Basel Baseline electric fireplace 2000 watts 2 heating levels 7 colours glass

253,99 € (incl. VAT)
Included in this price is a contribution to recycling costs of 0.00 EUR
  • Electrical fireplace
  • Silver Metallic
Product number: 10035296
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Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    203,99 €
    Original price: 253,99 €
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    177,99 €
    Original price: 253,99 €
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  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Modern: electric fireplace as a stand-alone unit or for wall mounting

  • Magic in 7 colours: stylish LED flame effect

  • From the comfort of your couch: incl. remote control and LED display

Product description

The atmospheric electric fireplace Basel Baseline from Klarsteingives you a pure fireplace atmosphere and warmth - without any fire, soot or smoke. The sophisticated LED flame effect flickers in 7 different colours independently of the heating function. The electric fireplace creates magical moments in your home with all the romance of a real fire thanks to the glowing animated logs. You can also switch on the LED backlighting for even more atmosphere and control everything from the comfort of your couch with the remote control or pre-programme all functions thanks to the adjustable timer. You can stylishly integrate the exclusive Klarstein Basel Baseline electric fireplace into your home - on the modern feet or mounted on the wall.

Stylish, multifunctional and pleasantly warming: the Klarstein Basel Baseline electric fireplace creates an atmospheric mood and becomes a modern eye-catcher in your home.


  • Electric fireplace with LED flame effect
  • Power: 2000 watts
  • Effective range: up to 40 m² (depending on the insulation of the room)
  • Effective range: approx. 2-4 m
  • No warm-up phase, generates heat instantly
  • Front panel material: brushed stainless steel and glass
  • Appliance body material: sheet steel
  • Two-stage fan heater: 1000 & 2000 watts
  • Adjustable weekly timer
  • Built-in thermostat
  • LED flame effect in a choice of 7 colours
  • Atmospheric LED background lighting
  • Remote control included
  • With feet, optional wall mounting
  • Overheating protection
  • Easy installation including mounting material and feet
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ / 50-60 Hz
  • Please note, this appliance is not suitable for use as a primary heat source
Product number: 10035296

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Front panel dimensions: 72 x 40 cm (WxH)
  • Appliance dimensions (with front panel): 72 x 40 x 11 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions as stand-alone unit with base: 72 x 44 x 26 cm (WxHxD)
  • Cable length: 165 cm
  • Weight: approx. 9.9 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x electric fireplace
  • 1 x wall mounting set
  • 2 x feet
  • 1 x remote control (batteries not included)
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Customer reviews
54 Ratings

No review available for this item.


El producto llego en tiempo y bien embalado, funcionando muy bien desde el principio. Todavía en garantía hemos tenido un pequeño problema y hable con la empresa la cual respondió super rápido y con gran colaboración me solucionaron el problema enseguida. Producto y vendedor muy recomendable.

The product arrived on time and well packaged, working very well from the start. While still under warranty, we had a small problem and spoke to the company, which responded super fast and with great collaboration, they solved the problem immediately. Highly recommended product and seller.





Uns gefällt der Kamin sehr gut, Lieferung hat auch geklappt. Würde es wieder kaufen.

We really like the fireplace and the delivery was also good. We would buy it again.


Acquistato usato: condizioni ottime. Pienamente rispondente alle aspettative. Effetto visivo bellissimo

Purchased used: excellent condition. Fully meets expectations. Beautiful visual effect


Simple d utilisation, chauffe rapidement et reste décoratif même sans utiliser le chauffage

Easy to use, heats up quickly and remains decorative even without using the heater


No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia.

The media could not be loaded.


Klarstein est une marque sérieuse qui prend soin de répondre aux clients. Après un problème technique j'ai ou retourner le produit et être remboursé. Merci a la qualité allemande une fois de plus

Klarstein is a serious brand that takes care to respond to customers. After a technical problem I had to return the product and be refunded. Thanks to German quality once again





Design et efficace en remplacement de radiateurs électriques anciens et inefficaces.

Stylish and efficient replacement for old and inefficient electric radiators.


La consiglio, è veramente molto carina e fa un sacco atmosfera

I recommend it, it's really very nice and creates a lot of atmosphere.





Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Perfettamente funzionante,effetto molto realistico e' ovvio che non si puo' paragonarlo a quello vero , ma e' cmq molto piacevole da vedere

Unable to load media content. Perfectly working, very realistic effect, obviously it can't be compared to the real thing, but it's still very nice to see


Hammer Das ist der gut ich find es toll

Hammer That's the good I think it's great


Vraiment satisfait

Really satisfied


bello esteticamente e riscalda anche

aesthetically pleasing and also heats


Un bel appareil l'illusion est correct attention cependant à ne pas manipuler l appareil en le tenant par la vitre celle-ci étant maintenue par 4 crochets elle se désadapte facilement sinon super ça va chauffer cet hiver Et voilà nous y sommes il fait froid il est donc temps de programmer cette magnifique cheminée seulement voilà c'est incompréhensible on appuie sur tous les boutons ça clignote dans tous les sens ça fait des bip mais pas moyen de programmer on y comprend rien Édit pour ceux que ça intéresse j'ai trouvé le manuel à télécharger au format PDF en Allemand Anglais et .... Français ici Klarstein%2010035296%20Basel%20Baseline%20Electric%20Fireplace.pdf

A beautiful device the illusion is correct be careful however not to handle the device by holding it by the glass this one being held by 4 hooks it easily disengages otherwise great it will heat this winter And here we are it is cold it is therefore time to program this magnificent fireplace only here it is incomprehensible we press all the buttons it flashes in all directions it makes beeps but no way to program we understand nothing Edit for those who are interested I found the manual to download in PDF format in German English and .... French here Klarstein%2010035296%20Basel%20Baseline%20Electric%20Fireplace.pdf


Es sieht schön aus ,ein Hinkucker Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Ich dachte es Fackelt auch,als es an der Wand hing ,wollte ich es auch nicht mehr zurück schicken. Ich fände es besser ,wenn es dabei gewesen wäre.Hab ein 2 Jahres Garantie mit abgeschlossen.

It looks nice, an eye-catcher. The media could not be loaded. I thought it was flickering, and when it was hanging on the wall I didn't want to send it back. I would have preferred it if it had been included. I took out a 2-year guarantee.


No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. É fantástico! Recebi no tempo previsto e muito bem acondicionado.Além de esteticamente ficar lindíssimo, não faz barulho, e aquece muitíssimo bem. Adaptei-o numa lareira aberta que forrei por não a utilizar, a fim de aproveitar bem todo o calor que dá. Mantém bem a temperatura numa sala de cerca de 52 m2. Não sei ainda o consumo, mas não deve ser muito. RECOMENDO!!!

The multimedia content could not be loaded. It's fantastic! I received it on time and was very well packaged. In addition to being aesthetically beautiful, it doesn't make any noise and heats up very well. I adapted it into an open fireplace that I lined because I didn't use it, in order to make the most of all the heat it gives. Maintains temperature well in a room of about 52 m2. I don't know the consumption yet, but it shouldn't be much. I RECOMMEND!!!


Bonjour j ai reçu ce colis sans les pieds après réclamation auprès du vendeur les pieds sont arrivés rapidement Je trouve pratique la télécommande pour changer de couleur ou mettre ou non le chauffage Très contente merci

Hello, I received this package without the feet after complaining to the seller, the feet arrived quickly. I find the remote control practical for changing color or turning the heating on or off. Very happy, thank you.


Me encanta da el pego!! Calienta bien, no mucho pero aceptable!! Y el consumo no lo sé aún!! Jejejje

I love it, it works! It heats up well, not a lot but acceptable! And I don't know how much it consumes yet! Hehehe


l'oggetto è valido,di grande effetto scenico e anche funzionale. Qualche problema con la consegna che il venditore ha risolto rapidamente,nonostante il mio scetticismo,alla fine sono stati di parola.

the object is valid, of great scenic effect and also functional. Some problems with the delivery that the seller solved quickly, despite my skepticism, in the end they were of their word.


Bellissima e abbastanza semplice da installare e impostare nonostante il libretto delle istruzioni sia solo in inglese e tedesco. Non è stata ancora provata la programmazione settimanale ma al momento sono soddisfatta dell'acquisto.

Very nice and quite simple to install and set up even though the instruction booklet is only in English and German. Haven't tried the weekly programming yet but so far I'm happy with the purchase.


Eccellente da tutti i punti di vista.

Excellent from all points of view.


