BBQ-Cage 3D Grilling Cage Accessory Spare Part

BBQ-Cage 3D Grilling Cage Accessory Spare Part

34,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Grill cage
  • Stainless Steel
Product number: 10030296
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  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Function-enhancing stainless steel grilling cage for the Klarstein VitAir series

  • Even roasting via uniform rotation

  • Suitable for the following models: 10012291, 10012292, 10027392, 10028288, 10028289, 10028290

Product description

The Klarstein BBQ-Cage 3D grilling cage brings the VitAir to the next level.

With ease and within seconds, the grilling cage can be mounted. The operation is simple: the steak or the fish will be trapped in the cage. The constant rotation will allow for even distribution of the heat and thereby even cooking.

The Klarstein BBQ-Cage 3D grilling cage  is made entirely of stainless steel and therefore is not only extremely duraby but also easy to clean.


  • Simple to mount
  • User-friendly and easy to clean
  • Locking screw
Product number: 10030296

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Diameter: 14 cm (Ø)
  • Height: 21 cm (H)
  • Weight: approx. 293 g

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • Please note that this item does not include an instruction manual

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

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Customer reviews
12 Ratings

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das Stück sieht gut aus, funktioniert und macht genau das, was es soll. Der Preis allerdings ist schon eine Frechheit....

the piece looks good, works and does exactly what it's supposed to. However, the price is a joke....


Super Ding is aber sehr Reinigungsintensiv, daher nur 4 Sterne

Super thing is very cleaning-intensive, therefore only 4 stars


Super Ergänzung, wäre schön, wenn es serienmäßig wäre

Great addition, would be nice if it was standard


Ich bin absolut zufrieden mit dem Drehkorb. Die Pommes z.B.,werden noch ein ticken besser. Ist eine Gute Investition. Kann ich wirklich empfehlen.

I am absolutely satisfied with the rotating basket. The fries, for example, are a tick better. Is a good investment. I can really recommend.


Passt super

Fits great


Da sich der 3D-Grill-Käfig dreht sind die Pommes sehr gut gelungen.

Since the 3D grill cage rotates, the fries are very well done.


Magnetisch, also kein Edelstahl. Davon abgesehen bin ich sehr zufrieden.

Magnetic, so no stainless steel. Apart from that I am very satisfied.


Ich habe es noch gar nicht er wendet mir fällt immer noch der Stab der durch den Käfig geht. Den brauch man ja um den Käfig einzuspannen

I haven't got it yet he turns I still drop the stick that goes through the cage. You need it to clamp the cage


Für die Pommes echt super

Really great for the fries


Ganz gut aber etwas teuer

Quite good but a bit expensive


Super nur müsste besser verarbeitet werden

Super just needs better processing


Super, passt und funktioniert.

Great, fits and works.