in the event of hard knocks and impacts
Product description
The oneConcept convex mirror is ideal for use on private or commercial premises and guarantees more safety & overview in dangerous blind spots!
Especially outdoors, the mirror is a real stroke of luck: as a garage mirror, parking aid in car parks, exit mirror at the driveway to your property or as a street mirror at busy intersections. In any case, the weatherproof observation mirror helps you to avert danger and avoid an accident when blind spots are lurking. Additionally, the mirror is perfect for indoor use, for example in shops as a checkout mirror or as a surveillance mirror near the shopping shelves to prevent theft. The panoramic mirror also gives you the necessary overview in the workshop or production hall, serves as an inspection mirror for checking machines and also contributes to safety in the working environment as a safety mirror. The convex mirror is reliable in all weather conditions, because frost, hail, strong wind or even direct sunlight cannot harm it, owing to the high-quality PC material. Due to the ingenious bracket and the hinge technology on the back, the mirror with a 130° curvature and the 30 cm diameter is individually adjustable for every angle and perspective. Easy and quick installation is also guaranteed owing to the supplied mounting material on the rod and wall.
- Material: acrylic glass and polycarbonate
- 130° curvature
- Weatherproof
- Shockproof
- Flexibly adjustable
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: approx. 30 x 7.5 cm (ØxD)
- Weight: approx. 750 g
What will be delivered?
- 1 x convex mirror
- 1 x hinge
- 1 x mounting material
- Assembly instructions
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
für Garageneinfahrt
for garage entrance
Produit top
Top product
Fait le job pour lequel il est prévu
Does the job it is intended for
Hilfreich bei der Ausfahrt aus dem Grundstück
Helpful when leaving the property
Hacen su función y son bastante grandecitos
They do their job and are quite big.
Posé depuis 3 ans, toujours bon, pas de trace de corrosion malgré un temps bien pluvieux. Miroir et support toujours impeccables.
Installed for 3 years, still good, no trace of corrosion despite very rainy weather. Mirror and support still impeccable.
esta situado enfrente de la salida de nuestro aparcamiento, a la intemperie, muy buen material, ya que esta a la lluvia y al sol, lleva varios meses y no se aprecia deterioro. Resulta muy practico para ver los angulos muertos a la salida del portal.
It is located in front of the exit of our parking lot, outdoors, very good material, since it is exposed to rain and sun, it has been there for several months and there is no visible deterioration. It is very practical to see the blind spots at the exit of the portal.
Lo uso para aparcar sin tocar la puerta del garaje, y lo miro desde 5 mt por lo menos, esta a la intemperie y como si nada, estupendo, si algún día se.rompe, volveré a comprar el.mismo.
I use it to park without touching the garage door, and I can see it from at least 5 meters away. It's outdoors and works like nothing, great. If one day it breaks, I'll buy the same one again.
Con il suo montaggio posso uscire piu' tranquillamente dal garage. Perfetto anche dopo esposizione per mesi a sole pieno.
With its assembly I can exit the garage more calmly. Perfect even after months of exposure to full sun.
Super Super
Super Super
Pour éclairer mon appartement sans user de courant.
To light up my apartment without using electricity.
Va bene. Ero indeciso se questo o un altro più piccolo; tornando indietro forse lo prenderei addirittura più grande; se si fa caso quelli nella pubblica viabilità son grandi 3 volte. Io lo uso per avvicinarmi ad un muro con la macchina e lo trovo molto utile.
Okay. I was undecided whether to get this one or a smaller one; going back I might even get a bigger one; if you notice the ones on public roads are 3 times bigger. I use it to get close to a wall with the car and I find it very useful.
Ottimo specchio , montato in garage per uso privato , funziona benissimo e si vede molto bene
Excellent mirror, mounted in the garage for private use, works very well and can be seen very well
Calidad precio acorde, fácil instalación y muy buena funcionalidad.
Quality price match, easy installation and very good functionality.
Por 27€ muy bien. Creia que se veria menos al ser mas pequeño que lo habitual. Pesa poco lo cual cuesta poco montar. Hay que ajustar los tornillos antes de colgarlo.
For 27€ it's very good. I thought it would be less noticeable as it is smaller than usual. It's light weight which makes it easy to assemble. You have to tighten the screws before hanging it.