Va tutto bene MA sono regolarmente mancante le istruzioni in Italiano (ci sono solo in lingua Tedesca & Inglese) la cosa NON mi piace niente se acquisto qualcosa VOGLIO pretendo ESIGO le istruzioni in Italiano è chiara questa cosa !! Conosco ben 3 lingue Francese Spagnolo Italiano mi inviate le istruzioni in Tedesco ed in Inglese 2 lingue che NON piacciono per niente.

Everything is fine BUT the instructions in Italian are regularly missing (there are only in German & English) I do NOT like this at all if I buy something I WANT I demand I DEMAND the instructions in Italian is this thing clear!! I know 3 languages French Spanish Italian send me the instructions in German and in English 2 languages that I do NOT like at all.


Il prodotto corrisponde alle descrizioni del fornitore. Ottimo il rapporto qualita’-prezzo. Sono molto soddisfatto, sia per il perfetto funzionamento (effetto molto realistico), sia per lo stile (estetica).

The product corresponds to the descriptions of the supplier. Excellent value for money. I am very satisfied, both for the perfect functioning (very realistic effect), and for the style (aesthetics).


Super, bestens. Auch bei Problemen, eine Super Kundenservice. Vielen Dank!

Great, great. Even with problems, a great customer service. Thanks very much!


Corrisponde esattamente alla descrizione. Bellissimi colori della fiamma che lo fa sembrare abbastanza reale. Ed il vantaggio di questo modello è dato dal fatto che lo si può sia appoggiare a terra e sia fissare al muro. Consegna puntuale e pacco integro perciò le 5 stelle sono meritate.

It corresponds exactly to the description. Beautiful colors of the flame that makes it seem quite real. And the advantage of this model is that you can both place it on the ground and fix it to the wall. Delivery on time and package intact so the 5 stars are deserved.


Atmosfera in primis, perché credo che consumi abbastanza se utilizzato per riscaldare...

Atmosphere first of all, because I think it consumes quite a lot if used for heating...


ottima stufa, semplice da utilizzare e d'arredo, la riproduzione della fiamma non è male considerando che è finta. Riscalda senza problemi una stanza di 30 mq in pochi minuti

excellent stove, simple to use and decorative, the flame reproduction is not bad considering that it is fake. It heats a 30 m2 room without problems in a few minutes


No hace ruido. Caliente un salon de 25m sin problema. Facil de utilizar.

It doesn't make any noise. It heats a 25m2 room without any problem. Easy to use.


Super Teil

great part


Me encanta es muy potente y las luces dan una intimidad muy bonita

I love it, it's very powerful and the lights give a very nice intimacy.


Lieferung war schnell wie gewohnt. Optisch sehr schön. Heizleistung gut.

Delivery was quick as usual. Optically very beautiful. Heat output good.


Empfehlenswert Lieferung war schnell wie gewohnt. Optisch sehr schön. Heizleistung gut.

Recommended. Delivery was quick as usual. Looks very nice. Heating performance is good.


Pues es lo que esperaba, simula una chimenea pero con mas ventajas, puedes cambiar el color de las llamas a rojo, azul ,tradicional ,etc, o dejarlas de manera decorativa sin que emita calor, cuando se pone a calentar se oye un poco el ventilador pero no es molesto, tambien lleva leds laterales de colores para dar a la estancia un toque diferente, se puede programar para autoencendido, todo se realizar en el mismo aparato o con el mando a distancia que trae, presenta buenos acabados y en general me parece muy completo y recomendable.

Well, it's what I expected, it simulates a fireplace but with more advantages, you can change the color of the flames to red, blue, traditional, etc., or leave them as decorative without emitting heat, when it starts to heat up you can hear the fan a little but it's not bothersome, it also has colored side LEDs to give the room a different touch, it can be programmed to automatically turn on, everything is done on the same device or with the remote control that it comes with, it has good finishes and in general it seems very complete and recommendable to me.


Mucki22 Alles OK

Mucki22 Everything OK


Alles OK

Everything OK


Me decidí por esta chimenea por su bonito diseño y por tener patas y no estar obligada a encastrar en la pared, lleva 2 patas que te permite poder moverlo a tu antojo, igual lo tengo en el salón que me la llevo a la habitación para un ambiente mas romántico. Tiene muy buena potencia, diferenciado en 2 niveles, la iluminación y el calor es totalmente independiente, lo que lo hace mas atractivo todavía, además dispone de luces laterales en 2 colores, amarillo como las llamas o un azul súper bonito. Ysi fuera poco lleva mando a distancia para poder cambiar a cualquier modo sin tener que moverte. Con decir que hasta el gato se tumbo delante de la chimenea cuando la encedi es suficiente. Me ha encantado .

