[Returns: -15%] Snow View Ski Goggles

20,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Ski Goggles
  • Black
Product number: 52029076
Snow View Ski Goggles
20,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Sporty ski goggles for clear vision while downhill skiing, snowboarding, ski touring or snowshoeing

  • Partly mirrored surface with mirror coating to protect against UV rays

  • Directly ventilated inner frame for protection from condensation

Product description

Always good visibility even in fast descents with to the Klarfit Snow View ski goggles. Thanks to direct lens ventilation, condensation has no chance and the field of vision always remains clear. Extra-soft foam pads provide comfortable wear for the curved glasses. The glossy black frame gives the glasses a stylish full sporty look.

The surface of the Klarfit Snow View snowboard goggles is provided with a mirror coating to protect the eyes from harmful UV radiation. The outside of the plastic glass is scratch-resistant and partially mirrored. The size-adjustable soft headband gives the goggles a secure fit on every head, no matter if they are worn with or without a helmet.


  • Soft foam pads for comfort
  • Curved shape
  • Size adjustable, soft headband
  • Frame colour: black
  • Exterior colour of the lenses: slightly reflective smoked glass
Product number: 52029076

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: about 17 x 10 x 10cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 125g

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x pair ski goggles
  • Please note that this device does not come with a user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Customer reviews
2 Ratings

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Questi occhiali che ho acquistato qui su Amazon mi hanno pienamente soddisfatto sia per la qualità che per il prezzo! Ammetto di non essere un professionista ma per andare sulla neve sono davvero comodi! e penso che riscontreranno interesse anche per i più scettici. La confezione è arrivata dentro con solo gli occhiali ovviamente. Appena li ho presi in mano mi sono reso conto di quanto fossero leggeri e di buona fattura. Indossandoli ho potuto apprezzare le lenti a specchio che proteggono gli occhi dai raggi del sole e dai riflessi causati dalla neve. Lenti di ottima fattura resistenti ai graffi trattate con delle sostanze che prevengono la formazione di condensa e ho notato essere anche abbastanza oleofobiche. Insomma che dire un prodotto consigliato sopratutto in rapporto qualità prezzo! Spero di essere stato abbastanza esauriente riguardo la mia personale esperienza sul prodotto e di avervi potuto descrivere il dispositivo togliendovi, nel caso ci fossero, tutti i dubbi che avevate. Spero inoltre che possiate riscontrare il mio stesso parere! Buon acquisto!

These glasses that I purchased here on Amazon fully satisfied me both for the quality and the price! I admit I'm not a professional but they are really comfortable for going in the snow! and I think they will find interest even for the most sceptical. The package arrived inside with only the glasses obviously. As soon as I picked them up I realized how light and well made they were. Wearing them I was able to appreciate the mirrored lenses that protect my eyes from the sun's rays and reflections caused by the snow. Excellent scratch-resistant lenses treated with substances that prevent the formation of condensation and I noticed that they are also quite oleophobic. In short, what can I say, a recommended product especially in terms of quality/price ratio! I hope I have been sufficiently exhaustive regarding my personal experience with the product and that I have been able to describe the device to you, removing, if there were any, any doubts you had. I also hope you can find the same opinion as me! Good purchase!


Ero alla ricerca di una maschera da sci da regalare a natale a mio figlio che pratica lo snowbord. Questa disciplina ha un suo tipo di abbigliamento molto casual e diverso da quello degli sciatori da discesa. Gli snowbordisti vestono giacche e pantaloni ampi e comodi per facilitare i movimenti tipici di questa disciplina ed hanno un aspetto un po' alternativo rispetto a quello più tecno degli sciatori da discesa. Questi occhiali sono piaciuti molto sia per le loro caratteristiche tecniche, sia per le loro grandi dimensioni, che conferiscono uno stravagante aspetto bug-eye. Essendo grandi assicurano un angolo di visone molto ampio da entrambi i lati, cosa molto importante nello sci in genere e nello snowbord in particolare, per rendersi conto immediatamente della presenza di altri sciatori e di eventuali ostacoli. Aderiscono perfettamente al viso, sono ben ventilati e quindi non si appannano. Ottima anche la protezione contro la radiazione solare. Molto solidi nelle struttura e nel simil-vetro antigraffio e parzialmente a specchio. Disponibili in tre versioni: quella nera più classica, le due Revo più pazzerelle. In conclusione un prodotto di ottima qualità, adatto date le dimensioni agli adulti.

I was looking for a ski mask to give as a Christmas gift to my son who snowboards. This discipline has its own type of clothing that is very casual and different from that of downhill skiers. Snowboarders wear large, comfortable jackets and trousers to facilitate the typical movements of this discipline and have a somewhat alternative appearance compared to the more techno one of downhill skiers. These glasses were very popular both for their technical characteristics and for their large size, which gives them an extravagant bug-eye look. Being large they ensure a very wide viewing angle on both sides, which is very important in skiing in general and snowboarding in particular, to immediately realize the presence of other skiers and any obstacles. They adhere perfectly to the face, are well ventilated and therefore do not fog up. Protection against solar radiation is also excellent. Very solid in the structure and in the scratch-resistant and partially mirrored glass-like finish. Available in three versions: the more classic black one, the two more crazy Revos. In conclusion, an excellent quality product, suitable for adults given its size.