Verkehrsspiegel Verarbeitung ist gut ansonsten keine Erfahrung.
Traffic mirror workmanship is good otherwise no experience.
Ho acquistato questo specchio per il mio garage, un po’ stretto, in modo da avere più visibilità durante le manovre. L’assemblaggio è molto semplice e intuitivo e il prodotto è di buona qualità. Il diametro è di 30 cm ed è risultato consono alle mie esigenze.
I bought this mirror for my garage, a little narrow, so I could have more visibility when maneuvering. The assembly is very simple and intuitive and the product is of good quality. The diameter is 30 cm and it was suitable for my needs.
ggggggggggg nicht schlecht
ggggggggggg not bad
Se ve muy bien, es un buen espejo
It looks great, it's a good mirror.
Guter Spiegel Habe den Spiegel an meiner Hof Ausfahrt angebaut ist wirklich gut.
Good mirror. I installed the mirror at my yard exit and it's really good.
Man kann alles sehen Für unsere Garage, perfekt man kannalles sehen.
You can see everything For our garage, perfect, you can see everything.
Gli specchi sono ottimi all'interno del box, ne ho comprato 2 così vedo bene i due lati della basculante e i lati dell'auto. Ho dato 4 stelle perché mancano viti e bulloni di fissaggio dello specchio a scafali ma vi sono solo tasselli da muro.
The mirrors are excellent inside the box, I bought 2 so I can see both sides of the garage door and the sides of the car well. I gave 4 stars because the screws and bolts for fixing the mirror to the shelves are missing but there are only wall plugs.
Lo gasto para la cochera que entro de frente y lo veo todo ha gustado tant que voy a comprar otro
I use it for the garage, which I enter from the front and see everything perfectly. I liked it so much that I'm going to buy another one.
Einfach und doch Wertvoll Hab ein neues Auto gekauft und meine Garage ist recht voll... Klar Motorrad Motorradhebebühne etc. Also hatte ich ein wenig Angst da die größeren Ausmaße meines KFZ durchaus der Schrammenbildung auf der Beifahrerseite befürworten könnte. Also diesen Spiegel gekauft. Gebohrt....und mei Garage ist die Hölle zum Bohren. 4 Metallspreizdübelschrauben oder wie die Dinger heissen, wurden mitgeliefert. 2 davon hab ich installiert...wie gesagt meine Garaganwand zum Bohren ist die Hölle. Rangeschraubt. Ins Auto gesetzt - Frau den Spiegel ausrichten lassen....und jetzt gefahrlos in meine Garage einfahren können mit einem guten Gefühl nicht wie vorher... Achja Folie noch abziehen vom Spiegel und gut ist. Für meine garage reichen die 30cm Durchmesser aus, allerdings würde ich das nächste Mal größer bestellen.... also für Hofeinfahrten oder sonstiges sollte man die Größe genau überdenken. Ich bin zufrieden und kann es nur weiterempfehlen.
Simple yet valuable I've bought a new car and my garage is quite full... of course motorbikes, motorbike lifts, etc. So I was a little worried because the larger dimensions of my vehicle could definitely lead to scratches on the passenger side. So I bought this mirror. Drilled... and my garage is hell for drilling. 4 metal expansion screws or whatever they're called were included. I installed 2 of them... as I said, drilling into my garage wall is hell. Screwed it on. Put it in the car - let my wife adjust the mirror... and now I can drive into my garage safely and with a good feeling, not like before... Oh yeah, just peel the film off the mirror and that's it. The 30cm diameter is enough for my garage, but I would order a larger one next time... so you should think carefully about the size for yard entrances or other things. I'm happy with it and can only recommend it.
Macht was es soll Guter Panoramablick in der Garage, damit ich knapp zur Wand fahren kann. Auch für seitliche Montage geeignet wie am Bild sichtbar.
Does what it's supposed to. Good panoramic view in the garage so I can drive close to the wall. Also suitable for side mounting as shown in the picture.