I decided on this fireplace because of its beautiful design and because it has legs and doesn't have to be built into the wall. It has 2 legs that allow you to move it as you please. I have it in the living room or I take it to the bedroom for a more romantic atmosphere. It has very good power, differentiated into 2 levels, the lighting and heat are completely independent, which makes it even more attractive. It also has side lights in 2 colours, yellow like the flames or a super pretty blue. And if that weren't enough, it has a remote control so you can change to any mode without having to move. To say that even the cat lay down in front of the fireplace when I turned it on is enough. I loved it.


Très contente,par cette cheminée ,nous l avons mis dans notre salon ce qui le rend encore plus chaleureux et nous avons eu la possibilité de l accrocher .Quel bonheur d avoir une cheminée a la maison,mon rêve depuis longtemps sans les inconvénients d une vrai pas de bois à surveiller ni l' odeur des cendres froides je peu changer les différentes flammes de mon canapé grâce à sa télécommande une fonction pratique.Elle chauffe bien ma pièce de 25 m.Je pense en reprendre une autre pour ma chambre.

Very happy with this fireplace, we put it in our living room which makes it even warmer and we had the possibility of hanging it. What a joy to have a fireplace at home, my dream for a long time without the disadvantages of a real one, no wood to watch or the smell of cold ashes, I can change the different flames on my sofa thanks to its remote control, a practical function. It heats my 25 m2 room well. I'm thinking of getting another one for my bedroom.


Uno dei migliori acquisti di sempre. Ho sempre desiderato il camino per l'atmosfera che dona, non potendo avere uno con canna fumaria ho preso questo elettrico. Esteticamente è veramente molto bello. Avendo spazi molto grandi non lo uso per riscaldare ma devo dire che è molto valido. Ottimo anche per il fatto che si può spegnere comodamente dal divano grazie al telecomando incluso. Lo consiglio anche per il rapporto qualità prezzo

One of the best purchases ever. I have always wanted a fireplace for the atmosphere it gives, not being able to have one with a flue I bought this electric one. Aesthetically it is really beautiful. Having very large spaces I do not use it for heating but I must say that it is very good. Excellent also for the fact that you can turn it off comfortably from the sofa thanks to the included remote control. I also recommend it for the quality/price ratio


....wir sind einfach nur begeistert von diesem tollen Kamin

....we are just thrilled with this great fireplace


Gemütlichkeit pur! Wir haben uns den Elektrokamin bestellt, weil wir für den Winter eine gemütliche Atmosphäre schaffen wollten. Dabei war es uns wichtig, dass wir auch damit wärmen können, wenn wir es wollen. Beides ist bei diesem Elektrokamin gegeben und getrennt verfügbar. Die Wärmstufen sind einem in 1000 Watt und einmal in 2000 Watt einstellbar. Beides kann man entweder am Gerät selber einstellen, oder mit der mitgelieferten Fernbedienung. Wir benutzen derzeit aber vorwiegend nur die "Lichtfunktion". Das imitierte Kaminfeuer ist täuschend echt und wunderschön. Zusätzlich kann man mit zuschaltbaren weiteren Lichteffekten den Raum in Rot, Blau, Lila oder Orange beleuchten. Man kann den Kamin an der Wand aufhängen oder in auf den mitgelieferten Füßen auf dem Boden aufstellen. Die Farbe des Gerätes ist dezent aber trotzdem modern und passt meiner Meinung nach in jeden Raum-Stil. Ich bin ganz glücklich über den Kamin und finde es ausgesprochen gemütlich damit!

Pure coziness! We ordered the electric fireplace because we wanted to create a cozy atmosphere for the winter. It was important to us that we could also use it to warm up when we wanted to. This electric fireplace has both and is available separately. The heat settings can be set to 1000 watts and 2000 watts. Both can be set either on the device itself or with the remote control provided. At the moment, however, we mainly only use the "light function". The simulated fireplace fire is deceptively real and beautiful. In addition, you can use additional light effects to illuminate the room in red, blue, purple or orange. You can hang the fireplace on the wall or place it on the floor on the feet provided. The color of the device is subtle but still modern and, in my opinion, suits any room style. I am very happy with the fireplace and find it extremely cozy!


