Bellevin 62 Wine Fridge

773,99 €
Original price: 934,99 €
(incl. VAT)
Included in this price is a contribution to recycling costs of 8.33 EUR
  • Wine refrigerator
  • Black
Product number: 10032923
Bellevin 62 Wine Fridge
773,99 €
Original price: 934,99 €
(incl. VAT)
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 8 - 10 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Perfect presentation: PureAmbience design with double-glazed, black panoramic door

  • Easy to use: touch control panel with LED display for temperature and light

  • Voluminous: 173 litres of interior space for 56 wine bottles

Product description

Elegant design for a stylish presentation: the Klarstein Bellevin 62 single-zone wine fridge shows off what it’s got in a PureAmbience design! This makes it the refrigerator of choice for all passionate wine lovers, bars or caterers who not only have great cooling needs, but also want to impress with presentation. In addition to the modern, double-glazed panorama door, the Bellevin 62 boasts a luxurious, black housing, LED interior lighting and a built-in wine glass holder. As such, it enriches not only residential landscapes and kitchen lines, but skillfully highlights your wine supply at every occasion - welcome to the professional league of wine storage!

With a volume of 173 litres, the Klarstein Bellevin 62 refrigerator can hold up to 56 bottles of wine. The fine wines rest on 10 metal inserts at the appropriate storage temperature. The self-explanatory touch control panel adjusts the temperature to-the-degree between 5 and 20 ° C, and thus easily ensures perfect cooling temperatures. A built-in fan ensures uniform cooling throughout the entire interior. Another highlight of the Klarstein Bellevin 62 wine fridge is the ChilledGlass Solution with the metal wine glass holder. Here, up to 15 wine glasses can hang neatly lined up directly in the wine cabinet in order to easily get the same cooling temperature as the wine - for perfectly chilled enjoyment!

With its practical dimensions, the wine cooler is perfect for free-standing use in kitchens, bars, living rooms or wine storage rooms. Particularly elegant is the look of the Bellevin 62, which is designed for high-end presentation: the glass door allows a view into the interior at all times, which is set elegantly in scene by the switchable lighting. For the undisturbed and rattle-free storage of wine, the wine cabinet uses a low-vibration compression cooling system.

Wine storage in the professional league for connoisseurs and wine lovers: the Bellevin 62 wine cooler by Klarstein offers a stylish storage space at ideal drinking temperatures for wine and sparkling wine in the kitchen, in bars or at events.


  • Volume: 173 litres
  • Space for 56 bottles (0.75 litres each)
  • Black, double glazed door with panorama window
  • 10 metal slots: 8 x 6 bottles & 2 x 4 bottles
  • Wine glass carrier made of metal for up to 15 wine glasses
  • Interior lighting in white
  • Door stop: right (not changeable)
  • Temperature range: 5 to 20 ° C
  • Temperature display in ° C or ° F
  • Noise level: 42 dB
  • Refrigerant: R600a (compression refrigeration, 25 g)
  • Power consumption: 95 W
  • Power supply: 220-240V ~ | 50 Hz
Product number: 10032923

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 42.7 x 124.6 x 61 cm (WxHxD)
  • Inner dimensions: approx. 34.5 x 112 x 45.8 cm (WxHxD)
  • Power cable length: approx. 190 cm
  • Weight: about 48 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x wine fridge
  • 8 x metal insert for 6 bottles
  • 2 x metal insert for 4 bottles
  • 1 x wine glass holder
  • English-language operating instructions (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 8 - 10 days

Customer reviews
60 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Cantinetta presa come Regalo di Natale al mio Compagno, molto bella, elegante. Apprezzata tantissimo da lui , così anche d'estate può bere il suo vino rosso,ad una giusta temperatura.Ottima scelta

Wine cellar bought as a Christmas present for my partner, very beautiful, elegant. He really appreciated it, so even in summer he can drink his red wine, at the right temperature. Excellent choice


Très bonne cave à vin. Discrète (peu bruyante) et facilement intégrée sous le plan de travail de la cuisine aux vus de ses dimensions. Je recommande

