[Returns: -15%] Battlevest 2.0 Weight Vest

[Returns: -15%] Battlevest 2.0 Weight Vest

83,99 €
Original price: 119,99 €
(incl. VAT)
Product number: 53034533
Battlevest 2.0 Weight Vest
83,99 €
Original price: 119,99 €
(incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • For high-performance sports: extremely robust weight vest for training muscles and endurance

  • Perfect body adaptation: numerous Velcro and rubber bands for perfect training fit

  • High wearing comfort: thick shoulder, chest and back padding for optimal weight distribution


  • Especially suitable for running training, push-ups, pull-ups or sit-ups due to tight fit of the weight plates
  • Steel plates: 2 x 8.75 pounds (4.0 kg)
  • Quick release cable: for quick opening of the vest during exercise changes or medical emergencies
  • Easy weight absorption with extremely strong Velcro fastening for high training safety
  • Drag handle: pull loop for partner training
  • Martial design of a tactical combat vest
Product number: 53034533

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions vest (folded): approx. 30 x 50 x 8 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight vest (without plates): approx. 1.5 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x weight vest
  • 2 x weight plate 8.75 lbs (4.0 kg)
  • Delivery without manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
61 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Buen material, sin manual, voluminoso.

Good material, no manual, bulky.


Super veste lestée Solide, agréable à porter

Great weighted vest. Solid, comfortable to wear.


Kamizelka bardzo dobrze i solidnie wykonana. Leży idealnie i świetnie nadaje się do wykonania Murpha. Piękny kolor. Brakuje trochę miejsca na naszywki ale to można ogarnąć

The vest is very well and solidly made. It fits perfectly and is perfect for making Murph. Beautiful colour. There is a little space for patches, but it can be managed


Très bon produit

Very good product


Ottimo giubbotto zavorrato a piastre versatile e robusto. C'è da perdere un pò di tempo all' inizio per la regolazione, per il resto nulla da dire. Consigliato a chi come me pratica Crossfit! qualità/prezzo top

Excellent weighted vest with plates, versatile and sturdy. You have to waste a bit of time at the beginning for the adjustment, for the rest nothing to say. Recommended for those like me who practice Crossfit! top quality/price


Dopo aver provato diversi giubbotti zavorrati ho finalmente trovato un prodotto ottimo. Innanzitutto, si presenta pulito, senza troppe tasche, fili che pendono o velcri che non funzionano! L'attaccatura è composta da una sorta di cintura ventrale che si chiude in maniera salda grazie a un velcro. Una cosa che mi è piaciuta molto è che il giubbotto rimane aderente al corpo, perciò anche quando fai i piegamenti sulle braccia non casca verso il pavimento, o ancora meglio non fa gioco se salti e fai esercizi come i jumping jacks. I pesi sono in sostanza dei piatti sottili da 5 Kg che si inseriscono nelle tasche anteriori e posteriori. Molto ergonomico come prodotto, lo consiglio tantissimo per chi pratica sport in casa o si allena a corpo libero

After trying several weighted vests I finally found an excellent product. First of all, it is clean, without too many pockets, hanging wires or Velcro that doesn't work! The attachment is made up of a sort of waist belt that closes firmly thanks to a Velcro. One thing I really liked is that the vest stays close to the body, so even when you do push-ups it doesn't fall to the floor, or even better it doesn't get in the way if you jump and do exercises like jumping jacks. The weights are essentially thin 5 kg plates that fit into the front and back pockets. Very ergonomic as a product, I highly recommend it for those who practice sports at home or train free body


Mi è piaciuto tutto di questo gilet zavorrato, ottimo prodotto, materiali di qualità,c era da aspettarselo con il ne di questa Azienda

I liked everything about this weighted vest, great product, quality materials, it was to be expected with the quality of this company





Great purchase, a big upgrade over a backpack with weights. I bought 15kg, which I use for hiking with my dog, love it. Have not tried exercising with it, it will probably be loose but I am quite small

Great purchase, a big upgrade over a backpack with weights. I bought 15kg, which I use for hiking with my dog, love it. Have not tried exercising with it, it will probably be loose but I am quite small


Bin absolut zufrieden mit dem Artikel. Verschiedene Übungen, Pull Ups, Laufen etc. funktionieren einwandfrei. Zum einstellen kann ich nichts sagen, Platten eingelegt und angezogen.

I am absolutely satisfied with the item. Various exercises, pull ups, running etc. work perfectly. I can't say anything about setting, plates inserted and tightened.



Highly recommended


Die Weste liegt super am Körper an und bewegt sich nur wenig beim Training. Der Preis ist definitiv angemessen. Sie ist gut verarbeitet und die Gewichte passen einwandfrei in die Taschen, weshalb diese nicht herum rutschen. Ich benutze die Weste beim Laufen und um simple Körpergewichts Übungen zu erschweren z.B. Liegestütze, Klimmzüge, Kniebeugen, Burpees... Der Trainingseffekt ist top.