Nach längerer Suche haben wir uns für diesen Kamin entschieden, welcher für diesen Preis hervorragend ist. Er sieht sehr schön aus, verfügt über Backlights und wärmt sehr schnell. Für mich eine absolute Empfehlung.

After a long search, we decided on this fireplace, which is excellent for this price. It looks very nice, has backlights and heats up very quickly. For me an absolute recommendation.


Desde pequeño me han gustado las chimeneas y poder calentar una habitación con la lumbre, sentado cerca para disfrutar del calor y del espectáculo visual. No es algo que hoy en día se pueda conseguir, pero después de probar este producto puedo decir que, al menos, se puede estar cerca de ello! La pantalla es muy grande y los troncos, que pensaba que serían parte de la proyección, se ven físicamente incluso con el producto apagado. Calienta más que suficiente, aunque tengo pendiente comprobar que el consumo no sea demasiado elevado. Si así fuera, y tuviera que limitar el uso, igualmente queda genial como elemento decorativo! Ha sido una buena elección, poder aunar no solo la opción de calentar una habitación, sino el recrear (con un aspecto muy moderno) aquellas chimeneas que tanto me gustaban.

Since I was a child I have loved fireplaces and being able to heat a room with the fire, sitting close to enjoy the warmth and the visual spectacle. It is not something that is possible today, but after trying this product I can say that, at least, you can be close to it! The screen is very large and the logs, which I thought would be part of the projection, are physically visible even with the product turned off. It heats more than enough, although I still have to check that the consumption is not too high. If it were, and I had to limit the use, it would still be great as a decorative element! It has been a good choice, being able to combine not only the option of heating a room, but also recreating (with a very modern look) those fireplaces that I liked so much.





Der Kamin wurde pünktlich und sicher verpackt geliefert. Das Design in Edelstahloptik sieht wertig aus. Das "Feuer" lässt sich in mehreren Stufen dosieren. Für die Hintergrundbeleuchtung stehen verschiedene Farbtöne zur Auswahl wobei für meinen Geschmack nur Orange passt (grün und blau ist mir zu kitschig). Ebenfalls lässt sich noch ein zweistufiger Heizlüfter zuschalten. Der Kamin verbreitet in gemütliches Ambiente so wie ich es mir gewünscht habe. Der Preis ist angemessen. Einziges Manko: statt dem integrierten Heizlüfter hätte ich mir lieber eine akustische Funktion für das Feuerprasseln und knistern gewünscht. Aber das kann man sich ja zusätzlich streamen :)

The fireplace was delivered on time and securely packaged. The design in stainless steel looks valuable. The "fire" can be dosed in several stages. There are various colors to choose from for the backlight, although only orange suits my taste (green and blue are too cheesy for me). A two-stage fan heater can also be switched on. The fireplace creates a cozy atmosphere just as I wished. The price is reasonable. The only drawback: instead of the integrated fan heater, I would have preferred an acoustic function for the fire crackling and crackling. But you can also stream that :)


Das Flammenbild und der E-Kamin sind optisch gut auch die Wandmontage ist sehr einfach. Alles in allem einfach gut.

The flame pattern and the e-fireplace are visually good, and wall mounting is very easy. All in all just fine.


Der E-Kamin sieht sehr gut aus und hat eine tolle Größe. Schönes Flammenbild, aber nur in Gelbtönen. Leider war die Heizung bei meinem kaputt, so dass er retour ging. Absolut unkompliziert und schnelle Gutschrift des Kaufbetrages. Dafür Daumen hoch!

The electric fireplace looks very good and is a great size. Beautiful flame picture, but only in yellow tones. Unfortunately, the heater broke on mine, so I had to return it. Absolutely uncomplicated and quick credit of the purchase amount. Thumbs up for that!


Ich habe den Kamin für meine Mutter bei Amazon bestellt. Nach zügiger Lieferung innerhalb von 3 Tagen war der Kamin da und konnte problemlos aufgebaut werden (ca. 30 Min.). Der Kamin ist Made in Germany sieht sehr wertig aus und die Flammensimulation ist wirklich sehr gelungen. Das Backlight ( in mehreren Farben wählbar) sowie 2 Heizvarianten 1000w/2000w sind integriert. Ein Timer rundet das Paket ab. Klare Kaufempfehlung !

