[Returns: -15%] Duett Pro V3 Wireless Microphone Set

123,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Wireless Microphone Set
  • 100 Hz - 18 kHz
  • Black
Product number: 52026456
Duett Pro V3 Wireless Microphone Set
123,99 € (incl. VAT)
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  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
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Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • 2-channel UHF wireless microphone set with dynamic handheld microphone as well as headset microphone and up to 50 m range

  • Compact wireless pocket transmitter with belt clip, LCD display and adjustable volume

  • Long battery operating times thanks to energy-efficient construction

Product description

The Malone Duet Pro V3 is a stage-ready UHF wireless microphone set that meets the practical demands of everyday events with competence and versatility.

To this end, the wireless microphone set provides a dynamic handheld microphone and a headset microphone that capture the gestural repertoire of master singers, speakers and barkers and powerfully transmit the sound. Thanks to the UHF technology, the Malone Duet Pro V3 wireless system works with an extensive range of up to 50m, expanding the interactive options of the performers.

With XLR and 6.3mm jack outputs, the system can easily integrate into all conventional audio setups.

With an energy-efficient design, the Malone Duet Pro V3 ensemble works for several hours and is particularly well-suited for participation in full evening events. The carrying case included with the set features a protective padding, allowing you to safely transport all components of the set safely from A to B.


  • Connections receiver: 2 x XLR microphone output (balanced), 1 x 6.3mm jack output (unbalanced)
  • Connections pocket transmitter: 1 x 3.5mm jack microphone input
  • Frequency band: 832-864 MHz
  • Frequency response: 100 Hz - 18 kHz (+/- 3dB)
  • THD: <1%
  • 16 adjustable frequencies
  • Adjustable input mode: headset or lavalier microphone
  • Volume control
  • Frequency band buttons
  • Mute
  • Power LED
  • Status LEDs
  • Blue backlit LCD display (receiver)
  • Two adjustable rod antennas (receiver)
  • Stand feet (receiver)
  • Power headset microphone: 2 x 1.5V AA battery (not included)
  • Power supply receiver: DC 13-15V, 300-500MA (AC adapter included)
Product number: 52026456

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Receiver: 21.5 x 5 x 18 cm (WxHxD)
  • Receiver weight: about 705 g
  • Pocket transmitter: 6.5 x 9.5 x 3 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight pocket transmitter: 85 g
  • Height hand microphone: 23 cm
  • Weight hand microphone: 180 g

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x receiver
  • 1 x power adapter
  • 2 x headset microphone
  • 2 x pocket transmitter
  • 1 x jack cable
  • 1 x carrying case
  • 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Customer reviews
26 Ratings

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Habe aber zwei Headsets bekommen, funktionieren gut.

But I got two headsets, they work well.


Macht, was es soll!

Does what it should!


Ich freue mich

I am happy


Hatte Bedenken wegen des geringen Preises. Aber siehe da, funktioniert. Reichweite nicht berauschend aber im Raum reicht&#39;s. Dank meines gealterten Hörvermögens Klang völlig i.O. Verbindung lässt sich leicht herstellen. Für den Preis natürlich ohne Batterien. Äußere Qualität geht in Ordnung. Bis jetzt gutes Gefühl.

Was concerned about the low price. But lo and behold, it works. The range isn't great, but it's enough in space. Thanks to my aged hearing, the sound was ok Connection is easy. For the price, of course, without batteries. External quality is okay. Good feeling so far.


Sehr guter Klang für die Preiskategorie

Very good sound for the price category


Ein sehr gutes Preis- Leistungsverhältnis

A very good price-performance ratio


Sehr schön

Very nice


Die Headsets sind nicht der Brüller, aber die Sende-/Empfangstechnik ist einwandfrei. SuperPreis-/Leistungsverhältnis.

The headsets aren't great, but the transmission/reception technology is flawless. Great value for money.


Also Preis/Leistungsverhälnis ist dieses Set einfach nur gut. Für den Hobbygebrauch leifert es sehr gute Ergebnisse. Natürlich ist das Material nicht äusserst stabil, doch es erfüllt sein Zweck. Da es mein erstes Funkmikrofon ist, ist es beim Singen bezüglich das Ein und Ausatmen gewöhungsbedürftig, da es geräuschempfindlich ist.

