Toughbag Power Bag

57,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Power bag
  • Multi
  • 21 cm
Product number: 10029877
Toughbag Power Bag
57,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    48,99 €
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  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
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Top features

  • Versatile training device for improving strenght and endurance

  • Various exercises: tearing, swinging, bumping

  • 5 kg weight

Product description

Reach your limit: touch, toucher, toughbag! The CAPITAL SPORTS  Toughbag power bag adds variety to your traning: swining, tearing or pushing. Here you get an all-round training device for increasing strenght and endurance whenever you want! Three tear-resistant handles made of ballistic nylon give you full control over the Toughbag when doing the various exercises.

The CAPITAL SPORTS Toughbag power bag is filles with a 5 kg mixutre of sand and floss silk. Foam pads hold the power bag  in shape and dampen any impact. So that the Toughbag stays for a long time in top form, its outer skin is made of durable synthetic leather and has robust reinforcement strips of ballistic nylon. 

Available versions: 5 kg, 10 kg (item 10029878), 15 kg (item 10029879), 20 kg (item 10029880), 25 kg (item 10029881)


  • Weight material: sand-floss silk mix
  • Fixed shape and soft upholstery thanks to foam boards
  • Robust outer shell: artificial leather and ballistic nylon reinforcements
Product number: 10029877

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 21 x 50 cm (ØxL)
  • Weight: approx. 5 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x power bag
  • Delivery without user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
5 Ratings

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Schöne Tasche, schneller Versand. Lässt sich super im Training an-und verwenden. Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für das Training sind für Anfänger und fortgeschrittene ausreichend. Auch für den militärischen Bereich ( IGF/ MilFit ) Tip top.

Nice bag, fast shipping. Easy to put on and use during training. The training applications are sufficient for beginners and advanced users. Also tip top for the military sector (IGF/MilFit).


Die beiden Sandsäcke (15 und 20 Kilo) machen optisch einen guten Eindruck. Die Nähte scheinen stabil zu sein, die Haptik gefällt auch. Vier Sterne, weil die Griffe wirklich suboptimal sind. Es sind einfache Schlaufen. Sie müssten enger sein und einen Griff enthalten. Dann wären sie perfekt. Für den professionellen Einsatz kann ich sie nicht empfehlen. Dennoch würde ich sie nicht nochmal kaufen, sondern lieber in hochwertigere Sandsäcke investieren. Preis in Ordnung und Lieferung ging schnell.

The two sandbags (15 and 20 kilos) look good. The seams seem to be sturdy and they feel good too. Four stars because the handles are really suboptimal. They are simple loops. They should be tighter and have a handle. Then they would be perfect. I cannot recommend them for professional use. However, I would not buy them again and would rather invest in higher quality sandbags. The price is OK and delivery was quick.


Stabil und so wie erwartet. Für den Hausgebrauch genau richtig und Preis-Leistung stimmt. Gut verarbeitet und wie gesagt ich bin sehr zufrieden

Stable and as expected. Just right for home use and good value for money. Well made and as I said, I am very satisfied


Ich mache sehr viel Ausdauertraining und dabei ist mir jedes Hilfsmittel recht, was mich voran bringt. Eines davon ist der CAPITAL SPORTS TOUGHBAG POWER BAG SANDBAG 5 KG KUNSTLEDER, den ich kostenlos zum testen bekommen habe. Schon beim auspacken macht der Sandbag einen hervorragenden Eindruck. Er sieht sehr robust aus und alles wurde hochwertig verarbeitet. Die Außenhülle besteht aus Kunstleder und selbst auf den Boden schmeißen oder ziehen macht ihm nichts aus. Insgesamt hat er drei reißfeste Griffe. Und diese sind wirklich Reißfest. Ich kann daran zerren und ziehen und es passiert rein gar nichts. So sollte es bei einem Sandbag auch sein, denn schließlich trägt man ihn nicht nur umher sondern macht auch Übungen damit. An dem einen Ende befindet sich unter einer Abdeckung mit Klettverschluß der Reißverschluss. Der Reißverschluss ist ebenfalls gut verarbeitet und lässt sich ohne Rucken öffnen und schließen. Dieser macht ebenfalls ein zügiges Wechseln des Gewichts möglich. Im Inneren befinden sich zum einen Schaumstoffpolster drin und wenn man diese entnimmt, sieht man den schwarzen Sack der gefüllt ist mit einem schweren Gemisch aus Sand und Florettseide. Insgesamt hat man hier 5 Kilo, was für mich völlig ausreichend ist um meine Übungen zu machen. Der Sack lässt sich sehr gut handhaben und macht viele Übungen möglich. Egal ob Ausfallschritte, Hebeübungen, Schwungübungen und auch Shouldering. Alles ist möglich mit diesem Sack. Natürlich kann man den schwarzen Sack mit der 5 Kilo Füllung auch entnehmen und durch anderes Füllmaterial ersetzen wenn man das möchte. Für meine Übungen Optimal und ich vergebe gerne fünf Sterne dafür.