I ordered the fireplace for my mother from Amazon. After quick delivery within 3 days, the fireplace was there and could be assembled without any problems (approx. 30 minutes). The fireplace is Made in Germany, looks very valuable and the flame simulation is really very successful. The backlight (selectable in several colors) as well as 2 heating variants 1000w/2000w are integrated. A timer completes the package. Clear purchase recommendation!


Sehr Schön würde es immer wieder kaufen

Very nice would buy again and again


Habe leider nicht realisiert, das der Kamin keinen Thermostat hat, schade, ansonsten o.k. Lautstärke des Lüfters ist wesentlich leiser als mein alter Heizlüfter. Am lautesten ist der Piepston beim Schalten der Funktionen, der könnte etwas dezenter sein. Dies gilt für den ersten Kamin. Ich hab mir einen zweiten gekauft. Der war Schlappe 30Euro teurer, was mich ein wenig ärgerte, aber dann war ich positiv überrascht. Der Kamin ist jetzt mit Thermostat und Timerfunktion ausgestattet. Das habe ich in der Beschreibung entweder übersehen oder wurde nicht beschrieben. Das Knistern erzeuge ich weiterhin über einen kleinen Lautsprecher

Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the fireplace doesn't have a thermostat, a pity, otherwise ok. The volume of the fan is much quieter than my old fan heater. The loudest is the beep when switching the functions, it could be a bit more subtle. This applies to the first chimney. I bought a second one. It was a whopping 30 euros more expensive, which annoyed me a little, but then I was pleasantly surprised. The fireplace is now equipped with a thermostat and timer function. I either missed that in the description or it wasn't mentioned. I continue to generate the crackling with a small loudspeaker


So sollte es sein, super Verarbeitung, sehr einfache Montage, tolle Optik und sehr gute Wärmeleistung !!!!!! Schnelle Lieferung, sehr ordentlich verpackt. Klar, man hört die Lüfter und es ist kein echter Kamin aber für den Preis wüsste ich nicht wofür man auch nur einen halben Stern abziehen sollte !! Feines Teil.

That's how it should be, super workmanship, very easy assembly, great optics and very good heat output !!!!!! Fast delivery, very neatly packaged. Sure you can hear the fans and it's not a real fireplace but for the price I don't see why even half a star should be deducted!! Fine part.


Echt tolles Teil. Funktioniert wunderbar und ist auch vom Aussehen her wunderbar. Der Stern Abzug ist nur wegen den super Kollegen von UPS. Die Ware stand in dem( frei begehbaren Haus) seit knapp 3 Tagen im Vorhaus OHNE das ich auch nur irgendwie kontaktiert wurde. (Klebezettel am Briefkasten 1 Stockwerk höher, noch das auf Amazon etwas steht das es schon da wäre)

Really great part. Works great and looks great too. The star deduction is only because of the great colleagues from UPS. The goods were in the (freely accessible house) for almost 3 days in the front building WITHOUT having been contacted in any way. (Sticker on the mailbox 1 floor above, something that says on Amazon that it is already there)