So this set is good value for money. For hobby use it gives very good results. Of course, the material is not extremely stable, but it serves its purpose. Being my first wireless microphone, it takes some getting used to when singing in and out of the breath as it is sensitive to noise.


Lieferung schnell und zuverlässig. Die Ware ist qualitativ gut - ich hätte mir nur gewünscht, dass der Kopfbügel verstellbar wäre. Wie gesagt ansonsten Preis / Leistung top.

Delivery fast and reliable. The goods are good quality - I just wish the headband was adjustable. As I said otherwise price / performance top.


Hadset nicht am Kopf anpassbar, das ist recht lästig.

Hadset not adjustable on head, quite annoying.


Preis-Leistung Top ! Top Marke! Empfehle ich gerne weiter !

Price-performance top! Top brand! I'd be happy to recommend it!


Reichweite sehr gut. Mikrofone für diesen Preis OK.

range very good. Microphones for this price OK.


Sehr gut! Endlich kein Kabelgewirr am Micro! Nutze es auf der Bühne zum Singen und kann mich dabei frei bewegen. Der Sound ist sehr gut und klar. Genau das, was ich wollte!Klare Kaufempfehlung.

Very good! Finally no tangle of cables on the microphone! Use it on stage to sing and I can move freely. The sound is very good and clear. Exactly what I wanted! Clear purchase recommendation.


Tolles Teil. Gutes Preis Leistung Verhältnis. Der Sohn ist sehr zufrieden.

Great part. Good value for money. The son is very happy.


Funktioniert einwandfrei und vor Allem störungsfrei. Für den Preis völlig in Ordnung, da darf man natürlich kein Premiumprodukt erwarten: Die Batterien im Sender waren nach wenigen Stunden leer und ich hatte den Eindruck, als wären die Höhen etwas mau. Die habe ich mit dem Höhenregler am Mischpult etwas angehoben. Das reichliche Poppen habe ich behoben in dem ich das Mikro des Headsets einfach anders justiert habe. Prima Rückkopplungsfreiheit, ich turne beim Singen direkt vor den Boxen herum. Klare Kaufempfehlung für gelegentlichen Amateurbetrieb. OKromm

It works perfectly and above all without any problems. For the price it's okay, but of course you shouldn't expect a premium product: the batteries in the transmitter were empty after a few hours and I had the impression that the highs were a bit meager. I raised it a bit with the treble control on the mixer. I fixed the ample popping by simply adjusting the microphone of the headset differently. Great freedom from feedback, I twirl around directly in front of the speakers when I sing. Clear purchase recommendation for occasional amateur use. ok


gefällt mir sehr gut. alles hat gut geklappt. das nächste mal gerne wieder. Ein frohes Fest und guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr

I like it very much. Everything went well. gladly again next time. Happy holidays and a happy new year


Bei Malone zuerst das Wichtigste: das Set funktioniert. Anschließen, einschalten, loslegen. Die Qualität ist insbesondere bei den Headsets erkennbar China Engineering: Sender-Display ist sehr schlecht ablesbar, Headset-Bügel sind nicht so filigran und flexibel wie bei Markenprodukten, das Mikro muss man genau mit der (unter dem Schaum nicht erkennbaren) Öffnung zum Mund drehen, hat eine ziemlich enge Charakteristik. Ich würde bei einem Neukauf eher auf Markenware zugreifen wie AKG, die nicht wirklich viel teurer, aber ausgereifter sind.

First things first for Malone: the set works. Connect, switch on, get started. The quality is particularly evident in the China Engineering headsets: the transmitter display is very difficult to read, the headset brackets are not as filigree and flexible as with branded products, the microphone has to be turned exactly with the opening (unrecognizable under the foam) towards the mouth , has a fairly narrow characteristic. When buying a new one, I would rather use branded goods like AKG, which are not really that much more expensive, but are more mature.


Habe das Set gekauft um bei Weihnachts-Fortführungen im Reitstall zu kommentieren. Hand-Mikrofon sehr guten Ton. Headset braucht in der Kälte viel Strom (Reserve Batterien von Vorteil) Preis Leistung stimmt.