The vest fits the body perfectly and only moves a little during training. The price is definitely reasonable. It's well made and the weights fit perfectly in the pockets so they don't slide around. I use the vest when running and to make simple bodyweight exercises more difficult, e.g. push-ups, pull-ups, squats, burpees... The training effect is great.


Die Weste ist in der Verarbeitung sehr hochwertig und gut zu tragen. Das Einlegen der Platten ist auch nicht so schwierig. Ich habe es auch ohne Anleitung hinbekommen. Etwas tricky (ohne Anleitung) ist das Einstellen der Schultergurte. Auf den ersten Blick gibt es nämlich keine Verstellmöglichkeit wie z.B. bei einem Rucksack. Dazu dann einfach mal ohne Platten in der Weste an dem schwarzen Kabel ziehen. Dann fällt die Weste sozusagen auseinander. Wenn man dann die Kabel wieder einfädelt, kann man die Länge der Schultergurte und die vorne/hinten Verbindung einstellen. Die Breite der Weste stört etwas bei tiefen Squats. Schwerere Platten zu organisieren dürfte auch nicht schwer sein. Einfach zum örtlichen Schlosser gehen und fragen ob er einem welche machen kann.

The vest has a very high quality finish and is easy to wear. Inserting the plates isn't that difficult either. I managed to do it without instructions. Adjusting the shoulder straps is a bit tricky (without instructions). At first glance, there is no adjustment option like there is with a backpack, for example. To do this, simply pull the black cable in the vest without plates. Then the vest falls apart, so to speak. Then, by threading the cables back in, you can adjust the length of the shoulder straps and the front/back connection. The width of the vest interferes a bit with deep squats. Organizing heavier plates shouldn't be difficult either. Just go to the local locksmith and ask if they can make you some.


Super Weste!!! Robust, sehr gut gepolstert. Nach dem auspacken kurz geschaut wie es funktioniert mit den Platten einsetzen. Hat mich keine 5 min gekostet dann hatte die Weste fertig und am Körper. Sehr zu empfehlen!

Great vest!!! Sturdy, very well padded. After unpacking, briefly looked at how it works with inserting the plates. Didn't cost me 5 minutes then the vest was ready and on my body. We recommend!


Die Capital Sports Battlevest 2.0 ist eine vergleichsweise günstige Plattenträger-Gewichtsweste. Das Design lehnt sich stark ein an Modell der Marke 5.11 an, das jedoch deutlich teurer ist. Ich bin rundum zufrieden mit der Weste. Sie ist solide verarbeitet, trägt sich gut und lässt sich nach Bedarf einstellen. So weit so gut und eine klare Kaufempfehlung! Allein in Bezug auf Qualität, Funktion und Handhabung hat die Weste 5 Punkte verdient. Es werden aber ingesamt nur 4 Punkte. Warum? Weil keine Anleitung dabei ist, was für manche ein mehr oder weniger großes Manko ist, wie man auch an den anderen Rezensionen sieht. Einige Käufer schafften es offenbar nicht, die Weste einzustellen beziehungsweise beschwerten sich über die komplizierte Konstruktion. Nein, die Konstruktion ist nicht kompliziert! Sie ist sogar ziemlich einfach, aber man muss das Prinzip erst einmal verstehen: Sowohl Schulterriemen als auch Taillenriemen werden mittels eines plastiüberzogenen Stahlkabels fixiert, das durch ineinandergreifende Schlaufen gezogen wird. Das System kommt aus dem militärischen Bereich und hat den Vorteil, dass sich alle Verbindungen durch Herausziehen des Kabels lösen lassen (dazu ist die Lasche auf der Vorderseite, die sich abziehen lässt). Die Funktion ist für Notfälle gedacht. Um die Weste einzustellen, muss man das Kabel ebenfalls herausziehen, dann kann man die Schulter- und Taillenriemen verstellen und das Kabel wieder durch die ineinandergreifenden Halteschlaufen fädeln. Sich das ohne Bilder vorzustellen, ist nicht ganz einfach. Es gibt aber eine Anleitung für die sehr ähnliche Weste von 5.11 bei Youtube. Man suche dort einfach nach "TACTEC Plate Carrier Tactical Vest - How to Adjust". Das Video ist auch verständlich, wenn jemand nicht so gut Englisch spricht. Dort gibt es übrigens auch eine Anleitung, wie man die Platten am besten wechselt. Fazit: Eine super Weste und eine lohnende Investition – nur die fehlende Anleitung stört den Eindruck etwas. Aber wer sich die Youtube-Anleitung anschaut, wird damit klarkommen.