Very good wine cellar. Discreet (not very noisy) and easily integrated under the kitchen worktop given its dimensions. I recommend


Le produit est magnifique mais nous avons dû le retourner car il est arrivé battu de tous côtés, peut-être à cause du poids il est difficile à manipuler et là il a subi des chutes car la partie inférieure de la boite était toute écrasée.Ils nous ont envoyé le coupon de retour maintenant il faut attendre notre remboursement, dommage car c’était un cadeau de Noël

The product is beautiful but we had to return it because it arrived beaten on all sides, perhaps because of the weight it is difficult to handle and there it suffered falls because the lower part of the box was all crushed. They sent us the return coupon now we have to wait for our refund, too bad because it was a Christmas present


Es muy bonita

She is very pretty


les plus : satisfait de la rapidité de la livraison + appareil conformeles moins : n’accepte pas les bouteilles longues (type Alsace) et les bouteilles un peu grosses (type champagne)Dommage

the positives: satisfied with the speed of delivery + compliant devicethe negatives: does not accept long bottles (Alsace type) and slightly large bottles (champagne type)Too bad


Ottima cantinetta contenuta per tenere in fresca le bottiglie di vino

Great little wine cellar to keep wine bottles cool


Sehr schön Schnelle und pünktliche Lieferung rufen vorher an das finde ich ganz wichtig und gut, er ist in unserem Wohnzimmer ein schönes Schmuckstück,

Very nice Fast and punctual delivery, call in advance, I think that's very important and good, it is a beautiful piece of jewelry in our living room,


Sehr schöner Kühlschrank,aber… Der Weinkühlschrank ist wirklich optisch ansprechend und sehr schön verarbeitet. Eingeschaltet habe ich ihn gar nicht erst, um die 26 dB zu verifizieren, denn unglücklicherweise passt keine einzige unserer Weißweinflaschen rein (verschiedenste Weingüter aus dem Rhein-Neckar-Gebiet, Rheingau,etc.). Ich las zwar die Angabe, dass der Innenraum „nur“ 32 cm lang wäre, machte mir jedoch keine Gedanken darüber, ob ganz normale Weißweinflaschen rein passen würden.Tun sie nicht! Also geht er leider zurück und es gibt einen Stern Abzug.

Very nice fridge, but... The wine fridge is really visually appealing and very well made. I didn't even switch it on to verify the 26 dB, because unfortunately none of our white wine bottles fit in it (various wineries from the Rhine-Neckar area, Rheingau, etc.). I read that the interior was "only" 32 cm long, but I didn't think about whether normal white wine bottles would fit in. They don't! So unfortunately it's going back and it's losing one star.


Va muy bien esta bodega. No hace nada de ruido. Eso sí como única pega decir que los botones táctiles son muy sensibles y cada vez que mi gato se baja de la nevera aprieta los botones. Pero vaya, no es una pega demasiado grande.

This wine cellar works very well. It doesn't make any noise. The only drawback is that the touch buttons are very sensitive and every time my cat gets out of the fridge he presses the buttons. But anyway, it's not too big a drawback.


Weinkühlschrank Top produkt, preisleistung stimmt

Wine refrigerator Top product, price-performance ratio is right


economico ma capiente e funzionale

economical but roomy and functional


Ho comprato la cantinetta per fare un regalo ed è stata graditissima! Perfettamente aderente alla descrizione, dimensioni contenute all'esterno e grande capienza, adeguata all'utilizzo domestico.

I bought the wine cellar as a gift and it was very much appreciated! Perfectly adhering to the description, small external dimensions and large capacity, adequate for home use.