Comodo, leggero,tutto in plastica,non troppo ingombrante,fa il suo lavoro,usato in garage per entrare più comodamente con l'auto
Comfortable, light, all plastic, not too bulky, does its job, used in the garage to enter more comfortably with the car
Sembra ben fatto. Vedremo col tempo e sotto le intemperie se resiste. Per ora si vede molto bene
It seems well made. We'll see over time and under the elements if it holds up. For now it looks very good
Ideal pour sortir avec moins de risque, pas encombrant et pose aisée. Attention au perçage pour les chevilles de ne pas percer trop profond ou le boulon est difficile a attraper
Ideal for going out with less risk, not bulky and easy to install. Be careful when drilling for the dowels not to drill too deep or the bolt is difficult to catch
Parait très bien, à voir dans le temps
Looks very good, we'll see over time
Easy to install and works well in a small space,
Easy to install and works well in a small space,
Super schnell und ohne Mängel Alles gut
Super fast and without defects Everything good
Servizio impeccabile e qualità ottima dello specchio. Lo consiglio vivamente !
Impeccable service and excellent quality of the mirror. I highly recommend it!
ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo
excellent value for money
Buon prodotto, bello anche esteticamente (nero), ottima regolazione con perno sferico.
Good product, also aesthetically pleasing (black), excellent adjustment with ball pin.
Schnell und einfach zu installieren Sehr leichtes Gewicht
Quick and easy to install Very light weight
Perfekt Leicht zu montieren, sehr gute Qualität
Perfect Easy to assemble, very good quality
Alles Bestens Erfüllt den Zweck
Everything is perfect. Fulfills the purpose
Corresponde às expectativas!
Meets expectations!
Pour sortie route ,parfait pour nous .
For road trips, perfect for us.
Montage simple et aussi avec les rislan pratique si pylône plus gros. Semble de qualité, à voir dans le temps. Reçu dans les temps.
Easy assembly and also with the practical rislan if larger pylon. Seems to be of quality, to be seen over time. Received on time.
Macht was es soll Der Spiegel reflektiert mittelmäßig aber ausreichend
Does what it should The mirror reflects moderately but sufficiently
Me a venido muy bien lo e puesto en la cochera pues viene muy justo el coche mal no e visto nada
It has been very useful for me, I have put it in the garage because the car is very tight, I have not seen anything wrong
sehr gut gute spiegel
very good good mirrors
Superbe vision , orientation facile. posé sur une PATTE A VISSER AU PLAFOND M10 afin qu'il ne sorte pas trop . Je recommande les yeux fermés... mais pas trop !
Superb vision, easy orientation. Placed on a M10 CEILING SCREW BRACKET so that it does not come out too much. I recommend it with my eyes closed... but not too much!
Solide, avec kit de fixation, très utile dans mon garage pour contrôler les auto seul
Solid, with fixing kit, very useful in my garage to check the cars alone
Très bon produit et très résistant je suis très content
Very good product and very resistant I am very happy
Pas ruineux et efficace ce d'autant quand on voit le nombre de fois ou les livreurs les cassent ou il faut les changer car bien-sur ils sont partis sans rien dire....
Not ruinous and efficient, especially when you see the number of times the delivery people break them...and where they have to be replaced because of course they left without saying anything...
Tutto ok
Everything OK
Klare und deutliche Sicht Das Spiegelbild ist klar und deutlich. Der Rand oben schützt vor direkter Nässe. Dieser Spiegel ist besser als der erste der ohne Randüberstand und damit ständig nass/feucht war.
Clear and distinct view The reflection is clear and distinct. The edge at the top protects against direct moisture. This mirror is better than the first one, which had no edge overhang and was therefore constantly wet/damp.
Ist sehr gut, sieht sehr gut aus Sehr hilfe reich!
It's very good, looks very good. Very helpful!
Produit conforme
Compliant product
Muy contentos, compraremos más si cal. Porque el parkin es comunitario. Van de fábula! Recomiendo.
Very happy, we will buy more if necessary. Because the parking is communal. They are fantastic! I recommend them.
Qualidade boa
Good quality
Lo he puesto en la habitación de mi hijo y ha quedad super chulo
I put it in my son's room and it looks super cool.
Praktisch und gut Gutes Produkt und einfache Befestigung. Vermeidet Kratzer am Auto in der engen Garage.
Practical and good Good product and easy to attach. Prevents scratches on the car in the narrow garage.