The Capital Sports Battlevest 2.0 is a comparatively inexpensive plate carrier weight vest. The design is very similar to the 5.11 model, which is significantly more expensive. I am completely satisfied with the vest. It is solidly made, wears well and can be adjusted as required. So far so good and a clear purchase recommendation! In terms of quality, function and handling alone, the vest deserves 5 points. But there are only 4 points in total. Why? Because there are no instructions, which is a more or less big shortcoming for some, as you can see from the other reviews. Some buyers apparently did not manage to adjust the vest or complained about the complicated construction. No, the construction is not complicated! It's actually quite simple, but you have to understand the principle first: Both the shoulder straps and the waist strap are fixed by means of a plasti-coated steel cable that is pulled through interlocking loops. The system comes from the military sector and has the advantage that all connections can be released by pulling out the cable (there is a tab on the front that can be pulled off). The function is intended for emergencies. To adjust the vest one must also pull out the cable, then adjust the shoulder and waist straps and thread the cable back through the interlocking carry loops. It is not easy to imagine this without pictures. But there is a guide for the very similar vest from 5.11 on Youtube. Just search for "TACTEC Plate Carrier Tactical Vest - How to Adjust". The video is understandable even if someone doesn't speak English very well. Incidentally, there are also instructions there on how best to change the plates. Conclusion: A great vest and a worthwhile investment - only the missing instructions spoil the impression a bit. But if you look at the Youtube instructions, you will be fine with it.


Die Weste kam sehr schnell an und sehr gut verpackt. Da ich hier und da gelesen hatte, dass es ein Ding ist die Weste anzuziehen habe ich die direkt anprobiert. Aber ohne die Gewichte . Ich wollte halt wissen wie einfach es ist mit der Weste klar zu kommen. Fazit, als ich die Weste an hatte war es sehr intuitiv sie zu verstehen. Ich habe dann die ausgezogen damit ich die Gewichte rein tun könnte. Danach habe ich die die ganze Zeit angehabt damit mein Körper sich dran gewöhnen könnte... Bis jetzt einzige Kritik glaube ich die Träger können bissl unangenehm sein aber nur bissl (merke: mein Körper hat sich noch nicht an der Weste angepasst. Ich war dann nachmittags draußen um Sport zu machen und die Weste fühlte sich bei Klimmzüge oder Liegestütze gut an. Auch bei squats. Nur beim Joggen bin ich bissl vorsichtig. Ich denke ich kann die Weste einfach weiterempfehlen. Ist einfach ein cooles Plus wenn man Sport mit dem eigenen Gewicht macht.

The vest arrived very quickly and was packaged very well. Since I had read here and there that it is one thing to put the vest on, I tried it on straight away. But without the weights. I just wanted to know how easy it is to get along with the vest. In conclusion, once I had the vest on, it was very intuitive to understand. I then took them off so I could put the weights in. After that I wore them all the time so that my body could get used to them... The only criticism I have so far is that the straps can be a little uncomfortable, but only a little (note: my body hasn't adapted to the vest yet. I was then in the afternoon outside to do sports and the vest felt good with pull-ups or push-ups. Even with squats. I'm just a little careful when jogging. I think I can simply recommend the vest. It's just a cool plus if you do sports with your own weight makes.


Die Weste kann mit anderen Produkten locker mithalten. Preis Leistungsverhältnis ist hier wirklich absolut fair. Weste sitzt, jedenfalls bei mir, beim Laufen sehr gut. Bietet sogar 'ne Möglichkeit zum Verstauen von Schlüssel o.Ä. Das Anbringen von Patches ist leider nicht möglich. Alles in allem aber ein sehr starkes Teil und ich bin sehr zufrieden.

The vest can easily keep up with other products. The price-performance ratio is absolutely fair here. Vest fits, at least for me, very well when running. It even offers a place to store keys etc. Unfortunately, it is not possible to attach patches. All in all a very strong part and I am very satisfied.


Für den Preis kann man nichts sagen. Ist recht gut verarbeitet. Die Taschen für die Gewichtsplatten sind top. Hoffe das bleibt bei regelmäßiger Anwendung auch so.

Can't say anything for the price. Is processed quite well. The pockets for the weight plates are great. Hope it stays that way with regular use.


Die Weste kommt gut verpackt an. Bereits die Standardplatten bieten ein gutes Gewicht, um das Training härter zu gestalten. Auch Platz für ein weiteres Plattenpaar ist da. Handhabung ist am Anfang etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber wenn man den Dreh einmal raus hat, dann klappt alles. Definitiv eine gute Alternative zu teueren Modellen!

The vest arrives well packaged. Even the standard plates offer a good weight to make the training harder. There is also space for another pair of records. Handling takes a little getting used to at first, but once you get the hang of it, everything works. Definitely a good alternative to expensive models!


Super Weste. Durch die kleinen Polster (vorne/hinten sowie an der Schulter) bequem zu tragen. Preis/Leistung top! Handhabung beim Einlegen der Gewichte sowie beim Anziehen selbsterklärend und einfach.

Great vest. Comfortable to carry thanks to the small padding (front/back and on the shoulder). Price/performance top! Handling when inserting the weights and when tightening is self-explanatory and simple.