Bought the set to comment on Christmas shows at the stables. Hand microphone very good sound. Headset needs a lot of power in the cold (reserve batteries are an advantage) The price-performance ratio is right.


genial, nicht zu Schlagen in Preis Leistung Sende Einstellung Variabel TOP Jede Sendeeinheit Einseln Abstimmbar TOP Mischer Belegung Je Sende Einheit TOP

ingenious, can't be beat in terms of price-performance ratio Variable TOP transmission setting Each transmission unit is tunable TOP mixer assignment per transmission unit TOP


Condivido in pieno la recenzione di Enrico ottimi radiomicrofoni. Prodotto validissimo. Contento e soddisfatto di averli acquistati.

I fully agree with Enrico's review excellent wireless microphones. Very valid product. Happy and satisfied with having purchased them.


Gutes Kopfmike lange Batterie Zeiten. Ich habe das Set ohne Hand-Mike gekauft und bin damit zufrieden.

Good head mike long battery times. I bought the set without the hand mike and am happy with it.


>>>>> PREMESSA <<<<< Sarà per i miei trascorsi teatrali, ma tutte le volte che ho a che fare con un microfono un po' mi emoziono. E questi, forniti dalla Electronic Star, sono di ottima qualità! >>>>> CONFEZIONE <<<<< Il prodotto arriva contenuto dentro una scatola di cartone contenuta a sua volta dentro un'altra estremamente robusta! >>>>> CONTENUTO <<<<< Dentro la confezione sono presenti: > una valigetta rigida estremamente robusta (!) > consolle > un radiomicrofono a cono > un radiomicrofono ad archetto > un trasmettitore > un cavo di alimentazione > un cavo AUX con jack da 6.3 > quattro batterie AA > manuale in tedesco ed inglese >>>>> PRIMA IMPRESSIONE <<<<< La prima impressione davvero ottima, come sempre! A partire dalla valigetta, si capisce che ci troviamo di fronte a un prodotto professionale! Qualità a mille! >>>>> PROVA SU STRADA <<<<< Come detto, la custodia vale già metà del prezzo! Robusto, con chiusure di sicurezza, con l'interno in gommapiuma sagomato! Il ricevitore è anch'esso solido e ben stabile, non una scatoletta leggera leggera! Si collega alla rete elettrica, quindi si può usare indipendentemente oppure collegarla a una consolle audio professionale. Quindi le uscite possono essere collegate a loro volta a casse audio. Quindi si orientano le due antenne e si inseriscono due batterie (fornite) nel microfono a cono e due nel trasmettitore. Il trasmettitore si appende alla cintura e si collega al microfono ad archetto. Quindi si scelgono sul ricevitore due frequenze distinte su cui associare i due microfoni. I due microfoni lavorano indipendentemente l'uno dall'altro, ed è possibile regolarne il volume singolarmente. Ora non sto a dettagliare tutto il funzionamento che, essendo abbastanza semplice e intuitivo, sarebbe qui troppo lungo e noioso da spiegare. Basti sapere che i microfoni funzionano BENISSIMO anche a lunghe distanze, che non interferiscono tra loro e che il suono è pulito e chiaro. Microfoni ideali per presentazioni in centri commerciali, ma anche per spettacoli teatrali. Per l'esperienza da me maturata in tanti anni di teatro, vi posso garantire l'assoluta qualità di questo prodotto. >>>>> CONCLUDENDO <<<<< Non ho altre parole per definire l'assoluta qualità di questi microfoni professionali venduti a un prezzo di poco superiore a quelli amatoriali. Eccezionale rapporto qualità/prezzo!