Das Gerät kam super sicher verpackt in 2 kartons innerhalb von 2 Tagen bei uns an. In dem einen war der massive Standfuß in dem anderen das Gerät selber. Der E-kamin kann entweder mit wandmontage befestigt werden oder mit dem standfuß aufgestellt werden. Für beide arten ist das benötigte material im Lieferumfang enthalten. Da wir den E-Kamin hauptsächlich wegen der Heinzstrahlerfunktion gekauft haben erschien mir die Standfuß version sinnvoller da die lüftung am Oberen Rand angebracht ist. Fürs auspacken und Aufbauen habe ich (allein) ca. 30min. benötigt. Die Feuer darstellung ist wirklich sehr schön anzusehen und kann in verschiedene stufen eingestellt werden. Vom schwachen glimmen bis zum prasselnden feuer. Die back Lights sind in verschiedenen blau und rot tönen einzustellen. Bis auf das sanftere orange sind die farben für mich doch etwas zu grell geraten und lenken nur von der schönen Feuerillusion ab. Der sanfte ton ist aber gerade ausreichend damit der schöne E-Kamin in dem eher dunkleren Eck in unserem Wohnzimmer nicht verloren geht. Die Heizstrahlerfunktion ist in 2 stufen einstellbar. 1x1000watt 1x2000watt Hört sich zwar erstmal nach einer menge stromverbrauch an allerdings lässt man das Gerät ja eher selten stundenlang durchlaufen. Wir wohnen in einem altbau mit schlechter Isolation(Gasheizung) und wollen deshalb nach und nach auf Strom umsteigen. Der Klarstein gekoppelt mit einer Infrarotheizung ist echt der Hammer. Das erste was ich morgens mache ist erstmal in unserem 35qm Wohnzimmer unseren Klarstein auf 2000watt einschallten. In den 15-20min die ich im bad verbringe ist unser zuvor eiskaltes Wohnzimmer tropisch warm. Die Infrarotheizung hält dann die Zimmertemperatur. Sollte es doch mal frischer werden reicht es vollkommen aus unseren E-Kamin erneut so alle 3-4 stunden auf 1000watt für eine viertelstunde einzustellen. Einfach MEGA!!! Die Lautstärke selbst finde ich beim Heizstrahler sehr angenehm. Wenn ich jetzt alleine auf meinem sofa ein buch lese höre ich das summen natürlich. Allerdings nicht so schlimm wie bei manch anderen Geräten. Eher vergleichbar mit einem Ventilator im Sommer oder einem fön höherer Qualität auf niedrieger stufe. Sobald allerdings TV oder Radio an ist. Oder Familie und Freunde zu besuch sind hört man den Heizstrahler überhaupt nichtmehr!!!! Alle einstellungen lassen sich natürlich auch bequem mit der Fernbedienung einstellen. (Batterien nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) Ich bitte aber zu beachten das gerade wegen der starken heizstrahler nix über dem Gerät montiert wird oder sogar über das Gerät selbst gelegt wird. Mein Fazit: Wer auf Strom umsteigen möchte kann Ich dieses Gerät nur empfehlen. Ich hätte nicht erwartet das mich das Gerät für den Preis zu 100% überzeugt da es da ja schon ganz andere Kaliber nicht annähernd so gut hinbekommen. KANN ICH NUR WEITEREMPFEHLEN!!!

The device arrived very securely packed in 2 boxes within 2 days. In one was the massive stand in the other the device itself. The e-fireplace can either be wall-mounted or set up with the stand. The material required for both types is included in the scope of delivery. Since we bought the e-fireplace mainly because of the Heinz heater function, the pedestal version made more sense to me because the ventilation is attached to the upper edge. I have (alone) about 30 minutes to unpack and assemble. needed. The fire display is really nice to look at and can be set to different levels. From the faint glow to the crackling fire. The back lights can be adjusted in different blue and red tones. Except for the softer orange, the colors are a bit too bright for me and only distract from the beautiful fire illusion. But the soft tone is just enough so that the beautiful electric fireplace does not get lost in the rather dark corner of our living room. The radiant heater function can be set in 2 stages. 1x1000watt 1x2000watt Sounds like a lot of power consumption at first, but you rarely let the device run for hours. We live in an old building with poor insulation (gas heating) and therefore want to gradually switch to electricity. The Klarstein coupled with an infrared heater is really awesome. The first thing I do in the morning is turn on our Klarstein at 2000 watts in our 35 square meter living room. In the 15-20 minutes I spend in the bathroom, our previously freezing living room is tropically warm. The infrared heater then maintains the room temperature. Should it get fresher, it is completely sufficient to set our e-fireplace again every 3-4 hours to 1000 watts for a quarter of an hour. Simply MEGA!!! I find the volume itself very pleasant with the radiant heater. Now, when I read a book alone on my sofa, I naturally hear the humming. Not as bad as some other devices though. More comparable to a fan in summer or a higher quality hair dryer on a lower setting. However, as soon as the TV or radio is on. Or when family and friends are visiting you can no longer hear the radiant heater at all!!!! All settings can of course also be conveniently adjusted with the remote control. (Batteries not included in the scope of delivery) But please note that, precisely because of the strong radiant heaters, nothing is mounted above the device or even placed over the device itself. My conclusion: I can only recommend this device to anyone who wants to switch to electricity. I didn't expect that the device would convince me 100% for the price, since other calibers don't do it nearly as well. I CAN ONLY RECOMMEND!!!