Die Capital Sports Battlevest 2.0 kann locker mit bekannten Marken mithalten. Ich nutze diese Weste für das Zirkeltraining und die Weste sitzt sowohl beim Laufen, springen und bei Klimmzügen einwandfrei. Auch im Habdstand verrutscht die Weste dank stufenlos einstellbarem Klettverschluss nicht. Der Klettverschluss ist zudem so gut, dass man schon wirklich etwas Kraft braucht. Um diesen zu öffnen.

The Capital Sports Battlevest 2.0 can easily keep up with well-known brands. I use this vest for circuit training and the vest fits perfectly for running, jumping and pull ups. Even when standing, the vest does not slip thanks to the infinitely adjustable Velcro fastener. The Velcro is also so good that you really need some strength. To open this.


Veramente contento dell’acquisto! Calzabilita’, inserimento e tenuta dei pesi super ben fatto. Si vede che e’ prodotto con metodo e sistema! Consiglio…

Really happy with the purchase! Fit, insertion and holding of the weights super well made. You can see that it is produced with method and system! I recommend…


Il est très bien, assez compliqué car pas de notice, des poches et des scratchs partout, mais quand on a compris c'est très bien, il a l'air vraiment solide de plus si jamais vous êtes menacé vous pouvez vous en servir en gilet pare-balle vu l'épaisseur des plaque de fontes.

It's very good, quite complicated because there are no instructions, pockets and Velcro everywhere, but once you understand it's very good, it seems really solid and if you are ever threatened you can use it as a bulletproof vest given the thickness of the cast iron plates.


Tolles Produkt! Die Körperhaltung wird auch während des Trainings korrigiert!

Great product! Posture is also corrected during exercise!


Après avoir passé plusieurs jours à cherché un gilet lesté et lu les commentaires de la plupart des produits de la catégorie j'ai choisi celui-ci et franchement c'est lui que j'ai choisi et je ne regrette pas du tout ce choix merci Capital Sports.

After spending several days looking for a weighted vest and reading the comments of most of the products in the category I chose this one and frankly it is the one I chose and I do not regret this choice at all thank you Capital Sports.


Muy buena opción, resistente y muy buena calidad

Very good option, resistant and very good quality


Muy buen producto

Very good product


comodissima e bella da vedere

very comfortable and beautiful to look at


Sono così contento di questo acquisto ️ anche se mi sto spaccando con flessioni trazioni e squat (allenamento Murhp) il mio gilet zavorrato si comporta bene e aderente al corpo ma allo stesso tempo mi fa respirare posso abbassarmi per fare bene gli squat! e anche quando faccio le trazioni non mi sento ostacolato!! le flessioni è come se non ce l'avessi! Super comodo! Nella corsa a dir la verità sballottola un po' troppo ma dopo 1 minuto non te ne accorgi neanche ! Corro massimo 3.2 ! Quindi lo uso per lo più per gli esercizi da fermo! OTTIMO PRODOTTO!!

I am so happy with this purchase ️ even though I am killing myself with push-ups, pull-ups and squats (Murhp training) my weighted vest behaves well and fits snugly to my body but at the same time it lets me breathe I can lower myself to do squats well! and even when I do pull-ups I don't feel hindered!! push-ups are like I don't have it on! Super comfortable! When running to tell the truth it bounces a bit too much but after 1 minute you don't even notice! I run a maximum of 3.2! So I use it mostly for stationary exercises! GREAT PRODUCT!!


Mon fils le trouve parfait,il a progressé très rapidement grâce au gilet.

My son finds it perfect, he has progressed very quickly thanks to the vest.


Gibt nicht viel zu beschreiben. Man kann es gut so einrichten das es sich gut tragen lässt. Die Gewichte passen gut so das sie nicht hin und her rutschen. Ist jedem selbst wie wann wieviel Gewicht. Ich finde es gut. Man sollte sich vorher im klaren sein ob man es wirklich nutzen will. Wäre schade drum.

Not much to describe. You can set it up so that it is easy to wear. The weights fit well so they don't slide back and forth. Is each even how when how much weight. I think it's good. You should be clear beforehand whether you really want to use it. It would be a pity.


Uno de los mejores chalecos calidad precio comparado con otros que e estado viendo, es de buena calidad y resistente y se agarra muy bien al cuerpo, lo recomiendo sin duda .

One of the best value for money vests compared to others I've been looking at, it's good quality and durable and it holds very well to the body, I recommend it without a doubt.


Produit fidèle à la photo. Un peu difficile au début de voir comment le mettre mais rien de compliqué non plus. Une fois que les plaques sont ajoutées elles ne risquent pas de tomber ou de se déplacer. Sangles d'épaules rembourré et renforcé ce qui permet un travail très agréable. À la longue on a presque pas l'impression de sentir le gilet tellement il est agréable à porter ! Je le recommande vivement pour ceux qui souhaitent un travail au poids du corps avec un renforcement entre 10 et 15 kilos. Conclusion excellent produit pour ma part et pas déçu de l'achat.