>>>>> INTRODUCTION <<<<< It may be due to my theatrical past, but every time I deal with a microphone I get a little emotional. And these, supplied by Electronic Star, are of excellent quality! >>>>> PACKAGING <<<<< The product arrives contained in a cardboard box contained in turn inside another extremely robust one! >>>>> CONTENTS <<<<< Inside the package there are: > an extremely sturdy rigid case (!) > console > a cone wireless microphone > a wireless headset microphone > a transmitter > a power cable > an AUX cable with 6.3 jack > four AA batteries > manual in German and English >>>>> FIRST IMPRESSION <<<<< Very good first impression, as always! Starting from the case, it is clear that we are dealing with a professional product! Quality at a thousand! >>>>> ROAD TEST <<<<< As mentioned, the case is already worth half the price! Sturdy, with safety locks, with a molded foam interior! The receiver is also solid and well stable, not a light weight box! It connects to the mains, so you can use it independently or connect it to a professional audio console. Then the outputs can in turn be connected to audio speakers. Then the two antennas are oriented and two batteries (supplied) are inserted in the cone microphone and two in the transmitter. The transmitter hangs on your belt and connects to the headset microphone. Then two distinct frequencies are chosen on the receiver on which to associate the two microphones. The two microphones work independently of each other, and their volume can be adjusted individually. Now I'm not going to detail all the operation which, being quite simple and intuitive, would be too long and boring to explain here. Suffice it to say that the microphones work GREAT even at long distances, that they do not interfere with each other and that the sound is clean and clear. Ideal microphones for presentations in shopping malls, but also for theatrical performances. Thanks to the experience I have gained over many years in the theatre, I can guarantee you the absolute quality of this product. >>>>> CONCLUDING <<<<< I have no other words to define the absolute quality of these professional microphones sold at a price slightly higher than the amateur ones. Exceptional value for money!


Questo prodotto arriva in una valigetta che è tutta un programma. Basta aprirla per capire che si tratta di un prodotto professionale in ogni sua parte. Display retroilluminati sia sulla ricevente che sulle trasmittenti, collegamento dei cavi a vite, necessità di pressioni prolungate per spegnere o cambiare canale: tutti dettagli tipici dei prodotti professionali. Come sono professionali le uscite, disponibili come due bilanciati (connettore XLR femmina) oppure un singolo sbilanciato (connettore jack 6.3mm femmina). Purtroppo quest'ultimo è mono e quindi se collegato alla videocamera viene registrato solo il canale sinistro. Molto meglio passare per un mixer, ovvero il suo naturale utilizzo. Unico difetto che ho trovato è l'archetto dei microfoni un po' troppo stretto per il mio testone. Spero di esservi stato utile! :)

This product comes in a case that is a whole program. Just open it to understand that it is a professional product in every part. Backlit displays on both the receiver and the transmitters, screw cable connections, the need for prolonged pressure to switch off or change channels: all typical details of professional products. How professional are the outputs, available as two balanced (female XLR connector) or a single unbalanced (female 6.3mm jack connector). Unfortunately the latter is mono and therefore if connected to the camcorder only the left channel is recorded. Much better to go through a mixer, or its natural use. The only flaw I found is the microphone headband a bit too narrow for my big head. I hope I have been helpful! :)


Ich habe das Set mit Handmikrofon und Headset-Mikrofon im Oktober 2015 für 159 Euro gekauft. Lieferung: Das Set wird in einem praktischen Koffer geliefert und alle Teile sind dort stoßsicher und gut verstaut. Nichts kann verrutschten, nichts fällt heraus. Top! Technisch: Die genaue technische Beschreibung entnehmen Sie bitte der Produktbeschreibung - ich möchte hier nichts wiederholen. ;-) Bedienen lässt sich das Set wirklich gut. Knöpfe und Anschlüsse wirken hochwertig und haben eine gute Haptik - ich habe ehrlich gesagt eine schlechte Qualität zu diesem Preis erwartet. Die Antennen der der Station lassen sich sogar gegen größere Antennen tauschen - so kann man eine höhere bzw. bessere Reichweite erreichen. Man hat 2 Kanäle, kann also beide Mikrofone gleichzeitig und dennoch getrennt voneinander nutzen. Insgesamt kann man 16 verschiedene Frequenzen nutzen - man hat also genügend Reserve, falls eine Frequenz durch DECT oder andere Geräte gestört sind. WICHTIG! Dieses Set ist zukunftssicher, denn es nutzt den von 2016 bis 2021 zugelassenen Frequenzbereich ( 823-830 MHz )! Wir haben mit dem Set mittlerweile 3 Veranstaltungen aufgezeichnet (Redner auf Bühne, Interviews in der Menge) und waren immer sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis!