I do a lot of endurance training and I'm happy with any tool that helps me progress. One of them is the CAPITAL SPORTS TOUGHBAG POWER BAG SANDBAG 5 KG SYNTHETIC LEATHER, which I received for free to test. The sandbag makes an excellent impression as soon as you unpack it. It looks very robust and everything has been manufactured to a high standard. The outer shell is made of synthetic leather and even being thrown on the floor or pulled doesn't bother it. It has a total of three tear-resistant handles. And these are really tear-resistant. I can tug and pull on it and nothing happens. That's how it should be with a sandbag, because after all, you don't just carry it around but also do exercises with it. At one end there is a zipper under a cover with a Velcro fastener. The zipper is also well made and can be opened and closed without jerking. This also makes it possible to change the weight quickly. Inside there are foam pads and when you remove these you can see the black bag which is filled with a heavy mixture of sand and foil silk. In total, you have 5 kilos, which is more than enough for me to do my exercises. The bag is very easy to handle and allows you to do many exercises. Whether it's lunges, lifting exercises, swing exercises or even shouldering. Everything is possible with this bag. Of course, you can remove the black bag with the 5 kilo filling and replace it with other filling material if you want. It's perfect for my exercises and I'm happy to give it five stars.


Si tratta di un sacco per l'allenamento funzionale dei muscoli. Già al tempo dei romani si sa che i gladiatori riempivano sacchi di sabbia per allenarsi. Oggi i sacchi riempiti di sabbia sono denominati SANDBAG. Sono usati soprattutto dai militari quando durante le missioni all'estero non hanno a disposizione una vera e propria palestra e usano i pesi che hanno a portata di mano (come ad esempio i sacchi di sabbia pesanti delle trincee). La SANBAG in pratica è un sacco in pelle/plastica/tela riempito di sabbia di varie grandezze e vari pesi, dotato di maniglie per varie impugnature e modalità di impiego. Possono avere un peso che va dai 4 kg ai 35 kg. Può essere utilizzato come vero e proprio bilanciere o sacco da colpire. Su Youtube si trovano diversi video di istruttori che suggeriscono esercizi per rafforzare diverse parti del corpo. E non sono nemmeno così impossibili. Si possono svolgere esercizi che interessano tutto il corpo e servono a migliorare la forza di base, la forza esplosiva, la sinergia tra le varie catene muscolari. Sono utili anche per dimagrire e tornare immediatamente in forma. Questo sacco, come vedete dalle foto è ben fatto e rifinito. Costituito da pelle sintetica e rinforzi in nylon balistico. Molto, molto resistente. Le tre diverse prese permettono l'utilizzo e la presa sul sacco in diversi modi diversi per svolgere diversi esercizi. La sacca, all'interno, è riempita con 5 kg di una miscela di sabbia e filato di cascami di seta (i Kg sono indicati anche sulla parte che può essere aperta). Ci sono anche diversi dischi in gommapiuma che aiutano a mantenere la forma della Power Bag e assorbirne i colpi durante l'allenamento. Usata per una settimana - non si deforma e non subisce danni di alcun tipo. Ben rifinita da comunque l'idea di durare nel tempo. Si può tranquillamente pulire con un panno umido. Assolutamente un buon prodotto per la forma fisica.

This is a bag for functional muscle training. Already in Roman times it was known that gladiators filled sandbags for training. Today bags filled with sand are called SANDBAG. They are mainly used by soldiers when during missions abroad they don't have a real gym at their disposal and use the weights they have on hand (such as heavy sandbags from the trenches). The SANBAG is basically a leather/plastic/canvas bag filled with sand of various sizes and weights, equipped with handles for various grips and methods of use. They can have a weight ranging from 4 kg to 35 kg. It can be used as a real barbell or hitting bag. On Youtube you can find several videos of instructors who suggest exercises to strengthen different parts of the body. And they're not even that impossible. You can perform exercises that affect the whole body and serve to improve basic strength, explosive strength and the synergy between the various muscle chains. They are also useful for losing weight and immediately getting back into shape. This bag, as you can see from the photos, is well made and finished. Made of synthetic leather and ballistic nylon reinforcements. Very, very durable. The three different grips allow you to use and grip the bag in several different ways to perform different exercises. The bag, inside, is filled with 5 kg of a mixture of sand and silk waste yarn (the kg are also indicated on the part that can be opened). There are also several foam discs that help maintain the shape of the Power Bag and absorb shock during training. Used for a week - does not deform or suffer any damage. Well finished, it still gives the idea of lasting over time. You can easily clean it with a damp cloth. Absolutely a good product for fitness.