Product faithful to the photo. A little difficult at first to see how to put it on but nothing complicated either. Once the plates are added they are not likely to fall or move. Padded and reinforced shoulder straps which allows for very pleasant work. In the long run you almost don't feel like you're feeling the vest because it's so comfortable to wear! I highly recommend it for those who want body weight work with reinforcement between 10 and 15 kilos. Conclusion excellent product for my part and not disappointed with the purchase.


Ce gilet est robuste et est fourni avec deux paires de plaques. Il s'ajuste parfaitement. Seul petit bémol, il n'y a pas de plaques anti-trauma qu'il faut acheter à côté.

This vest is sturdy and comes with two pairs of plates. It fits perfectly. The only downside is that there are no anti-trauma plates that you have to buy separately.


Excellent produit! Hyper confortable!

Excellent product! Super comfortable!


Die Verarbeitung der Weste scheint sehr hochwertig und bei mir war bisher (3 malige Nutzung) auch das Tragegefühl und die Bewegungsfähigkeit absoulut in Ordnung. Hinsichtlich der Handhabung möchte ich sagen, dass diese relativ kompliziert ist. Dem Artikel liegt leider keine Anleitung bei, was ich bei einem solchen Artikel und in der Preisklasse (110 EUR für die Weste + 4 Gewichtsplatten) erwarten würde. So weiß man leider nie, ob man wirklich alles richtig eingestellt hat bzw. ob man den Artikel korrekt benutzt, da es zahlreiche Klettverschlüsse, Fächer und Schlaufen gibt. Der Gewichtsscheibenwechsel ist etwas umständlich und kann etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, bis die Klettverschlüsse in den Fächern richtig platziert sind.

The processing of the vest seems to be very high quality and so far (3 times use) the wearing comfort and the mobility have been absolutely fine for me. With regard to handling, I would like to say that this is relatively complicated. Unfortunately, the article does not come with any instructions on what I would expect from such an article and in the price range (110 EUR for the vest + 4 weight plates). Unfortunately, you never know whether you have really adjusted everything correctly or whether you are using the item correctly, as there are numerous Velcro fasteners, compartments and loops. Changing the weight plates is a bit cumbersome and can take some time until the Velcro fasteners are correctly placed in the compartments.





ho ricevuto il gilet zavorrato nei giusti tempi. Lo trovo di buona fattura, e molto comodo, rispetto ad altri più economici. Sono comode le varie imbottiture nei punti giusti e le varie possibilità di regolazione, per cucirselo su misura. Finalmente una zavorra con cui si può respirare durante gli allenamenti. Ho però trovato un difetto di produzione, in una cucitura fatta male, negli attacchi degli spallacci sul petto, che sporge e gratta la pelle, in modo molto fastidioso. Ho risolto facendo rinforzare le cuciture da un artigiano. Inoltre, ho fatto aggiungere (questo non è un difetto vero e proprio, ma giusto uno sfizio personale) un velcro a cui poter applicare una patch personalizzata. nel complesso però è un ottimo prodotto, sicuramente più economico di altri marchi blasonati e di moda

I received the weighted vest in good time. I find it well made, and very comfortable, compared to other cheaper ones. The various padding in the right places and the various adjustment options are comfortable, to sew it to measure. Finally a ballast with which you can breathe during training. However, I found a manufacturing defect, in a badly made seam, in the attachments of the shoulder straps on the chest, which protrudes and scratches the skin, in a very annoying way. I solved it by having the seams reinforced by a craftsman. In addition, I had added (this is not a real defect, but just a personal whim) a velcro to which I can apply a personalized patch. Overall, however, it is an excellent product, certainly cheaper than other famous and fashionable brands


Ottimo tattico, buone le imbottiture e i materiali in generale, ha diversi velcri interni per evitare movimenti o possibile caduta delle piastre. Le piastre belle da vedere sono ben realizzate ma completamente piatte. Qualche velcro sul petto per patch personali sarebbe stato gradito. Nel complesso a mio parere un ottimo prodotto!

Great tactical, good padding and materials in general, has several internal velcro to avoid movements or possible falling of the plates. The plates are nice to look at and well made but completely flat. Some velcro on the chest for personal patches would have been appreciated. Overall in my opinion an excellent product!