Très pratique pour sortir de mon garage en toute sécurité
Very practical for getting out of my garage safely
Pesa poco y se ve bien
It weighs little and looks good
Facile da installare e molto pratico
Easy to install and very practical
Me ha gustado todo y tiene una buena calidad de visión
I liked everything and it has a good quality of vision
Fácil montaje,movilidad buena visión
Easy assembly, mobility, good vision
Très pratique
Very practical
Excelente, muito bom mesmo!
Excellent, very good indeed!
Buen producto , ningún defecto
Good product, no defects
Hace su función perfectamente, el campo de visión es amplio y de una claridad muy buena. Altamente recomendable.
It does its job perfectly, the field of vision is wide and very clear. Highly recommended.
Mit Originalzubehör für Innenmontage oder windgeschütztes Außenbereich hevorragend geeignet. Spiegel für Grundstücksausfahrt an Betonmast mit stabieler Eigenbauschelle befestigt. Abstand-Haltesteg vibrierte leider bei anliegendem Wind stark, so dass selbst hergestellter Metall-Zusatzsteg in Dreieckform diesen Mangel erst abstellte. Nun ist ein sehr klares Bild vom Seitenverkehr sichtbar. Ansonsten ist Montage recht simpel einfach, gut einstellbar und fest im Sitz.
With original accessories, it is ideal for indoor installation or wind-protected outdoor areas. Mirror for property exit attached to concrete mast with sturdy homemade clamp. Unfortunately, the distance holding bridge vibrated a lot when there was wind, so a self-made additional metal bridge in a triangular shape was the first to remedy this problem. Now a very clear image of the side traffic is visible. Otherwise, installation is quite simple, easy to adjust and firmly in place.
Mi è piaciuto tutto , funzionale e idoneo all’uso
I liked everything, functional and suitable for use
Buon prodotto
Good product
Facilité la sortie de mon garage
Made it easier to get out of my garage
Adecuado para su función. Buena relación calidad/precio.
Adequate for its function. Good value for money.
klare Sicht andere Produkte hatten eine weniger klare Sicht
clear view other products had a less clear view
Miroir de rue
Street mirror
article n'ayant pas toutes les différentes vis comme dans l'annonce seules 4 dans le paquet. Heureusement pour moi que je bricole et que j'en ai d'avance.
item does not have all the different screws as in the ad only 4 in the package. Luckily for me I tinker and have some in advance.
è veramente piccolino e consente una buona visione solo in una direzione. Se volte la vista a 180 gradi uscendo al garage ne vanno presi due!
It's really small and only allows good vision in one direction. If you turn your view 180 degrees when exiting the garage, you need to get two!
Consegna rapida e senza problemi- Il prodotto ha risposto pienamente alle mie aspettative
Fast and trouble-free delivery - The product fully met my expectations
Arrivato in un giorno,imballato bene,lo uso per entrare in box con l'auto. Ottimo aiuto. Articolo molto valido
Arrived in one day, well packaged, I use it to enter the garage with the car. Great help. Very valid article
solidité a voir après l'usage
solidity to be seen after use
Consiglio da acquistare.
I recommend buying.
Der Spiegel ist perfekt Der Spiegel hat eine tollen und breiten Sichtbereich. Montage und Justierung ist super und in alle Richtungen ausrichtbar. Wir können perfekt aus dem Küchenfenster sehen wer vor dem Haus steht.
The mirror is perfect. The mirror has a great and wide field of vision. Installation and adjustment is great and can be adjusted in all directions. We can see perfectly from the kitchen window who is standing in front of the house.
Funziona perfettamente per il suo uso
It works perfectly for its use
Détecter les piétons à la sortie d'un garage.
Detect pedestrians when exiting a garage.
Ahora salgo del garaje sin depender de que alguien me diga si se aproxima algún coche.
Now I leave the garage without depending on someone to tell me if a car is approaching.
Ce produit est de bonne qualité, facile à installer, et le miroir est orientable. Je recommande ce miroir que j'ai installé sur le mur de la clôture de ma maison pour me permettre de voir la rue, en sortant ma voiture de mon garage.