I bought the set with hand microphone and headset microphone in October 2015 for 159 euros. Delivery: The set is delivered in a practical case and all parts are shockproof and well stowed there. Nothing can slip, nothing falls out. Top! Technical: For the exact technical description, please refer to the product description - I don't want to repeat anything here. ;-) The set is really easy to use. Buttons and connectors feel high quality and have a good feel - I honestly expected poor quality at this price point. The antennas of the station can even be exchanged for larger antennas - this way you can achieve a higher or better range. You have 2 channels, so you can use both microphones at the same time and yet separately from each other. A total of 16 different frequencies can be used - so you have enough reserve if a frequency is disturbed by DECT or other devices. IMPORTANT! This set is future-proof because it uses the frequency range (823-830 MHz) permitted from 2016 to 2021! We have now recorded 3 events with the set (speakers on stage, interviews in the crowd) and have always been very satisfied with the result!


Arrivano in una valigetta di plastica rigida, in perfetto stile professionale, comodissima per poterli trasportare in tutta sicurezza. All'interno infatti, foderata di gommapiuma, troveremo i due microfoni sui lati, l'impianto ricevitore al centro e le due antenne in alto. Il tutto è pronto all'uso. Premetto che purtroppo le istruzioni sono solo inglese e tedesco, e per chi non mastica nemmeno un po' di inglese, per quanto riguarda la semplicità di utilizzo, non avrà nemmeno bisogno di aprirle. Estratti i microfoni e montate le antenne al ricevitore, basta collegarlo alla corrente e premere il pulsante di accensione sul pannello frontale per notare i display accendersi sulle frequenze base che possono essere immediatamente modificate grazie ai pulsanti posti sul pannello frontale. Anche i microfoni sono dotati, oltre che del pulsante di accensione, di uno schermino per definire le frequenza di trasmissione che risulta anch'essa configurabile. Sul pannello frontale sono presenti due manopole per la regolazione dei volumi, ognuna rispettivamente che agisce su un microfono. Le possibilità di connessione sono molte e poste sul retro del dispositivo. Abbiamo infatti due output XLR per le prese a tre pin da collegare ad un mixer o a delle casse, un uscita jack sempre per un mixer o delle casse e una uscita non bilanciata da un quarto di pollice. I microfoni funzionano davvero bene. Il costo è nella norma per un kit di questo livello. Il tutto da la sensazione di solidità che ci si aspetterebbe da un kit professionale. Personalmente l'ho acquistato per un utilizzo in parrocchia dove a natale i bambini svolgono la rappresentazione del presepe vivente e utilizzavano microfoni con il filo che si districava per tutta la chiesa con conseguente ingarbugliamento. Questi microfoni hanno risolto il problema e sono ottimi anche per l'utilizzo in sessioni di karaoke tanto che spesso li presto ad un amico che fa questo per mestiere. Ancora una volta devo dire ottimi e consigliati!

They arrive in a rigid plastic case, in perfect professional style, very comfortable to be able to transport them in complete safety. Indeed, inside, lined with foam rubber, we will find the two microphones on the sides, the receiver system in the center and the two antennas at the top. Everything is ready to use. I start by saying that unfortunately the instructions are only in English and German, and for those who don't speak even a bit of English, as far as ease of use is concerned, they won't even need to open them. Once the microphones have been extracted and the antennas mounted to the receiver, just connect it to the current and press the power button on the front panel to notice the displays light up on the base frequencies which can be immediately changed thanks to the buttons on the front panel. Even the microphones are equipped, in addition to the power button, with a screen to define the transmission frequency which is also configurable. On the front panel there are two knobs for adjusting the volumes, each respectively acting on a microphone. The connection possibilities are many and placed on the back of the device. In fact, we have two XLR outputs for the three-pin sockets to be connected to a mixer or speakers, a jack output again for a mixer or speakers and an unbalanced quarter-inch output. The microphones work really well. The cost is normal for a kit of this level. All this gives the solid feel you would expect from a professional kit. Personally I bought it for use in the parish where at Christmas the children perform the representation of the living nativity scene and used wire microphones that untangled themselves throughout the church with consequent tangling. These microphones have solved the problem and are also excellent for use in karaoke sessions so much so that I often lend them to a friend who does this for a living. Once again I have to say excellent and recommended!