Ho preso questo vest perché a livello di prezzo e qualità è il migliore che il mercato offre. Con 100 euro ho preso vest e 4 piastre per un totale di 15 kg circa di zavorra. Il vest non è male ma in verità le piastre le ho messe in un tactec 5.11 che ovviamente non ha rivali in fatto di equipaggiamento ma se non avessi 2 tactec avrei utilizzato tranquillamente quello capital sport che lo tengo di riserva e che cmq è una copia del tactec 5.11 senza nulla da dire. Quindi ve lo consiglio assolutamente perchè non troverete mai lo stessp prezzo e qualità. Unics cosa che le piastre sono dritte e quindi leggermente scomode ma nulla di trascendentale

I took this vest because in terms of price and quality it is the best that the market offers. With 100 euros I took a vest and 4 plates for a total of about 15 kg of ballast. The vest is not bad but in truth I put the plates in a tactec 5.11 which obviously has no rivals in terms of equipment but if I did not have 2 tactecs I would have easily used the capital sport one that I keep as a reserve and which in any case is a copy of the tactec 5.11 without anything to say. So I absolutely recommend it because you will never find the same price and quality. The only thing is that the plates are straight and therefore slightly uncomfortable but nothing transcendental


Entraînement militaire endurance

Military endurance training


C'était pour marcher avec sur mon tapis roulants avec lequel j'ai perdu 10 kg. Et dans la rue en promenant mes chiens. J'ai même testé le système parachute pour se libérer en cas d'évanouissement. J'ai mis du temps à comprendre remettre le câble dans ses epauliere, super dommage qu'il y a pas de mode d'emploi photo .

It was to walk with on my treadmill with which I lost 10 kg. And in the street while walking my dogs. I even tested the parachute system to free myself in case of fainting. It took me a while to understand how to put the cable back in its shoulder pads, too bad there is no photo instruction manual.


Super Weste, Qualität der Verarbeitung und vom Material sind spitze. Ein Stern Abzug, da sie etwas stark beim Joggen und Springen auf und ab springt. Eine Fixierung weiter oben wäre gut.

Super vest, quality of workmanship and material are great. One star deduction because she jumps up and down a bit when jogging and jumping. A fix higher up would be good.


Vest Super.. praticamente identica a quelle più conosciute!! Qualità prezzo eccellente.. arrivata prima del previsto... OTTIMO PRODOTTO

Vest Super.. practically identical to the most well-known ones!! Excellent quality/price ratio.. arrived earlier than expected... EXCELLENT PRODUCT


Gilet lesté qui semble solide, la couleur est superbe ! Les réglages permettent de s'adapter à toutes les morphologies. Les plaques lestées de 4 kg sont bien maintenues dans les emplacements. Confort et maintien excellent pendant les séances. A ce prix là c'est super je recommande ! Livré un jour en avance

Weighted vest that seems solid, the color is superb! The adjustments allow it to adapt to all body types. The 4 kg weighted plates are well held in the slots. Excellent comfort and support during sessions. At this price it's great I recommend! Delivered one day early


Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. J'ai acheté principalement la veste pour augmenter les performances lors de l'entrainement Il est assez simple à manipuler et de le prendre avec soi partout Je l'utilise principalement quand je pars au terrain de sport (dips, tractions) et chez moi (pompes, handstand) Après avoir utilisé la veste pendant 4 semaines, je commence à observer des améliorations de la Planche, Front Lever et Back Lever Je suis très content de mon achat et de mon côté je recommande la veste

The multimedia product could not be loaded. I bought the jacket mainly to increase performance during training It is quite easy to handle and take with you everywhere I use it mainly when I go to the sports field (dips, pull-ups) and at home (push-ups, handstand) After using the jacket for 4 weeks, I am starting to see improvements in the Plank, Front Lever and Back Lever I am very happy with my purchase and for my part I recommend the jacket


Vraiment top. Très bon maintien meme en course a pied a bon rythme. Rembourrage confortable. Les poids sont bien maintenus. Et poche devant pour mettre le téléphone ou ipod. Très pratique On peut gratter le logo facilement pour ceux qui voudrait un modèle sans logo. Le seul bemol est que ca prend quelques minutes pour changer les plaques. Donc compliqué d’ajouter ou enlever du poids pendant l’entraînement.

Really great. Very good support even when running at a good pace. Comfortable padding. The weights are well held. And front pocket to put the phone or iPod. Very practical. You can easily scratch the logo for those who would like a model without a logo. The only downside is that it takes a few minutes to change the plates. So complicated to add or remove weight during training.


Arrivata prima del previsto e la confezione da 4 piastre comprende 2 piastre da 2,5kg e 2 da 4.5. Comoda, facile da zavorrare e semplice. Qualità prezzo ottimo

Arrived earlier than expected and the 4 pack includes 2 x 2.5kg plates and 2 x 4.5kg plates. Convenient, easy to weight and simple. Excellent value for money


Buonissimo per il prezzo. Ho preso la versione con le sole piastre grandi. Molto comodo anche per HSPU

Very good for the price. I took the version with only the large plates. Very convenient also for HSPU


Le meilleur rapport qualité prix pour moi, très solide belles finitions

The best value for money for me, very solid, beautiful finishes


Ottimo prodotto! Facile da caricare e scaricare, bello compatto e soprattutto non ingombrante come alcuni giubbotti in commercio. Questo rimane corto ed è perfetto! 5 stelle