This product is good quality, easy to install, and the mirror is adjustable. I recommend this mirror that I installed on the wall of the fence of my house to allow me to see the street, when taking my car out of my garage.
alles im Blick qualitativ gutes Produkt, weiter Erfassungsbereich, das Kugelgelenk für die Verstellung geht i.O. auch wenn ich mir für die Verstellung rechts und links etwas mehr gewünscht hätte. Die mitgelieferten Dübel aus Metall gehen zwar qualitativ i.O. aber für die Montage sind die herkömmlichen Plastikdübel brauchbarer. Diese Dübel 'verhaken' sich nicht im Dübelloch bevor man die Schraube anzieht, d.h. sie drehen sich gerne/leicht mit, wenn man die Schraube reindreht. Wenn das geschafft ist, dann halten sie allerdings bombig.
everything in view, good quality product, wide detection range, the ball joint for adjustment is OK even if I would have liked a bit more for the adjustment on the right and left. The metal dowels supplied are OK in terms of quality but the conventional plastic dowels are more useful for installation. These dowels do not 'hook' in the dowel hole before you tighten the screw, ie they turn easily when you screw in the screw. Once you have done that, however, they hold really well.
spiegel ist in ordnung, wurde noch nicht angebracht.
mirror is ok, has not been installed yet.
alles bestens
all the best
Gute Ware, guter Preis
Good goods, good price
Einfach tolles Produkt
Simply great product
perfekt mit Montagematerial
perfect with mounting material
Erfüllt den Zweck, leicht zu montieren
Serves the purpose of being easy to assemble
Sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis
Very good value for money
I love this mirror, though it was my fault that i didn’t check the size of it (i expected it to be a bigger mirror but it is quite small so price wise… kind of expensive)
I love this mirror, though it was my fault that i didn’t check the size of it (i expected it to be a bigger mirror but it is quite small so price wise… kind of expensive)
Bin sehr zufrieden. Tut was er soll. Qualität ist dem Preis entsprechend ok!
I am very pleased. Does what it's supposed to. Quality is ok for the price!
Funktioniert sehr gut. Wenn der Spiegel Optimal eingestellt ist kann ich den Weg vor meinem Grundstück sehr gut Einsehen. Klare Empfehlung, zur Haltbarkeit kann ich noch nichts sagen. Denke aber einige Jahre wird er wohl halten.
Works very well. If the mirror is optimally adjusted, I can see the path in front of my property very well. Clear recommendation, I can't say anything about the durability yet. But I think it will last a few years.
Buon prodotto ne ho acquistati due per il posto auto ed aiutano abbastanza al parcheggio.
Good product I bought two for the parking space and they help quite a bit with parking.
Über Qualität und Haltbarkeit sind noch KEINE Angaben möglich.
About quality and durability NO statements are possible.
Einfache Montage; sehr hilfreich beim UmdieEcke-Blicken, ob Garage verschlossen ist.
Easy construction; very helpful when looking around the corner to see if the garage is locked.
Einfache Montage
Easy construction
Problemlos gut
No problem
an der viel befahrenen Straße ist der Spiegel sehr hilfreich für unfallfreies Herausfahren aus der Hofeinfahrt. Leicht zu montieren, witterungsbeständig, erhört die Verkehrssicherheit für Radfahrer und Fußgänger auf der Ein- bzw. Ausfahrt.
On busy roads, the mirror is very helpful for accident-free driving out of the courtyard entrance. Easy to assemble, weather-resistant, increases traffic safety for cyclists and pedestrians on the entrance and exit.
Spiegel sehr gut, Halterung nicht besonders
Mirror very good, mount not particularly
Gute Übersicht bei der Hofausfaht. Funktioniert. Bei Nebel oder Frost kann man zeitweise nicht alles sehn. Aber das ist OK.
Good overview at the Hofausfahrung. Functions. In fog or frost you can't see everything at times. But that's ok.
Leichte Montage und hilft deutlich bei der Hausausfahrt
Easy assembly and helps significantly when leaving the house
The price was a little high but it looks great. It was easy to put up and everything stays in its place. The material is not cheap at all and so many things came with it to hang it up.
The price was a little high but it looks great. It was easy to put up and everything stays in its place. The material is not cheap at all and so many things came with it to hang it up.