Elegante nel suo stile e versatile

Elegant in its style and versatile


acquistata per un regalo , arrivata anche in anticipo, funzionale , rispondente alla descrizione , assolutamente silenziosa

purchased as a gift, arrived early, functional, as described, absolutely silent


Regalo di Natale super contenta

Super happy Christmas present


acquisto perfetto, come desideravo

perfect purchase, just as I wanted


Acquistata per un regalo, non so dire sul funzionamento ma è arrivata nei tempi e molto ben imballata, dimensioni adatte anche a una cucina piccola

Purchased as a gift, I can't say how it works but it arrived on time and very well packaged, dimensions suitable even for a small kitchen


il prodotto è come in descrizione, super silenzioso… il termostato digitale l’ho abbassato a 11 gradi, mettendo un termostato interno è sceso fino a 9 gradi, per cui nel complesso bene . per mia sfortuna è arrivato con un piccolo problema estetico e sono stati prontissimi a risolverlo dandomi alcune opportunità! grande amazon e soprattutto i corrieri, nel periodo natalizio sono riusciti a consegnare alcuni giorni prima e con professionalità, un grazie a tutti

the product is as described, super silent… I lowered the digital thermostat to 11 degrees, putting an internal thermostat it went down to 9 degrees, so overall good. unfortunately for me it arrived with a small aesthetic problem and they were very quick to solve it by giving me some opportunities! great amazon and especially the couriers, during the Christmas period they managed to deliver a few days early and with professionalism, thanks to everyone


Après des début complique. Problème de livraison. Le fournisseur a fait en sorte que je reçois le produit a temps.

After a complicated start. Delivery problem. The supplier made sure that I received the product on time.


J'ai offert cette mini-cave à vin à mes parents pour Noël. Ils vivent en appartement et n'ont pas de cave. Ils sont ravis de ce cadeau et peuvent déguster leur vin blanc ou champagne à température idéale.

I gave this mini wine cellar to my parents for Christmas. They live in an apartment and do not have a cellar. They are delighted with this gift and can enjoy their white wine or champagne at the ideal temperature.


Ottimo rapporto prezzo / qualità Consegna in tempi brevi

Excellent price/quality ratio. Quick delivery.


Ottimo articolo e ottima assistenza da parte del venditore, sono molto soddisfatto

Great item and great assistance from the seller, I am very satisfied


cave à vin dans mes attendus

wine cellar in my expectations


Ne ho prese due da quanto son belle, mi è convenuto rispetto ad una singola bi-zona vista la modesta quantità di bottiglie che conservo nornalmente. Sono silenziosissime, bisogna solo attendere qualche ora per l'assestamento della temperatura. Una in realtà mi è arrivata con una piccola crepa accanto all' impugnatura e l'imballo in polistirolo all'interno era tutto spaccato, segno che i corrieri come al solito fanno i cani e maneggiano i pacchi sbattendosene, da bravi professionisti... però il danno è minimo e oltretutto si nota solo se vai a cercarlo apposta. In ogni caso i corrieri sono dei miserabili perché poteva andare molto peggio e poi la rogna sarebbe stata mia.

I bought two of them because they are so beautiful, it was better for me than a single dual-zone considering the modest amount of bottles that I normally store. They are very silent, you just have to wait a few hours for the temperature to settle. One actually arrived with a small crack next to the handle and the polystyrene packaging inside was all broken, a sign that the couriers as usual are dogs and handle the packages without giving a damn, like good professionals... but the damage is minimal and moreover it is only noticeable if you go looking for it on purpose. In any case the couriers are miserable because it could have been much worse and then the problem would have been mine.


Despues de haber tenido un problema con la empresa del reparto y puesto en contacto con el vendedor, solamente me cabe decir que un servicio al cliente extraordinario. Producto totalmente recomendable.

After having had a problem with the delivery company and contacting the seller, I can only say that the customer service was extraordinary. A totally recommendable product.


Si adatta a qualsiasi ambiente ed è silenziosissima. Arrivata nei tempi previsti con imballaggio perfetto. La consiglio

It fits in any environment and is very quiet. Arrived on time with perfect packaging. I recommend it


Le produit correspond à la description. La cave est très jolie d’aspect. Elle est arrivée par chronopost dans les temps mais elle était à l’envers … Nous avons attendu 6 h pour sa mise en service et tout à l’air de fonctionner. Content de mon achat.