Great product! Easy to load and unload, nice and compact and above all not bulky like some vests on the market. This one stays short and is perfect! 5 stars


Bin gespannt wie sich die weste macht habe mich GEGEN eine weste von athletic phantom entschieden da mir die Schulter Partie nicht gefallen hat und nur die Farbe schwarz verfügbar war. Die weste ist heute angekommen direkt ausgepackt und angezogen nach knapp 10 Minuten sind alle schließ Mechanismen klar verständlich und die Gewichts Platten sacken gut in die beiden "Slots" Plus Zusatz Sicherung was ich lobenswert finde damit einem die Scheiben nicht auf die Füße knallen. Weste samt Gewichten angezogen und fühlt sich sehr hochwertig an die Gewichtsverteilung ist auch super. Werde in den kommenden Wochen meinen Beitrag berichtigen und schauen ob die Weste nach zwei oder drei Wochen immer noch so lobenswert ist. :) ***Ergänzung*** Nachdem ich nun einige Trainings-sessions hinter mir habe kann ich sagen, dass die Weste von der Qualität und von der Belastbarkeit Top sind. Bedauerlicherweise muss ich die Weste zurückschicken da ich etliche Übungen nicht wirklich, aufgrund des verkürzten Bewegungsapparates, ausführen konnte. D.h. Burpees, Tiefe Squats, Handstand Pushups, Muscle Ups etc. waren damit nicht machbar. Das schiebe ich hier auf die, wie ich bereits in etlichen anderen Gewichtswesten Rezensionen gelesen habe, einfach mal auf die "geraden" Stahlplatten. Es gibt wohl auch ergonomische Stahlplatten bzw. Platten die etwas gebogen sind und damit "freundlicher" für Körpergewichtsübungen und oder Calisthenics sind. Gut hätte man auf dem Weg ausgleichen können wenn man sich die Platten woanders evtl. gekauft hätte. Jetzt zum Problem warum ich die Weste zurückgebe, ich bin 1,70m Groß und betreibe seit fast 13 Jahren Kraftsport, dementsprechend breiter bin ich gebaut was ein absoluter PLUSPUNKT für die Schulterträger sind! Andererseits hat meine Freundin die Weste anprobiert die genauso groß ist und ist in dieser Weste "untergegangen". Ich denke Ihr versteht meinen Punkt. Ich bin zwar "breit" genug für die Weste aber zu klein als dass diese mir zusätzlichen Freiraum unter dem Bauchnabel bietet, denn dieser Fehlt und damit sind die Übungen nicht zu bewältigen. Sehr schade! Trotzdem bleibe ich bei der 5 Sterne Bewertung weil die Weste einfach die absolute Bombe ist von der Qualität, vom Stoff und von der Sitzfläche auf dem Körper.

I'm curious how the vest is doing, I decided AGAINST a vest from Athletic Phantom because I didn't like the shoulder area and only the color black was available. The vest arrived today, unpacked and put on after almost 10 minutes, all locking mechanisms are clearly understandable and the weight plates sink well into the two "slots" plus additional security, which I find commendable so that the discs don't bang on your feet. Vest with weights put on and feels very high quality, the weight distribution is also great. Will correct my post in the coming weeks and see if the vest is still as praiseworthy after two or three weeks. :) ***Supplement*** Now that I've had a few training sessions, I can say that the quality and resilience of the vest are top notch. Unfortunately, I have to send the vest back because I couldn't really do a number of exercises due to the shortened musculoskeletal system. Ie burpees, deep squats, handstand pushups, muscle ups, etc. were not feasible with it. I'll put that down to the "straight" steel plates, as I've read in a number of other weight vest reviews. There are probably also ergonomic steel plates or plates that are slightly curved and are therefore "friendlier" for body weight exercises and/or calisthenics. You could have compensated well on the way if you had bought the records somewhere else. Now to the problem of why I'm returning the vest, I'm 1.70 m tall and have been doing weight training for almost 13 years, so I'm built correspondingly wider, which is an absolute PLUS for the shoulder straps! On the other hand, my girlfriend tried on the vest that is the same size and "sunk" in this vest. I think you get my point. Although I am "wide" enough for the vest, it is too small for it to offer me additional space under the navel, because this is missing and the exercises cannot be mastered with it. What a pity! Nevertheless, I stick to the 5 star rating because the vest is simply the absolute bomb in terms of quality, fabric and the seat on the body.


Qualità/prezzo é un ottimo prodotto (acquistato a circa 80 euro)

Quality/price is an excellent product (purchased for around 80 euros)


Vest perfetta aderisce molto bene al corpo e non si muove. Ideale per crossfit

Perfect vest fits very well to the body and does not move. Ideal for crossfit


Très bon produit !

Very good product!


Top super merci ! Il faut juste bien faire attention à choisir les 2 paires de plaques ... j’aurais préféré le voir avant .. je n’ai pris que la paire homme . Dommage . Si on peut racheter les plaques femmes pour pas cher je suis preneur !!