Ce miroir est destiné à faciliter le stationnement de mon véhicule au plus près d'un mur situé sur le côté droit de la voiture, à l'abri sous un avant-toit qui déborde très largement. L'accès se fait en reculant et par une rotation à 90°. Le risque principal est d'érafler l'aile AR droite pendant ce recul. Les rétroviseurs et la caméra de recul du véhicule ne permettent pas d'évaluer précisément l'espace résiduel entre l'aile et le mur. Le miroir comble cette lacune et sécurise grandement la manœuvre tout en me permettant un stationnement au plus près du mur. Bonne qualité générale. Ensemble homogène. Expédition rapide (depuis l'Allemagne). Je suis satisfait.
This mirror is intended to facilitate parking my vehicle as close as possible to a wall located on the right side of the car, sheltered under an eaves that overhangs very widely. Access is by reversing and by rotating 90 °. The main risk is to scrape the right rear wing during this reversing. The rearview mirrors and the reversing camera of the vehicle do not allow to precisely evaluate the residual space between the wing and the wall. The mirror fills this gap and greatly secures the maneuver while allowing me to park as close as possible to the wall. Good general quality. Homogeneous set. Fast shipping (from Germany). I am satisfied.
Used indoors to see around corners as part of our covid safety plan. Works well.
Used indoors to see around corners as part of our covid safety plan. Works well.
I have just ordered another as they are just what I wanted for my blind drive exit. Thank you.
I have just ordered another as they are just what I wanted for my blind drive exit. Thank you.
We put this on a telegraph pole at our side street. The mirror has a great range. We put one up 12 months ago and it looks like new, still really reflective and clear. If you need to see in two directions from an entrance I recommend installing two (one in each direction) as one will not cover a 180 degree view. The si,e is ideal and unobtrusive. The rain shield means it does not get obscured by rain. The kit comes with shield anchors for installing in brick/concrete but you can use wood screws instead. Really sturdy and does not lose its position once installed. Lots of the neighbours have commented on what an improvement t it makes when turning onto the main road. Great product.
We put this on a telegraph pole at our side street. The mirror has a great range. We put one up 12 months ago and it looks like new, still really reflective and clear. If you need to see in two directions from an entrance I recommend installing two (one in each direction) as one will not cover a 180 degree view. The si,e is ideal and unobtrusive. The rain shield means it does not get obscured by rain. The kit comes with shield anchors for installing in brick/concrete but you can use wood screws instead. Really sturdy and does not lose its position once installed. Lots of the neighbours have commented on what an improvement t it makes when turning onto the main road. Great product.
Solved our blind entrance problem.Had to devise my own fixing. As it is such a wide angle you must look carefully for traffic.
Solved our blind entrance problem.Had to devise my own fixing. As it is such a wide angle you must look carefully for traffic.
Good quality product. Perfect solution for a blind corner.
Good quality product. Perfect solution for a blind corner.
Fantastic mirror. Makes it safer to drive out of driveway and kids look for traffic on it too ( some of the time). A most gracious company to deal with. They value customers more than most other companies. Will highly recommend to everyone. Thank you Angela
Fantastic mirror. Makes it safer to drive out of driveway and kids look for traffic on it too ( some of the time). A most gracious company to deal with. They value customers more than most other companies. Will highly recommend to everyone. Thank you Angela
Is on the garage so we can see the side wall at the back.
Is on the garage so we can see the side wall at the back.
I needed a mirror for the entrance of my concealed drive, it faces west into the setting sun so I needed a good quality and clear mirror. It has been easy to install and has so far made my exit from my driveway so much easier. I am hoping that it will be resistant to the weather and continue to give me a clear vision up the road. But compared to my previous purchase this mirror is by far a better quality item, but having paid a lot more I would have expected this.
I needed a mirror for the entrance of my concealed drive, it faces west into the setting sun so I needed a good quality and clear mirror. It has been easy to install and has so far made my exit from my driveway so much easier. I am hoping that it will be resistant to the weather and continue to give me a clear vision up the road. But compared to my previous purchase this mirror is by far a better quality item, but having paid a lot more I would have expected this.