The product matches the description. The cellar is very nice in appearance. It arrived by chronopost on time but it was upside down ... We waited 6 hours for it to be put into service and everything seems to be working. Happy with my purchase.


Fonctionne comme prevu

Works as expected


Très satisfait de la cave. Elle fonctionne nickel. Il faut un peu de temps avant d'atteindre la température souhaitée : 35 H environ. Après, tout est parfait. Pas cher pour la qualité

Very satisfied with the cellar. It works perfectly. It takes a little time to reach the desired temperature: about 35 hours. After that, everything is perfect. Not expensive for the quality


frigp é esattamente come la descrizione: silenzioso, zero vibrazioni, compatto, elegante. Fa la sua funzione. Ha i suoi limiti: le bottiglie oltre a 32 cm non entrano.

frigp is exactly as described: silent, zero vibrations, compact, elegant. It does its job. It has its limits: bottles over 32 cm do not fit.


La taille ideale pour mettre dans une cuisine . Belles finitions

The ideal size to put in a kitchen. Beautiful finishes


Esteticamente è molto bella con una robusta porta . In quella che ho acquistato io ci stanno comodamente 18 bottiglie purché non siano di spumante perché sono di circa 2 cm più lunghe. Sulla porta c'è un comodo pannello con display per regolare temperatura e accendere la luce. Decisamente lunghi i tempi per raggiungere la temperatura impostata; io L'ho posizionata in una stanza dove c'erano circa 25 gradi con 18 bottiglie dentro e con una temperatura impostata a 17 gradi ci ha impiegato almeno 12 ore per raggiungere tale temperatura. Speriamo che riesca a mantenere questa temperatura al variare di quella della stanza. Per il resto è silenziosissima ma in classe G quindi sicuramente non a risparmio energetico, anche se penso che consumi poco. Ottimo l'imballaggio di spedizione

Aesthetically it is very nice with a sturdy door. The one I bought can easily fit 18 bottles as long as they are not sparkling wine because they are about 2 cm longer. On the door there is a convenient panel with a display to adjust the temperature and turn on the light. The times to reach the set temperature are definitely long; I placed it in a room where it was about 25 degrees with 18 bottles inside and with a temperature set to 17 degrees it took at least 12 hours to reach that temperature. Let's hope it can maintain this temperature regardless of the room temperature. For the rest it is very quiet but in class G so definitely not energy saving, even if I think it consumes little. Excellent shipping packaging


Abbiamo preso questo frigo per un regalo e siamo stati molto soddisfatti. Purtroppo è arrivato ammaccato, ma era in una zona che non si vedeva e quindi abbiamo deciso di tenerlo lo stesso. Utile e funzionale, per quello che costa direi che è un buon acquisto.

We bought this fridge as a gift and were very pleased with it. Unfortunately it arrived dented, but it was in an area that was not visible so we decided to keep it anyway. Useful and functional, for what it costs I would say it is a good purchase.


Todo correcto.

All correct.


bon produit , fait son job sans problèmes

good product, does its job without problems


De momento funciona bien. No sé a largo plazo si conservará los vinos adecuadamente.

So far it works well. I don't know if it will preserve wines properly in the long term.


j'ai trouvé le modèle qui correspond exactement de mon emplacement et la capacité aussi . la rapidité de la livraison m'a bien surprise et m' arrangé pour stocké mon vin rapidement

I found the model that corresponds exactly to my location and the capacity too. The speed of delivery surprised me and arranged for me to store my wine quickly


Très belle petite cave livrée plus rapidement que prévu, qui se fond parfaitement dans le décor en étant très silencieuse. Température qui semble stable pour l'instant, et chose importante ! on peut y mettre des bordelaises comme des bourguigones!

Very nice little cellar delivered faster than expected, which blends perfectly into the decor while being very quiet. Temperature which seems stable for the moment, and important thing! we can put Bordeaux as well as Bourguignonnes in it!