Top super thanks! You just have to be careful to choose the 2 pairs of plates ... I would have preferred to see it before .. I only took the men's pair. Too bad. If we can buy the women's plates for cheap I'm a taker!!


Bellissimo vest, veste aderente al corpo, mi é arrivato oggi ancora non ho potuto testarlo. Ma la qualità si vede che c'é.

Beautiful vest, fits tight to the body, it arrived today I haven't been able to test it yet. But you can see the quality is there.


Il miglior gilet zavorrato,di ottima qualità

The best weighted vest, excellent quality


Tres beau gilet.. confortable et une super gueule. . Manque la notice pour l ajuster. Je pense qu'il ne se règle pas aussi bien que les modèles au dessus. Mais vu le prix il faut s en contenter. Moins pratique mais Capital sports reste une marque sûre sur la durée et la robustesse.

Very nice vest.. comfortable and a great look. . Missing the instructions to adjust it. I think it does not adjust as well as the models above. But given the price you have to be satisfied with it. Less practical but Capital sports remains a safe brand in terms of durability and robustness.


Die Capital Sports Battlevest Gewichtsweste soll für mein Fitnesstraining im neuen Jahr genutzt werden. Das Anpassen dauerte zwar einige Zeit, aber es hat sich gelohnt. Die Weste sitzt, scheuert nicht und bringt super Punkte beim Trainieren. Ich war zwar skeptisch ob alles so hält wie es vorgesehen ist, aber die Klettverbindungen sind super stabil. Beim ersten Mal benötigte ich noch Hilfe beim Anlegen, es klappt mit jeder Nutzung besser und ich komme schon alleine zurecht. Die hohe Verarbeitungsqualität, sowohl des Stoffteils als auch der Gewichtsplatten überzeugen. Für diesen Peis habe ich sehr hohe Qualität bekommen. Ich bin super zufrieden und empfehle die Weste vorbehaltlos weiter. Ich vergebe sehr gerne 5 Sterne.

The Capital Sports Battlevest weight vest should be used for my fitness training in the new year. It did take some time to customize, but it was worth it. The vest fits, does not chafe and scores great points when training. I was skeptical that everything would hold up as intended, but the Velcro connections are super stable. The first time I needed help putting it on, it works better with every use and I can manage on my own. The high processing quality, both the fabric part and the weight plates are convincing. For this price I got very high quality. I am super satisfied and recommend the vest without reservation. I am very happy to give 5 stars.


Bestellt habe ich die CS Gewichtsweste in der Farbe schwarz mit 4 Gewichtsplatten, 2x 2,6kg und 2x 4kg. Die Lieferung erfolgte wirklich schnell und war super verpackt. Nach dem Auspacken wurde ich direkt positiv überrascht, die Verarbeitung der Weste ist wirklich top und kann mit den teureren Konkurrenzprodukten qualitativ wirklich ohne Probleme mithalten. Da diverse Freunde von mir Gewichtswesten von Namhaften Herstellern besitzen habe ich dies bezüglich diverse Möglichkeiten zum Vergleich gehabt. Einen unangenehmen chemischen Geruch der hier des öfteren angesprochen wird konnte ich nicht feststellen. Die Weste bietet diverse Einstellmöglichkeiten und kann nahezu an jedem Körper angepasst werden, meine Frau und ich benutzen die selbe Weste und uns trennen circa 35kg an Körpergewicht. Die mitgelieferten Gewichte sehen edel aus, auch wenn das eher nebensächlich ist. Die Gewichte sind aus lackiertem oder pulverbeschichtetem Stahl, wen das stört soll mindestens das doppelte bei anderen Herstellern ausgeben und bekommt dann halt Gewichte aus Edelstahl, mir persönlich reichen auch Gewichte aus Stahl. Die Panikfunktion der Weste habe ich bisher noch nicht ausprobiert und kann dazu leider nicht's sagen. Ich bin absolut happy mit dem Kauf der Weste und kann mit gutem Gewissen eine Kaufempfehlung aussprechen.

I ordered the CS weight vest in black with 4 weight plates, 2x 2.6kg and 2x 4kg. The delivery was really quick and it was packaged very well. After unpacking, I was immediately positively surprised, the processing of the vest is really top and can really keep up with the more expensive competing products in terms of quality without any problems. Since various friends of mine have weight vests from well-known manufacturers, I have had various options for comparison. I could not detect an unpleasant chemical smell, which is often mentioned here. The vest offers various adjustment options and can be adapted to almost any body, my wife and I use the same vest and we weigh about 35kg apart. The included weights look classy, even if that is rather incidental. The weights are made of painted or powder-coated steel, if that bothers you, you should spend at least twice as much on other manufacturers and then get weights made of stainless steel, for me personally steel weights are enough. I haven't tried the vest's panic function yet and unfortunately I can't comment on that. I am absolutely happy with the purchase of the vest and can recommend it with a clear conscience.