Good piece of kit I can now see who's at my front door from the back garden
Good piece of kit I can now see who's at my front door from the back garden
Very disappointed,rusty bolts & as Total amateur,no fixing instructions,might have tor to return/if ido not get a reply from their Customer support
Very disappointed,rusty bolts & as Total amateur,no fixing instructions,might have tor to return/if ido not get a reply from their Customer support
This mirror is not the cheapest on the market but it is sturdy,well made and easy to install. Most of the other mirrors I looked at also needed to be fixed to a pole, whereas I wanted ones that could be attache to a tree. This mirror comes with a strong but flexible bracket which is quite long, but perfect for what I needed. I was so pleased with the first one that I bought another to cover a different approach. One mirror has so far been hit by lorries three times; this has knocked its setting but not damaged the mirror, so all that was required was to reposition the mirror to its original setting. The one quibble I have is that I would have liked the mirror to have a wider angle of adjustment, but I got around this by putting spacers under one side of the bracket. Although the mirrors are shipped from Germany, they both arrived within a week of ordering them.
This mirror is not the cheapest on the market but it is sturdy,well made and easy to install. Most of the other mirrors I looked at also needed to be fixed to a pole, whereas I wanted ones that could be attache to a tree. This mirror comes with a strong but flexible bracket which is quite long, but perfect for what I needed. I was so pleased with the first one that I bought another to cover a different approach. One mirror has so far been hit by lorries three times; this has knocked its setting but not damaged the mirror, so all that was required was to reposition the mirror to its original setting. The one quibble I have is that I would have liked the mirror to have a wider angle of adjustment, but I got around this by putting spacers under one side of the bracket. Although the mirrors are shipped from Germany, they both arrived within a week of ordering them.
Moved to a new house with a tricky driveway onto busy road with limited vision. Researched getting a traffic mirror and bought this one. Wasn't the cheapest but good write ups. The product is excellent. Light weight yet sturdy ( fixings that come with it would hold an elephant !) Easy to assemble and a good range of movement on the pivot to adjust position after fixing. Works really well and gives good vision of cars approaching from down the hill from at least 50 meters from our drive entrance Would highly recommend. Great swift service from the seller too.
Moved to a new house with a tricky driveway onto busy road with limited vision. Researched getting a traffic mirror and bought this one. Wasn't the cheapest but good write ups. The product is excellent. Light weight yet sturdy ( fixings that come with it would hold an elephant !) Easy to assemble and a good range of movement on the pivot to adjust position after fixing. Works really well and gives good vision of cars approaching from down the hill from at least 50 meters from our drive entrance Would highly recommend. Great swift service from the seller too.
Very pleased with the mirror, it was easy to put up and the view down the road very clear, quality product.
Very pleased with the mirror, it was easy to put up and the view down the road very clear, quality product.
Quality item
Quality item
Very good quality. Very sturdy fittings. Bit fiddly. Great German engineering.
Very good quality. Very sturdy fittings. Bit fiddly. Great German engineering.
We bought these to go on the back and front of our 37.5 Winnebago to help people driving past but we could not work out a way of securing them to the vehicle to address the probem of helping drivers see around. They seem to be a good product but as we haven used them yet I am afraid this isnt a helpful review.
We bought these to go on the back and front of our 37.5 Winnebago to help people driving past but we could not work out a way of securing them to the vehicle to address the probem of helping drivers see around. They seem to be a good product but as we haven used them yet I am afraid this isnt a helpful review.
We are very , very pleased with this product from a Company in Northern Germany . Previously we had to exit our property onto a busy main road , by gradually ' edging out ' - very traumatic ! Now with this excellent mirror , we can very clearly see the road , and more importantly cars approaching , at speed . A very useful , study product . Customer relations seem to be were very important to the seller , they aim to please !!
We are very , very pleased with this product from a Company in Northern Germany . Previously we had to exit our property onto a busy main road , by gradually ' edging out ' - very traumatic ! Now with this excellent mirror , we can very clearly see the road , and more importantly cars approaching , at speed . A very useful , study product . Customer relations seem to be were very important to the seller , they aim to please !!
A good product and does the job. It clearly shows cars coming round a blind corner of a wall. It was easy to fit with 4 strong anchor bolt fixings supplied (almost overkill actually!). Recommended.
A good product and does the job. It clearly shows cars coming round a blind corner of a wall. It was easy to fit with 4 strong anchor bolt fixings supplied (almost overkill actually!). Recommended.
Look nice!
Look nice!