Mucha capacidad. He aprovechado un espacio en la encimera y queda muy bien. Incluso meto otras cosas que no necesitan mucho frío. Está muy bien

Lots of capacity. I've used up some space on the counter and it looks great. I even put other things in it that don't need much cold. It's great.


Estéticamente es bonito y silencioso

Aesthetically it is beautiful and silent


Me gusta mucho! Muy compacto, hermoso, mantiene la temperatura correcta perfectamente

I like it a lot! Very compact, beautiful, keeps the correct temperature perfectly


Très bonne idée cadeau. Pas plus brillant qu'on frigo

Very good gift idea. No brighter than the fridge


Beau design. Gain de place mais surtout pas de bruit. Convient en cave de vieillissement mais aussi vin à rafraîchir. Seul bémol toutes les bouteilles "non standard" ne rentrent pas. Ex : bouteilles champagne avec corps volumineux ou bouteilles avec col trop long.

Beautiful design. Saves space but above all no noise. Suitable for aging cellars but also for wine to be chilled. The only downside is that not all "non-standard" bottles fit. Ex: champagne bottles with bulky bodies or bottles with necks that are too long.


Gosto, muito eficaz para o efeito.

I like it, very effective for the purpose.


Bom produto e rápida entrega

Good product and fast delivery


pas très précis au niveau de la température réglée sinon très satisfait. Absolument silencieuse

not very precise in terms of the set temperature otherwise very satisfied. Absolutely silent





C’est une belle cave à vin qui est peu encombrante mais peu tout de même contenir 18 bouteilles (de vin classique, pas de champagne !). Elle ne fait pratiquement pas de bruit et a une fonction d’éclairage qui met bien en valeur les bouteilles. La température semble stable, après plus d’un mois d’utilisation. La livraison a été rapide et surtout bien emballée.

This is a beautiful wine cellar that is not bulky but can still hold 18 bottles (of classic wine, not champagne!). It makes almost no noise and has a lighting function that highlights the bottles well. The temperature seems stable, after more than a month of use. The delivery was fast and above all well packaged.


J’ai reçu l’article avec un coup, le carton n’était pas abîmé et l’article super bien protégé. J’ai contacté le vendeur qui a remboursé une partie de mon article car je ne souhaitais pas le renvoyer. Bonne réactivité du vendeur. La cave est superbe plus qu’a la tester après Noël

I received the item with a blow, the box was not damaged and the item super well protected. I contacted the seller who refunded part of my item because I did not want to return it. Good responsiveness from the seller. The cellar is superb more than to test it after Christmas


Muy sencilla de utilizar, queda muy bonita en cualquier rincón y cero ruido.

Very easy to use, looks great in any corner and is noiseless.


Lieferung war schnell Alles super

Delivery was fast everything was great


produit de qualité je recommande

quality product I recommend


Muy silencioso. Contenta con la compra

Very quiet. Happy with the purchase.


La vinoteca ha cumplido todas mis expectativas. Es bonita, sencilla y no hace nada de ruido. Estoy encantada con ella.

The wine cellar has met all my expectations. It is beautiful, simple and does not make any noise. I am delighted with it.


Solide, leise, preiswert und fast perfekt Vorbemerkung: Der Sinn des Gerätes ist nicht, Flaschen auf Trink-Temperatur abzukühlen oder zu halten. Stattdessen sollen wertvolle Flaschen lange optimal gelagert werden. Vor dem Ausschenken muss die Flasche selbstverständlich noch nach-temperiert werden. Nach dem Transport des Gerätes, besonders falls das Gerät gekippt wurde, muss man dem Kühlgemisch vor dem Einschalten erstmal 10-24h Zeit lassen, damit es sich im Gerät ausgleichend verteilen kann. Das ist bei allen Kompressor-Geräten so. Nach Anschluss ans Netz gibt man die Wunschtemperatur ein. Die [ANZEIGE] blinkt einige mal und springt dann auf die reale (sinkende) Innentemperatur um. Das ist anfangs natürlich die Lufttemperatur und noch nicht die Flaschen-Temperatur! Das leere Gerät kühlt mit 64 W z.B. in ca. 3 Stunden bis zur vorgewählten Temperatur herunter. Zur Erhaltung der Temperatur wird die Leistung dann auf 15 W reduziert , später auf 1,5W. Das reichte aber nicht, um damit von einer Raumtemperatur von 19,4°C auf eine Innentemperatur von 11°C zu kommen. Die Anzeige zeigt dann 10°C und signalisiert damit, dass zwar gekühlt wird, aber es nicht ausreicht um 11°C zu erreichen. Pluspunkte: + extrem leiser Kompressor-Kühler, praktisch unhörbar und preiswert + thermostatiserte Kühlung, bei +18°C Raumtemperatur angeblich bis +11°C möglich + robustes Stahlblech-Gehäuse, hinten großflächige Wärmeabgabe + vorne Glasfenster und ein/aus-schaltbare Innenbeleuchtung + einfache Bedienung, gute Anleitung in Deutsch + 18 Flaschen mit einer Höhe bis zu 31,5 cm passen liegend hinein Negativpunkte: - Übergroße Flaschen mit 33 cm Höhe lassen sich nicht mehr waagerecht einlegen. Stehend passen 12 solcher Flaschen hinein und es bleiben noch zwei obere Lagen für sechs liegende Normal-Flaschen frei. Extrem dicke Champus-Flaschen passen nur ganz unten und ganz oben rein, aber nicht zwischen die Gitter - Temperatur-Schichtung: Ganz oben 1,5°C wärmer als ganz unten. - Bei einer Raumtemperatur von 19,4°C wurden selbst ganz unten statt der 11°C nur13°C erreicht Resümee: Preiswertes flüsterleises Raumwunder. Stabil gebaut, mit leichten Kompromissen bei extremen Flaschengrößen und hohen Raumtemperaturen. Die ausgewiesenen 11°C wurden bei einer Zimmertemperatur von 19,4°C nicht erreicht. Ich zweifele aber nicht daran, dass in 18°C Räumen die 11°C auch erreicht werden können. Bewertung: An sich 5 Sterne, aber bei darüber hinausgehenden Ansprüchen 1 Stern Abzug.

Solid, quiet, inexpensive and almost perfect. Preliminary note: The point of the device is not to cool bottles to drinking temperature or to keep them at an optimal temperature. Instead, it is intended to store valuable bottles optimally for a long time. Before pouring, the bottle must of course be brought to the right temperature. After transporting the device, particularly if it has been tipped over, the cooling mixture must be allowed 10-24 hours before switching it on so that it can evenly distribute itself throughout the device. This is the case with all compressor devices. After connecting it to the mains, enter the desired temperature. The [DISPLAY] flashes a few times and then switches to the actual (falling) internal temperature. Initially this is of course the air temperature and not the bottle temperature! An empty device cools down to the preselected temperature in around 3 hours at 64 W. To maintain the temperature, the power is then reduced to 15 W and later to 1.5 W. But that wasn't enough to get from a room temperature of 19.4°C to an internal temperature of 11°C. The display then shows 10°C, indicating that it is cooling, but not enough to reach 11°C. Plus points: + extremely quiet compressor cooler, practically inaudible and inexpensive + thermostatted cooling, at a room temperature of +18°C supposedly up to +11°C is possible + robust sheet steel housing, large-area heat dissipation at the back + glass window at the front and interior lighting that can be switched on/off + easy to use, good instructions in German + 18 bottles with a height of up to 31.5 cm fit lying down Negative points: - Oversized bottles with a height of 33 cm can no longer be placed horizontally. 12 of these bottles fit standing up and there are still two top layers free for six normal bottles lying down. Extremely thick champagne bottles only fit at the very bottom and the very top, but not between the grids - Temperature stratification: At the very top 1.5°C warmer than at the very bottom. - At a room temperature of 19.4°C, even at the very bottom only 13°C was reached instead of 11°C. Summary: Affordable, whisper-quiet space miracle. Solidly built, with slight compromises for extreme bottle sizes and high room temperatures. The stated 11°C was not reached at a room temperature of 19.4°C. However, I have no doubt that 11°C can also be reached in 18°C rooms. Rating: 5 stars in principle, but 1 star deduction for higher demands.


Prodotto venduto dallo store del marchio. Conforme alla descrizione, arrivato nei tempi previsti ed imballato alla perfezione. Unica nota contraddittoria la presenza di due certificazioni energetiche B e G . Prima di elencarne le qualità preciso il mio scopo di utilizzo. È tenuto in appartamento dove la temperatura massima estiva è tra i 27 e i 30 gradi. Al suo interno ho posizionato le bottiglie più pregiate da stappare in futuro in modo da fargli superare la calura estiva e preservarle. Questo vuol dire che non lo apro mai e consumo altro vino. In questo contesto la temperatura di massima di 18 gradi che ho impostato viene mantenuta senza problemi e senza variazioni. Per la solita ragione non scalda e quindi, logicamente, consuma poco. Solamente quando è stato riempito , dovendo portare le bottiglie a temperatura ha impiegato molte ore. Ovviamente se si apre spesso e si cambiano bottiglie le cose cambiano, come del resto succede nei frigoriferi normali quando si mette la spesa e quindi si alza la temperatura .Ma la sua potenza è ovviamente proporzionalmente relativa. Sempre silenziosissimo. Per l'uso sopra descritto mi ritengo assolutamente soddisfatto dell'acquisto.

Product sold by the brand's store. Conforms to the description, arrived on time and perfectly packaged. The only contradictory note is the presence of two energy certifications B and G. Before listing its qualities, I will specify my purpose of use. It is kept in an apartment where the maximum summer temperature is between 27 and 30 degrees. Inside I have placed the most valuable bottles to be uncorked in the future so that it can overcome the summer heat and preserve them. This means that I never open it and consume other wine. In this context, the maximum temperature of 18 degrees that I set is maintained without problems and without variations. For the usual reason, it does not heat up and therefore, logically, consumes little. Only when it has been filled, having to bring the bottles to temperature did it take many hours. Obviously if you open it often and change bottles, things change, as happens in normal refrigerators when you put the shopping in and therefore raise the temperature. But its power is obviously proportionally relative. Always very quiet. For the use described above I am absolutely satisfied with the purchase.


Flüsterweinkühlschrank Klasse, das Gerät steht im Wohnbereich und ist super leise. Es braucht aber sehr lange, bis die gewünschte Kühltemperatur erreicht wird.

Whisper wine fridge Great, the device is in the living area and is super quiet. However, it takes a long time until the desired cooling temperature is reached.


Alles so wie beschrieben Alles in Ordnung

Everything as described Everything OK


schöner Weinkühler Lieferung über Amazon lief wie immer reibungslos und schnell ab. Das Gerät war sehr gut und sicher verpackt. Man kann den Kühlschrank zwischen 11 und 18° einstellen, also perfekt für Weißwein. Meine Frau ist begeistert. Der Temperaturfühler ist sehr genau, erkennt wenn man eine "neue, warme" Flasche reinlegt u kühlt runter. 6 Flaschen passen insgesamt in das Gerät, was ihn dadurch auch nicht zu groß macht. Optisch macht er schon einiges her und hat eine digitale Anzeige für die Temperatur. Das Licht lässt sich ein bzw ausschalten, zudem ist er sehr leise, man hört nichts. Preis/Leistung top! Klare Kaufempfehlung, ich würde ihn wieder kaufen.

Nice wine cooler. Delivery via Amazon was as smooth and quick as always. The device was very well and safely packaged. You can set the fridge between 11 and 18°, so it's perfect for white wine. My wife is delighted. The temperature sensor is very accurate, it detects when you put a "new, warm" bottle in and cools it down. 6 bottles fit in the device in total, which means it's not too big. It looks good and has a digital display for the temperature. The light can be switched on and off, and it's very quiet, you can't hear anything. Great value for money! Clearly recommend buying it, I would buy it again.


Hat alles super geklappr.

Everything worked out great.